Pleasant lining Reve cated to'Tired Mo' the Home Circle RUDE THOUGHTS FROJ Hard hand., strong arms, and sunbnrnnff faces are liom>r tile. Take "Excolaior" for your motto, and it you are pa*\ent, in a few years -vou 5 can surely write under it that other , good word, "Eureka " o i ? ? < Youth and age have two little sympathy with other. If the young would remember - that they may be the old remember that they havo, been young, the w*?rM would he hapDler. u * 4 Did you ever realize that nothing on earth cnil smile hut a human being. tieuis ma* tlnsh redacted light that cannot smile is like a hud that annot bb?sg ?m, and dies upon the stalk. How sad is, he who can never go back to his childhood without a shudder, Whfc can never .recall a period when his lite was fi led w ith | -^weet and simple satisfaction. When i a kind and loving mother read aloud to the family of the Home Circle de parkin en t from the columns of this paper. ? How few, comparatively, of the young people of the present day,appreciate as they should the inestimable | rivib ges they enjoy. Surrounded as aie the young in all cities and most towns, with all the opportunities necessary for the cultivation of u literary taste, not one in . thousand appear to improve these golden chances*. Occasional!v it is true- we meet with young man or woman who firmly grasps the idea that "knowledge is power," but these unfortunately, are the exceptions, not^tbe role. * We doubt if one instance in a .thousand can be found of a \?>ting man's making shipwreck ot hopes and character who was accustomed to spend his evenings at home read, ing good looks; and we say to any parent that a well stocked library and an abundant supply of news papets and managines, with the1 habit of reading ofc the part of your boy, is worth more to ke*p him out ? of mischief, and to make a man of him, than any other single influence at your command. Don't say the world owes you a! living until you have earned one. Idleness in boys and girls is the DiacKeei corse ot any land. There is just as great a work and jnst as noble for the young woman as for the young man. W ben the girls, in earnestness, cast aside the loose eloak of vain fickleness and donning the beautitu! garments of laboring purity, come forth from the sickly chamber ot the-"acconipli?hed" askk>g "What Bl.all we do'r" and bearing the motto, "Woman's ability shall see light," then the boys will become more earnest, most temperate, more like men. Dear young The Famous Jt 1 The Rayo Lamp is the best and lor any part of your home. It is in use in millions of families, it famous. And it never flickers. In lbs dining-room or das parlor the f fee. his s li.i isfaattsadl as Aran, whrra e clear. ataady light is na Tka Raya ismade of aohd craaa. airkr UU. Eaady Bfetad withoat rewortag d Aalsnvlefela few vaalhlaaatRava hacai Standard Ol I?j aBe ~ 5W5Hm jries.?A Column DeclrLhsrs as Thau Join at Evening Tide s. The editorial pen people be not afrai>t. or ushanie'l of labor. There a're hundreds of \oung men iu every great city :n the very Jowest depths of ilegt^ul^on, whotu the, home influence carefully ami prayer- ( fully extended through temler, affectionate, womanly letter#, might have; saved. There are hundred* of other.**, just takings their first lesson, in vice, \\ h > mav l>e brought b^ck to pc.riix b\ loving words frovTuiioth-1 ers, sisters ot suetthearts. vWntiI a] man Incomes thor umhTy vicious, the thought of a pure woman's love will do much fo restrain hfjn from iniquity. I If that love grows carelessof him, he gro* 8 careless ot hi,mself. Think \ of tliis, you have sons, brothers or. lovers away among strangers. Kemeuiber that you owe them a sacred dutv; and give them frequest missives from home, freighted with love and accompanied by earnest prayer ! ? * * -Teach your children te love the beautiful^ Give them a corner in the garden for flowers; encourage them to put it in the shape ot hanging i hnsl:??ls: iilinw them where thr?v i?:tn best view tbe sunset- rouse them in I the morning, not \Vith the stern ;"ttnte to go to work," but with the ' enthusiastic "see the beautiftll sunrise." Hut for them jirettv pictures j ami encourage theiu to decorate j their /001ns in his or her childish wav. Give them an inch and they will go a mile Allow thetn the Drivilege and they will make'vour home beautiful. - There is food for thought in the: story that is told ot a ) oung lad, who f..r_tne first time' accompanied ! his father to a public dinner. The waiter a-ked hiin, "What will you take to drink." Uestltating for a moment; he .replied, "I'll take | ?hat father takes" The answer j reached his father's ear,and instantly I the full responsibility of his position flashed upon him. In a moment his decision was made; and in tones tromulous with emotion, and to tile astonishment of those who knew him he said: "Waiter, I'll take water." Place a young girl under the care4 of kind hearted women, and sbe, unconsciously to herself, grows into a grateful lady. Place a boy in the e-tablishment of a through-going,' straight-forward business man, and i the boy becomes a self reliant, practical business man. Children aie susceptible creatures, and circum stances, scenes and actions always impress. "I am pleased to Recommend Chamberlain's Cbtigh Utemedy as the best thing I know of-ahd Batest remedy for coughs, colds ana- bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B.\ Arnold, of Denver, Colo. "We have upeoH^epeatedlyand it has never failed to give relief." For sale by all dealers. \ An ounce of sense today is far better than a pound of regret tomorrow. most serviceable lamp -y^u can find Its strong white light has made 1*7 o give* jast She light that is most efeejc^ycm. Just the laap, too, far hnfrqiw i-tUJ; slt.i.tad* or cbimuA I *aajt ta dean andrewtck. ;M*lSil?haaa*aNd**Mvta**dAa 1 Compknv =?S 1 , - ry. ** J. / .. Watermans f " * * i * / I j i. Fountain f > i ; I i Pens i . f , i ?' : I .1 * [ \ ; , AT \ * i | Half Price | The Best Candy b^~ Ev^r Manufc qtured. The Best!School Stationery I 1 The Most Complete Line of Toilet Articles A Full Stoak of Flowering B^lbs. The Freshest S^ock of . \ I DRUGS and . MEDICINES 1 All These Will be Found at-J i AYCOCK " A ' \ Drug Company V# 4 * v- * "i i/r~ ' v CURtlD 70 STAlf CUBED. >i ' ' ?, How Louisburg Citizens' Can Find Complete Freedom ^rom Kidney Troubles. If ji?u fuftVr from backache? Fr ?in urinary disorders? * Kroni :?n\ disease of the kidney*, lie Hurt- t?> stay DuiiuV Kidney I\Iih are htsting OUreM. / So |*ra,i ImI inople er *Vi one o.iso of it. / K. \V. llarpt-r, -College St., Oxford, N. C. save: "NM hafek tn?uble.l mo great! * any there ' \v?? n conidju1, ilull {adr ?* m\ kidne}^ and.loillb. '\N Uel If p.iss-d 0?%? kyf uey rt'oreii??iii*t ifn y psin ni? hihi ii was jd.iin t>? V h |h tbat injfkul-j neve at fault. V then OoaitVf Pills' were recommendjld to me^ got a box and need Ili*m as/dnvcted TlU'V tlrov^ a .v A. m\ Xcti? 8 and pains ail I lielpe;! I lie iuXvcri w . I willingly give i'kl italic iioomntl of my experie tM*.y (Statement I given ini FeJ.ruuf ) tii ? t K*TVL T-IM12. On December 9, *|l0, Mr. liar per Hai?t: 4%I have m?t bad any need of a kidney medicine since I used and recommended Dam's Kidney Pil sin 190S. " It gives mo pleasure to again tell ?if the merits of ibis preparation.'* r??r nv* hii ri^a'crs. 1'iiqh OU ceniH. Foster Mil burn Co., NewYork, sole .npents for th? United States. Remember the name?DoaiCe? ! and take no other. Rheumocife RhenmatUm and Blood Dlaeaa?i The' cause of rheumatism Is excess I uric acid in Uie blood. To cure rheu[ matism this aoid must be expelled from I the system. Ifheumatlsm Is an internal disease ana requires an internal remedy. Rtxtmita: with oils and llniI ments may ease The pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint 1 will change the fiber of rotten wood. Cares Rheumatism To Stay Cared, i Science has discovered a perfect and I complete cure callol Rheumacide. Test- [ ed in hundreds of bases, it has effected , marvelous cures. Rheumacide removes 1 the cause, gets at\tUe joints from the inside, sweeps the* poisons out of the system, tones up thefctomach, regulates the bowels and kldiwys. Sold by druggists at &0c. and fl;(in the tablet form 1 at 25c. and 60c., by frail. Booklet free. Bobbitt Chemical Ob.. Baltimore. Md. Gets At The JolntaiFrom The Inside. RSnqeidq Magazine Subscribers The pt^ce of nearly jail magazines will1 be raised anywhere front to 75 per ! cent on the loth of iNnvemher. You I can save this by getting your subscription to the publishers1 before then. I will be glad to quote old prices until November8th. s. 1*. BoddiE. Bulbs CutFloyversand Plants Our importation c frencb ami Holland bulbs are now an iving. By planting earlv you getxbe t results. We are leaders in choices; t flowers for weddings and all socia {unctions. Artistic floral offer.ngs. nb. decorative pot plants, rose bus ics. Njiedge plants, shrubbries, evergre *ns anH^shade trees Price List (n Application Mail, phone, anc telegraph ordure i promptly ( xecuted by NJ J. L. O'QUINN & CO. | RaleiJb, N.C. Wilkins & Stegall Barbbrs \~ Louisburg - - N. C. We have again fori led a copartnership in the barbers b sntess and will make everything to oi r ctntomers convenience. We haye f ur chirrs which is a guarantee that y u will not hare to wait so long. Our trvlce it the best give us a call. ZOLLEE AVILKINS OSCAR pTEGALL "MY BLOOD 1 FINE CONDITION" Every sufferer from Blood Poison should read what hit O. F. Medlln, of Weldon, ' N. C.. aaya of her experience:* "I wag a 1 terrible sufferer from Blood Poison. If the | ttklu would be broken, the flesh would be1 come inflamed. Itch and buru, and develop into sores. Before the birth of one of mj children, my whole body became fearfully I swollen, and 1 was In a serious coodltlon generally. I used Mrs. Joe Person's Hemedy and It cured me. My blood Is In fine coudltlon. 1 bellow If It had not be^n for Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy 1 would have died. Its value Is priceless." Away back In the days of Moses It was said, "In the blood thereof .is the 111**," and never were truer words spokeu. This vital fluid is the essenceVof life aud health, and when It becomes \lmpuro, impoverished or poisoned the vault Is / debility, weakness, loss of vitality! eucrg/ and life Itself, Without good Hoof, gooa health Is ImMhslbls. / 'MB. JOE PERSONS REMEDY la a sure specific for all croubles due to Impure, Impoverished and poisoned blood. Such as Kciema, Old 8?>d ?. Scrofula, ana the long train of attenSi it ailments. Including Indigestion, D/s epsla. Stomach Troubles, Nervousness, / 1 heumatlsm. Catarrh, Female Troubles# a id general "run<Jnwn * conditions in bah nen and women. It feeda the blood, twin s out every vestige of poison, tones fan the nervous system, Induces sound afad refreshing sleep, and brings the entlrd ttxly back to Its natural healthy condition] Mrs. Joe Person's ItMiedy Is scientifically prepared from purely vegetable Ingredients. It positively contains no opiate or narcotic of any kind, no Iodide of Potassium or other mineral?just a compound of helpful herbs, nature's own remedy for human His. As a Tonic. Alterative. Blood pnrifler or Nervine, It has no equal. It quickly conquers Nervous Prostration and Insomnia. We don't care how many doctors have said you couldn't be cured?Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy will cure you If you will only give It n chance, write us for testimonials from people who expected long ago to !>e dead, but are living today nna glad to tell how this Remedy cured them. In cases of external trouble. Inflammation. ulceration or Itching humor, our WsMh should be used with the Remedy. For sale bv druggists, or supplied direct on receipt or price. $1.00 per bottle; 6 bottles for $3.00: 1 doxen by express prepaid for $10.00, by ~ * MRS. JO! PCKS0TS REM EOT CO.. tittrelf. N. C. Commissioner's,Sale of Land Under and by virti e of a decree of the Superior Courtof Franklin county * I made in the special pr ceeding entitled R. A. Boxvden, and (thers. ex parte, the undersigned Comn issioner will on Monday thefithjja* of tfovemher. 1?U, it being the tirstMuqdi y in said month, at the hour of noorr/N |tfer fbr sale at the court house door i ^^^ouisburg, N. C., at public auction to^vjie highest bidder for cash, a certs in tras|~br par-, eel of laud lying and >eing situate \iJ Cypress Creek towi ship, Franklin I county, North Caroline adjoiningthb lands of W. B. Bowde i, J. M. B>?on?, the old Calvin Walker ilace and othere, containing 40 acres, n ore or less, aid being the tract of lan i known as trie old willoughby Bowd *n home platfe, upon which the said NYilloughby Bowden resided at the tinie of his death. This the 27th day of September. 1911.' W. H. Yarborough, Jr., \ Commissioner. \ i Executiix's Notice. Having qualified as the executrix ofthe will of lieury Long deceased, late ot Franklin county, Nurth Carolina,this is to notify all >p^rsores having cairns against the estate ofv i aid dt ceased to present tliem to the u uiersigned on o r before the 22nd, day o September, 1912. or this notice will be pmad in bar of their recovery. \ II p irsonkJndebt _?d to said estate will please make "immediate i payment. > x, This 22nd, day of September, Kill. iSusan LONG; bf Henry Long. Wm. II. Ruffin, Attv. Sale of Valuable Timber. I nder the authority contained in an order of the Superior Court of Franklin County in tne specia1 proceeding, entitled, Martha A. Moses, Victoria Moses, et als vs. Roger C Moses, Jas. C. Moses, et als, I will on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1911, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the timber S inches in diameter at the stump when cut 12 inches from the ground on lhat certain tract of land situate iA Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and in Cypress Creek Township, bounded on the North by the lands of Willie Bowden, The Greenlief-Johnson Lumber Co., and Willis Bowden; oh the East by the lands of Mrs. Laura Coppedge; on the South by the lands'of Mrs. Laura Coppedge and Mrs. SpiVey; 011 the Wesc by the lands of Joo. Wpod and Mrs Salii'e Hollingsworth. the entire tract contain* ing about two h^ppred and aixtv-five (265) acres, and frying known as The Luther Moses HomeTKJace. The oak trees jpn IheXJot around the home are not included iirthe timber to be soH. \ Tnree (3) years {will be >nven ih which to cut and temove the timber from the land. Parties desiring further information will apply to the undersigned commissioner. This the 3rd day of October 1911. R. B. White. Commissioner. Mortgage Sale of Town Lot By virtue of authority, contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 8thday of April, 1907, iv ltaldy Wl|. liams a. d wife Alice W lliams to F. H. Spruill, Trustee, for the use and bene fit 'of \V. K. Phillip! , recorded in Franklin County Regis ry Book 159 at page 110,- the gndersig led will sell at the Court housb. doorj in Louisburg. N. C., at public auttiod to the highest bidder for cash, on thefeth day of November, 19II, that ceTtaU lot on parcel of land situate in the corporate limits of the town of Louisbu<\N. C., adjoining the lands of Mraj aL G. C. King, Louisb rg Railroad (Jo'sVight of way and others bounded u fallows, VIZ: On the North by |tlie lsbds of Mrs' Elizabeth Pace; On (the East by the Louisburg Railroad /right of way: On the south by the lanw of Mrs.NM, C. G. King, and On the West by the I.ouisburg-Raleigh Publii road, containing one half <)) acre (more or led*, ft being the lot and bialding conveyed by M. 8. Clifton and fife to Baldy Willliams by deed duly (ecorded in Franklin County Registry Bdok 140 at page 547. , This Oct. 4th 1911.1 V. 8 J Spruill, Trustee. ' Spruill a Houkn, Att'ys. ' . \ "" ' v AT THE ;; ; , Racket Store J MrH.jilal] Iiuh just returned I frotiy tho' Northern Market wit)/a full etnck of up-toI dat^> , dress " Roods i OuA pr'cm will appeal ta . ('artful 1 hi\ t rs. 1 Wo I nv? j tho Wat nnviltica at ihu I - Lowest sPo^ible j Prices And our stock t<\r fall and i winter is complete and we j are showing tbe mbst slylisn | silks aad.dres8 g oo^s of all 1 kinds, with trimmings to \ match eaoh . pattern. We call special attention to "our line of ladie3 Coat Suits and wraps of all kinds which will be interesting to everv lady. You are cordially invited to call. " . Very Truly Mrs. A. M. Hall NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS C As the taxe for 1011 will be due Octobe 1 1st,- 1911 and they haying b< en placed in my hands foY colle ition this is to notify you. to mil at my office in Louisburk a id settle same at once. As J am given a shorter time toNwllect same than has been given heretofore it will be necepsary for you to. I " attend to it at once to save both of us trouble. W. M. Boone, Sheriff. Read This And SAVE MONEY t We have juat receiijed one thousand pieces of chjtfa, five hundred stew kettles an<Vtmkern, half-gross 10 quart Njish Sans, mirrows, picture frames, plutrsdf, bureau scarfs, pillow shaYns, fiauyiots, knives, folk, spoons qlssware,\Japanese china, hammers, hatchets, jlntoher knives,frying pans, suspenders,I pound can violet talcum I owders 10c, 25c ribbon 10c, books, pocket knives, towels, jewelry and thousands of other things ' and Nothing Over 10c We have ten dozen pieces of ohina and large pictures of blue and white enamel wear.To eaph person buying 1 dollars worth of goods get one ot A those pieces for 10c. It consists of 14 quart enamel dish pans, 6 quart kettles 4 quart stew kettles, steak dishes, pictures, bowls, 14 inch dishes. These pictures are worth from 75o to tl. book in our window and you will see ihese articles BIG 5 & 10c STORE On the Coiner, Next Door to the . "Wl - TIMES Offioe. * I ' ' *

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