?1 Hollings1 0 COFFINS Our store is itill: ing, witn a well s can suit you, don i ~1 til you see what i -T^r ? We have one slight! ? to first buyer sor $ opened from the iac " a ? ?. . J. w. A Gift With A Thought in it. What other Christinas present costs so little and means so much as a sub stription td The Youth's Companion!' i2 weeks for$1.75? It is a gift which ^benefits not only the one who receives : it. but every member of the household. If you dd not know The Companion, j if you are at all uncertain, just send us i a postal card asking for sample copies. Not onlv is Tho ('omimnion the host gift you can choose for the money, but the easiest to choose. Keep the loving Christmhs thought bright and uri\v? aried by making your gift The Youth's Companion.... The one to whom you give the sab*' scription will receive free The Companion's Calendarjfor 1942. lithographed inten colors and gold, and you, too, as giver of the. subscription,' will receive a copy of the Calendar. -The subscri ption price is now only $1.75, 'but on January 1, 1912, it will be advanced to $2.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. ??j Starts Luch Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result in severe indigestions, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble }hev would soon taVj- Dr. King's New Life rills, and end it. It's the only safe way. Best forDbiliousness: headache, riyedepsia, chillsfaKd debility. 25c at Ayvock Drug Co. / \ I ? N When some people pray it sounds more like an order than a petition. Balked at Cold Steel "I wouldn't let a doctor cut roy foot off," said H. D. Ely. \Baritam, Ohio, "although a horrible "ulcftr Mad been the plague of my life for fouttf years. Instead I ueed Bucklen's Aftaica Salve, and 'my, foot was soot/ Completely cured.1' Heals Burns, Boils7\Sores, Bruises, Eczema, Pimplea ('ornssSurest Pile cure 25c at Aycolk Drug Co. ???? A chance in fashion separates a man from his spare change. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of tne grip except when followed by pneumonia, ind this never happens when Char^berlain s Cough Remedy is used. ThisNctmedy has won its great reputation ancfl^xtensive sale ?^by ita remarkable cuiel\rf colds and (\Arip and can be f iled lupbn with im^Jplicit confidence. For stile by" all dealera. How's This? We otter Ope Hundred Dollars Reward for any oaae fit Catarrh that cannot be onre^ Tff Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' F. 7. CHENHk * CO.. Toledo. O. iWe. the undented. A have known P. J. Cheney for the laijf 15years, and believe ?lm perfectly honorably In all business transactions and : oanclfCUy able to carry out any obllgatlo: 1 xnadeNpy his firm. national, bajkof commerce. " Toledo, O. _5*n*s Oatarrfl I ore !s taken internally, cttng directly jm m the blood and muI . I ' . .. SHl laBM i . . ' .'' .1 . \ , _'r > ? I worth's and CASKETS full to the overflow elected stock, so v ;'t promise to buy u: xre have. y used oak case piai > 150 spot cash, this i v 'i' f\ A xury o u i / . T M0LLIJ PROTECT. the'hea lthofyourself and family. Pope's Her I) is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, baaed upon the principle of purity of lilood insuring freedom from disease. It is ;i medicine for maladies such a*, Uhcu- < matisni, "Liver Complaints, Constipa- , lion, JPever and Apue, Female Disorders, indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney i Derangements, Catarrh, Sick andjN'eryous Headaches, loss of Xpetite and all ailments arisimr from inactivity 6f the I Liver ami Kklneys. . / It is apurelv Herbs, Barks and Roots | Compound It is put up in onocolate ' coaled tablets pleasing and/easy to i take, (or can be dissolved in whiter.) Mrs. J. C. M6a.de of Hafiattsville, ] Md-sayj: J . "For "years 1 have suffered with Backache. Headaches, Neuralgia, and 1 Nervousness and extreme I fatigue, I i tried many i remedies v.itllout relief 1 Four months agQ a grateful/ friend in- { duced me to write to Pope JledicineCo. . Washington, D. C., for a Mx of Pope's ! t Herb Compound Tab\ets. tile very first i j dose of two tablets gave me relief. I | used not auite a $1.00 ty-x And I am entirely^cured of the Daifi in/my back and i have no more headachk'7 Dr. J. V. Henneaey\fa, prominent Physician and Surgeon of Albany, N. !. Y. in part says: f, i1 "As a Blood Parifier. Liver, Kidney and Svateni regulator I J>rL.eribe Pope j j Medicine Co's of Washington, D. C. |' Herb Compound as I have done for the past 20 years, and I havp found it to be a great remedy, wnich s\ldom if 1 ever fai's. There are mousantri of letters from umj"S of Bapi'8 Herbsk that haye been fofenefitted ^id cured ow its proper use. Pope's fcerb Compound Tablets are put up 20#in a box, '%ix month's treatment,"find will be sent po.d-paid on receipt 4f $1.00. Each boxJ contains a printed guarantee bindingA us to refund the purchase price if the il remedy falls to benefit, also full direc-1 tions. / Guaranteedby the Pope Medicine Co., ! Tn,* ' n? ! -..v., ? <*?" ?' " i wt iwu ufwt i*ruy# i <4e^- June SO, 2SOS iVo. 36956. \ TOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO. INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C. To the ftiblic. I have one miltforf' cabbage plants. Early Jersey, Wakeiela and Winningstead, are now UeaA>\ for sale. Price 91.25 per thousancu Social price on large lota. Give mj[ yourVrders. JV. W. HOLMES, Loo is burg. N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W . T. Wilder, deceased, late of Franklin county J this to notify all persons havibg claiiis against said estate to present thjaa to the undersigned on or before she 21nd, day of September, 1912, oralis notice will be plead in bar of their Recovery. All persons indebted to said/ estate will please make Immediate pawnerft This 22nd, day of fepteraber, 1911. W. C. WiLDEsNAarn'r. of W.PT. Wilder, dec'd. Wm. B. Ruffin, Alt'y. *"V' Y* -t ' " -S * ' . . - ~~~~TT^ < Furniture and * I II r^ w \ . i * I' to, good as new,/guaranteed for 10 yeai s an exceptional bar gam at this price, 1 0 0 0 I 0 0\. 0 0 ( HGSWORTH. Read and Remember. Kemetnbor for this will moan dollars saved for you. We do not hum-Iru n \ our o-trs. As an hottest business concern wfe lo not use alluring ads with red lelters. As a matter of fact we do not advertise often. Our refutation is well known and sur business is growing all. the time. . v ' : WHY? To give you a plain anil true rcnion why; just come in and [ look at our immense stock. It Is the neatest,, cleanest and most uprto-date line of merchaiuSse to be lound anywhere xnd above all we ask you cordially to compare our prices. By buying from jus you get the benefit of our vast experience of knowing how and what to buy./ We naturally buy big and ?et same goods very much cheaper.* You get the benefit. We 1 live you lower prices than you can ^et in larger towns. Keep in eye on the quality. This k an itee of quality. We have used our best judgment to buy merchandise of quality. Our Clothing in. composed of the cream of the Reason and a great variety to pick from. An extra large anwuiit of 1 adieu cloak*, shirts, sweaters and cbildrens apparel. STANDARD HIGH CL?\SS SHOES. We handle the etrougest line of mens and ladies shr?ea, suLli as the well known brand of * W. L. Douglas, Rice and Hutcliins and Jother famous makes. Do yourself jus* tice. Buy where you can bu\ light. f!f AARON DEITZ, Louisburg, N. C. $2 OFF DURING NONEMBER ?^ JZ* To every person who hai new rubber tires put on his buggy during this, month I will give a discount . of $2 for the. set or $50* for each tire. Remember this is a cash bargain ^(nl^lasts one month positive r\?tfours -truly H. C. TAYLOR, Louisburg, N. C. I 1 M Jackson Tri-State Motor Car Co. iWaburg, N. C. Wishes to announce rmt from now on they are prepared to do any andVall kinds of machine work. Automobile Repairing our Specialty Automobile supplies ancTyaccessories, Prest-O-Lite Tanks, casinafe and tubes carried in stock. During the f month of October we will establish an Automobile School. Mr. W.>A. Rodabush, formerly of Richmond, an'automobile expert, willjhave . school and shop in charge. *-1 -. -.., r Muuic House % Mr. C. C. HUDSON * * D N 5 charge . of our Undertaking Detmenl and will do all in Hbtis power )lease yau when in need of his service -?* ? % s by. the Manufacturers that we offer s * , the Pianos is good as when it was ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' V , LOUISBURG, N. C. 1 Buildings, 'covereoyovcr twenty years ago are as good as new I and have ngfcr ncededi repairs. Fireproof?Stormproof ? Hindsome? Inexpensive. Fok further detailed information apply to . j M. f. HOQCK, Louisburg, N.C. You don't buy shoes without being sure you are getting the ^ your corsets the / Buy a Kabo corset \\vi \ \ if f \ onrl trmi atjj 11 #-r<=?t- o r-\r?f \^ect fit; there's a special Copydght Kabo Corset Co. ? / for xt and you'll see Style aoi. Is a eoutil corset (or average flgures. made very low in the bust, long hip, abort- ...L ^ 1 ening slightly atdxacJc and (root. Boning all of W licit rCQ.1 COFSCt COII1* a comfortable length, ,11-iikb front clasp, two pairs of hoso supporters, embroidery trimmed. f . 1 ,1 . Loop eyelets. Sire, 18 to 30. $1.00 IOIt and Style arC. ( Candler.Crowell Company, Sole Agents Louisburg, N. C. Subscribe/to THEJBAINffttN TIMES $1 Per Year