F ' ' - . FRANKLINTON Our Regular i Items of Interest and Near Our SisU CLOSES ON -=Don't forge< the P&rland A Newhall . Company comingin December. ?There ia% a little visitor at Mr. L. Pine's which arrived early Sun* fay evening?a little girl. -Mr. AIIcock has moved his family from M.%son street to the residence of Miss Kate Spain on Main strode. ?The town commissioners say we are going to have "good roads." We ai? 8la(l to hear it. We need them. -*-Tl?c Franklin Grocery Co.. is erecting a large storage house on the r*i r*?ad property near the oil house of E. - . J. Cheatham?The Ladies of the Graded School and their Athletic Association were very successful with their Oyster dinner Saturday, clearing $15.00. ?A. L. Allen has moved his family to HiUsboro street in the residence of Chief Cooke. Chief Cooke has moved on the 2nd floor, and llr. Allen will occupy the lewer rooms ?The Young Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist church met with Misses Mattie and Katie Ballard Monday afternoon to arrange for a barbevue and Oyster Dinner oi Saturday. ?A. H. Vann has begun work on hia new building . Ball', fin. near Alert Aaron Tay{ lor eolcjred came very near losing hia life. He started to peaa the ewd of a a batting which had been wrung into aod left roufh at the end The end of the hefting eeecht in the beek of hie Aoet end whirled biaa over a deaen or mora timaa ami ton off bia coot, cbirt uadcrcbirt, e*? cod lucpaadna, and wound them nil up o? thn tboftinf. Hin breast, inu and back war* all Tar; badly brained but happened not to braak any ot bin lioibn. After receiving medical atteation ho aoemed to | be gsttiog alorg very well. Balked at Coll) Steel 1 "I wouldn't let a doct' r cot my foot ! off," said H. D. Ely. lantam, Ohio, ' ' although a horrible ulc r had been the plague of my life fbr f< ur years. Instead I ueed BuckletKs Arnica Salve, and niv foot was sd in completely 1 cured."' Heals Burns. Bads, Sores, Bruises, Eczema. I'impli s, Olans. Suri est Bile cure 2ie at Ayci ck DrufcsCo. I A Surprise Hallow I'en Party. Entirely unexpectedly to Misses Mattie and Kate Ballard, a party of young' people, ''armed with ammunition," pre- I sentei themselves at their home for a | Hallowe'en party on Tuesday night. The Tio.cora carried jack o lanterns ; and nppea**-ii quite ' Hallowe'eny." | They ..brought with them all the I "goodies" imaginable! | Chafing dishes were produced and I soon all kinds of inviting "dish^" were j being stirred. What difference did it make if the I chocolate fudge never "got done." BT: ey forgot their failure in the "excellence" 1 of welsh rarebit and ??;her "successes." While sitting in th^ firelight they trailed cnestnuts and told fortunes. I In the height of glee they said "good j night" and were taken home by Mr. A. ' H. Vann in bis automobile. Those present were. Misses Frances Winston, Grace Ward, Nellie Oonway, Messrs. A. H. Venn, E. J. Cheatham, and W. W. Harris. [The above article was intended for oar last issue, but was received by us too late for publication.?Editor.] v " I do not believe there is any other medic-ne so Rood fitr wtaooping cough as Chamberlain's Coujrii Bemedy," writes Mrs. Francis TurpiwI Junction City, Ore. This remedy is^so unsurpassed j for colds and croup. fFpr sale by all dealers. Our Public library. Six years ago the I idles organized a club to establish a niblic Library in oar town. They worked hard and succeeded in collecting a splendid Library, consisting of modern Encyclopedias, all of Shakespeare's works, Scott's Dickens, the masterpieces of many of our standard writers and the latest Action. Each year new books have been added, and just recently a number of the beet of the pew novels have been added. We wish to remind the people that the Library is here for their use and la open every Wednesday from two to three o'clock. The dollar fee, paid by all who have use of the books. Is necessary -to keep up the Library. We waat to increase the membership of the "Library Association" and add, more books to the collection. As s protection to the books, "Library peculations" have been poatadn each volume, so there can bo ao misunderstanding in what is expected f the person holding a book. Ta&m dtoMt ik^S^gripI^od1!^ mc*i uft*fct? rweidUnr and i liiMltwrhr theiAwvaktaed direction ". 1 ~* "" Pot Lai livings Bonds 1 I am authorised to announce that "Depositor* af the PoataJ Saving* Sys- A tern may exchange the whole or a part m 01 their deposits on January lit. 1912* V for United State* registered or coupon JP bonds in denominations, of $20, $100 and ? 9500, bearing interest at the rate of 2 1-2 per cent pax annum, payable semi- V annually and redeemable at the pleas- a ure of the United States after one year m from date of issue, both principal and V interest, payable twenty years from f that date in United States gold coin % Postal saviftgg bonds are exempt from M all taxes or duties of the United States, m as well us from taxation in any formliy, or unifer State, municipal or local au- M thority. Applications for tl.e conversion of de- A posits into bonds on January 1st, 1912, ^ must be received befote D?*cember loth. M by the postmaster at the deposi- m toyv office^where t''e certificates were ^ issued" m For further inforjnation, apply to any postmaster at anwlice where the Pos- \ tal Savings System is now in operation, ^ Very respectfully M Willis p. Edwaeds, m Postmaster at Frauklinton, N* C. ^ Tuesday Club. y\ - The Tuesday Club (postponed till r w e-tnr.day). met with Mrs. A. R. Win- Tt ton. I After the usual preliminaries, th? S new "Constitution and By-Laws" were A read by Miss Kate Ballard, vot.d on W and adopted by the Society. Then fol- 1 lowed reports from committees. y Mi*. A. S. Joyner, chairman, of the ? Civic Improvement Committee reported I that the work at the ceme'ery was bs- m gun this week. The people of our town are interested W in this work and every effort will be 1 made to do affective work there A Miss Mattle Ballard, chairman, of ? the Committee on Improvement of I School Grouada, reported favorably; ^ satisfactory price* on trees and shrub bery secured. Work there will be W commenced toon. V The officers elected at former buti- A sees meeting, viz: y Miss Frances Win*ton, president, M Mrs. A. S. Joyuer, vice-president. Miss ^ Minnie Morris, secretary and Librarian ^ Miss Mattie Ballard, treasurer, report- M ed satisfactory work in each line. After the business session the mem- \ bers entered heartily into as game of y ' Hearts." / Delicious three course refreshments ^ were served. w At the time of departure all present voted this the most enjoyable occasion and expressed delimit in the reorganiration of the club. A GREAT DISCOVERY. i 4 Certain Ingredients That Really Pro- ^ mete Hair Growth When Properly Combined. ResorcJn U one of the most effective ~ genu destrovers ever discovered by ecleu^e. t.nd In onuectlon with fV?ta Naptho!. whirh 's :>3th germicidal a;:.d antiseptic, a com hi nation H f?,rr.ie?l which destroys the cfertrs whirb ro'.? the hair or : natural ivurtshmeut. and also cre-jfc< a cjc:in. he-.irhy .sn/3: tlon of the sonJn. which s'-i* development of new terms. Piloearplu. although not a re!o*-;*? matter or dye. Is a w -- - J ?vu, ttuu aauuui uuueu as a sxiinuraj".: j and for its well-defined nourishlnt properties, perfect perhaps the mosyef I _ fectlve remedy that is known (or st-ulp J and hair troubles. j We have a remedy which Is aniefiv composed of these Ingredients, la combination with ether extremely.' invaluable medicinal iigents. We guarantee it to positively cure daudrufff and to grow hair, even (hough the /scalp la spots is bare of Iktlr. If thqpe is any vitality left in the loots, it vJ\ positive ly cnre baldness. Vr we will refund yonr money. If the'scalp hps a glazed, ahiny appearance, it's of indication that baldness Is permanew, but in oth er instances we believe baldness la cur able. 7 We want every onw troubled with scalp disease or loss of hair to try Rexall "1)8" Hair Tonic. If It does not cnre dandruff nnd grow hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will without question or quibble return every cent paid as for it. We print this guarantee on eTery bottle. It bas effected a positive core in 93% o( cases where pot to a practical test. Bexall ?93" Hair Tonic Is entirety unlike, and we think, in every part ten lar. better than anything else wo know of tor the purpose for which it is prescribed. We urge yon to try this preparation at our entire risk Certainly we know of no better ~ guarantee to give yon. Remem bar, yoe can obtain Besall Re medio* only at our store?The Rex all store. Heoffgin Drag C<^ llotile* Having qualified ai administrator of tba estate of the lateW. N. Harris, aU persona holdibg claim* against the es- | tate are requested to Wrasent them to I me on or before OctoUoet. 1W2. All I peraone owing the ea-afcSqerequeated 1 This, October MtbTwKr R. B. HgNbdaoff, Adnfr. R. B. Won, Att yTY *5 v '," ' . , *\ .. jt v . -?, - * * - . ". When You Are I PURCH> ^ ^ | ^ It will be to voiir interest to examine the inc>t Ours is of the highest grade madL for the inor >{ dertaking is always in good shapfe and at your ! W. E. White Furr - Louisburg, - Nor OVERC J " 1 N. ' sBft M COME TO F. W. \g LOUISBURG'S ? it , ' 'v?' ViV <:&]%Wi'V-* ..'*/? 4.<' > ** - " ' *:> Considering *||l \SING J i *' re^j p *%jT j Q.?. rumen?s~sbld by us before doing so. lev. Our line of furniture and un- , 1 service, '.'all and see us. 3vt liturc Company j I th Carolina. .A OATSjl M. t_ I WW IS I The Time I For you to purchase your overcofjfor / the coming cold weather. 1 My Line is Full and I Complete and there is no doubt but that you can find just what you want here. We have won an eviable reputation for our ability to fit any and all figur- I es and we are uow in better shape to fit any and all pocket books. You must remember that in buying from I us we give consideration to quality. Our line is composed of I all the latest and uo-to - "Jfc - . v date styles and designs anSsWe will be glad to show I ^NOxh^rices range from $2 up. ^ ' 'V " . I SEE US I HELESSI CLOTHIER 1