: THE HOME CIF Pleasant Evening Reus _ Gated to Tired Mot . " the Home Circle RUDE THOUGHTS FROM If yuu intend to treat yourself any better than your wife, don't take one. * - : ' ' If vou have at) idea that you are too good for a picked up dinner, re main a bachelor. . r A trade itt a stood thing to have; it's better than gold?brings a larger premium. But to make a premium, the trade must be perfect?no silver plated affair. Determine in your. _ . , iniiul to be a good workman, or let the job out. Learning a trade is diff t-rent from eating mush ami uii?k I ? median cal education does - not V slip down without chowing. Xevei alight your work, never. Every job you do is a sign. Poor si^ns are against success. The matron who appears be/ore the members of the family in a shabby, soiled wrapper and makes the excuse, if indeed she takes the trouble to make one at all, that "it is so much more comfortable," has little idea of the possible consequences f each a courte. t'ould she but realize that her dress is an evil ex ample to her daughters, and productive o( consequences that will reach far beyond her own spin of life; that her husbuand and sons canMot fail to draw comparisons be tween her dress and that of tinladies they meet in other homes, and that these comparisons cannot fait to decrease their respect for her, she -aright be induced to giTe more at tention to her personal appearance. \ > * * \ i -Motheij sometimes say when a ebild shows a vile temper and 1 shrieks a go<m! deal, that it would i endanger htsdi^e to punish him; per- i haps so, but you still more endanger ] hiB future if you dori't punish him. I : klany a gallows tragedVdtad its be- i ginning on the mother's lap. We i w ah we oould write it in impeiiab- I able, glowing letters on the walls or -4 every home?obedience, obedience, I bedience! Obedience to law?to honsehold law; to parental authority unquestioning, instant, exact obedienoe. Obedience in the family, j bedience in the school! Wherever from the beginning, from the first ^ glimmering intelligence in the child, there is expression of law, let there be taught respect for it and obedience to it. It is the royal road to virtue, to good sitizenship, it is the ... ' j SVe know that music is pleasant, j and home is not homo where (here < are no sooee or sweet harmonies;but a knowledge of the piano will not help a woman diaoharge her wifely duties, and a smattering of French r an'ability to waltz gracefully, will do but little towards preparing a palatable dinner for a husband when he comes home hungrj. see Society i.t the present day descends that girls shall be what they ' sail accomplished; and to fulfill this demand the mothers of Christendom teach their daughters that a know_ ledge of all that belong to life's du. ties at H home is not one of the requirements, that manual labor must be consonant with drawing room ultivation. And so tbeir lily hands slip idly ewer the piano keys; they waltz in the most approved style; simper a little French or German quota poetry?sod society says they are accomplished. Doubtless they I are, and by-and-by, as all modern ' fashionables do, they win a husband. w "* ' " * *? Let as say to you, yoang man, that plnefc wins more battles than luck. Wishing is the easiest way in | the world to a*t a poor llring. Looking tor the fsrtaoate star tfc Has ia hka standing on the ossan'a strand waiting and watching for wealtbf laden stripe to com. over theses I ICLE COLUMN. ries ?A GolUmn Decli.hsps as They Join at Evening Tide r THE EDITORIAL PEN brings a small income, and the taxes on it are pnoroious. Never in the history of any country, id any age, has there been aueh a inight\ work before the voutb of our land as theie is today; and we might say never wore vovug men as ignorant of it and untitled for heir work. Each one wants the other to' row the boat while lie catches the fish. ' * . ? Profanity never did any man the least good. No rnati is the richer, the happier, or w iser for it. It coin mends no one to any soc'sty. It is disgusting to the refined; abominable to the good; insulting to those with whom we associate; degrading to the tuind; unprofitable, needless and injurious id society. Young man, doti't be profane. When a man has established a home has a wite and childreu, the most important duties of bis life have fairlv begun. The eirors of his youth may be obliterated, the ^faults of his early days may be overlooked but from the moment of bis marriage he commences to write an ineffable bistort; not by pen ami ink, bat by deeds, by which he must ever afterwards be reported and judged. ? ? Setting a young man afloat with money left him by his relatives, is like tving a bladder under the armof one who cannot swim; ten chan ces to one he will lose the bladder and go to the bottom. Teach him to swiru and he will not need the bl. dder. Give your child a good education. See to it that his morals are pure, his mind cultivated, i nd his whole nature made subservient to the laws which govern man, and you will have given what will be of more value than the wealth of the Indies. You have given him a start which no misfortune can deprive uiiK^of. m m m ? _. Don't forget moiher when picnics ind good times are in order.' Don't et her do all the woUt And boys reat her to some fresh air .every day behind that newly-brokej coltStarta Luch TroubleIf all people knew th*t neglect of con upauuu wouiu result xnBeyere makes- | L'ons, yellow jaundice or virulent Ever trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Lite nils, and oa it- It's the I inly safe way. Best jfor biliousness: I headache, dysdepeia, chills and debility. 25c a t Ay cock Drug Co. J ~ AVOID HARSH DRUQS. Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowsls. If you are subject to constipation, you should fvdd strong druga and cathartics They only give temporary relief and their reaction la harmfal and sometimes more annoying than constipation. They In %o way effect a cure and their tendeoc^\ls to weaken the already weak organi with which they come In contact 1 We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatment svar devised. Our faith lb It Is eo strong that we sell It on the] positive guarantee that It shall not ?Mt the user a cent 1/ It does not git ytatlre satlsfac tlon and completely 1 smedy constipation. This prepureha Is called Bezall Orderlies. There are | rompt soothing, and most effective In i ction They are made of a/recent ch? mlcal discovery. Their p^tficlpnl Ingredient la odorlsss. tasteless, and colortean Combined with ether Well-known ingredients, long es tahlimhsd for their usefulness la the treatment of constipation, it forme t tablet whloh la eaten Just like candy They may be taken at any time, atther day or night, without (tar of their causing any inconvenience whatever They do net gripe, purge, nor cause nausea. They set without cauMag any pain or exoaaslTe loos ansae of the bowels. They are Ideal for children, weak, delicate persons, and aged people," re well ae tor the most hearty peraon They Mm In time else pssksgai. ; IS tablets. 10 cents; Si tablets SB cents; 80 tablets. 00 cant*. He member, you can obtain tkscp only at oar store!" -r The' Retail Store -The Scoggin Dreg Go. ( WF^Fgm !1 "'W A- - - f* * " THOUGHT HER DEATH NEAR What a Lady in Valley Fork Discovered in leg rd to Cardui. Valley Fork, w. Va.?"I was bo weak," writes Mrs. ' 1. A. Thomas, of Valley r^rk, "that I could hardly get j around In the house I used Cardui. j. and now I feel bette: , and my friends 1 say I look better, tl an I have for a | long time. \ I thought I woWt die, but Cardui brought me arounaV, 11 right. Cardui saved my life, and I lo not want to be without It" \ | The strength-giving prdyerties of this | purely vegetable, t< lie remedy, for : women, are not the i ssult ol powerful j druggery, but of gen le, natural building action, on the w imanly organs. A3 a general tonic or women, tVim' prove the appetite < ad build up tte < system, Cardui is in k class by Itself. |' ' As a quick relief from all forms of womanly trouble, not medicine Is so | good as Cardui, the woman's tonic. ! Try it today. Sold sc all drug stores. ! N. B.? TfriVfl !o: Ladles' ASvisoryDept..Ch?tianooga Medicine <_o.,CtuManocn>. Tenn.. tor tjp4cuil I Instructing, and boclc. "Home Treaiw??i | lor Women." Ktt in pUm - -, ,v . on request. ' I -ami DON'T SUFFER WITH Neuralgia when a 25 cent bottle of Noah'* Liniment is guaranteed to dri^e this terror aWafi?or money refunded. Atwie first twinge, applied as ^ greeted* Noah's and effectual fceukf. / It quiets the nerves ana sisfyii the congestion, penefileyh requires very lime ruhbin^ Noah's Uniment^fco Wt remedy tor Rheumatism, PriltMn. Ihne Back, Stiff Joints and Uvafef Bort\niro^t, Colds, 1 Strains, Sprains, tuts, ^^SSSKk Bruises, Colic, tramps, Neuralgia, T^tfache, and all Nerve, aoio and ] Muscle Aches asdjpaixis. |MRalll The genuine hsp aoah's llOffirMfl Ark on every) package and looks like ft hit cut, H but has REDf band on I^IVjlalH^^L front of paciage and ^Hj Noah'. UaiA??at" aU VJV9D H ways in BED ink. Be- BUJUMfUM I ware of Anttatlons. Large bottle,)? cents, Sgfig and sold by aU dealers In -? H medicine. Guaranteed 555S5f or money refunded by *s?g Noah RemedV Co., Inc., ? CSJ? Richmond, Vj. jjjttB For Very Best Fancv Groceries And Ve^tables Come and see W or Phone 47. I no w We a full supply of N, ; ..ice. Place your orders early. J. W. King FOR SALE CHEAP 150 p^ir men. tirtevy shoes No. 10, 100 pairs of mens heavy shoes No. 11, 40 pairs mens) heavy shoes No. 1 '2 and 13, - 400 pairs nice- Sunday shoes No. 10 apili 11, 800 pairs women shies Ho. SJo 4, 175 pairs woman shoos No. 7 8by8 /he atiove mu?t be sold at a Ru -200 wool nnderahiria for mefe, lutVnf medium weight aoderweer fcr theSapusn if yon wear a No. 8 ir 4 andN^o. 8 woman shoe ju'.i aef1 J. P. WJnkVm before yon bov. Also about 100 soits clothes, all No 85 and 86, ons lotiiMjiee skirts. Id fact ^v.rytbing way dbwn under cost. J. P. Winston at ?* V -.'1;- V V J \t A Father'* Vengeance would have fallen op any on* who attacked the eon of Peter Boody, of South I Rook* ood, Mich., but he was powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble* "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, *go at last we gave him Electric Bitten and he improved wonderfully from taking six bottles. It's the best#.Kidney medicine I ever taw. Backache, Tired feeling. Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn ox "Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diaoetee or Bright'a disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. hOc at Aycock Drug Co. KOflT i'J ttJRfc RHEUMATISM It .la As internal Disease And Relinlrca An Internal Remedy. 'The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases is an excess of. .uric Acid In the blood. To cure this terrible^disease this, ucid must be expelled and the system so j ' regulated no moreVacld will be j formed In excessive quantities. Rheum*. [ ttsm Is an internal disease and requires | an Internal rnnedy. RUBBING with 1 Oils and Ldnlmwits WBLL NOT CURB, j affords only tetm>oraay relief at best, I I causes you to duay Ithe proper treat: mcnt, and al!ows\hA malady to get a I firmer hold on youArftnlments may case I . the pain, but theyVwrill no move cure Rheumatism than plhnt will change the fiber'of rotten wood A S^ence has at last discovered a perfeet and complete (we, which Is called Rheumhc'.de. Tostedcs hundreds of case?; It has enacted the molt marvelous cures; we believe St will cura you. Rheumacide gets at the Joints froth the Inside. sw!?cpa the poisons out. of the, system, tones up thp stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Hheumacide strikes the root of the disease and removes,lts cause. This splendid repiedy is sold by druggists arid dealers* generally at 50c. and SI a bottle In Tablet form at 23c. and 50c. a package. "Writ-* to Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md.. liooklc 1 free. Tablets sent by mail. ...J. ! 1 1 \ New Line OF siynsRt Dress Gopds^ AT The Racket Store New Line of Sifl?s\ New Line of Suits \ / New Line of Coats \ Rugs and Druggets , New Line of Sweater^ novelties in Neckwear _ Latest StyleJ in Millinery Table Linen land Napkins 16j Button jshoes for S3. re wilibetelad to see ydu when in town. \ 7 V . \ I i Yourfe very truly, ^ 1 MRS/A. M. HALL 1 * ? / * ' .TV; , NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS As the taxes [for 1911 will be due October ft st^ 1911 and they having be? > placed in my hands for collec lhn thip is to notify you to c 41 \t my office in Louisburg an 1 settle same at once. As am Viren a shorter time i i> collect same than has been ;iven heretofore . it will be neeei lary for yoil to attend to it 11 once to save both of us tro ble. W M Boom, Sheriff. ". . v - ; Everybody is Plea? ed That Goes to The tHE BIG LITTLE y . i | * u * j Everybody misses bargains that fail to give me a call Fail to Mad this advertisement an<J we both los#?_you a bargain, I a sale. : : : Specially Priced For [this Week Ladies sillq lined best caracul foi tutata $15 \ialufe at $10.98. Ladiet Mercefrired' bat caracul far coata $12.50, val^tfe-47-9^- 18 more ladiei and junior suits! Stwkana silk lined, they come lin '^black, bbje, green (several shades^ and the different ahadee of gray, there is not a suit in the lot wdrth less than $12.50, choice $7.98. ^ Just received fashions latest fad 2 in 1 reversible coats, they are',$10 value while my small expense (if doing business enable me to offeJ| them ($1.50 saved to yon) at $8150* I have ladies and children wool coats at from $2 up, everyone a bargain, Just opened up a new lot of awea'ters, can fit all ages. Large misses, all wool sweat Another <>rder out for Wan er pros. Rust Pr >of \ nbnbreakable Corsets. Ousranteed Dot to break, np or teal and absolutely roi t proof.! If yot ara Dot now wearit g a Wantr, trj one, ihat'a all. \ Shoes! Shoes! Jnst a word i ftout Shoes! lit. I ara eel ng more Shoes than any store in bouisbnrg, 1 can afford to and am satisfied with i small profit. N isrly all of \my shoes were made : >r me and I kAow them to be solid, and iron get ibel what I till you re getting theseI fore you r<in no i sk wben yon buy from are, and I at re you from 10 fit 150 oents on ererj pair. I have jagl ' what yon want f< r trarr member of I the family. Let is show yos. i R. Z. [- - ' ' Egerton 5 Watermans 5 - ' ? ? * *. Fountain \ Pens ! \ tr' . AT 1 \ Hall Price ' V ' r \ \ ' \ The Best Candy Evdr > 1 Manufactured. : I The Best School Stationery The MostComplete ? j Line of Toilet Articles \ / ' I 1 A Full Stock of Flowering Bulbs. The Freshest Stock I " of/ DRUGS | I -and MEDICINES \ - ; . v All These Will be i \ ? v Found at i , r I t " AYCOCK # /Drug

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