' I'-if. .UJL-L."-- - -FRANK UN TIMES 1. F. JOHNSON. Editor *nd Mmjtr liM riA*, - - - 1.00 MI MONTHS, 86 lflKIB MOUTHS. - .H6 FntDAY, Nov]-17, 1911. Next Thursday one week is Thanksgiving. Thb biggest question question in Pranklin county today is who is going to win the piano? Mr. Subscriber it is up to you to pay ' vp or in advance and let some young lady win a nice prize. Durihu the month of October the Louisburg tobacco market sold 506,439 pounds of tobacco. It will now be interesting to see which district in the county will be the most loyal to their contestant. It has'been announced that the ofMciat opening of the Panama Canal will be held on January 1st, 1915. Tua North Carolina Conference of the Methodist. Church will convene at Kinsten on Wednesday, November 22d. Only eight more days and the winners will be awarded the several prises in the contest. Who shall they be? Taf-t wants some one to come forward in the next Congress and pass a law that will allow corporations te exist. CTiib Chinese and the Turks and tal ians seem to enjoy fighting. Thev are till at it and massacres are multiply?K Our ' city "fathers" should putin a sewer on River street. There are several places on that street that should connect to one. EvBRy person in each district should make it their business to see that the contestant from their distiict wins but f first in the contest. The Harvester trust was given a black eye the other day in a decision of the Supreme Court of Missouri. They were fined $50,000 and ousted. ' Ton Supreme Court of Virginia on Monday refused Heury Clay Beattie a new trial. It now looks like he will pay the penalty in tne electric chair.* There is no doubt but that a little adveitising will do Louisburg a world of good. Its natural advantages are worthy of being put before the public. The Governor of Virginia r fuses to interfere with the action of the courts in the Beattie case, so he will pay the penalty in the electric chair on Friday November 24th. Raleigh is pushing herse f right up to the front among the other cities of the state. Its only another case of where the business men took hold and did a little boosting work. KWMmg *9. It seems strange that Turkey should can on tne united States for help after treating her missionaries as she has. It's only another ease of "where the chickens come home to roost." ' One of the largest breaks of tobacco that has been seen in Louiaburg in many years was here Saturday, both houses were full and a lot left in the streets until the first sale was oyer. If about ten or fifteen of Leuisburg'a enterprising young men would form a club to boost Louisburg they could work wonders. And it would not be long before everybody in town would be assisting them. Tub Washington, D. -C-, Post gives Taft credit for saying that Tennessee and Georgia can be "redeemed" and that employes in Southern towns eomasend tariff attitude. We don't believe Tennessee or Georgia either will .stand fhv this. With the Coast Line Railway coming to, Louisburg by Bunn, which would ntean the building of only, about ten miles of ..road, it would be a great help to the traveling public and would possibly us an inducement for more manufacturing enterprises. Quits a little sensation was sprung in Wilmington one day the past week when a negro named Fred MeKenxie made claim to most of the land upon which the business part of the city m built. Ha claims it Was left to him by Will at bis ancestors. A iTTtzkN told us the other morning Bfc thet If the town officials and the citizens generally could have been drwa the street and saw what he did OB last FW| fjjaytnorntog there would be no doubt but (bat we would have a market bowse, I 11'WW - . u?nijii Thoui business men who carry u advertisement in the Times should feel good over the feet that we 'have increased our subscription list to ever 2,300. The prettiest part of it all is the bulk of all those are within the district from which they solicit b ainess. On Friday night, -while out bearhuoting below Washington, N, O., a young man was shot and killed through Mistake. Upon approaching the party after being absent a-ahort while he was mistaken for a bear and was ah?t with two loads of buck shot in the abdomen. In ninety-nine cases out of one hundred when you hear some one "cussing" the editor of a paper about something he has said, you can bet your last dollar that their "toes" have been stepped upon. Naturally he is praised for saying something about some one else. WE^are glad to note that Mr. T. M. Pittmah, of Henderson, was selected among the speakers at the Convention of Municipal Leagues recently held in Richmond. The Sons of old North Carolina are always ready and willing to do honor to themselves and their state. Our readers can save a great deal of ! time and money by reading our silver- j tising columns. There is a great deal of truth in the statement that when a j man has a bargain he loves to tell you about it, and the cheapest way possible to do this is to advertise in a newspaper When a man advertises his goods you may feel assured that the quality is there as he is mot ashamed to put them before the people. Starts lluch Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would reeuft in seyere indigestions, yellow^jaupdive or virulent liver trouble jney wOuft soon take Dr. King's Mew Life ro!U,-Yr.l end it. It's the only safe way. Bfeet for biliousness: headache, dysdepaia. ahills and debility. 25c at Aycock Drit Co. HVve yob-Jaeen that beautiful Cut f-^Esa at Nt^lMi^aants' priced i Remember that Jap. W. King is overstocked in fireworks. They will be sold cheaper than ever this^ear. All hind of candies, cakehynuts, seeded raisins, currants, dates. tigsNit . Jxo. W. Kayo's. h-4 Strayed. One Durock Jersey Boar Pig:, weigh| ing about 75 poumn, from our stables I about two weeks azo?. Fiude# will be rewarded by re tuning bo 1 ? Griffin* & Beaslky. I ll-17-2t Notice. I I I have a fine Duroc^ersAy boar whose j services can he had upon. Application to 1 the undersigned. At tentmonths of age j he weighed 150 pounds. ,2t? Louiaburg, 3L C.,pL f!t> 2. Fireworks 1" VFireworks I I I have bought tboimany fireworks for the holidays. inoroi*wnot to carry over any, I expect to put the^pricea right down at the beginning! SoT-remember this, boys. \ ja^>. w. kiso. Bargains Daily. Yon have never deep such bargains as Will PleaayfWmoffering in Cloth, Pony Skin,and (iaratalLong Coats, Coat Saite'and yeady-nlade Ski.i. T?li? ?A uJ ? *wa liuutvo auu aUBDCU, For Sa^p. \ ~ One single surface elanidg mill, including all belts andNHk) saw. Apply at once to K W. <TNQU>SB, R. F. D.. S, Frank KntofasN. C. Il-10-6t-p, - V. \ For Sale. One house and lot, I located on the Winston heights, corner Glenn and Winston streets, iihOie\ town of Franklinten. Also one mote colt, 17 months' old, in fine condition. >IFor farther information, apply to tS. <1 FSsJJWT, I ' ?! FranlaintotvN. C. Mortgage ? ale of *Town Lot. By virtue of . power of sale contained in that cert in mortgage, executed 1 on the 6th day ?f Jane, 1907, by A. W, | Alston and wtf \r-Jennie O. Alston, to Mrs. Bettie G. Keavis, which mortgage is duly record d In the Registry of Franklin cotmt r. In Book No. 156, at page 323, defaklt haying been made in the payment oil the indebtedness in said mortgage secured, the undersigned wil1, on Monday, the!8th day of December, 1911, at about the hoar of noon, at the court honw dooA fa Louisburg.N. C., ofT'-rffor Mtje to Hie highest bidder for cash, that bMuatfle and desirable residence on the eastssd<of Church street, in the town of lansbbuJgvsrhich is more particularly dvflneAas foll3l?e?JSeginning on the eesterA aide of Cfrnech street. In saidjtown of Louisburg, at an iron stake Bear an efak tree, Mrs. L. H. Carlyle's corner; thaUca along sa.d street In a southerly direction one hundred feet to a stake, Mrs. Bettie O. Hill's corner; thence at\ right angles ?ith said street and alonV Mrs. Hill s line to Ford's line; thence rarmllel with the firot lire sad along Four's line to Mrs. L. H. CarfalTs eo&er; thence with her Hue to the beginning. This, 171b day of November, 1911. Mjm. Bams g. Bun, . , Mertgagsa. ' *' -w.:y.-"' I 25 Votes 25 This coupon when properly filled out and returned to Franklin Times Office will count aa 25 vot*? if mint in bafor* Nov. 24t , 1911 Name Addreea "GORED MOTHER OF ULCERATIONS" Iter. B. C. Thompson, of Alioakle, N. C., wrilwi; "My luotiMr was a great sufferer from uu ulcurated trouble peculiar to wuuieu. She took Mrs. jvo leraon's Bern- j edy aud Waan, and found it Invaluable. It cured her. We fceu.tuy recommend It J to tuose .-.uttering from cancerous or iiupure blood aUfx uons. ' I leers and OKI Sores are the result otj bad blued, and can never be cured untjf the blood la ibu;ougnly J.-U 11 tied, and yl polsou driven from tbe system. KxteriAl apiilicaiious alone can netcr do U. w>u must get right lowu-to the seat cfJrhe trouble and eradfeflpt* the disease Ctv?mfthe bloo I. For tlda purpose there la uofldug 30 good as *? " y?. ?J3S. JOE PfSSON'S SLMUJY. It is tbe l?est Tbnlc, Alterative/BIc<k1 Fprlfter a.id NrrvlnA ever otfered, lad. we hu e the sigUv-d leakmouy of hun/rcds of living wlti-oHses to fcrove It. TMoe witnesses testify to th\ marvelous/curative Erv.vers of lite groutl remedy In/cnscs of z -enia, Scrofula. OKI Sores, auf nil troubles resulting from Impure, lo/o verbs lied tan ! Poisoned l>!oud. I .. g Mnuy of these cures seem almJst miraculous?patients given upl by doctJrti and relatives brought back ti tbe turn bloom of bculth aa If by inagif?llteruJv snatched from the grave. But these Mstaesscs are so reliable, and speaklln wufils of such cenrluctug truthfulness that/ none who rends mu doulit We tSlI l>f?0-lnri fn ipiuI this written testimony Tto h)T who desire d to know ?Ut Mr*. JoA Pei*u's Remedy ^ and Wash hare done fir ofltors. ? We want to help ourlaffllbted brothers and sister*-Who mre now\ho*U*sly eudur- | lug the agonizing torturA m Indigestion, DvspepsU. Stomach Trouble# Nenrousne**. | Rheumatism. Catarrh. %?ale Troubles and Blood Poison. We d<*if care 6T hour | lour standing your tronbl A-M4 rs. Joe Pcrsou's Remedy will cure *fu. because It I sends pure, rich blood bovdtng through your "veins. puts solid, he? thy flesh on | your bones, and fives yoo^ strength to ilrlv? out disease. ?H [ Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is a strictly , vegetable compound, absolutely harmless. \ It contains no dangerous minerals, and can . bo safely given to the smallest Infant. I Whenever the trouble is external, it is necessary to use the Wash with the Rem- < edr. , For sale by druggists, or supplied direct < on receipt or price, fl.00 per bottle; 0 l?ot- , tics-for $o.00; 1 dozen by express prepaid, < for $10.00, by ^ # ( MBS. JSC PEISOrt REMEDY ?9 . Kittrad, M. C. . . I Bulbs | Cut Flowers and! ; Plants Our importatiJ frenel. and holland I bulbs are noV^ r>Kjng. By planting early you get <cst feetjlts. We are lAdera in choicelciH^floweVa (or wed- I dings and all social functions. Artistic , floral offer jigs, \fine d&eojative pot plants, rose bushes, hedge plants, I shrubbries, evergreens and shade trees ( Price List o* Application i Mail, phone, and telegraph orders promptly executed by ' J. L. O'QUINN & CO. 1 Raleigh, N.C. 1 A CARD! | To my maqy friends in Lou- , isburg and Franklin and i adjoining counties: ' After an abaenae of fifteen years I | have returned to Louisburg where | in the future I aball reside. During | the years of myWisoDOe I hare tak- | en a thorough ccairse in / I OPTOMETRY j AndStMSgTTectingl errors of vision | and fittingglSsseJlcan render aa | good service as Can beTrnd-Jjef ween ( Atlanta and 'Richmond. While a ( permanent office is 1 being prepared , I will practice in thl office of Mr. J. A. Turner, next donr to hotel en- ( trance whereon and after Nov. '20th X t shall be glad to see nny wW) may | need my services. \ ( Hours from 10 to ? O'clock. W. B. Morton* ! LUNG biSEASE I rAfter four In eur family i'sd di-ad ' of consnmptlod 1 was tak. n with i a frightful couat and >unz t onble, but ay Rfe waOsaved and I gained DIScSyERY W. E. Patterson, ^Wellington, TUfr r -a ! Farmers and IV LOU SBU THE ROAD "TO T , If in a*hurry to gH.to the poprhouse, 1 bucket shop and passes the race tracks get rich quick" mine, if you would' re spected and honored citizen/take either LIABLE," the house [of priority and ' of thegparent of them'all. V. Make OUR Bsu Farmers antj I Louisbun F. N. Egerton, President M.'S. Clifton, Cashier. STo t > We have accepted the agenbj for the < i three-piece Iron Bed. The hove na i more loose rails, falling slats nesting i shown this line of beds, Sai isfactkm i dealer in each town. ^ ? Special 10 Day For the next 10 days, besinning TuJaday ,-Nov. 15.98.* We have also one dozes oojton m&ttrei V that call for 84.68. Now thia is do Bke sale. j h gooda.? Every article in our atore lalsold at a p Howell a I Remember | - W. PV Neal Builc I ? lii?l" \R | \ pNfe AcidPh i ====== I " McKinne Bro SATISFACTION bp ^ | j| lerchants Bank V RQ, N. C. ? - L HE POOR HOUSE ' V/" ake the road that leads through the the oil well and the salted shaft of "the main with us a prosperous, thrifty, re- * J v. ^ street intersecting at the "OLD REdump your moneyed burden in the lap , - Xx- ' * ' " c ' ik YOUR Bank. \ ?> - - -? v Merchants Bank i, in. c. y C. P. Harris, Vice-President W. E. Uzzell, Assistant-Cashifer. * - - - 4 READ ] >IDER.. 1 A sld reliable and well known Bernstein # me on a bed means perfection. No ft springs, etc. Call and ask to be ft or money back. Sold only by one ft .Mattress Sale X 20th, we willeffer #10. felt mattresses sses that eold at #7.50. We offer these to first Inventory found us overstocked in the above w rioe te compare with low prioe cotton. * ft nd Bunn 1 the Place ft ling, Main Street. ' ft sss*mmBBBsxmmmmmmmmmaassmss&sss~sss-??smaBmmssssss-~~^z eieivqn... II | CAR II osphate 1 11c s. Company ! TOUR MONEY BACK .1 -~ | : .ft! W '. *fe *. ' -' #'?*" '* * ' , ' IX - * - ' ' " ! " ". I ; , . ., -' ty/. . ,... -1W>a X ' \ . - >

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