'' * X VANISHED GRANDEUR. * * I-< ' ' ? Glorias mf th* Thame* When Lanaevt Roed? Were Marfcets. Id Tudor Lime* raja I residence# were situated along the Middlesex bank of the Thames, a ad eplendld barges manned iy oarsmen In livery were constantly coming and going between them, "The city companies," aays the London Times, "all bad. their state bargee and liveried watermen. Great river pageants wore numerous. High placed criminals traveled down to their death * on the ebbing tide. Ambassadors and other envoy* of foreign powers were met a i Gravesend by the lord mayor and his aldermen and taken by river in a stately progress to Tower stairs. The regular route westward was by river to Putney, thence by road across Putney heath. "That way went Wolsey when deprived of the great seal, traveling from York Hduse to Eseher In disgrace. until he fell In with the king's messenger on the heath and knew he was his master's man once more. In a mier age iae entry into London or Catharine of Braganza. the consort of Charles II.. was a memorable example of the river pageant. "In old days the city roads were markets rather than thoroughfares, so that even If anybody wished to go from one part of the city lo another he went by river, for the roads were quagmires in bad weather and at 411tlmes haunted by highwaymen and footpads, repj*. that type of the pa triotk' permanent official, always used the river. Such phrases as *by water to Whitehall* and *so by water home constantly occur In bis diary. "In Qneen Anne's reign there were 40.000 watermen plying for hire'on the Thames and over a hundred 'stairs.' or landing places, in London proper. These watermen were the 'cabbies' of that age. The really curious thing la that the Thames was still a main thoroughfare less than a century aeo. Not until 1857 did the lord mayor's show proceed to Westminster- otherwise than by water." WOULDN'T BE TAMED. End of a Wild Stallion That Resenteo the Touch of Man. In "Mustangs. Busters and Outlaws ! of the Nevada Wild Horse Country." ia the American Magazine. Rufus Steele writes of the capture of a splendid I wild stallion that had long eluded cap | ture. He was an "outlaw.** Write* j Mr Steele: . "Until we saddled him we did not j realize his desperation We fastened the riata to bis front feet. When he ! tried to run away we Jerked his feet' from under him. throwing him heavily , As he attempted to rise we threw dim j again and repeated the maneuver until! exhaustion necessitated bis capltula tlon. But hU surrender was only tcm"Njjorary. F<>r three years we tried to bfceak him. using every artifice known' to As quickly as one man gave up the ta-dt another would try to conquer himXbut every tlmo a human being approached or tried to bridle, vl oauuia U1UI DR WQDIU Ull? TlClOaSIJfwhile his eyes, protruding frcim the sockets, biased tlerytvd with hate. As the cinch was drawn aRS^t the outlaw. If npon his feet. Invariably rearedstraight up. poised upon hi* bind let*, then hurled himself back ward N?o the ground. We always mounted Nijm while be was tied down, and to "staV^ after he sained his feet called f >r totlon which boiled a day's work into thirty minutes of struggle. "His end was tragic as his career, (a : making an attempt at escape by Jump- { lng out of a stockade corral he mis Judged the distance and became lm-1 paled on a jagged post, and a 44 was ! turned loose upon him to end his suffering." ? Cautions. A lawyer happened to be acquainted with a Jnror in a petty clTll case, end ' he met him during a recess of the' court. The lawyer was Just "lighting I up." and under ordinary circumstances; he would hare offered the other a cigar unhesitatingly, bnt It occurred to him , that It might not look right. "I suppose." he said guardedly, "that a cigar would uot Influence your ver dictr The Juror was equally cautious, s "A good one wouldn't." he replied, j "but a poor one might prejudice me." He got a good cigar.?Brooklyn Eagle. Nature's Protection For the Ear. The membrane lining the canal of the ear contains a great number of little glauds which secrete a waxy substance having an Intensely bitter taste. The purpose of this la to prevent the entrance of Insects and to keep the ear clean, aa the layer of wax dries la _ ' scales, which rapidly fall away, thns removing with them any particle ef dust er other foreign matter* which may have found entrance to tbo ear. defter. MS ft. - - . M-e .10 UODDI you dure heard mm etorlee to ny dlecredlt," he mM. -I don't like to put It In that way." the quietly replied. "Bow theor be hopefully caked. , "I have never heard any etorlee to . your credit." aald ehe. ? Cleveleod Plain Dealer. IV He Knpw, Mr*. Cel er Down-Ton needn't think thla hottr of the idght'^Canar Down? ;. ' ; Ptrt, Mtt IC* never too late ta ateod.FhlladelpMa Inquirer I- T ' A" ' ' e-P"? JL t?wt wai glinted He*. 4. lTtt. V" ' ' / ,v '\;:I r * v"' * -* v :Jj (v1 I |n^|/ HBHI Tim Saves 1^ie QiiWr. d natuikSjr never think of ^Hv podUe * via on their eyetighl when IH?)^ T\^<hwl]9l pohnfip<V * faeriniting book. mf I SUj|9H h u up*? you to se? they do not ruin their jwymt these long evenings J The Rwo LWp is ?n insurance a against eyes troublo^alike (or young The Rayo is a km-priced lamp, but it is constructed on the soundest I scientific principles, and there it not a better Uarap made at shyorice. It is easy on the eye because its Eght L to soft and whiteapd widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flicker*. Eaely bghstd with sol renovus shade er chimney! easy to dean and tewick. Sofid bass khsoofboi*..with haodsome nscke1 finish; also islmaay other styles snd finishes. Ask rose dsihl Is Aaw rao ho ka cf Rayo kaosi sr sstila fas dwripuss circuits Standard Oil Company ^ v (hcwpgwttj) _ Fall Painting If k*( a auifccc to I Winter Comfort j' ^ to yaiatcd, caara?led, trained, vamietod, or t? 11 i_ i jtold in any way, ** the t me tO tOUCH Up ) Ruam"f?Tp^cr shabby surfaces in the nome, because v winter i ; the time your home is used m >st. A little money spent now fur paints and finishes will make th h home brighter, cleaner, more attractive, more wholesome all ivintenJong. ACMEWALITY paints And finishes ^ rcfinish shabby siirfaces at trifling cost. Expert advice at Air store, by phone or mail. Let us tell y^u Five Strong Reasons for Pall House Painting. McKINNE BROS. CO. ] ? ? ^ ^ J D Ol IVI ^ I IO .DniiNU uo.j Your turkeys, chick^s, hams, butter, eggs and other countrK^roduce, and wejjwill sell you youd groceries, dry goods^and shoes at saving prices. V , ^ ' * t ( BRANTLEY HICKS B'PQ Cabbage PlAnts. For good Early Jetie>jyakeflald cabI bag? plants at >1.00 per l?QP or special MM pSM mmmmm prices lor larger quautkiAwsee the _ I - I W? ? old reHabler, Joe StrlcklaAl or aqdrew . Frailer, KateaTille.W. C. ^ Magazine Subscribers TTCL"DC The price of neatlyVall magazines will U OJJ/ivO be railed anywhere^Iroru 3} to 75 per cent on the 10th of Mqvsmber. Ton can aaye thia by gettide ybux subecrin** to."lforT 7m. w b, to VuSfVii bough^nut the beel business of j. d. November 8th. afp. Boddii. Bill on Vesb itreeland will eoatione \ same at thXJsame Bat*. Fnrther yon Notice.l will take notme thai on and after Not. I have opened my shop Seam and have 1st., I trill price trny business on a a man who can master aUKinds of work all beef leaving market most be ^ will thai k each and Tl foT-tbafc paid .(or on delivery! >1 shall have no paUowagW.' . 1 pets \?t make aU ly\sh By this W. H. Moselet. 1EE V 9P Administrates tfbiice. rrsrth#SfcS S3: glad to have your tilde bat will hev* Iste of PrankMneEinty, this is to to esquire you to pay tub- notify all having elalmk against said os1 tate to present tbe same to the under?f T f " indebted to esid eetate All flSekvnSk# _ - "' \ r ' TWa. NmsSclOtk, 91b I f. 8. I want to boy \our hides, will ' W. O. Avaktm, Adat'f. J pay higbaat market price fqr same. Wat H. Baffin. Attorn^. y , ' - ~ Will l'lrHni<i\lb.ju?t r?oeived a now alupuifit of i><<?utiful Cut QUm, hi odd if i?| t-m, for Bridal and ^ Cliriatmus ]>rse?ia. ~ ?? i ? - i ' Santa Clause ? Has Come to / - B 5 and 10 Cent Store i With theMarg?st stock of toys ^ aud holidi\' good^ver brought u to Louisburg. you are wel- ^ come to out store and we want ie you to comd ww&ther you buy or not. \ I th Our Jevr^lry Dept. ? is now ready Mar you to select M your Christmas Presents. We will have another shipment iei fthnut DpnomKpr lot K??f nro 8a ? mill n t | tQ urge you to buy early before ( m the stock is picked over. We ^ will sell you any price of jewelry just as cheap as you can JJJj order it and w"e'stand back of <n every piece to be just as rep- [e, resented. i- an th Johnson & Price. ? na Jewelers and Opticians ^ Proprietors of 5 and 10c Store. Noy Now gentlemen, cracker boys a Nov. 1st. I want it. Love km at the banks that I borrowed to ton that you no"w have piled up : rx \ \ Hold your co torVJl compelled to colt ct ey nnnv tn tato oval mw I and good will to i com vou owe me. N w yoi and look wise, yi t he i think I can collei t my ing mortgage sal as "I positively sell hi rses, lots of good note and Soutnall and Co. for li can he seen at tr r offit buying these not s ant high gear on sig: t and these accounts a ion; will be got*' som day, the Franklin Tin ?. . store, post office nd { member Friday, Jot. other personal pi iperi day will be horse tnd i vertisement and i stat pose to do and sei . <1 long journey. Sj Bnd tives will quit spi akin your rash dollars rill d birds build nests Ai trc wont get hurt as every K. P. S. Remember, without res] going to settle. If I owe you I'l match game before the jury. Wilkuis Stegall c Barters x T Louieburg ' N. C. . * ' ?v Wa b?TB again oWned a oopartnerililp In thabarbar bnaitBaa and will make everything t oor\natoroer? con- . TcmaOaa. Wa ba fourVhaira which , la a guarantee thi t you whl not have to wait ?o long. O .r sarrioe fta tba baat Kiya aa a anil. \ ZOLUrWILKINr^ OSCAR! STEGALL r * *' " ; ' ' Mink and OUerlJaps at L. P. Hicks*. | Now arri.nl prunn and buckwboat at ? l> i! \LE OK VALUAJBIE TOWN LOTS, i 11 y viture of the powotrof sale contained J i a deed of trust rr?de and executed , 1 th? 2nd day of Way, 1910 by An- . lonyT. Neal and win Haiti# And Neal , i Ben T. Ho)d*n, Trustee, which is of ( cord in Franklin I County Registry t ook 162 at. page 101 default haying e ten made in Ute Moment of the note ] ereby eecured. Twill sell at public ictiqn Jo the higleat bidder for eaah the courthouse door in L'ontsbu g, . C. Xu the tlh dl y of December 1911 about the hour c r noon the following scribMl real est tte and town lots., iz: lst\tract sit ated in the town of . tuisburjpand bout lcd.es follows On e north md east v the lot of Griffin Beasley ob the v est by Main street j ailing ove\ the bridge and on the uth by tarviyei 16 feet front run- I ng oack 20 \e<'t and being the lot on ' ie east side oftMi in etre t upon which ( erected a brie building or store a mse, 2nd tract eginning at a roc*, 1 rner of Wiley 1 ay's on Frankhnton < ad, thenee n 52c wH3 poles 8 links to a ay's corner in Phii\ Williams ltne j ence sSlnw. 12 ooles riUinks to Hil- , ird Yarboro's Ai stin Grebnjmd Dan t I Hazelwood's orner. theneclrlong J id road n 81 o V2 poles lOdinks to . e beginning, c attaining yaue acre J ore or less an< comprising the two is occupied by >otb A. T. Neal and fe and H. A. To le and wife. 3rd tract. That portion of land lv- 1 ? on the northefc bank of Tar river i the east side of Main street extendg to the lot uporuwhich is located A. Neal shop anJ extending back 60 et to the Griffiri & Beaaley stables id extending tnence in a ine with e western end pf said stables to tho rer. A so all right title claim inter- r t and demand at whatsoever kind and * ture he said A. T. Neal and wife J iliie Ann Neal have in any and all i her lands. This Nov 2nd., 1911 1 BEN. T. HOLDEN, Trustee. 1 19lT EME I RSI r nd sorry niggers, if you owe i good will is fine, but it tak buy mules and horses to let at your homes. I you can borrow money to nay me, I ai hrything that is due this fall asl have lusmess here, or I have sold my businei panVknown as Hill Live Stock Co., \ (Ii u ir.aySshout the truth in a cracker boys will notxjelieve he liveB in a lool's pa money. N^atch him wait! Nov. 24th an have said t^fore I have sold out and at mules, buggidq. wagons, surries, harnei judgements anckaccounts, also the acc very. A list sf tH^se notes and judgem> so ten days before xji* sa'e* You can I accounts as the parties who owe me wont b<? at the sale as I guess they will young men and^some on business men but I catt t wait. I will tell you all a llso will have large posters stuck up rin house in Franklin and adjoining cc 24th, I wont Bell any horses or mules ;y, including the judgemeuts, notes anc mule day. In this paper next week yoi ement about Hill Live Stock Co., and et read* tor this sale, you can't take yc it, if you don't, when you are gone y g. Spend it at the sale. Let your ne lo. 'I expect a large crowd. The same en makes people come to these sales, thing as guaranteed or money refunded P. Mil pect of race or color, saint or 1 DflV VAtl. If vnii nnro ' - MT~J J ? ? J "" " " - ?"C> /? CITIZENS BANK HE NDERSC he Paid in Capital, Ei ,rned Sur (f Stockhc Captital uh^Surp ,11 of which serve* as A guarant depoai ; J. B, Owena, Pre/ A, W. A Hunl LL I For Sale. One tract of good land, consisting of twenty acres, will make a bale of cot- * ' * ton per kcre, belonging to J. h. l>eblam ana adjoining the lands of J. G. Hurphyt S. S. Debnam and J jj. DaT. a It ife located close to "White Level ihurch and academy. ttltb Kood feeJ oom add atables. Also one nice mule incKJiaVnesa, and nice hi itch cow, tlso a^nare store house and stock of nerchaadtaeduul house hold and kitchm funtlture/T-Uit of farming tools, for further Information aPI I y to L J. B. DWkam, ^ JL F. D.jL Louisburg, ft. p. / For fp Fruit - Trees Drimmental Trees, ShrubsVRoses, Bulbs and Sulbouij^Blants, Grape Vine# Small / Frhits, Etc. Yo* an't /better yourself other :han / by investighting the ines of the - PERRY RURSRY COMPARY Represented in Franklhi County by W. H. Byrum, Franklinton, N. C. in Louisburg every Monday ^ook at this line before yom >uy, it will be saving dollars n your pocket. "V?ii v?Lp -if r me anything and it is doe es money to pay my notes you have to make your cotQ ? ?-r* * m sorry, but am organized a com- , sb, stables, ?tock uv./ a wuni wnat ear, he will listen radise. lie don't d 25, a hair rai?. this, sale I will ss, cows, hogs and ounts due J. H. ents and accounts make money by instantly go into run by. Some of around town and bout this sale in at every country >unties. Now re- * but will sell all 1 accounts. Saturi will see an adwhat they prolur money on your our hungry relaighbors Bee what law that makes They know they ' .You take no risk M : sinner, friend or *foe, 1 ait ?u pay me, or we willpiane ! * of HENDERSOH >N. N. C. plus and Individual I.iabiliti^ lders is lus $180,000.00 ? the Fund for the security sf lo?\ . C. Zollicoffer, Vice Pres. Cashier.

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