IPIBIII IIUP I II - Vrtf i % * J^ \ , ? : V s ? The Famous J^d^G Lamp The bed part of the day n the erauig. ?bcn the whole family ia gathered together around the lamp. r _\ ... The old .(Ufa of the mokjr fireplace one flickering candle ere goae forever. Ia thaar place hare come the coavenier.t oil store oru the mdaspefuable Rayo Lamp. There are to-day, in the United States a >00, more than 3,000.000 of these Rajro lamps, giving their clear, white light to more Kan 3,000,000 home^J/ Other lamps cost move, but you caanot s|a better light than the tow-paced Royo t v, gjve*. h has become to popular we may airhoist call k ** the official lamp of the American family." \ r\ The Rayo is made of solid brass, with hoadsome nickel fcaish?oa orsoacsl any what*. Ask r?W dealer far ? Ray* lamp; or writs l?r dmwipbt* csrcsW S* my iis.yklU Standard Oil Company _ (lacorwemtWl ~/u W. B. MORTON T . <M?U & ? Incorporated J . Chartered ^ciunvic tUMiNXTloM (wMSflBT) |Ka'. vXt~) ?>uptaio? 6la??? . w Errs by umr eMfjan^, an Mamo Amovu Matmobs* ^ i .J amo to Oaoca SPECIAL ATTENTION is call t< the facrthat my OPTICAL OFPi^E equipped with all instrui lents necessary- for making the most thorough and scu ntific examination nf the EYE, IS NOW OPEN AT D READY FOR .SERVICE The opportunity of hi ving your eyes examined by an experienced specialist is thus offered the public with the assurance that nothing pctesible shall be left undone to discover the cause-of and correct all errors of vision. OFFICE Next Door to Hotel Entrance Offics Hours From 4 to 10 O'clock. CITIZENS BANK of HENDERSON ^ HENDERSON. N. C. The Paid ia Capital, Earned Surplus and Individual Liabilities oi Stockholders is Captital and Surplus^ClSO,000.00 <-r All of which serve* as a guarantee Inmd for the security at deposiflpr*. \ J. B. Owens, Pres. A.\C. ZollicmlCT, Vice Pres. W. A. Hunt, yashier. With Increasing Years TVip Hntv nf nrnviHinor for 4-V*r?cp twHAm ttam mnot- oaa? V ?? w? V TTUV1U JWU U1UOI OWU Xl/at.U becomes the more it iperative. 3l will soon be too late. Meglecte 1 <fHlie< 1>ring increased angui-h in the final hoift . For full information regarding Th Mutual Life Policies, - see, 'phone or write. N. R. P. TAYLOR, - district Manager. Louisburg, Nyth Carolina Go to Sctoggin's Where you ' nil not only find the l^ost Complete Stock of Drugs Stationery, Toilet Articles, Etc. But you will find coutcsot and appreciation of vour business. You can thorouglpx. rely on each purchase being o: the highest grade and ptireil^uality obtainable. In Regard to On r Prescription Department Yot Can Rest Easy that your prescription is filled b\men that alwayi \ know their businessN. We are the s?h agents for the ceifetaated Rexall Remedie; and HuylerVXandj THE SCOGGIN DRUG COMPANY I . " HOME CIRCLE COLUMN TIIANKSUIVI.NU KKV Kit IKS. ' | The autumn of 1621 waned on a I prosperous community. Plymouth, was both healthy ami wealthy. Sickness, though had destroyed one-half the company of pilgrims, had ceased, and the crops, as a whole, had been good, the peas alone fail | ing. AI the houses in the settle merit had been put into condition and a goodly stock of furs Hnd prepared lumber had been made ready for export tp England by the next ship. The waters swarmed with fish and sea fowl were abundant Ths call of the wild turkey was I heard in the wooda and the patter of the Heeling deer was nothing strange. The summer was psst; the harvest ended. The pilgrims decid ed upon a p nod of recreation. The governor seht out four huntsmen, who in one day secured game to last the coluny a week. Hospitality was extended to Masaasoit of the neighboring settlement, who brought ninety people witb bim. The guests remained thirty days. The oompany engaged inrounde of amusements, in which military drills and religious services formed a part. Thus heartily and loyally was inaugurated the great New England festival of Thanksgiving. Kbr two oentories it has continued to be observed, at first mostly- in the eastern states, but it has now become national, its annaol return finding a welcome from boundary to boundary, both at top ami bottom and either extremity of the naiion. Thanksgiving day is the one day in the year when the nation turns to heaven in thanks for its preservation. The life of the nation is the piinci1 pal consideration; not on>y in life, 1 but its health, and its preservation m that condition in which it was established by the fathers of our country. Man uan thank Girl for] 1 their accuraolat one or supclicate I him to lighten their burdens, but i that ie not the purpose of a national thanksgiving. The nation itself, the political structure which was framed and handed down?it is the preservation of tliia tor which the people are to be thankful. * a* The Thanksgiving of a nation ia an act of grace truly impreseive yi its significance. The more thoughtful leaders of our people will lay leas emphasis upon the material prospeity of the Usited. States than upon its tremendous social and moral opportunities. For bountiful crops and heavy exports, tor high wages and increasing values, it is well to be thankful in so fat as these things minister to the life of the spirit, the makings of manhood, the enriching of the average experience. But for the enlaigement of our ideals, the raising of the standard of public duly, the increasing care of the weak and immature, the recognition of' responsibilities higher than the mere piling up of individual fortunes and a government surplue?for these things we may well give thanks. * 7 W Gf all national holidays none is I mora nnivoran'ixr />? m?ro 1 ? j ? jujuuojy celebrated than tbut of Thanksgiv. ing Day. Though of Ne* England origin and~fbr.mauy years confined almoat exclusively to that section. . It b?s slowly but surely extended itself ell over our greet country. ? It is fortunate the world cannot discern lh?T hidden thiDgs of the heart. There we can store our grief > to ponder over it in our leisure and ' give to the world only the smile a benevolent Providence may impart to our souls and that will strengthen . us to sing a hymn of Thankaglviog. ^ While sorrow may reign within, yet may peace and hope and confiding tiust surround every reader of thie column. Heaven bless you all this Thanksgiving day of 1911. ~ "It cannot b? that earth is man's J |_V_L11! 1 s ? . omy iioiuing place. it cannot be V that our life ia a bubble seat top by the ocean of eternity to \1oat a moment npon Ha wave* and aiok into notbingneaa. Ktoe, why ia it tbe r high and gioriona aapirationa which leap like angela from tbe temple of . our hearta are forever wanderjpg unaatiafied? Why ia H that tbe rainbow and cloud coma over aa with a ' V y'?. , -?/; -ft * . , ' , e. v% . .? '* T.V i _ i-_? - * * ^ r . ? - * . S'-N ? Are Y( C The j V \ Free .#&, Let me ^ Sample f ffij\ ^| _ . , I TO DEALERS TW Sotkra lev* I . iv | | I J[ Ike*! mam Knoana I U17 Pih ci Ovc c?r m | feal rtyto, <ri e tc wy beauty that puts off atv. leave us to cnuHe of their loveliness? Why is it that the jtars which hold their feati al around the midnight throne are set above the er.<si? .?ur limited ! * U!-- < - I lacumes, i ?r-v?tr turn-King ns with] I their unapproachable gh?ry? And,) finally, wh> ia it tfmi th* bright i forms of looi.ua beauty are present-, ed to our view and !ak??n from us,t leaving the-sireum* '>f our affec ionsj to fl ?w I-nclc in an Albino t??rrept ! upon our hearts? W? are^'boro t'or a higher destiny than tb;?t of earth. There is a realm wher?o the rainbow never fade?, where the stars wi'd l>? spread nut before us like th.- is'itnd* t that slumber on the nee hi m.d where ] the heanttful beings w i?ich pao* hefore us like shadows trill stay forever in our.preeence." In ihes- beau tiful"tlioughta we can all find much ! .to he thankful fjr, even *?f a vacant! chair is iu our home iid the dark | side of life seeint turned towards uk. 1 They will place a silver fining hack of jyay cloud. Ah a matter of fact,; we sli have muol<to be lliinkfid for.| Starts Luch Trouble. If all people knew thaineglertof con- i stipatioo would readt^ inpeyere indigeB lions, yellow jaumlic^y* virulent liver trouble they would aoonl ike Dr. King's New Life PUls, and ei Kjt It'. the only safe way. Beat I irHyliousnes.*: headache, dyadepsia, eh Is anVdebility. 25c at Aycock Drug Co. * Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Coi tain Mercury as rxrcury will fttftb destroy the mum of smell and txanpli ;?y derange tho whole sy3t*in whdho iteHnj it throfigh Iho murou* iurfaccs.1 Kb articles should never beutcd oxeep S^on p-CBcrlptions from rqputab.o physic! n\as th? damage they will do lo tea fo 1 t^tho good you can possibly derivo otn ttoem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manv icturc<K by P. J. Cheney & Co.. Tol? >, O., contains no mercury. and is tak< Internally, acting directly upon th? bio 1 and mucosa surfaces of th? system In buying Hall's Catarrh Cur? b? stir you get the genuine. It Is token lnh naTly and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J Cheney * Co. fea'^^byJDtuggy.^ fhiee 7lo per bottla. j x y **' I .. J ,,, | ' * " - , v ; ; - . i . % WliitiiTOitttWWliiini m a Woman ^ I TAKE ' I LRDUI I r UlliOll 9 1 Wilt | Vhy Suffer? rew w became acquainted with the merits of The Great Pain Remedy, tat and will with pieatise, send you a free sample on request. It is good f jf r man or beast, internal and external use, and is positively guaranteed to vt 3 ail that is rlainaed far it, or your money will be refunded. I X Noah's Liniment is the Best Remedy for Rheumatian in all farms, Mriahga, Neuralgia. Lame Back. Stiff Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat,. Colds, amtins, Strains, Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, Toothacha, jnd all Nerim, Bane and Muscle Aches and Pains. I Noah aN^mirnestt it sold at 25c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by I ?ki cut at the right Msfasd'opy^i oar raaaatarad t??tl- It', which is aaad oo wai UbeJ tad asta IliWiiMWMh's I hiBW "r-r^-r-?- r i ?u ? - .4. hrfrn ? U tks njt that tha wotdi Nohkt LUaaat always appear us red ink. Nona aanalna witbouttneaa taictiTailuia Eauyaaa abosJditrwaM of imitatou afared try onncxvpuioua cWW Wa will proaaptly p*alca?aay^igfrii^ial?<?af ?^a. Noah Martin, Noah R.mody Co., lac., P^V I <// Cut thiaCoupon out and Mail at once! * Noah's Liniment. ' |..i m >i ? FREE DEMONSTRATION FARMING WITH D Y N" AM I TJE " Drawn from actual pBQtoffraph. Ten months later?MM 00 worth of celerr per acre. Come anairarn the modern, quick, cheap and aale way U nap the giant force of dynamite to Remove Stamps and Boulders. Plant Trees. Dig Ditches. ? . Break Up Subsoils aad Make Old Farms Produce Big Crops. (spqhd cross mnamitsl Wm Be Demonatrated on the Farm of E. L. Harris, 3-4 mile Bast of Louisburg, Dec. 12th Bed 0r<*> Dynamic in ?>ld bv MoKinrwr Hro*. Co.,X. P. Hiokr Looi?burn, N- C., TJva H. Briihin A 8<>n, Hart-Ward Hard ware <>> Rnieivt>, N Cr <"n l-r-Bladrn Hardware C!o. Seaborn H C., Watkinn H "IwHr. (T.vH-ndi-r?t>ii, N. C., MoGhee-Jov- ?^ ner Co. Franklinton, N ('. ' W'' ' ins j53^3&iS2SB8S*S6illkai*8atiK -Jmrntt. a

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