. . <v*r % rJptX THE fR/> ? - ? . .. > ? >*" LOUIS] .BRING US. v. x Your turkeys, chickens, hams, butter, eggs and other miintr^k - o?^ -77 *r- f V*?i*vv | (UiU we will sell you your groceries, dry goods and shoes at savii g prices. :-;-f BRANTLEY HICKS THIS SPfi NOW BELONGS 1 I " HILL live Stock Ci / l\ Who has taken aver the business ol Company will carry the larges ' ! i horses, Mules, Buggie e * " f Harness and FarmM f . * ? I Ever carried in Franklin County, and w on long time to farmers, Not town i space for further announcement, * * I PPLEMI mil BURG, N. C,, December Is' W ill Pleaaants-hLs just received new shipment <r\ beautiful Cut Qlaae, in odd shapes, for Bridal and Christmas presents. !, For Sdle A Rood family horse erfectly gentle and safe, and a good a irry to be sold at anction at the courthouse square in Louis burg, N. C., on Sdtbrday, December 2nd, at 2 oclock. If >ou want a bargain attend this sale ll-24-2t W. E. Murphy 1 1 Notice to the Public. Will sell at publfc auction to the highest bidder for cash, on December the 14th, 1911, at thVlMrs, Bettie Mann place in Hams township Franklin county, two mules, cne bene, a lot of tarm implements fodder, jsnqeks, corn and IMW9, uuuaenoiu ana iiiciiwi iurm tore, waeons, buggies, habeas, one cow etc. Come and secure sorrL bargains. One lot of fattening hogs.' Tn.. November 20th, 1911. pd.?2t Mas. J. R. Jeff at.''. E. A. ROGERS Tinworjker. Louisburg, ^JN. C. Will make estimate s\)n any job Work Guaranteed. fcalKor write wl on in noed of anything in my line 7 tCE ro THE )mpany K. P. Hill. This ^ stock of \ _ Vt/ s, i^agons, lachinery \ ill sell for cash and folks. Watch this w . < - * CNT N 1 t? 1911 Pointed Paragraph*. From the Chicago News. ? After a woman makes op her mind what she wants to' do, she goes and doee something else. The average man hasn't much usefor a woman who attempts to convince him that be is wrong?and succeeds in doing p it. What's in a name? Well, there's the property many a man tarns over Urhts 1 wife. Probably a young man wojld enjoy ( kissing a girl even if it was eompul ?ry i; Bitten By Had Cats. Mr. J. T. Wester, of Cedar Rock township, this county, had the misfortune to have three children bitten or scratched by a mad cat a few days ago, and he carried the children to Raleigh this week to take the Pasteur treatment. Mr, Ollie May, who lives near J. W. B?. 'er's.'also had a child scratched by the sa,. s cat that attacked Westerns children, bu' it was decided that it was not necessary ?-* treat his child, as the injury was not coi idered serious. A Mr. Radferd, nea Centreville, this county, was bitten by a .. ad dog and is now in Raleigh taking 7. o Pasteur treatment. As the result of .his dog running mad, it is reported that, a general slaughter of dogs has begun in the Centreville section. Notice of Execution Sale j North Carolina, Franklin County. In the Superior Court, Ri F. Fuller va W. <3. Ayscue. 1 By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior r Court of Franklin County in the above entitled.action, I will Job Monday the first day of Jan. 1912 kt 12 o'clock at Ithe court house dooq in said county, I sell to the highest bidder for cash to b sHuisiy saia execution all uie rid;tit, e title and interest wbi h the said W. G. f Ayscue, the defendai t has in the following described real estate, all the interest in remainder a ter the life estate : of his mothet, Mrs. I arah Ayscae, dovised to him under t e w;n 0f the late I. G. Staunton, parti< ularly in the tract of land, in said wlU devised to Mrs. Sarah Ayscue apecifiraJU known as the "Jessie Person Plac< ".Nmntaining 200 acres, more or less. Saedsdefendant is said to have a one-s xth undivided Interest in remainder i l the Jeshte Person Place, and a one six h of one foarth un divided interest in remainder m the rest of the real estate of said I. G. Staunton which was'not speciflally devised in said will. This Nov. 29, 1911. W. M. Boons Sheriff. SALE OF VALUABLeTTOWN LOTsI By viture of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust msde and executed on the, 2nd day of May, 1910 by Anthony T. Neal and wife SaHie Ann Neal to Ben T. Holden,?Trustee which is of > record in Franklin Coun ;y Registry Book 162 at page 481 del salt haying j been made in the payment of the note a thereby secured, I will s< II at public j, auction to the highest bid ler for cash _ at the courthouse door it Lonisburg, c N. C. on the 4th day of December 1911 ? at about the hour of noon the following ? described real estate and town lots. j Viz: 1st tract situated in the town of j Louiaburg and bounded at] follows On ^ the north and east by theiot of Griffin ? ABeaeley on the west by Main street j leading over the bridge and on the j south by tar riyer, 16 feet front run- m ning Dack 20 feet and being the lot on v the east side of Main str? t upon which ei is erected a brick building or store _ house, 2nd tract beginning at a roca, t corner of Wiley May's < 11 Franltlinton road, thence n 52d,wl8 t oles 8 links to May's corner in Phil Williams tine . thence s 81 nw Ml poles : S links to Hil- ,, liard Yarboro's Austin C reen and Dan w iel Hazelwood's eorner, thence along ^ said road n 31 d e Vj po es 18 links to ^ the beginning, contain I >g one acre a more or less and comp ising the two v lota occup ied by both /jNr/Yleal and wife and H. A. Toole an< wile. y 3rd tract. That porti n or (and ly- A ing on the northern ban : of Tak river ~j on the east side of Main treet extend- ?< ing to the lot upon whict is located 'A. T. Neal shop and extei ding back S? w feet to the Griffin & B asley stables v and extending thence 11 a line with a the western end of said tables to the m river. A'so all right tit] claim inter- n est and demand of whatw ever kind and tr nature ike said A. T. l|eal and wife ^ Sallie Ann Heal hare in any and all other lands. This Nov I id., 1911 HEN. T. HOL >EN, Trustee, t I I I / J IMES ? V ' , > Cranberries and can celery at L. p. Helta'. Corn shelters at L. P. Hicks'. Heat roasters at L. P. Hicks'. Malaga grapes, bananas, oranges, spies and cakes at L. P. Hicks'. Rayo lamps, grates and heaters at L. ' \ Hicks'. Percolators, tea pots and diamond dge tools at L. P. Hicks'. i ' " ' ? WHY NOT USE CHRYSANTHEMUMS Tie Glorious \ Autumn .ftaERS.. - ?IOU IMKHV, OUIUBIIVOI sua violets. Bu bs for Spring planting if yon pi sase. J. L. O'QUINN & CO. Raleigh, N. C. Welcome Chance To Those Who Suffer ioming to'Douisburg, N. C,. on Thursday December 14th. to stay at Lancaster Hotel It. Francis S. Packard, of Greensoro, one day only, consultation and xaminatiom confidential, invited and ree. 1 J|< Tnm m X? I 'o see an of hie regulir Patients and such ew Cases, as may w sh to CO?alt him. ?r.Packard enjoysas ate wide reputation, mongthe professior and the Public oi forth Carolina, where for more than 2S , ears be has derated his entire time to the tudy, Treatment and Cure of Chronic iiaeases. The Doctor has had wonderful access in his chosen work, that of curing "> kroaic sufferers. Men, Women and Chilren. The Patients he has restored to leelth after they had |li? up all hope ( being Cured are lumber ad by the housands. He is a kind, generous, emocratic gentleman to meet, of high holarlv attainments, and dignified per inality. Coupled with a Brotherly inter. >t, in all who seek his advice. He does ot take a Patient for Treatment unless e can foresee a Cpre of the Case.* The lost commend able feature of Ma work, x id one that appeals to the ordinary sick arson, is the fact of his charge* being so laaonable and moderate as to make it ithin the reach,.of even the vety poor, t no time do the charges amount to ore than $7.00 a month or about $1.5C week. He gives his own" medicines, id there are po extra Charges. It taker m never more than from four to six iontha to Cure a Case under Treatment il Cases, even those who have been | ven up as lncurakU or Hspslisi, ba re Ma Cured and rttowd to perfect Milth bytWa BrilBabt PlfiMmnd the onaenui meinoa# ne employ I. If yoa want to meet him and have him J amine /on, go to ade him, nd talk the alter over with himA It will Coat yon liking If be doea nk pot yptt under aatmaat. If be takasWar ?an. it will at you a very amallaaak to gat waO. Rrniember the Date ? id cable early. ' / ' I \ ' v / / ' O J J " 1 I j g; "* & n

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