F ? Christmas c unday. * ?????? t Thh cartoons by Russell ia the NewsObserver are full of thought. ^ ?t Wonubi If the scientists of Mars j have discovered our new canal yet? I e Honest now, did you give thanLa x for the prosperity you have enjoyed. \ i" i Reports show that troops are being called out in Colorado to settle the labor \ troubles.^" c ????? i Tbe several Conferences held the p pact two weeks have ended amid much c good feeling. - c - b Rkally, do you believe that if the j e "?ie counter*' was done away with there would be as many republicans? \ ^ . r " Halifax county is working a' good r part of their roads with vagrants. A c good example for Franklin to follow. c 5! ^s Wb hope the Western wool growers r, told the President more than they were fc willing to cough up to the tariff board. 1 _____ f The United States Ambassador to Brazil, lrvmg Bedell Liudly, aiea in the ^ Johns-Hopkins hospital at Baltimore ^ Monday. """ . ^ ?????? ?' i The alleged unfair freight rates for a the transportation of eagles and cobras t - f will aot arouse any widespread popular 8 indignation ; t The North Dakota oourta hold that a man can demand and receive alimony a from his wife upon being sued by her Y for divojce ? ' \l It is a comme tarv on the American ; t idea of justice that we never begin to ! treat prisoners humanely until they' ( have been proved guilty. 9 a Wk ,don't know why. but in nine | ^ cases out of ten you can spot a young j man or boy who gambles by the at- ] tention they give their work. ? j ??^ And the n*ini>u*rs ar^sineiag the praises of Kinsten and its hospitable! people. Right they should as Kinsi?>u J is a fine place and (ull of pood people. ? ?? !a You* really can't expect a ru-'gro to do ! a week's hard work and earp six dollars, when he can sell a lot oi whiskey and TTT* make the same amount in less than six hours. Wk haye always heard that "a poor v ? excuse was better than none,", but we don't believe this will hold good in the republican party pretei.scs?they are j too* thin. i I A good lire Chamber of Commerce | \ in any town can do wonders in the ad- { ancement ?f the interests of the town that will open the eyes of the pessimistic citizens. > , 1 Therk is a suspicion that the steam 8 laundries liave incited this Chinese re- j bellion im order to make their rivals quit the collar and cuff bujinesa and go home to fight. _ 1 ? A Stamford man has presented to 1 Connecticut a sample soil from every t State in the Union. Now, if somebody g would do as much for New Hampshire, c It miffht grow a crop. ^ Im the death of J. P. Caldwell the tat* baa lost one of lta best citisena c and the press one ef its strongest and 1 Boat influential writer*, ills loaa will { ' be felt all through the State. A. New Yobk inventor baa a scheme 8 to prevent airshipe from obeying the law of gravity; but if hia attachment f will fit banian beings, can't we nav[- ' gate the welkin without aeroplanes? J j _ Fob the honor of Oar country next t year army officers will have to keep 1 eut of the home show contests and let J a bunch of Wyoming cow punchers ae* what they can do against the foreign riders. , " e Kivn until the white people atop being so ready to stand bond or loan ooney to the price of a fine for the negro, will the officials be able be break up . so much crap shooting and whiskey selling in Lou is burg. FimOM thousand people, mostly ?'n the Wall." It is truly time that an >nd is being put to the "iniquities" of he Republican party. Thbre is no use "cussing" the laws; hey are usually all right. The trouble fenarally is in the officers; however, the mblic need not expect the officers .to inforce the laws when tbey kaow they rill be severely criticised by the very >eople from whom they should receive ncouragement, a white man named John Rhodes, f Zebulon, and about 50 years old, was ound dead about one mile from that ilace on the Norfolk-Southern Railway in Saturday morning with his head rushed and brains scattered and exposed. It is supposed that he was killd by one of the night trains. !n passing through eastern North Carolina this week we saw a sign tKat ead "given awaj factory sites for any nanufacturing enterprise." Now why an't Louisburg start something likejthis inly don't wait for people to read the ign, but send it to theai. You mav lot know who to pui the proposition to, lut with an organization like a Cham>er of Commerce they will- be easily bund. Let's try it. Wa won't use names but we have >eeti informed by .those who have taken >art that there is a great deal of gam >H?g being carried on by the boys of -ouisburg. This is something that hould be stopped. If the fathers of he boys can't stop it then the officers hould be instructed to stop it, but if t is your son he catches, don't "euss" ihe officer and try to have it "squashtd," go up and pay the fiae like a man ind take steps to have your son change lis ways is jthe future. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver rablets do not sicken or gripe, and may >e taken with perfect safety by the most lelicate woman er the yiungest child, rhe old find them a host suitable remedy firStkling and lengthening their weakineabjgestion ml for regulating the bowels. Fhr sale iv al dealers. . overtaxed" iundreds of Louisburc Rene* ers Know What it MeansTie kidneys. are ??vert?iXeJ. If iVe to much, to do. T^ev lell about it in many aches n?i pains ? lj.-iekr.04e, dizziii'M?, Vfiiiiiiclic Early symptoms ?>f kiifBhy ills Urinary troubles, dtab*?tts,lSrie lmdscr lame tnd weak baefc^pd I would not be vithout a supply VtgAhandl I have irocured Doau'a KaduSw Fills and ia?H taken them w rye neve rise y back >r kidneys hare bothered |mei\Reief has always tollcnreh L a short; inie and at the I am in [oofa health. I hard ot?n rscoma ended Doan's Kidneys rills io my riends." '-r\ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 en's. Foster-Milburn Co.y Buffalo^ lew York, sole agents tor the Jnited States. ICemember the name?Doan's? nd take no other. There ia little danger from a sold or rom an attack of the Wip except when ollowed by pneumonia and this never isppen* when Cbsnlup^lain's Cough wjmr'iy is asea. inu rtdlsdv ft 14 won ts srreat reputation and Vxtehaive sale >y ita remarkable ernes Y>f colds and ;rip and can be relied napn with imslieit confidence. For salew>y all dealre. \ Fine Hne of Chriefmaa candies, nuts set at M. C. Pseaaante. ~R&\ BAKING I The only Biklh (remR?yalQrt|H ,j ? auim, no i * f ' -:-1 '* V>-.. : . _ -* t?y - ~ ~ i*5* i ^ -i 1 ? Suggestive Questions | On the SundaylScbsol Lesson by Bev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club CspynpAt JllllMan.T 5 XiiuUt, D. V. DECBMUKU 10TH, 1011. Nehemiah hiuI Hi* Enemies, Neh. vi. , Golden Text?The Lord ie the atreng.h of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Pa. xxvii; 1., (1.) Verses ^1-2?-When God is blesaiug ua with great success it) our I work how does tl at generally affect 1 those who are doing the same kind i of work? (2.) Which are the worst enemies I and why, those who outwardly de-' clare their hostility, or those who ' pretend to be friends and are secret-1 !v working for our injury? (8.) Why instead of being annoy-1 ed, did not Sonhallat and his mun- \ pauy admire and ..prais* Nehemiahj ! for his wonderful success? 1 (4)' In u race it is fair for each to I try to win; hut what is the character I i of tile one who puts oitt hi* (opt jind | trip* up his competitor? - (5.) What would you my were'the reel motives of Sanbullat, and his | ! friends* iu wanting to prevent the ' building of the wall of Jerusalem? (0.) When men have for years ' neglected, or failed to do a needed ( work, how do they generally feel when others do that work? (7.) How would you characterize the answer of Neh miata to the invi-^ tation to a conference with Saabaillat? ' (8.) What may be expected of bus ^ iness ' r professional men who neg- ^ "lect th-?ir calling and spend much ^ time iu plating bail or other pas i times? (9) Y-raes 4-8?,Wby were they I, so anxious to have this outside con- j ference wi\h Xehemiah? (10.) If a false report gets cireu-]. lated about a mail who is doing a ^ good work, h w much, it ur.v notice, ^ should he talve ot it? i. (11.) What pud ahlv would have | been the result if Xehemiah had ( | gone to this mnferenco in order to ^ protect his good name? j, "'(12) Why ii > people - ? often itn-11 pugn the motives of those who are ^ succeeding in doing a good work? . (13.) How should we treat those I < wlio oppose us. or- speak evil of us? (14.) What . arguments did op. could Sanliallat use t>> justify the ac- | cusation wliieh he said people were | making against Nebemiab? (15.) Is slander of good people^ generally pure fabrication^ or is it a L perversion of actual facts, .as in this j | case? I (16.) Verse SI?There is. a.natural | I tendency for us to be more or less ^ I afraid of such devilish and persistent t enemies as these; "what, therefore, is our best method to keep up our courage sud succeed? (17.) Versea 10 14?What would ' have happened if Nelieiniah Had been ' -tempted to tear, and had shut him- j selfdvp in the temple, as lie was ad- J vised? . . ' i (18.) la what clan would you ] place the sin of moral cowardice? ! (19.) Which are the more rile < and why, bad men in a pioua garb, ! or out-aad-out sinners? (Thia ia one j ot the questions that mar be ansvcer- , ed in wriiiog by membere of the . ?'ub:) ? ( (20.) How did Nehemiah diacern , the hypocraey ot Shemaiah? ' (21) Verses 16-18?How long nid ( U take them to complete the wall? ( (22.) What qualities did Nehe- ( miah display that ere still esseotinl i for success? Lesson for; Sunday, Dec. 17th, . 1911. Ears Teaches the Law. Neb. j SwDLR | g PrnMer made j sCredfjofTartar j 71f: ' . :V-':S\ \.S: ' ' ^Wmr'^Wr^ S ? ' f , ^ _ \ v?afe'. > 'al- liffiBBCkrW " w Farmers and M LOUISBU * * Where There's a M Is an old and a very true saying , and in than in the matter of saving mo ley. E' earnings, as it is not what one larns bu Start a savings account\this mo ith with Make Ban] \ I \ Farmers and-Nl Louisburg F. N. Egerton, President V M. S. Clifton, Cashier. \ rstop 1.. CONS * V ? We have acceptedihe agency for the o ? - three-piece Iron Bed. The above nai p more loose rails, falling, slats, resting shown this line of beds. "'Satisfaction dealer in each town. 1 | Just a few more cott'*; . - :.ok-o aa?UVv..'iA,f tt