FRANK&jw TlMEb A. f. JOtlNSOM. frltw OA W?Mger FmpAY/jrt?o. H911 . TAR DROPS. ?Next Monday is first Monday. ?Thanksgiving passed off quietly. ?As usual, at Hill's klgannual ral< a, Louisburg waa full of people Friday and Saturday. r ?Practically all business was suspended in Louisburg yesterday in observance of Thanksgiving." -r?Every farmer in Franklin county should attend the farming with dynamite demonstration to -be held at E. L. n^ris soon. '^V-So far it is almost unanimous that the contest just closed was one of the fair est newspaper contests ever conducted in the recollection of the Louisburg citi; xenship. ?For the date of the demonstration of farming with dynamite, see their advertisbmentun another column. You may not Use their method but it will "be ? worth goiag to see just the same. ?Our Raynor correspondent Bends us the following . item "lire friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wilder are congratulating them upon the arrival of their little son Melvin Curthbut Wilder Jr. N | ' ?The ladies of the Episcopal church i* will conduct a Bazaar, atthearmony on the 8th and ^71h of December 1911 for I the benefit of the Orhpanage. This is a very w irthy object and nil who can should patronize it, ? We are indobted to Mr. J. J. Barrow for his assistance in getting up the paper thia week during the absence of the editor, who waa called off suddenly to be present at the bedside of a sick aunt. We extend to him many thanks. ?How many times have you thought r spoken evil of your fellow-man this week? Remember we all live in "glass houses" and it may be the other fellow is talking about you. Get right yourself and then you can talk, not before. ?The attention of the readers of the Times is directed to the change of advertisement in another column, ot the Big Racket Store. They *Kave old 0Santa Claus on display in all his glory. Read their advertisement and go to see thenar* ?We directed thev attention of our readers to the change of advertisement o! Dr. W. B. in another column . \ He is fully prepared to exarhine your Ve\vs and properly administer ttVatment If you are in need of his services read -V his advertisement and call to see him. ?There is something doing on the tobacco market . here! large sales and higher pric-ej than has been known for eral years.'- All .the farmers are ased beyond expectations. Bring your tobacco to Louisburg, and go home with a pocket full of money and make yourself and family happy. y, ?Owing to the fact that the editor had to leave Louisburg the past week we were unable to get all the new subscribers entered up in time for mailing this week. We will try and get them all entered foi our next issue. However, the loss of this issue will be added at the end of your year. ?We understand that the Graded School closed from Wednesday afternoon untill Tuesday of the following ^ week in order that the teachers rnav attend the Teachers Assembly to be held in Raleigh on Th.ursdav the oOth. at which time Hon. Champ Clark, of Missouri, will address the assembly. ?The aiany friends of "J. M. Person ill be glad to learn that he has now located ia Raleigh. He haa taken a position with the Carolina Power Co., ol that place, and owing to his intricate knowledge sf this feature of their business and his application he^rill no'doubt meet with great. Bucsess. He informed the editor this week that he expeeted (Js more his family there in the neat j future. He is a splendid engineer and his many friends here wish him good luck in his new position. ?If our subscribers value their time they will find the advertising columns of the Tims a most valuable guide in | making their purchases. The man who does not advertise will tell you he can ell you cheaper,) because ha saves the cost of an advertisement, but this is a mistake as his other expenses are not reduced by his actions and the man who advertises sells three dollars worth to the other man's one. You can redily see that the money placed in printers ink bears exceedingly good interest You may not bdlieve this statement, bat if you will give It a fair "trial yet will always use It" ^ U. D. X.~ The daoghtersef the Joseph J. Davis ^^ptor will moot at the homo of Mrs. 8 White on Wednaaday aftersoon December 8th atS o'eloek, A1 members rrquoeted to be preeent. . * . f Mas. J. P. Winston, Pres. MRS, W. E. UZMLL, SEC. Book Club Meet *he Book Club ws* delightfully entertained by Mrs. M. C. Pleasants at her heme on^Q^stoMt^oi^MoedM _ , * . . t ; " * * ." JUnVuiL* - ' *s '' * . of diacussed witH much inter-*.. Mrp. T.. B. wilder gay* a * j renimg on ,Wfide?r 'tulle, and Mr*. * j Mali'tum M?*Klnn^ u the Cartl-s of , EtwUii both of which were very in- ( , ter?-srii * ^ i-ni --Laining. Mum * Ho rty ? -kid, addr mm here *1/ to the 1 ipri-cip*' kichftvc u?* of tfc%? Castles 4 land t-wtht-drala.' >eve??l courses of ( j dainty r>'fr^hm**ntb a - served, much 8 [to ?.he enjoyment of tU: iadj*?s present. The . iuo %i!l m*tji wuh Mis. T. w. Bicketiun i.r>e 14th day of December. - W ? i "1 d?> not hall there m any other 1 medicine e?> gdn I for wi?-'Piuk cou r> ps Chain eriam's l^u^h Remedy,*" wr-ies Mrs. Francis ' uthvo luuctioii City, Ore. Tins rem <ly i* >lao uusurpassed ^ f??r col?l.< 4ai.d < roup ror ?an? ov all * dealers. ? I , - ( SOAP CU53LES. / Thinness of ths Gray Hutd Films Just Before They Barst. What la a soap bubbleNothing bnt j a film of wnter molecules held together ; t by the cohesive power of hoop Id hoIu- i t tlon. A roh;? bubble's size and strength ! t depend upon the r'gbt comi>osltlon of I2 the mixture that furulslipH Its mate-j< rfiil. The color* lo u soap babble are |8 due to what ts known tn^physlra as the ! interference qfjlgbf. and depend upon i the varying fhl:%kn?*s of the tllm of . xvater . , I ] The observer who watches a bubble . as It la blown will notice that the col- j ors rapidly chase one another over the fllm.v globe He will also eee that j they vary in hue. growing less and , i bBKs^brtght at the top of the bubble jJ been use there gravity stretches- it i j downward and makes the tilm thin- L nest. I, It is a singular fact that the last-, color to appear on a soap bubble Just j 1 before It breaks is a gray tint. The .? thickness of the film when this tint | appears upon it is less than the one ; hundred and .flfty-slx-thousandtb of an [ Inch. v X, , Were a soap bubble to be magnified | to the size of the enrtb and the mole- j cules magnified in proportion, then the i whole structure wonlri he us eoarw i grained as a globe of small leadabot '< touching one another at their surfaces.. 1 In the blowing of n soap bubble there 1 la presepted the spectacle of the , stretching of a liquid to the eitrem* J< limit of its capacity. In this way we j| come nearer to a sight of the invisible | mojecules'of matter than could be got 1 in any other way no matter how-elub- } { ornte the experiment- KxcbangeT* "AFTER 15 YEARS I AM WELL"! Mrs. Mary Amanda Nash, of Luzuberton, | IN. C., writes: ."For ye;trs 1 was a so- . . vcre sufferer from chronic dysentesy, | ; brought on by acute indigestion. It ul.-?o brought on catarrhal headache which de- 1 I bliitated uie so 1 liad to lie down three or I four houra each dRy. My general health 1 was greatly impaired, and I wu weak aud licrrous. One day X had cne of those terrific headaches, aud my daughtfer-lu-livv suggested that I try Mrs. Joe/ Person's . Remedy, 1 did so, and the *very llrst doso relieved that headache. J continued to use it, aud for the first time in fifteen years 1 am well. It is the beet medicine compounded In tblB world." f Most people regard" stomach troubles (and these Include ludigesjlnn. Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Nervousness, etc.) na of little consequence in their early stag s. Never was a more aertoaa mistake made. Whe'n the appetite is/gone, the nerves shattered, the temrier /uined, the body emaciated, spasms of niln frequent, sound Hleep_impospible, refreshing rest unknown, they wake up to mqf fact tlint. stotnii'h trouble Is u weriouf Inattcr. When ti is stage la reached, tpf only thing la the world that will cuiefyou is ? MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. It-restore* energyMto J"dcd digestive or- , pans, stimulates a nealthy flow of pnstrlc juice, "and -brings Ivery portion of the I stofnnch back to imrmal health. It Is n I strictly vegetable compound, and contains no harmful mineral Ingredients whatever. As a Tonic. Alterative, Blood Purifier and Nervine It hns no eanal. ' , Don't permit an7 dtscadb of the stomn'-h j to go untreated. As soon as yon feel the I s'lghtest effects of Indigestion or any of I 1 the other aliments directly attributable to | a derangement of the digestive orirnns, i>ergln at once the use of Mrs. Joe Person's.J Remedy and a complete cure will be an easy matter. Tf your trouble Is of long standing, this-Remedy will still cure yon? I but It will, of course, take longer. We want yon to .write us for testtmon- I , Is Is from people who once suffered tbe tortnres of indlgestka. Dyspepsia and other stomach aliments, bht who are now sonnd and well, and eat what they want without a sign of dlwtnaa. . m vanv? u> tlVUDICi J IHIHUl UJ?Mob. uloerotlon or Hehtaf kanor, our I Wuh Bhotilrt ho ntofl with the Xrnrdj. For nh by drossl'ls. or sopplled dtroot OB receipt of prior. tit* por bottler t bot- | tin for 15. Si; 1 down by sipres# prepaid for rm, br ' mTjh ronri uutk. i j , Butcher knires, sa istfge . mills, sausage h tuff era, sage. baltV^pepper and 1 lard cans for hog killing at L.f\ Hicks'. i1 All kinds Chrnbnas toys at M C. i Pleasants. 1 ^ ' Remember thatjio. W. King is onerstocked In firework*. They will be sold I cheaper than erer jhihpir. ' I Dont fail to Bee that new lot of fine dishes at M. C. Plejahnta'. ?-?l? All kind of candies, cake , nuts, seeded raisins, currants, datetvli, s at , ' Jso. t Kinu'b. ' A fine Xmas present! can be selected from the new lot of\ china at M. C. Pleasants. V > ' \ CMCHESTERSraJH DIAMONO BRAHO 1 PWl "I am pleased Ao recommedd Cham- i ierlii?"? CohgW Remedy aa the beai hlng I know of and aateat remedy lot < onghs, colds shd bronchial trouble,' . vrltes Mrs. L IK Arnold, of Denver) ' 3oto. "We have u^d it repeatedly anr < t has never fAiled to jttve relief." Foi I ale by all dealers. | Don't buy your Xmas toVs, caodiae < itc., until you visit M. C.d Itsllknts j Wanted. - < W bite or colored tmanu one horse i arms, Harris tovriistim^- Mrs. W. P. 4 1a*i.. / , Wanted. j Vomen and girls ta make men's under- * rear, work light and clean, good wager r laid while learning. Address W, W. 'hapim, Supt. Melrose Knitting Mill, r Raleigh N. C. ' = S Auction sale. On Friday morninA December 8th, ^ till, at 11 o'clock'atithe home of the * ate W. T. Strickland, near Raynor. * he undersigned wilusell at public aucIon the following; 1 piano, fifty or six- ? j barrels of corflkfndder and Bhucks, C ! registered Jersav hogs, 1 horse, 2 C lows, farming infpwi^ents, household I md kitcher* furnitpre. ' A. R. sBaqouiD , fV. J. bTRIUKtXNI) 1 fil' P. SntlCKL.vNi) J I Administrators . L2-l-lt . | < : < Land Sale. < "By virtue of an order of the Supe- i ior Couit of h'ranklin county, madaln a > >l ecial proceeding entitled, Mrs. Sue P. Alford, admx. of L. S. Alford the \i andersigned commissioner will expose ^ jo sale to the highest bidder,, at the i ;< urt house door in Louisburg, N. C.; i :?u Monday, the first d*y of January 4 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, the following | described real estate, situated in said Franklin county, to *wit; Beginning at a stake, C. M. Vaujhan's corner, thence n 1 l-2d e 25.6r> ahaino tn > afnli? - ? * ' IV/ B DUinc, 1UI11IC1 y a I'UIC | stump, Vaughan's corner in Mrs. Yarborough's line; thence jby survey made from copy of Mr. Fuller's survey of about thirty years ago, s 87d e 11 10 chains to a stake now Mrs. Yarborao h's corner; thence n 3d el chain to &n elm; thence e 42.60 chaias to an ash on Little Creek; thence a 8d e 1 chain to W. K. Davis corner; thence w 20.60 chains to a pine stump; thences3d w 25.26 chains to Little Creek; thence s 5d w about 7 chains to a stake and pointers in Harris's line; thence a new line n 88 l-2d w 16 chains to a stake south dt^ttm?iM^eeki_thence n 1 l-2d e 8.25 chains to a ro<!Tr~ttlence n 88 l-2d w 10 chains to the beginning containing one hundred acres. The terms of the sale shall be one third cash, remainder in twelve months with interest thereon from date of sale. This the 28th day of November 191L R. B. WH TB. > Commissioner. Toy lifb UNDER Thje | Racket 1 _Stor e .Open Up. Friqay NI( HT\ The ladies ai d children are especially invited \o come i nd see \ SANTA CLAUS^ Dressed in the original i > costume. The children \ are earnest!) requested to < bring a lettei and put tn < the postoffici. Old Sanva < wants a full muse. < ^?1_ '* * Mrs. A. K. Hall i ?????J*" . i !' . a ' . I {?.w ?, i ^ u . < h. Ntf .1 sLA ^ ? ? ??? FIRST NATION, ^ \ CopyrJifWTlsi.^. b? C. p. Zirorr. tj . While your income is steady and everyth M miss a bank account, bu/under adverse c r that you have spent. >t)?n't wait for the p account today <0 \ 0 - 0 | FIRsV nVt'O | /President, Wm H.\rUFFIN ??p - - _ . . ? t' " ' ' . ' I THANKSGIV' Do you realize the nearness of it iy We do, choicest line of fancy gioceries for try occasion. ^F stock of pnauges, apples, lemons Maytja graphs, prunes, Capo Cod cranberries, cocoa-nuts, mixed A <;lobe onions,< macaroni, TarDell's^ieese, navy be X farina, Sizon wheat, cream of \Ufeat, corn Hake* JT ami small hominy, buckwheat Jplur, paucake flou Prsturn, Phase ar.d Sd^bornVd;'..Veotaii coffee itr ^F vegetables, c inned meats, camnel soups, canned meat dressing?, spices, crackers, mixed i pudding, mince meat, jew, ge mine, cut loaf, pu] ^ saur kraut, catsup, bottljA houey, grifpc juice, P and preserved ginger, Xlijve oil, salad oil, oinnei X especially invited to our sanitary pickle ) | TlTp. Hk . a It Tn r T I Friends and || We have some bills to paSj/Tiov. 1st., Z || by paying your accounts/ol? or before be small, but we have hundreds of tl X || don't want to oppress anyone\ but to collections. Your acciunt is due and X || come in and pay it by/ Nov. lst\ t\| Beasley-Alstoi , \ * $ .<5 ? vi k ' -.4^ . k " ' '' V.L BANE (NEVER I SS THE | (LTERTILL | IE WELL 1 LJNS DRY I CART A - | -i INT TODAY I errnr.n Co.?No. 6J y ing is running smoothly you don't ? circumstances you miss the money weil to run dry but start a bank. X 0 %0 0 0 0 , x, : NAL BANK J Cashier, F. B. McKINNE. ^ LVN XSXLi >.~t x 'NG DAY f ' , Hii'I have stocked our store with the So let ua help you for the day froiu our bittanas,. ridsind^Trnrrahts. Smyrna tigs, ^F nuts, celery, Irish and sweet potatoes, ians, Lima beans, oatmeal, rice, tarinose/'r , gru-jH nuts, tapioc-*, potato cliips, large r, .Graham flour, criscuit, coc ?a, chocolate, id Jens, pickles in bottle <-r bulk, tanned 8-a foods, canned and preserved fruits, ^F cak^s, !?iv&d, pound oak-', fruit cake, plum Iveii7.f?d. hrmni aiiH tn-iimlufua un<^..?-c , .... b "" i""-? tneapple juio% maple svrup, crystal ized ' mint*, and KuVBttr'B candy. You are i?l -lay. ?? | lk.S, Louisburg, N. C. ^ * :? X )ur I Customers | and appeal to you to help us J that day. Your account may X lem and they count up. We > meet our bills we must make X again we kindly ask you to i Drug Co. I

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