y Notice of Sale. ** Under and by virtue of the "power c sale contained in a deed of trust, ex* noted to me by W. -J. ?If rd and wife I. V. Alford. on September 6th, IOCS ?nd recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin county, ii Boo 162, page211, I will sett at publi auction at the c?>urt house door, a Lnuisburg, on Mo day, the 18th day o ecember, 1911, at 12 M. o'clock fnrcasl Hie following described real and per soual property, or so much thereof a may oe necessary to satisfy said deei f trust, to-wtf All that ti^jx?>r par oel of land situate in Fran lin county in Freeman's (now Youngsville') T??wn ship, bounded and described as folio ?s Veing Lot No. 1 of the Jeffries Mil Tract, according to a survey made fo: Ben M. Moore by H. A. Chappell. No ember 12th, 1904, the said mill trac feeing fully described in a deed of trus recorded in the office of the Register o Deeds of Franklin county, in Book 100 at page 257 H. and the said lot No. 1 feeing described and liounded as follows Beginning at a sukejpu the north sid f the canal or mifl race, one chain fron the corner, formerly a targe gum on th< south side of mill rsc?* thence N, 511-4 deg. W. 19 ch., N 0d 3-4 deg ; W. 1( oil. 7& links to a white oak; thence N 170 'W. 6 chains, 80 limes to a stone or hbe east side of the (Wakefield road thence across the road B. 87 3^4 deg. W 4 chains 40 links to a stone athighwatci mark of mill.pond; theftce up the |?onc at highwater mark abdut 32 chains. 4; ikik* to a stike with lafge pine pointei n Stand mire branch hegce f up the jffaneh following it varicaiameanderings *-^?bout 15 chains and 95 inKfeyto a stone in B. . Moore's line, formerly the Leach land; thence with B. M. Mbora'* Hne across the Wakefie I road s 3 dfcp: 64 chains, 73 links to he beginning, containing 145.82 acref a cording to said survey, Also the follow ng articles of personal property: Two mare mules, Sarah and Kit; one sorrfel horse. Rat; %ne sorrel ma e, Maude: ltwooxen, Seymore and Ben; one whit? and orarig? teer; two milch cows, on? red and one mousn rnlnred: nnp Koifar <> ? yhite aud orange heifer, one grade Jersey bull calf, one grade Jersey cow calf ne 1 h. p. engine, 1 mower, ore horst rake, one spotted cow* and ten pigs, tw< . double wagons, one wheat separator ne cutting knife, one set of scales, on* smoothing and one cutaway harrow, on? hay carrier and all plows or machinery tools and utensils now on the land: . ? above described, together with all rh increase of any of the above describee oattle or stock. This, 17th day of November. 1011. Bapt M. Gatlinq, > ?'? Trustee. ^ * Sale of Real ^Estate. Under and by virtue onthe power con ferred upon me in a certain deed o: trust, executed to me byUohn Dunstoi and Norwood Dunstoh, recorded in thi fflce of the Register of Dteds of Frank lin county, in Book 16^, pbtge 5M. an< at the request of the holder of the note, secured in said deed of tmst, defaul having been made in the payment there f, I will, on Monday, the 18th dav o December, 1911, at the* hoik of noon sell at public auction at tFil*fcmirt housdoor, in the town of Louisbur|\N. C. t? the highest bidder for cath, aKtha ctrtaln tractor parcel of lind sitoat in Franklin county,. Frankhraton town ship. State of North CarolinA and de scribed as follows; Bour.def on th? north by the lands of Anders-si Fort am Peter Kearney, on the east bl the landi of Lr.venia Wilder, on the soath by th< la nds of Peter Kearney, and oa the wesi by the lands of Lena Joyner,\ contain ing one-fourth of an acre, mor^ or less and being the lot wheren the said Johr Dunston resided at the time of the exe cation of said deed of trust, tc-Wit, No vember 30th, 1910. This, the 17th day of November, 1911 W. H. Yahborough, JK., Trustee. i Lost Between Frankljntob and Louisburj n Wednesday night^a 7-8 karat dia rnAnW OTnrr XI ~ OO OAC VTk- H 1 :i - V..M ink, *'W| fcb??vv. r\iirc iiiiuvi WH be liberally rewarded byyeturning same to Miss Marguerite Miuikin st-Louis burg Female College. \ 11-24-tf r Wanted A woman white or colored to nur& an old lady not conftne^Jjio bed. G<*> price will be paid. reply b Box 198 Loui3ho??r jjTjC. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator c the estate of Mrs. LilU Ayscue, deceaa ed, late of Franklitf county, this is t notify all havingelaims against said ef tate to present the the nndei signed 6n or before t^e lOtVday of Nc vember, 1912, or this fotice will be plea in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate.will pleaae mak immediate payment. This November 10th, 1911. W. G. Ayscue, Adm'r. Wm. H. Ruffin, Attorney. Mortgage Sale of Town Lol By virtue of a power of sale con tail ed in that certain mortgage, execute on the 6th day of .time, 1907, by A. W Alston and wife, .Jennie c- Alston, I lira. Bettie G, Kesris, which mortgaj ia duly recorded, in the Registry < Franklin couaty.iiu book No. 156, i page 828, default having been made I the payment of me indebtedness in sa mortgage secure!, the nndanigned wil on Monday, theJHtb Jay of Decemhe 1911, at about lie hour of noon, at tl court house docI, in Louiaburg. N. C offriffor sale tof the highest bidder fi ' / cash. Ahat valuiblo and desirable rei dence On the east side of Church stree in the totao ofjouiaburg^ which ia mo ning on tM*3atern aids of Chun street, in sakSawn of I-onishurg, at) iron stake neaS ak.elm tree, Mr*. L. 1 Cariyle's corntr; \hence along aa street in a aoofiierlyWrectioo one ha dred ftet stAe^a. ^ttw I ^TwJo'iSrVivsooltelSfi.ii. f i \ . FELT BAD ; ALL THE TIME, c Shellfc# Lady Suffered a Great J Deal. Bat It All RJJht Now. b , *1 Shellhorn, All.?In a letter from this j place, Mrs. Carr blay says: "A short time SCO. I coifcmenced to have weak 1 _ spells and hea laches. I felt had all the time, and soon crew so bad I couldn't nay ui. I thought I would die. ' At last isbaad got pie a bottle ? of Cardul, and a helped me; so he got g t some more. A 'tee I had taken the second bottle, wah entirely well. ' I wish ever lad^, suffering from 0 womanly troul Is. would try Cardul. " It Is the best i isdlclne I kuw of. It v did me more go >d than anything I ever 8 > used." v a | Cardul Is i woman's tonic?a " ) strengthening * aedlclne for women, fl made from Ingredients that act spe- r' > clflcally on the 'womanly organs, and ' thus help to bull! up the womanly con1 stltutlon to glowing good health. n I Ass remedy for woman's ills, It has a > a successful record of over W yean. ti Tour druggist sails It. Please try It. h N. B.? Writ* to: Ladlas' Advisory Dept.. Chatta- (a won Madicina Co.. Chatunooea. Tacn.. tor ifrtoial I . Jns/rurtwru, and M-pax? book. Hoom Treat man! far Woman, sent In plain wrappar. on raaucsU ft V ' ^ j don't suff :r With w -! % ' dr : Kneumnism \\ It u the tW (Ikjcuiivg and discounginc of al<?toablMi ' Nine ttse?\ut of fteii can be i cured by mi'i lliniawt | Where tKcwv.ii nWswellintf 01 or fever a few VpfrKrwions will I relieve you. It ]hittrite> CO does not evaporate he other ; or re^nedice?re^ui I e V^Kttic , f0 > ( Noah's 1 lalmiat It the oisA rtmedy Ml | aJ RheuTiatiun.. ficistic*. Link Back. 8tMTN > ; Join* a and Muscles, Sore fntat, Gold*, S. J ' t3;rains..Bpcata*, Cuts, ^ l|i ]U . 9 Bruises, OsUc, Crsmps, to Neuralgia. Toothache, a - ] and all Nerve, Boac H f j and Muscle Aches and sc Pains. The genuine has aJyWySq el * j Noah's Ark on every ^ package and looks like WMfM j . ? | this cat, but has RED JIUkl.M I u t band on front of pack- ipMlPJ 1 p< p age and "Noah's Lias- |inir|jtt| i n meat" always in RED !lmMlld| ink. Beware of 1mlta- ? ? 1 c " tlona Large bottle, 25 ?1iM 1 al I cents, and sold by all ?? * ? I ^ dealers in medicine. /T ?*?*" ' ir 3 Guaranteed or money I7t??11 refunded by Noah MmmTmmm * t Remedy Co., Inc., ?0] Richmond, Va. 3SBB9I , N I Mr. Saw IJ . I j ti s Mill Man |i Is \ ? O t< b f| Let Is SeM for You \\ Write us or^rices. ? f L. B. Walker & Co. Cash Lumtx r Buyer Office Nd. 12 J Bank of Commence Building 1 ;; '.Norfolk] Va- i * r, J | FOR SALE CHEAP I r, 160 (.air mens hairy shoes No. 10, ( ?? 100 pairs of men* heavv shoes No. | aJ. 11, 40 pairs meml heavy ahoea No. ( it- 12 sod 13, 400 lairs nice Sunday 1 t, ahoea No. 10 and\l, 30C| pairs wo- 1 re men shoes No. 8 t* 4, 175 pairs wo- 1 ? roan shoea.No. T tl 8 The above ( in must be sold ?t--a \l<>ss 200 wool 1 1. undershirts for menrtige of medium 1 Jd weight underwear fdl tUbsWomen if . K" yon wear a No. 3 oa 4 aiOT-jgo. 8 J ea woman shoe just spay. P. WihStoo ( i'a before yon bur. . Aho about 1M s {b salts alothea, all No 85 and M, one 1 JJ lot ladies skirts. In Upt everything i way down under eoac.V j J. P. Winston I |. ' a***' v ' - -irtfc.iiV w -hi i Dw zatmmB na^ewBixiSi rp. V- MT * * ' .v' SUNDAY SCHOOL. .es?on XI.?Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 10, 1911. [ HE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Tmxt of tho Lesson, Neh. vt, 1-12. Memory Vers#, 11?Goldsn Text. Pc. xxvii, 1?Commentary Prepared Ly Rev, D. M. Stearns. Chapter v tells of a great wrona moug the Jews themselves, for mil rere holding mortgages ou the laud nd houses of their poorer brethren nd lending money at a high n rhllo for twelve years Neuewlah a. overnor had refused to be cimrge? ble to the people or to take nn.. liing from them. Ou the contrary. L; fvl at his own table lot) Jew.-, uiui j alers besides those who came fro J 3e nations rbout them, and all.this :: Is own exi>en9e. i Chapter vl U a record o* his enernUsrom without who earnestly sought to o him iiersonal harm. First tho> io light to do blm mischief by enticing Im to meet them In one. of the vil iges in the plain of Ono. It Is eve: ue that the wicked plottotb aguiu -' le Just, watcbeth the righteous jiu-I *eketh to slay him (Ps. xxxvlL 12, -22> ut the Lord shall laugir at him. for 'e seeth that his jlay is coming. Ev y child of Cod must expect to be ated by the world- -and to suffer Ibulation and iiersecution (John ?:v. 1-20: xvI, 33; II Tlin. 111. 12). and ii lould be accepted us a g^ft from God id a special privilege (Phil. 1. 20: I et. lv. 12. 13). Xelieclr.h's reply to the first ten ? tlon, lh verse 3, U worthy of lmlta an oy uu earnest (jnnstian workers ho are asked to turn aside from that which God has called them: "I am >tng a great work, so that I canno* une down. Why " should the work ase while I leave It and come d?"H you?" It is always a*wrong kind coming down to leave any work' rectly for God, which He has In usted to us/t? t?hfer with worldlings even to atthnd some kinds of comJtteo meetings or so called . mlnlater* eetlngs which do not profit. All ming down froth finy form of pride self is always right and profitab'e. >r our highest place is lying low at ir Redeemer's feet, and the Eord one must he exalted, and with Hia; one must -ve be occupied. Four times they tried In a similar ay to enthe Him. but he was enabled Xst them every time iverse 4). lady who endeavored to find unethhig good In .every one and cvything was once asked if she ever iw anything good in the devil. She ioughtfully replied. "Well, he is very srsistept." These enemies of Neheliah were evidently in his emploj*. As i Neberaluh. he was steadfast, onmov ble. abounding In the work of the ord. knowing that his labor was not i vain in the Lord (I Cor. xv, 58). , The fifth temptation was in the form P an open letter by Sanballat's serv at. in which was written a report th :t ebemiah and the Jews thought t,i ibel and make Xebemlah king, and lerefore they had built the wall and ppointed prophets to preach that he as king in Jerusalem. Because these lings would be reported to the king t Babylon he wus invited, to mee*. lese friends (?) and take counsel toether about the matter, for-of course would grieve" them to see such a ood man as Xehemlah in any trou 1o Thfl llo fnr-tnrv nnHor thn ennor itendence of the father of lies, has | een at work ever since the business tnrted In Eden so long ago, and every hild of God mast expect to have some arned out for his special benefit. Their object at this time was to lake Xeheifiiah and the people afraid f being reported to the king and thus, a weaken their hands. But Nehemiah ad no guijt on his conscience In this latter and nothing to fear. He reurned answer. "There are no sr.cli kings done as thon sayest, but tliou eignest them out of thine own heart" verses 3, 0). So he trusted God to trengthen his hands. Adam was fraid and tried to hide from God Gen. Ill, 10). bat he was guilty. God loes not give His people a spirit of ear (II Tim. 1, 7), and our Golden Tex, honld be the bold utterance of every ?llever. Even% worse than these ene ales of Nehemlab were the frl " >rophets In the days of J ere mill vho In the name of the Lord were irophets of the deceit of their own leart. speaking a vision of their own leart, causing the people to err bv heir Ilea and by their lightness (.lev cxlll, 10. 20. 62). What shall be said if the false teachers of today who vlth all the Increased light of the New restameat speak Lies ont of their own lenrt In the name of the Lord? What ;ver Is not according to Bcriptnre la u le. The next step- of the enemy was to sntlce Nehemiah to meet them itr t!h louse of God and sbnt the doors of til.' temple lest he sbonld be slain ivexso 10). But Nehemiah perceived thin this messenger was hired by Tohlsb ?nd SanbaUat to make him afraid, so that they might hare matter for nit rrfl report against vim. Nebemlab'? reply It again brave and foil of een adenet' la God: "Sbou-'d such a man as I flee? And who 1# there that, belnc se I am. would go Into the temple to save Ida life? I will net go la" Irene W. flo be haadafl Toblah aad flanbai tat Bad the Prophetess Noadtah and (11 the rest of Us enamlea over to Sod (rerse 14). flee la raregfl IT-J) haw many of the ashlee la ladhb ,w?re la laagae wtth ToMah. hypocrites aad _ t* ' V A F.th.r'g V* igcanc* , would have (alien on aby one who attacked the eon of Peter fjoudy, of South Rockwood, Mich., but bf was powerless before attache of Kldne] trouble. "Doctore could not help him,*1 he wrote, 'eo at last we gave him fSlectric Bitters and he improviSf-wonderfully from taking six bottles. ItV^lje beat Kidney medicine I ever saw." backache, Tired feeling. Nervousness. Lgjflhmf Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diapetes or 1 trig' tV disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters\aud be safe. Every bottle gu? Tintred. XOc at Aycock Drug Co. x. IJ -Unt RHEUKAT1SU it la A a Internal Dhiwie And Requires An InterunI ^Remedy. The cause of rheumatism awf' kindred diseases Is an excess of uric merl in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this ccld must he expelled and system so regulated that no more j4dd will be formed in excessive Quantities. Rheumatism is an Internal diso&afo and requires an Internal remedy. RUBBING with Oils and LdnfmeWta WTIIL MOT CURE, affords only tenmorary# relief at best, causcs^you to deuty tie proper treatment. and allows \he malady to get a firmer hold on youAummentu may easo the pain, but theyXwfl no mere cure Rheumatism than *>V:f ,7?^ chx.nz : the fiber of rotten wood.X I Science has at larllfc..x-tcrcd a j*<r ' Tect and complete ctrnL which is call* 1 rtiieun&ctde. Tested !R?umlrcd*u? case*, it has'effected the meHtwnnrveloup euraa; we bclievb it will cure pa. Rhaunjr.le gets at the joints tvopi the Inside, c.v the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and. I.lilncys and makes you well all over, dhoumucide Btrlkes the root of ti e dis-. ease ar.d removes Its cause. This spl-~d'd remedy is sold by oruiglsui u*.1 dealers generally at 50c. and ft.a bottle .-T?v Tablet form at. 25c. and 50c. apachuge. Vrlte to Bobbitt Chemical Go., rla'.tl2'.;.. 2'd, Bookie: free... Tab]-.. tt: rt by moil. i i m ky I ? Watch This SDace Next "Vfreek J. WJ King : i For What I Will Have to Say. 1 i Fireworks I jl Fireworks ! ! 1 I have boughhtoo many fireworks for the holidays. In older not to carry over any, I expect to pot. the prices right down at the beginning, So, remember this, boys. v Jno. W. Kino. i Bargains Daily. You hava never Be in such bargains as Wui Pleasant) is offering in Cloth, Pony^Skin, an<T Jaraoal Long Coats, Coat Suite an< N^eady-made Skirts for Ladies and 1 liases. For Sal?. One 'ningle surface "Jrt* lingjmill, including all belts and rip lav. Apply at once to W. G. WlLDtfa, R. F. D.. 3, Franklit ton, N. C. 11-lO^t-p. _ \J . TO BEEF USERS TVs is to infogkm you that I have bought out the be f business of J. D. Hill on Nash strei t and will continue same at the (same place. Further you will take notice th t on and after Nov. 1st., I will place my business on a a strictly cash bad s. This means that all beef leaving r y market must be paid for on dellvbi r 1 shall have no pets but make all phv cash. By this means X can sell > les^r and furnish better service at ss same tirqe save myself fton lot net interest on inveatment or the ntire bill w(ill be glad to bare your trade but wilPhaye to require you to pi f cash. ' V\ T. 9. HUX fcjt twaatto ?f your hides. will Kf hfgbisfssket price far aaam. .... ?' -x . . X r _ 1 * IPPflBHfVQlM 91 - : IK* Everybody is Pleas ed That Goes to The THE BIG LITTLE STORE Everybody misses bargains that fail to give me a call Fail tp reap this advertisement and We both lose, you i harcairt. I a aala. ' "9 ?? "I ' Specially Priced For llhis Week i 750 yds qrb eaohed domestic, 4< p'd per bolt; '75) yds, full yard widi loraestic, 0 cm d per bolt; 750 yds full yard wide, heavy, H eta quality f eta yd per Oi >lt; 250 yds galatei sloth, sold e4 rywbere 10 2-3, ant >iece 12.1-2, ,e pecially suitable to: iresses, boys' w lists and suits; 12 1-! sts oauton Hani iel, bleached or. un sleacbed, 10 eti I The best ualicoe nade, 6 cts; 35 its grade white flan nel, 25 ots; 50 (Pade white flannel ill wool, 40 cts; SO- more new ooat tor ladies, misses jut! children, Car iculs, broadclotti and the newes styles in lowest priced coats; 17 nev suits to arrive thi^ Viek of unusua value, some chevii tl seme, eevera mixed worsteds, etc They dome ii regular sizes and foi tittle women. It will pay you tojatop around th corner and examine these suits, thipk you will agree With me ths nothing ot like value tin been oflferei before this season, tl e price $10.00 Tlie troth io a nQtjshell about cot sets. There is only >ne .beat corset that's Warnei'a. Oi ce warn, alway worn. If you are n it now weann| one, let your next bi Wamir's. Shoes! Shofes! Juat a word i x>ut She >s. 1st. I am sel ing mo a shoe than fctfv store in Louisbnrf I eat afford to and am satisfied with small profit. 1 early all ot nr shoes were made 'or me andu knot them to be solid, and you ?tt jus what I till yon are getting I there fore yon run no ; isk when yau bu; from me, and I s ve you front 10 ti 50 cents on ever; pair, t havte jus what you want f r every member o the family. Let ne show you] R. Z. Egfrton i ' r. ' ' 1 IPfr 11 . v T 1 T ''"I ^Vr 5 Watermans l I i Fountain |ens B I AT ' H< If Price I I . ' "'L The Best Candy . y \ Ever Manufactured. ; c & 1 The Best School 2 Stationery i i i ' The Most Complete | ; J ; Line of t Toilet Articles A Full Stock of Flowering Bulbs. B i Tie Freshest Stoek )f I DRUGS ; and " _ MEDICINES *. All These Will he . ' Fotmd at w * t ! AYCOCK \ J ? - ? j/Drug / \ i Company \ * ' \ HHBnHMt: r \ -M4,

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