J -. X A. ?. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND K VOL. XL1. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MoT IN REGULAR SESSION HON ) DAY AND TUESDAY * Chalrmau Collie Re-EleotedBonds of County Officers Re ceiyed?Tax Corrections?Re* ports .Reoelved. The Board of County Commissioner se et inregulsr eeeioa on Monday and Tuesday of this week, all members be ing present' After reading and apyroy ing minutes of the prerious meeting Ihe iollowing business was transacted Bond of O. H, Harris, cotton weigh*; forLouisburg, was received and recordei Bond of W. T. Blanks, cotton weigbe for Youngsrille, 'was received and re orded. ' Messrs, O, H.. Karris and W. 1 Blanks were administered the oath a office of cotton weigher. This oompleted the buainess of thi eld fear and the ohairtnan retired whereupon the matter of the electio! of a chairman to the Board was take] op. Commissioner Uzzell then placet Commissioner T. S. Collie in nomine tion to succeed himself as chairman t the Board and the election was mad< unanimous by acclamation. It was ordered that all prisoners com mitte-. to jail for an offense against tbi ordinance of the town shall not b< charged against the county, but al commitment fees and jail expenses shal be paid by the town. The commitment fees and all jail ex penses of* prisoners sentenced to worl QDon the roads of any township shal be borne by the Board of Trustees o such township. Cecil Hayes was reimbursed witl a $l.t>3 taxes in the graded school distric of Frank linton township to be paid op of rhp fnnH of aniH tnwnshin?ho not hp tdk in said district. , W. M. Green was reimbursed witl 1.10 taxes in Seven Paths school - dia tiict, to be paid out of said school die trict fund?he not being in amid district J R. Strickland was reimbursed witl 1.00 taxes in Seven Paths school die _ .trict, to be paid out of said school dis B trict fund?not being in saud district, I It was ordered that" Ben M. Moore' land in Youngaville township be reduce from 11.50 to $9.50 per acre in valua tion. v W. O. Stone was allowed piping to ft read between his home and Dr, Bot bitt'B. E. N: Williams was allowed two fee of piping to repair bridge near Mour tain Grove school house, Sandy Cree . township. * ' ' A. L. Hicks /Vfis reimbursed wit 1.88, taxes Louisburg tirade School district, tobe paid out of fun of Said district?not being in said dit trict. R. L. Hicks was reimbursed wit forty-sir cents, taxes in Louisbut] Graded .School district, to be paid out o said district fund?not being, in sal district. '< W. C. Vick was reimbursed with 01.8C taxes in 8even Paths School district, t tie paid out of said fund?not being i: aid district. , W. T. Pleasants was allowed ex emp tion from poll-tax on account sf phys cat infirmities. - J. J. Pleasants was allowed exemp - lion from poll-tax ob account of infirm Hy. .. The Board then proceeded, with th assistance with the sheriff, to draw list of jurors for the January term. It was ordered that Mrs. S. ~M. Up shurch be reimbursed with taxes on 7 Acres of land?her list being 75 acres 1 excess of property. { The feport of E. N. Williams, Super intendent of Health, was leceived an filed. He reports 10 white and 14 col ' "* ored inmates. . _^ Report of P. R. Pleasant!, Manage of the Depository, was received, an recorded. J. R, Wiggins was reimbursed witl taxes on Dftd listed in Louisburg Grad ed School?not being; In said district Also exempt from poll-tax in same. 'torn Brinkley was allowed to go to th County Home, and that what proper t, he has be turned over to the Count; Home for safe'keeping, which they an to receive the Income. Moses Arrinfton was allowed an ill crease of fifty cents per month ss out side pauper.. Nervie Kelly, colored, was allowei 18.00 per month as outaida pauper. Prank Freeman, colored. wa allowed 81.00 per month for his grand children as outside pauper. The Board then ad foamed to mee again on Tuesday morning, when th' N. following were, taken up: "* S, Collie waa allowed 87.80 forte quarter, 1011, for senrlcea as chairman This wan servicsa before the salar; .* ' % r m\x. |., - IANAGER i bails went into effect. I ' Turner Collins was allowed 92.00 for immediate relief. < .- The bonda'of the J. J. Barrow, Clerk of the Superior Coprt; W. M. Boone," J Sheriff; P. B. Grifin, Treasure#,'and J. B. Yarborough, Register of Deeds, were 1 - : received and ordered recorded. Tom Dean was allowed (5.00 for im- ( mediate relief. Report of W, M. Boone, Sheriff, was t received and ordered recorded. t Report of P. B. Griffin, Treasurer. I was received and ordered .ecorded. 1 Upon motion of Commissioner J. H. Usxell, Wm. H. Ruffin was unanimously ( elected Attorney to the Board for the \ .ensuing year. f It was ordered that the real estate of j R. A. Winston, in Franklinton townr strip, be reduced in valuetion (250.00, . and that the Sheriff allow him a rebate of 9S.S0 on same. Report of Dr J. E.' Ifalone, Superin{ tendent of Health, was received and ordered recorded a' The Board then proceeded to elect a , Janitor for the court ho wee for the en- 1 ] suing year. Upon ballot Hence Halle- 1 a wood was elected .! j J. H. Uizell and J. O. Wilson were . appointed a committee to loek after the 3 County Home for,the ensuing year. B Chairman T. S. Collie, J. H. Utile, J. O. Wilson were appointed a commit- 1 . tee with W. H. Macon, County Asseesor 1 B on final settlement with Sheriff. B The Hoiprd allowed a number of 1 II claims and then adjourned, to meet 1 II again on the first Monday in January, 1 1912. 1 *. Marriage Licenses. ; * i f Register of Deeds Yarborough issued ' licenses to the following couples during ti the month of November: t Whites?A. H. Morton and Ellen Car- ' t ter, Fred H Cooke and J alia W. Card, ' - Ben Layton and Luta Lancaster, Ben T. Holdea and Willie Staley, J. O. ' ti Qreen, Jr., and Bessie Durham Joyner, Ben Wheeler and Annie Wilson, Ernest h H. Moore and Etta D. Wheless, J. R. t Moody and l'annie Richardson, B H, ti Wester and Hsttie Morton, Arthur Col; lie and Mrs. Claude Sykes, L. A. Ttm herlake and Lela Weathers, Burnice Cone and Lariats Beddfngfleld, Herbert S Ayescue and Daisy M. Collins, d Colosed?Joseph Dickens and Bettie i- Burwell, Henry Jeffries and Ella Winston, Haywood Webb and Rosa Harris, x John Dunston and Annie Mann., it Pastor Assumes Duties^ Shelby Dec. 2?Special.?Rev. L. W. Swope of Louisburg has accepted the h call extended him by the First Baptist d church of this place and he will fill the d pulpit tomorrow for the first time as its pastor. Rev. Mr. Swope is an able and eloquent man, evangelist in spirit d and an untiring worker Uls family U was moved to Shelby thts-week and he j Will occupy the parsonage next to the d beautiful new. $40,000 church, jpet completed fi few months ago. Th?- pulpit I was made vacant by the resignation of q Rev. C. A. Jenkins, who baS moved to n Clayton to devote the remainder of his life to literature.?Charlette Observer Rev L. W. Swope and family left I" Louisburg on Wednesday of last week for their new home at Shelby. He is a man of strong convictions and faithful k in the performance of his duties in the work he has chosen. His many friends here regret his leaving, but wish for i 0 him much success in his new field. a ) Conference Appointments. ? The following is a list of the appoint^ ments of the Methodist Episcopal _ Church, South, ConfererK?e, - held in .j Kinston, November 22-26, for the sec, tion adjacent Louisburg: Raleigh District, J. H. Hall, Presiding Elder. V j Cary Circuit, G. W. Fisher. Clayton Circuit, C. W. Robinson. Four Oaks Circuit, T. H, Sutton. Franklinton Circuit, W. W. Rose. Granville Circuit, H. D. Giles. " Kenly Circuit, J. M. Benson. Louiaburg Station, R W. Bailey. 8 Millbrook Circuit, P. Greening. ' Oxford Circuit, L. H. Joyner. ' Oxford Station, A. P. Tyler. 8 Raleigh, Central Cbnrch, A.|D. Wilcox, | Raleigh, Edaqton Street, H. M. ' - North ' > J. O. Guthrie, tiqp. 1 Ralel.rh, Epworth, C.'J. Harrell. 1 Raleigh, Jenkloi Mernorial|and Apex, 1 s R. F.iTsylor. > Selena and Princite'u, J. M. Daniels. 1 Smithfleld Station, A .8. Barnes, t Jar Jttaes-Otreult, G. W. Starling. I t Youngaville Otaeuit, J W. Martin. t .Zebulon Circuit, N^E. Trotman. t Director of Correspondence School, Jf. . L. Cuninggim. 1 t Raleigh Christian Advocate Editor, a - Yri" sfKLI THE COUNTY, THE 8 | LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRID j 8. Massey. " "T Methodist Orphanage ^Superintend- ' int, J. N. Cole. Aaalatant SecretaryJEpworth League, TI F. M. Culbreth. 8tudeut Vanderbilt University, W. V. HcRae. . ^ * T1 Financial Agent Louisburg Female College, R. W Bailey. - 5 - > Other than Raleigh District and in his section: - , . Nashville Circuit, j. L. Rumly. , Rocky Meunt, First Church. L. P. M Boward. South Rocky Mount, Marvin and Clark itreet, J. P. Thompson. Spring Hope Circuit, W. F. Craven. W Bakery ln W. H. Harris, colored, who for a lumber of years past has run a restau- R| rant in the basement of the Spruill ouilding, has leased a store room under the Ford Warehouse on Nash street and 1 will open his restaurant therein. He Is tlso fitting up the room for a nice bak- *<1 try and expects to furnish the people it Loaisbnrg with all the up-to-date vi products of a first-class bakery. tb Mr Collie Re-~eleete<* mt - ?T At a meeting of the Board of .County Commissioners on Monday, Mr. T. 8*. . dollie was elected Chairman of the M Board to succeed himself for the comIng year. Mr. Collie has given a good . part of his life to the affairs of the >c soanty having served it aa Commiedoner for 26 years and as a member of the Legislature two During this time 1* lie has served as Chairman fourteen w (rears and now enters upon his fifteenth, [n all this time he has put by a record Si if action that speaks well for his sound Ai ludgrment and that of the people who alec ted him. He has done well by the f0 :ounty and its people are proud of his al service. In selecting him again as Chairman the coming year the Board ^ acted wisely and are to be congratu- ~ lated. ?'? ? J( Leaves for Florida- f Mr. C. E. Gupton, one of Franklin w county's best citizens and greatest lovers of the sport of hunting, left Friday ' taking with him his fine pack of dogs, hi where he will spend sometime hunting. P The dogs he carried with him were as follows with the explanatijn iof their B character following the name of each: Bickett, a dog right; Locke. Craig, a z genuine runner and fighter; Will Kitch- ^ in, fine coon dog, but not much of a runner; Judaon Harmon, the finest dog t) that ever walked on the ground; Woodrow Wilson, runs well; Bill Tuft, worst pv/ic in me wona, seinsti and judt li>e a republican; Winnie Davis, loyal to all the pack; Annie Lee, digni- ic fled and the first lady of the land. ti His many friends in this county wish n him much success on his trip. H Town commissioners Meet. f r The Board of Town Commissioners c? met in regular session on last Friday night in the Mayors Office. Messrs. c, Ford, McKinne, Terrell and Hicks be- ^ ing present . ti] The meeting was called to order by Mayor Holden and after reading and appro ring'minutes of the preceeding meeting the following business was transacted: ac J. P. Winston went before the Board T< and asked that Spring street be extend- m ed from Nash street to the shops?a M distance of about one hundred yards. J. The matter was referred to the street M committee with instructions to look in- bt to the matter and act accordingly. hi J. J. Hayes made a statement to the Board in regard to the water tap near J" his stable. Upon motion it was ordered ln that the said arrangements be moved th to some convenient place on Mr. Hayes y< lot at the towns expense. J. A. Turner offered a bid by the Roberson, Humphrey, Wardlow Co., of Atlanta. Ga., fer the $10,000 funding bonds of the town. The Mayor and Clerk were appointed a committee to | close agreement of sale and the Mayor; " was authorised to prepare all necessary w dates for the company making the pur- F< thase. The bonds were sold for par at wl six per centf^ The report of J. C. Tncker, chief of! 11 police for October and November was *p ecelved and ordered filed. '< " Report of E. S. Ford, Treasurer, for d , May, June, July, August, September, ar October and November was read and , -eferred to the auditing committee to ixamine and make their report at next | nee ting. After allowing a number of aceounta1 he Board adjourned until its next rag- r* liar meeting. , 1 fa ?M>1'?**? wi Probably a yonng man would enjoy fo liaaing a girl eyan if It'was oompol- fn imt- Tm ' ;; , , N '1 TATE, THE UNION. AY DECEMBER g. 1911. HE. MOVING PEOPLE 1EIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN lose Who Have Visited Loulsburgf the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. G. L. Aycock visited Raleigh the at week. Dr. J., O. Newell and bride returned sterday. K. P. Hill paid Henderson a business p one day this week. Hiss Acnes Lacy visited her people Mlllbrook yesterday J. E. Thomas visited his brother at itherfordton this week Mrs. Mary Anderson, of Petersburg, visiting Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Hiss Pearl Fleming, of Manson visitDr. A. H. Fleming the past week. O. G. Ooppedge, of Greeasboro ii siting his aunt, Mrs S. A. Newell, Is week. Miss Onnie Tucker who is teaching Lucama, came ever and spent Satday with her people. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy, of Ral gh spent Sunday with his daughter4 rs. R. T. McAden. Henry Mitchell, who has been attend g school in Greensboro, is visiting hii sople here this week. Mrs. Beard Bobbit and Mr* M. Fow r.. of Raleigh spent Thanksgiving Ith Mrs. W. E. white. Misses May Bartholomew and Edm lort, of Henderson, visited. Misi anie Dorsey the last week. Mrs. D. F. McKinne left y^sterda; t Selma, Where she will visit friend: id relatives for several days. m... rr-.io ? '? pex where she is teaching:, and si>en hanksgiving with her people here. J. 0. Sledge, who, has been workin( >hnston County in the interest of tbi armers-Union returned home the pas eek.S J, C. Bowden passed through torn Wednesday afternoon en route to hi sine at Justice from a visit to his peo le in Norfolk. ox Party at Hi- Zlon Academy A box party will be given at Mt ion Academy, Friday night, Dec., 8tl >11, beginning at 7 o'clock. Publii ery cordially invited. Proceeds gi to le benefit of the Academy. Among' the Movers. Having about completed his new res lence en Nash street, which is one o ic prettiest and most conveniently ar inged homes in Louisburg; M. F buck moved his family into same on< ?V the past week. T. P. Alford has moved his familj om Spring street to the residence va ited by M, F. liouck. Mrs. B. B. Maesenburg, having pur lased the residence vacated by T. P, lford, on. Spring street, has mover lerein. Goes To Kentucky. Mai. J. B. Thomas, who has beei. :ting buyer for the C. B. Cheatharr jbucco Company on the local tobaccc arket here, left the past week foi aysville, Ky., to buv the weed for thr P. Taylor Company, of Henderson aj. Thomas is a splendid ju ge of to lcco and all regret very much to Iobc m from our market. S. M. Washington is filling the posijn made vacant by Maj. Thomas' leavg, and is proving himself worthy of e confidence placed in him. lie is a tung man of splendid*judgment and is home on the sales. Mayor's Court Frank Satterwhite was before Mayor olden on Monday morning in answer a charge ol retailing whiskey. He aived the examination and took an apial to the Superior Court. The bond it fixed at $500, which he gave. Zach Terrell, haying more whiskey in s possession than.is allowed by the ecial act for Franklin county was here the Mavor to account for same, fter hearing the evidence, Mayor Holn allowed him to go over to court ide> a *200 bond. The bond was ven. * Improvements at Depot. A crew of men ere at work on rearnglng a portion of the old cottopplatr rm at lb^ rear of the depot. They 11 cover about 75 feet of this platrm beginning at the rear of the tight depot and make a better floor dersatne. This will be for the ate . . * * 1' v;f - ar at the Opera House in Louisbur on Tuesday night, December 12th, 191: This is a strong and interesting pel formanch, and will be greatly enjoye by our people. A part ot the preceec will go to the Lpuieburg Female Co lege. Tickets are now on sale. _ - Big Hogs. The following report* the killing < nice porkers the past week: . W. E. Murphy, Louisburg, Jbnr weigl . ing, 820, 210, 81, 81H. C. Taylor,Louiskprg,two weighir 01 r t or 610, lMh 9 L. J. Pernell, Louisburg, two weigl ing 281, 277, 31yranus Pearce, Harris townahi four weighing 348, 357, 220, 226.. 1 P. M. Davis, Louisburg towasb two weighing 168, 454. A. W. Wilson Jr., Louisburg towi ; ship killed sixteen that weighed 320 Jesse Wheless, Cedar Rock towi ship killed three weighing 307, 323 37 . . List of Letters. Remaining in the poetoffice at Lou , burg, N. C., uncalled for: P. B, Ailen, Bettie Alston, Delta Au ton, J. * . Allen, Mary. Helen BoWde: Bob Bootb, George A. Barfoot, Brool : & Tune (2), Mrs. W. L Ellis, N. I Finch, F. C. Gaddis, A. T Grifton, Mr 1 Etiie Haswell, Byron Humphries,. Eui 1 Hamilton (2), Mrs. Eliza Harris, W, 1 Harris, Mrs. Laura Hedgepeth, Mrs. t J. Johnson, A1 Jackson, Mrs. Wink i King, TCTTotd. Lisenlo, Gray Leonar John McKee, Arris Mitchell, Marti i Malone, Char ie Malone, Lula ] I Murne (2), W. H Norris, C. H. Robi son & Co., James Smith, D. C. St. Clai f Mary Sweats. Mary Smith, Zoll B Thomas, Rome Wiggins, Silvie W k liams. Persons calling for any of the abo letters will please say they saw th< 5 advertised. M. W. Yarborough, P. M . Popes Items. B. W. Ballard, of FVanklinton, ga . us a fine Thanksgiving lecture last St h day. We ar? always glad to hear a s welcome him In our Sunday School. r - t Our teacher, -MisH Mamie Dicker spent Sunday with her people ne Frankllnton. Sandy Hill, Laura Hill aod Bebb - Woodlief spent Sunday with G. H. P< f gerson. We have some good walking peop up here. Two of ?ur young people hi ! a walking match Sunday on our go road. I have not learned yet who wo We will have a Christmas tree Popes Christmas. The time is near f giving and receiving and making son glad, and we ought to give to the po | and make all happy and thankful. 1 give our children enjoyment, have Christmas tree at our Sunday Schoi Think of your chiidhood days. La year, in one week before Christmas, , think I saw enough booze taken fro i the express cars in our litt i 'own to give every child in Prankl . couaty a nice present, and I am su i that manv little bov or girl will n get a present. G. H. P. At the Teachers' Assembly. Of all the pleasant features of tl ' Teachers Assembly in Raleigh la week there was none which afford > more pleasure and proved more deligl i ful than the luncheotf*given by Mi Mary Arrington to the representati' teachers of Franklin county. Mi Arrington as Primary Supervisor this county had already become a re ognized and interested friend of tl 1 teachers and a welcome visitor in the school rooms. As hostess in hi home she showed the same charaete talis* onr/iialttif nflH rronninonnMi hive to readily won frienda for" hi ; ^anywhere. At two 'clock on Frida '"afternoon the^loors of her lovely hoir on I oik street were thrown open to tl Franklin county teachers and quite goodly gathering it was. The guesl were met by Mi si Arrington and hi mother assisted by Miss battle of Rock Mount. Misp'HattU Arrington oshei *ed them to the gues room where raj and fats were dispised of. After most pleasant hour or two of coi genial discussion of the work in whic all present earnestly engaged, this baa of happy teachers "offduty" 'and cai free entered the dining room and wei served with delicious refreshments, cor slating of a salad source, and eofles to lowed by blame mange and cream wit KICTB^? ^r ; " v -: v3 s^y? SUBSCRIPTION St.00 PER YBA$ ? (CUMBER 41 * J.. p cake. Ia the center of the dining table it was a pumpkin filled with assorted t traits, adding to the Thanksgiving aiirit and atmosphere, which still pervaded everything. After the "good-bya" were said, the teachers departed, each one feeling glad she was from Franklia County, and proud that Franklin county K should have" Miss Arringtton associated with her educational interests, r- ^_ d ls Cotton. 1- '. The receipts on the local cottoa raar< ket the past week hum been about as usual. The price has suffered a little decreaae.but has been rather steady. The . prevailing price herp yesterday wse 8 3-4 cents per pound. Fire. ljf The fire alarm was sounded on Wednesday night, about 10 o'clock, and wee j. found to be at the Judge Cooke place at Northfield. The fire companies respondp_ ed and found that it waa the cottoa , house, but had been put practically out lp before their arrival. Mr. W. E. Tucker resides there now and informs us that 'his loss is about a bale of ootton. 4. tn Tobacco. ?* The receipts the past week on the Ideal tobacc > market has been rather amah, although the pricej have shovnt an increase We have been authorized to stata that a the tobacco market will close for the n holidayb on Thursday, December 21st, j 1911, and will open again op Tuesday, g January 2nd, 1912. This will give the ' buyers and warehousemen a few days to ;' clean up their houses and get ready for I Christmas. t J. er Musical. The ladies of the Home Mission So- t . ciety of Louisburg will give a musical P- iti the Opera House, tonight. Everyn" body is especially invited to go out, as 'r. the proceeds will be for a good cause. 'ie The music selected will makeup in entertainment that is se dom equalled by home talent. Mrs. LeRoy Theim, of ve Raleigh, will assist the ladies in this !m concert. Let everybody go out and assist in making a large fund for the untiring efforts of oar ladies, The Bazaar Te The ladies of the Xpiscopa! church ln_ held a Baser in the armony on Wedn mas gifts and served lunch. The Santa lB> Clau8 was of much interest to the little &r folks and from the rush all during the d. y it would be judged that the sup. ess iin was beyond the expectations of those sr- in charge. I he many articles sold included many pieces of fancy work and ,]e were excepti jnal barp ains. id . ^ New Building. d. The announcement made Sunday at morning: by Rey. R. W. Bailey, pastor or of the Methodist church here, to the efle feet that the Conference had made an 0T appropriation which, together with p0 what was already on hand, had made it a possible for the work to begin on the ^ M. S. Davis Memorial Building, the at large annex to the Louisburg Female I College. -This work, he Bays, will be m begun as soon as the weather opens up je for the Springs in ' This announcement was received with re much interest by our people, and we 0t hope to see it "rising up". In the near future. Mrs Winston Dead. / News was received here on Wednesday night to the effect that Mrs. J. C. st Winston, who lives about four miles from Franklinton, had suecumbed to aa attack of pneumonia. She was about ss years of age and was the wife of Mr. re J. O. Winston, a member of the Board ss of Education of Franklin ceunty. She jn j was a good woman apd had been true c_ to the faith she had professed in her le early youth. Her gentle disposition and ir sterling! Christian character was such er as to win friends among ail her acr_ quaintances and with her it was true ;h that to know was to love her. She sr leaves, besides her husband, seven chiliy dren, a* sister, a brether and a boat of ie friends to grieve their loss. Den'death ie is a heavy shock to the community in a which she lived and in which ehe will ts be sadly miBsed. The funeral was held ( ,T from Oak Level Christian church, of y which she was a member, at 2:3% r_ o'clock yesterday, and the interment >s was made in tho faaily plot on the ^ a church grounds, where a large number i. j of sorrowing friends, had gathered to :h ; bear testimony to thhir grief. d | rno nereavea iamuy nave tne oeepesa e : iympathy of the entire community. e | SSSSSBSSBSSSSSS >-1 What's in name? Weil, there'? the 1- property many a man turn over to his h wife.