If V jr.- ii. - . franklin times a. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager ? fl Friday. Dec. 8 1911 , TAR DROPS. ! -Go Out to the entertainment to- J miirht. ( ?Musical at the oprea house tonight- ( go out. ^ ?Trinity College Glee Club Tuesday sight. . ?Quite a large boiler was carried j tlirough town on Wednesday. , ?You ate invited to attend an enter- 1 ^^sent by the Trinity College Glee c J OTb Tuesday nigtli. 1 " ?The county meeting ot the Farmerti U njon for this county was held in the i eourt. house here yesterday^ .. ?The- attention- of our readers is I called to the change of advertisement l ?f R Z. Egerton id another column. ?The attention of our readers is call- < I ecHo the change of advertisement of 1 the Candler, Crowell Co., in this issue < } ?The fire alarm turned in last night was caused from a burning fence at W. 1 1 held the in; rested attention of, a large crowd. l'rof.Highsmith also spoke briefly to the Junior Order Council on the pripci pies of the order. Thanksci ing day was appropriately observed here. An afternoon service was held in the school house under the auspices o. the Junior Order of this place. The sermon was preached by Rev. G. M. Duke, (he occasion one of general thanksgiving. The high school closed on Thursday and Friday to ?K>le the teachers to attend the< Teachers Assembly which met in Raleigh on those days. Mr. J. R. Moody, of this place, Was married on Sunday atfernoon to Miss Bonnie Richardaod, of Pine Ridge. Hi To many, winter ja a season of tron- . ble. The frost-Mtkn toes and Angers chapped hands and lips, chilblain,v cold-sores, red end tough skins proes this. But luek ^mbTes fly tgfgt*. Bncklen's A. hie* Mia A l|iaf Tonvincos. Greatest heals* ef Bums, BoHs, Piles. Cuts, d*ss, Braises, Eczem* and Sprains, Only 25c at Ay cock Drag Co. B. Cook's, The nre was extinguianea > before the fire companies arrived. - Every member of the Farmers On > in Franklin county Bhould attend ' ' tl a State meeting to be held in Wilson n Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 1 of next week. ?Mr. L. P. Hicks informs us that ' a customer of his from the country , j . came in his store Saturday with some butter for sale and upon Investigation teamed that the party had it packed in a jug. There is no doubt but that gen- 1 tie man has the record of packing but- I ter. I ?Several communications were received the past week that had to be I thrown out on account of not having I the name of the writer and being re- I ceived too late. We hope our cor res- I pondents will bear in mind and confine ! themselves, to reporting items of in- < terest more, instead of so many neigh- I borhood pesonals ' ?While other people are reporting so hiany.iarg? hags. Mr. J. W. Wester I ane of Cedar Rock township's most < substantial citizens, reports the making af fifty one and one-half barrels of corn on flve.?cres. He says he used practically no fertilizer to get the re suit. This is a splendid yeild but he j doesn't want the people to think he will not make any meat, so has pro mised to furnish us with a list of porkmra uhnn bp mfilfot hi$ IrillinfT ?T. W. Wheless reports having a well bored at his home hi a spot where ?veral unsuccessful attempt? had been 1 le. He says that they bored through I feet of the hardest kind of rock, i makings 'otal depth of 107 1-2 fret, and is getting a full supply of excellent water. Produce- ? There is a strong demand in Louisburg at prt.sent for all kinds of country produce. If yau have such for sale it will be to your interest to bring it i along. ? * i The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the* less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr, B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., /ays: 4*I firmly believe Chamberlains tough Remedy to be absolutely the bedt preparation on i - the market for colds JTI have recomm ndedit to my frjnds and they all agree with me]1. Fo# stle by all deal- i ers. / 1 Bunn News Items | A vor - delightful Thanksgiving entertainment was given in the schnol Jon Tuesday night by the pupjls of the primary grades. Thongh the weather was quite unfavorable, the exercises were enjoyed by a good sized crowd. About ten dollars was derived from the small admis8ion fee charged, this amount to be used in supplying the primary department with a much needed sup. lementary library. Professor J- H. Highsmith, of Wake Forest College, was present - with us on last Friday night and delivered a splendid address. The Widening Scope of Education, a subject welf handled and loll of good practical truths that V > ' Schloss Slush Having promised the editor more iluah so many times, here we are with t! luch as it la: .* , |r Mr. Herbert Ayscue and bride, of ngleside. passed through last week to " ipend a happy Thanksgiving with Mr. c< tycecue's parents in Warren. Mr. _ ir-enwood Hill lead the way to Schloss ind Mr. Clyde Oriseoro and Miss Ruby L Collins accompanied them to Mr. Aye- " iue's, all returning the next day. Mrs. J. S. Williams and Mrs. George | * danniLg spent Saturday and Sunday 0| n Louisburg, blending business with ? >leasure, and seemed' to enjoy both. ?ach was accompaniedpy ber youngest laughter. Miss Elizabeth Mining and y< ittle bitty Hattie gjlj Williams. ~ Miss Tempie Williams.of Warren, is P risiting the family of ber brother, Mr. _ f. 8. Williams, this week. Miss Tem>ie is always a pleasant and welcome risitor to the quiet town of Schlossburg. Thanksgiving was generally observed own here as a holiday, home .-went ei ruoting, some went a courting and oth- tl trs remained at home. Jj Miss Msrgie Mscon, of Loatsburg, c< who is teaching at the Alston school P rouse, attended the North Carolina Teachers Assembly in Raleigh last , Thursday, leturned Monday in time to tall the school to order. She reports a ~ rery good time at the great educational meeting. ^ flow's this for prophecy fulfilled: la Soon shall thy arm. unconquarad. ataam afar, n Dnt the alow barva or drive the rapid ear; t! Jr on wide waving wines expanded bear The flying chariot through the ftalda of air, U -Erasmus Darwin, 17*1-1802 * Leok out little children, St. Nicholas p is on the way. He will soon be here to g bring yeu something nice if you will be food. I hope none will be disappointed. ^ Mr. J J. Murray baa conducted a prayer meeting service in the school bouse near here every third Sunday afternoon for the past three or four ^ month's. The meetings are well at- t, tended, which shows that the efforts ef l< >ur gpod neighbor, in behalf ot the a ipiritual welfare ef the community, are j| ippreciated. j We are having quite a toudh of wia- h :er, enough to make one step lively or ^ lit ciose to the fire tbese mornings and ? evenings. Now and Then. p n CURB YOUR KIDNEYS v Do Not Endanger Life When ? a Citizen Shotis You the Cune. I Why will people dontiilue to suf- q fer the agonies of udnev complaint, r backache, urinarvdiytrders, lameness, a lieadaohea, languor/ wh\- allow them- 1 selves to become/qlironic invalids, when a tested is offered them? II _ Doan's Kidner rills is the remedy to use. heowise it gives to the I kidney s\he help /they need to per- J urm fljen: wo/k * , If woikhVvfc t ly, even one, of the J symptoms \tf I idney diseases, care yourself ncA, I efore diahetes, drop- ? jv or Brigm\< lsease Bets in. Read * lhis Louisyuri sstimony: Mrs. AyB. A \n, N. Main street, Louisburfc, N. 1 !.\savs: "I have had ' no occasfon to use\poan's Kidney < Pills since they rid \ie of kidney 1 trouble/ in Febraarv,\l908, and I < know tpat my cure is fk permanent J one. I oan s* ill recommend this < remeifv in the hlcvheat txrmA' > F<? sale by all 'iealera. Pns?i 50 { oenuL Foster-Milburn Co., Buffhk), J New York, sole agents for thV Urn ted States. S itemember the name?Doan's? aid take no other: > * ' ** v?a' : | Baking i H Absolute! 1 Makes Home ! With minimum troi ''XK cuit, ca^e and pastr j/L clean and greatly sup w made, dry, found-in mi and danger of alum T J ft-'; # />. " ' .*V^, ' * *'' . -\'t> -iL% ; - -' - ? w : i ? A Terrible Blunder' , - ' i neglect liver trouble. Never do-i eke Ur. King's New Life Pills on t! rat sign of constipation, biliousness < native bowHs .Ad prevent virulent I igeetaon, jabnrtite or gall stones. Th< igulate liveV, sftmach end bowels ai ulid up your htaliH. Only,25e at A )ck Drug Co. J ^ g<\ Stone. Tin aid wood lar 7stfcnds i . P. Hicks. Photographs or penny picturelvpoat cards ax eat sise photos, trn matter J. Perr 1 coruer, Bobbitt hotel. > 12-8-3t-p For Sale Five tine horsesrnsgji broke end w ork anywhere, one iJf ^>**l.~~is a ?r old colt, also ; nice hetik weig os. Splendid bargains fofc qui< urchnaers. Mrs./VV. A. PERSON, !-8-8t. Loumpurg, N. C., No. Notici. ' ~~ Having qualified as/executor of tJ )tate of Mrs. Eliza Underbill, notice ereby given to all ptraons owing sa itate to make Trmnediata pay me tereof to me\Upejpona holding clam gainst said estate &re notified to pr ;nt the same to mi on or before D amber 1, 1912, Or/Otw ."notice will lead in bar of tmelr recovery. Th lec, 1, 1911. / Giles ri umdrbhill^s^t'r >f the estate of/Mrs. E. E. Undfcvhi Thoe. B. Wildfr, Att'y. N tice Having qualified ka the administi jr ot Mrs. Otelia , . Wilder, decease ite of ofj Franklin county, this is otify all personal aving claims again he said estate to present, the same' he uudersigned or dK^before the 8 ay of December, 912, oT- this noti rill be plead in ba of their recover ill persona indebt id to said estate w lease make imnie liate payment. T1 th day of Dec. 1911. JNo. H. UZZELL, Adm. of MrV Otelia J. Wilder. Frn. H. Ruffin, Alty. Sale of Land. * Pursuant to authority contained he decree and orderfmade by Superl !ourt of Franklin cpunty, at Octoh erm. 1911. in ease in titled Dock Wh >y and wife v. Sprifighope'Corapany Is, the undersigned Commissioner, t iff duly licensed t/iereto. will, on t rst day of January, 1912,'It being fii londay in said uymth, at about t our or noon, at tfie court honBe door ouisburg, N, Cf, expose to sale ublic auction to/tbe highest bidder 1 ash, the following described tract arcel of lanH^slfuate in Cypress Cre ownship, Frsnalin county, and Sti f North Carolina, bounded as folloi iz: That tract! oa, land adjoining t inds of John Hoss>m the east, noi nd west, the llindB oS. Brook Headii iol. Benton and Col. Nltarris on t outh, containing^ one hundred, sen nd one-half iff 1-2) achra more pss, an'i known as the s^ary Ja Mum Old place." Turctiaser wijj, be uired to depciit 10 percent of leading' the fconfirmation of sale > guarantee of good faith in the tra ftion. This Jthe 2nd day of Decemb n. 1"UJ .1 Bbn T. Holdsn, _v.. I Commissioner The average man hasn't much use > woman who attempts to convince 1 hat he is wrong?and succeeds in do Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Ccmtain Mercu is mercury will surely destroy the sei >f smell fuid completely deranso 1 vhole system whery entering: It throu he mucous kurfaccx Such articles sho lover be lied c^ept on prescript^ Vom reputable rh?lcian3, c.a the darai hey will dou3 tcm fold to tho good S :an possibly VleriPe from them. Ha Tatftrrh Curo\ manufactured by F. -hency & Co.\f*olcdo, O., contains nercury, ana isftaiccn internally, act: llrectly upon tlJkblood and mucous s aces of the s/stem. In buying Ha Catarrh Cure bb s\re you get the gei ?e. It is tak?h internally and made roledo, Ohio. by F. J\Chency 6c Co. T lmonlals trecT \ Sold by Drxurgiets. pkco per botl Take Hall's yamlly PIIIb thx^cnatlpntlon, After a vfoman makes her in vliat she Wants to do, she goes I Idee something else. . .?y ?sPS\ *- / ten* fo* r \ 1 ' \ / /, ^jwcier | y Pura . yi ' ? , * $ Bakmg Easy "" \ lble and cost bisy are made fresh, ?rior to the r$adyi-the-shop variety, \ food is avoided. ^ *4L\ , v" : V - - - ? v." p _ ; | + ?^FERST . hr | ' ;?; g While your income is steady An i,1 miss a bank account, but under ^ T that you have spent, Don'trwa _ account today 0 / 0 ?ti riDCT /KLA" r I n o i 71 nm ?u I ^ v President, Wm H. Rl 3NVS I , j 1 I You ar ?s! X t0 attend a demonstration of he J on the farm such as Blasting >e! 2 Pan and Subsoil, DigginaDit he - etc., to be given \ S t On December 12tn, ? of Mr. E. L.\ ! 4 townJL . A. representative of the pu. F ? promised a demonstration tn f | " /ry 1 *?r /i D urn A / I I?* "IK J / J i X 7 rise ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ the igh uld jns . igo ? roti H'e , I *? es- ^ ^ i i MAKE and ^ :! COMF % % / > Heater: i ^ ThLe^F^^^ I McKinne E I X SATISFACTION < jj X * / ' * : f.'r, . ' fOU NEVER iMISS IliE I LWATE^TILL | 3SfflEWELL I ll^^-DRY I '. tVi". r- Z mmcrm^D Co.?"No. 6J ~ a everything is running smoothly you don't . 8 yadfhrse circumstances you miss the money i\for the well to run dry but start a bank X \ 0 0 -0 0 0 0 TIONAL BANK I Officers \ ' JFFIN Cashier, F. B. McKIKNE. \ ..\ 1VNOIXVK XSHLi MMMM..MM x., e Jtfyitedj the use of explosives for various purposes y Stumps and Boulders, Breaking'up Hard J ches, Phmting Trees, removing old soil, T at/10 a. m. on the Property ! pLarris,^ 3-4 mile east of % ,6fcisburg, IT. C. i 'ont Company will be on hand, and we are A at will be both interesting and instructive. ? ^^e Present. , ? v-~ 41^ j YOUR HOME | ORTABLE - 1 s/$1 to $20^ 1 "'"jjiL v, Cole Heaters for Hard "* Soft Coal x irok Company f \ r 1 PR YOUft^MONEY BACK

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