pillll IIIIUKI HMUJIWI 11 1* * ?l-L . I V FOR YOUR HAIR. _ - ' Hfi Art Facts Wt Want You to Pfo at Our Risk. When the root* of the balr are ? tlrely deed and the potvs of the arc are glazed over, we do not be'l ve tfc f anything can restore hair g-owtb. But. when the hair roots retain a M/e. we believe there 1* nothing tb will ao surely promote ha'r growth 4jl!l T'exall "9G" Hair Tonlr To pr> *?:ii etHtement. we promise to promt rettmT *** money you pay ua f Imli "03".Raw :,,nlc' Bb"n,d 11 u - you. Hexail **y3" Hair Tonic destftfyi tl germs which are usually responatb Jbr baldness. It penetrates to fche roo ?f the hair, stimuli)tins and. by pr y * motlng circulation, nourishing them. Rexall "OS" Hair Tonic helps .] nrlleve scalp Irritation, trf rrmoi dandruff, to prevent the hair fro: ^ ^ felling oat, and to promote on li v arensed growth of hair It comes N tnvo sites, prices 50* cerrb* and $1.0 Remember. you can obtain 4t on Bt our store - The ^Rexall Stoc The Sooggin Drug Co, 6f -Sale. * Undel fchd by virtue of the power r sate contained in a deed of trust. e> uttd to mc by W. J. > If rd and wil K. V. Alfdrd. on 8eptemhpr 6th, UK and recorded in the otiiee/of the Reg ter of Deeds for Franklyi county, v Boo 152, page 211, I w ill sell at pub auction at the court house door, Louisburg, on Mo iday, /the 18th day Becember, 1911, at 12 BU o'clock for ca the following described real and p< ? Sonal property, or so /much thereof nay be necessary to ^atisfy said, dc i irusi, to-wu- All tnat tract or pi el of land situate in Fran lin counl m Freeman's (now joungsville) Tor ship, bounded and described as folk) being Lot No.' 1 ft the Jeffries M Tract, according: to a survey made I Ben M. Moore by B: A. Chappell. I vember 12th, 1904, the said mill trt being fully described in a deed of trt recorded in the one of the Register Seeds of Franklia county, in Book II at page 257 H. stid the said lot No. beinp described And bounded as follov Beginning at a 4 take on the north si f the canal or tnill race, one chain fr> the corner, formerly a large gum on t sooth side of rail! race.' thence N, 51J deg. W. 19 chi N. 64i3-4 deg ; W. ah. 75 links tqa white odk; thence T70 W. 6 chains, 80 linlas to a stone the east sida of the Wakefield rot Afcenee across the road S.\87 3-4 deg. 1 4 chains 40 liiks to a stonA at highwst mark of mill por,a; thence' up ths-pd at Inghwatfr mark about S2 chains. , links to a stake with large bine point en Star,dim re branch: theate up t branch following itvarious maanderin about 16 chains and 85. links In 4 sto As H. ?. I Moore's UnV, forrritrlv tl Leach lanfl; thenee with B. M. Bloore line acrom toe Wakefield roadyddi e 54 ehaias, 75 links to the begibnint Sontainirtg 145.82 acres according ft) sa ??rvey. JAlso the following articles i , personal,' property: Two mare rnAle Sarah abd Kit; ohe sorrel horse, 14a nc sorrel ma. e, Maude; twooxen, SC, more atsi Ben; one white and orang ateer; two milch cows, one red and or mouse Colored; one b.ack heifer, or White aid orange heifer, one grade Je soy hul| calf, ygne grade Jersey cow eal * wne 1 h. p. engine, 1 mower, o e hon sake, one spotted cow and ten p'gs, t? double Wagons, one wheat separato no cutting knife, one set of scales, or smootqing and one cntawav harrow, or bay earn er and all plows or machinery tools and utensils now on the lane above described, together with all tl increase of any of the above describe attic or stock. , This, 17th day of November. 1911. Baw M. Gstuso, Trustee. Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of Hke power coi ? ferred upon me in a certain deed < trust, executed to me byDohn Dunatc and Norwood Dunston, recorded in tl afflce of the Registerof Deeds of Frmnl In county, in Book 16?J page 51.1, at at the request of the holder of the not Beared in Mid deed <f trust, defaa having been made in tie payment ther f, I will, on Monday/the 18th d?v December, 1911, at tie hour of noo ell at public auctian/at the court hou: door, in the town ? ' Louisburg, N. C * to the highest biddJKl or cash, all th certain tract or paaceKof land situa in Franklin county,/ k rahklin ton tow hip. State of North Carolina, and d scribed aa follow!; Bounded on tl north by the lands if Anders da Fort ai Peter Kearney, on the east bj the lan af Luvenia Wilde! on the sooth by tl lands of Peter Kearney, and on the wa by the lands of Lena Joyner, contai p log one-fourth of kn acre, more or lea and being the lotArheren the said Jol Dunaton resided at the time of the ex cntion of said deed of trust, tc-wit, vember 30th, 1910. This, the 17th day of November, 191 W. H. Yabbobough, Js., Trustee. Mortgage Sale of Town Lo "**"?^ By virtue of a power of aale couta T ed in that certain mortgage, execut ' on the 6th day of June, 1907, by A, 1 v Alston and wife, Jennie C. Alston, . Mrs. Bettie G, Beavia, which mortga ~ ib duly recorded In the Registry Franklin couaty, in Book No. 156, paga 323, default hav ing been made the payment of the in lebtedness in ai mortgage secured, tlx undersigned w an Monday, the 18th i ay of Decemk I l!ill, at about the hour of iwn. at t .. mil HUMt CI 7P Jidd6am ?i/ening Rev uated to Tired Mc ? . the Home Girdle a* aJOii TH0UGHT8 FRO >t i. ' 1 ... or ot I o ilit y>>ung man who has no i t-asif for r*miing, theev nine houm *??? tended *ith t ujp ui ?n. It ^ Hii iu?>>.ii)4f by the le ih i ii T m _ ta ai4?\?^ atf*4 MbUralv tlfirS 18. li{e o- ?t?e**t i r cani ia YiikJv iie finds others like lilus^lfj"- * if ii ^vacant htfur t?? while and thus gr??w ,e up tli? h titbits Hint associations Q which sooi *-\?niua<e iu dissipation jB or U no i?> crime, 0. a ^ Ail. that the Vlfr call do w ill IIOI oiakf i lie home an agrerrble one. Neither exit a mite be hupp,) with a 7: fhusbaiut w ho is at'diced to finding f.tult with hit* brmtd ami butter. 8i?* ini) try ?\er h?rd t ph as* him, ?? yet when he alia ilown t*? unals, she fe lives ill OOUSiant f*-ar that Some >5, purti?>n *-f the fo<?l will uut sun los i?" fastidious taste, in He ' ' of ^ PuHte t?? x our children. Do gh vou exprct them to he mindful of sr- your welfare, to grow glad at?you* approach, to t?ouud away to *io your ar- P^asure..before your request is half ty, spoken? Then, with all your dignity m- and authority, mingt politeness J?; Give it a niche in \ out household [ill I A_i_ '- Ml I for lvtuPi<,> voij men win you nav? ,'o- me true secret uf sending out intc let the world really tiuiahed gentlemen 13' and ladies, of . DO. * * * When we launch our ship on the de morning waves of the great sea of >m life, let IU giude them by the light be of home, with the |ie]m of the era jq die words of our mother. ?"ot until K. we hate left home and' are wanu}"r' on era in the curious strangeness of a d; str-.nge land, unnoticed, unheeded, lonely and weary, will we kmrw-?et n<j a truth w'>at a mother is. Then we <j5 feel that she is gOO'l .and bless her. rr Xev.r can. we r. pay our mother's ktudness. Her withered form and n'e her silvering braida shall be defendiie e.t till that day conieth when He i'? st all make tip his jewels?and then * we when, Heaven will know Ho' id kinder, no.hrigl ter, no i-urer aou?l of than slit*. When the ever shilling s. stais shall wane in he fading of our J: vision, and .the notsv world will grow !e still in our steep >f, death, will we ig forget her; not tTlf then. . , ess r- i ' ' The making of money and sav * ing of money, as distinguished from r the miser y love of money which is le said to lie the root of all evil, should le be the aim of wll young men who start out in life for themselves. They le include habits of industry that lead d V. contentment and often ward off dissipation, want and future misery. It was not the gathering in of wealth that has sent to many leading men to prison, it was the unlawful manner in which tbey endeavora d to reap their harvest. >f m ... " If brothers or sisters err, the ,d world says "shun them; thus you es will show that yon disapprove of the 1' act, making an example of them." ^ Alas! how many examples we have of this mode of teaching crowding se the haunts of infamy today. Once bright young lives, over whose pure " ?iP? and innocent brows mothers watched in all tenderness; but the le- trembling feet-took one false step, J? and so we thrust them out of our hearts, out of our churehes, and ae would even throat them out of heay%t en. la it right, is it just, is it Christ?= liU? , ? . an ?- What's the use of getting into * worry and fret over gossip that has [1. been set afloat to our disadvantage by some meddlesome busybody who has more time tbtn character. These J" things can't possibly injure you, unt lose indeed, you take notice of them in- and in oombating them give them yd character and standing.- If what is said about you ia true, set yourself right at once; if it is false let it go of for what it will fetch. If a bee at stings you, would you go the hive and destroy it? Would not a thoosill. and some upon you? . Jt is wisdom er' to say little respecting the injones be yon have received. U, for ... ?X et, We like to eee the glancing, cheer jre tnl light through the window of i in- neighbor of a cold night, or watch "oh tbem, as evening deepens gradually creeping from the parlor to th< aid op per atoriee of the hooae near na ? We like to ma the little children R? ,9: tag in and oat the door, to play 01 JpJ toHkooL We like to aea the wbth 1th robed beby dancing up and dowt to ah the window in its mother"# anna so* or the father reading ttia news paper et evening, or any of Umm cheerful, impromptu home gjftnani ^ which, though we are no. Piol P*y ROLL COLUMN 6C166. M Column Dedi ithers as They Join ? at Evening Tide M THE EDITOF1AL "PEB , i w? will tf4* i- hi ke plenHHti' ij iieifcjni? r limn- wh.. I \> fi?r coin; f *r? iim- .id of show, Ws rfi ?W *,? ?. wur' pclveS i.fcri til*1 httfn'ij ll>n- -ytr?-4? 1 I AS I AllliH VtlO f'r- ?ln d .y. \\ * cm d?? it/if ? eni^f inic \ f riutii ?i?? n "f ' "'I'- Th id* * xna * ' x>?! mming in* ?i;at Ui !? it**)" o?? oilier iu the fnm*i? ?? f??"l ?U imJLJik. ''putting or 8 " \V> roust ri ui?f of tlnf n ion Mit<1 act on the irincipln thai " ?\ mo ver to ni:ik?- our intec c UlAc p c-.?8in'er *iih inoKeoutsidt th** family crcl* should in- brought i ??, iw?- pfH DON'T SUFffeR WITH 1 A!, n 1 tuts, Bruises Strains and Sprains, but apply Noah's f ipimaiit. It is and. septic andNrill lake the poison 5 and sorenessNodt quickly, when all else fails. |T Noah's liBlatnt will save any amount rnf pun and can '.. be taken internally, for Colic, "Cramps, etc./ NoUuhg better for Toothachi. NmJi'i Liniment J* ths bSft rflaWdy *>*! J Rheumatism, Scat lea. Lame liack Stln Joints and Muscles, 8oro Throat, lipids, | Strains, Sprains{Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Clamps, f' Neuralgia, Toothache, I and all NerreJ Bone and Muscle A dies and KfMkX PP Fame. The genAas has Noah's Ark cm over* ^B' _ i?ct?go nod ksti-'UiB KtiMiR tuto cut, fctit hla BED I 111! ft! baud On frontbf pack- 1 AyulJP m?U" ftlwaysKn*RED J iQmIO I Ink. Beware bf tmlta- I I tions. Large bottle, 25 m cents, and sdd by all "??nm?? B dealers In meld 1 cine. Guaranteed *r money IT!"*?*"' ' refunded by Noah Remedy do.. Inc., Richmond. >la. BUDBOfl Mr. Saw AJHyyUin If you wapt to get the best results from that piecekof timber you are auttuig. Let Is Sell t Fom(ou Write uf for Priced L B. Wali er & Co. Cash Lumber Buyer Office (jo. 12 I -Bank of Commerce Building Norfolk, Va. FOR SALE CHEAP :0: i 160- pair mens heavy sho s No. 10 100 pairs of ife^na heavy shoea Nc 11, 44) pairs nr*nKheavy shoes Nc 12 and 18, 400 ptas ni e Snodaj shoes No. 10 end 11, BQO prirs wo i men shoes No. 8 to 4, IT , pairs wo i men shoes No. T to 8 ITteabovi moat be sold at s lose. 20b woo i endstshirts for men, lots if m? aiuo weight enderweer for tli women t yon wear a No. 8 or 4 ind N.?. ! r woman shoe Just see J', WfaaHoi I before yoe bay. Also about 101 i suits clothse, all No 8ft ind 86, on t lot ladles skirts. lg fso evervthim way down under ooat n I te w,: B Uilfrt?? A .. . VU^JTlFii Incorporated - . 5ciumrtc Examination [tkblui or Eyes by latest App^ovco Methods SPECIAL / is CAli to th \ ? *P OPTICAI equipped with Jill instrumei most thorough and scienti IS NOW OPEN AND The opportunity of havij experienced specialist is thlu assurance that nothing pass cover the cause of and correi OFFICE Next Doc Offics Hours Fn CITIZENS BANI HENDEF The Paid in Capital; Earned I of St<^ Captital and St All of whiah serve* as a guai dej J. B. Owens, Pres. w. a. a ChR IS MOS I _' And We "AresP ftw"Yotu1 % * 1 \ * >? , \ We not 9nly have the large [ but have an extra large stoc Xmas Po?t Cards, Holly B i Manicure Sets, Pipes, Free i small boxes And number of b HKially for the holiday trai THE SCOGGIN *' " (ai/m Bathroom;! y mother should he careful m e Children take their baths arm room. The chill of a om is dangerous after com- E of the not water. Healer brigflLbathroom or bedroom H iviant in (hre oaten minutes AJ1 vou I nil nine hour* oar-one filling and it M :?n move it anjrwhoCe it is needed, d heat warming unoccupied rooms, id where you want it. \ ( an automatic-locking fiam^ spreader |y irned high enough to smoke\aad ia 9 when cleaning. \ B-blue >"amd of plnita e*?^l light and OSB*- |E| e I or may room m may bouse. * write to mjt uocr ?l tke Oil Company arporated) MORTON , /xI Chartered Sfe1 <** &UPKRIOR GLA?9L* ?TP ON Hand -u and TV Onpui VWTENTION e f?\t that my L/OFFICE ?Ha necessary for making the fip examination of the EYE, / READY NFOR .SERVICE ag your eyes examined by an s offered the public with the ibl6 shall be left undone to dis:t all errors of vision\ >r to Hotel Entrance om 4 to 10 O'clock. " >V' I of HENDERSON ISONi N. C. Surplus and Individual Liabilities [holders is uh^ffis $180,000.00 raniee Fund for the security of wsporsN. A. C. ZoHicoffer, Vice Pres. unt, Cashier A < STMAS A] HERE rei ared to Supply ^ ints. st si ?6k\f drugs in the county :k of TohAarticles, Stationery, oxcs and xWr, Infant Sets, ih lAiyler's iJ^ndy, Cigars in othttr articles bought esie. \ - ' DRUG COMPAQ . ; "*/' Ns ' i v Watenft!^ *V%. ; v ; %' ' 1 Fountain ... I -i ? Pens? ; fli. f? -4Half Price .. f . ' '." 'x I " - / I / The Best Candy Ever I Manufactured. ir The Best School Stationery \ . ' > The Most Complete I Line ol Toilet Articles riV, A Fpll Stock of Flowering Bulbs. of DRUGS -.and . IT Alt rrr-M XXIA iucac n ixl ! / / be / Fpuiid at /mock 1 * \prug \ ^ ^ \ 4f$f .iaH

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