BHf, v J - FRANKLINfON Our Regular ( Items of Interest ^ and Near Our Siste V CLOSES ON V - R. A. Pruitt'has a twelve-pound gli/at his home. The graded school closes for the ho ay8 on December 20th. - R. C Hardy, of Petersburg, has acce cd a situation with S. A. l?. > here. The saw mill of *F. M. Drake, out on he Nicholson farm, was burned on To ?day night. , r? Revenue Officer Merritt, assisted .by ' >lliccr Blacklev, of Granville, captui d a still near Wilton Tuesday. ? W. M. Bibby killed four hogs which ! we :hed as follows: 310. 310, 305, 295. J Tl. se hogs were only ^twelve months, - " old ? Th? election for the bond issue of j $10.0(0, held Tuesday, passed off quietly. There were only 200 Votes cast; 179 for bonds and 21 against bonds. ~? Jbhn Cannaday, colored, of this townshiD. cave a nice barbecue on Mnn day in honor of Mr. Mulligan and crew and the entire good roads committee. Every one enjoyed themselves immensely. ? H. CTHight killed 5 hogs last Monday which made him 1,088 pounds o? meat. Henry says he 'wpn't pick any more cotton till the meat is all gone. He is too greasy, he says, bis hand will not hold it. ~A H. Vann, A. O. Perry and Capt. Nicholson made the. circuit on Mr. Vann's" car to Rileigh to Durham and Oxford Sunday and came back in the afternoon and they say they didn't find ten miles of bad roads in the 106 miles which-they made. ?Mollie -Winston, an old colored wo? man and faithful servant at Sheriff Kearney's, died Monday. She was only sick a short while.and it seemed to be old age, Aunt "Patience," as she was more familiarly known, had lived in the , . sheriff's family for twenty years or more, and was always faithful to her duties and worked up to three days of her death. She was So years old. ?A large and intelligent crowd greeted the Parland Newhall Company at the Graded School auditorium on Tuesday night. The selections were of the highest character and received much applause. One special feature ot note was the violin solo, and the bells were fine. In all it was a good show of first class performance in every feature as was attested by a continual encore. , W hen you have a cold gJt a bottle of Oiamberlain'8 Cough Remfcdy. It will .. soon fix you up all ri?ht arm will w ard off any tendency towaMlpneumonia. This remedy contains no oilum or other narcotic and may be givenabconfidentlv to a baby as to an adult SbU| by all dealers, PersonalMiss Louise Rodwell, of Macon, is -visiting at F. M. Drake's. J. V. Finlayson is attending court at Smithfield this week. I f H. . Lowry. of Raleigh, was a visitor to our town Tuesday. Misses Kate and Mattie Ballard spent a week in Kittrell this week. W. R. Winston and wife, of Youngsyille, came over to the show Monday night. Miss Mattie Conway and Miss Dixpn, of Wake Forest, came over to the Bhow Monday night. S. O. Yann and family, who have been on a visit of ten days in New York, returned home Tuesday. Harry Blaeknall ana wife, and Shields Blaeknall, of Kittrell, came over to the show Monday night. Miss Elizabeth Brewer, of Danville, Va., who has been visiting at T. C. Joyner's returned- home Tuesday. Hurst Hatch, and MissJArlidge Harris, of Youngsville, came over to the Parland Newhall show; Monday night. "I had been troubled {with constipation for two years ami tried all of the I best physicians t>4Jilstol, Tenn., and they could do nothjnfb-fmme,'' writes Thos. E. Williams, ydidajeboro. Ky. 'Two packages of Chamblain's Stomach and Liver Tablets eurid (me. For sale by all daaiers. Xhe Department's "Cotton Estimate. J'' Washington, December llth.?The d*partmenttof(ayiculture estimates the eettoa crop of 19XM* to be 7,121,714,900 poandi of 14,886,000 bales of 500 pounds' ffioss weight Production by V States: Virginia, 0,000; North Cero, t Una, 908,000; South Carohna, 1,480,000; Georgia. 2,500,000jJFlorida, 73,000; Alabama, 1,000,000; -Mississippi, 1,196,000; Louisiana, 896"000;Texaa, 4,280,000; ArV I \ kaasas, 916,000; Teaaeeeea, 40,000; liiseoori. 83,000; Oklahoma. 916,000: CaUonia 11,000. M: ' ' ' V NEWS ITEMS Correspondent Gathered From >n~" r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY * NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. A Statement of Facts Backed by a St rong Guarantee. < We guarantee Immediate and positive relief to nil su.Terers froui constipation. In every c:i<e where our remedy falls to do this we will return the money paid us for it. That's a frynk statement of facts, and we want you to substantia to them at our risk. - j Rexall Orderlies are eaten just llttb candy, are particularly prompt aid agreeable In action, may be taken/at any .time, day or night; do not o:yise dlafrha>a. imv.son., griping. exeesiive looseness. or^other nadesirable erfets. They have a^ery mild .but pop; ire action upon the organs With /rhleh they come lu? contact, apnirentMy acting as a regulative tonic i*>on Ihe relaxed muscular coat of the kon&l.'thus overcoming weakness, and laming to restore The bowels to tnori Ilgorous and healthy activity. 1 I Rexall Orderlies are unsusruissnble and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form or const! pat lou nnd Its attendant evils. That's wliy we back our faith In them with our promise of money back If they do hot give entire satisfaction. Three Blaes: 12 tablets 10 cents, 36 tablets 2o cents and SO tablets 50 cents. -Jlemeni ber. you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store?The Rem'.I Store Scisgin Drag Co A Good Woman Gone. Last Wednesday e en ng Dec. 6th the death angel came and took away tl# loving wife of J. C. W inston She was a pure christian woman, her life was spent for those she loved, and her happiest moments were when administering to those who were unhappy. She was loved by all. who knew her andj ever ready to extend the helping hand to the unfortunate. She leaves a husband and seven^ children, two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Huskieth uLJiranville county, Miss Mamie D^nt,. of Raleigh, three brothers, L'ha lie Dent of Portsmouth, and Jimmie and Eugene Dent, of Henderson. Seven children. Miss Ora Winston Pa?il, Edward, Albert, Johnnie, Eleanor and Sam. She leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She was a kind devoted wife and mother. She connected herself with the church when twelve years old, in the Methodist faith in Franklinton, and at her death was a member of the M. E. church at Youngsville. The burial services were held at her heme, she was buried at the family burying ground near her home. Many were the floral offerings placed by loving hands as a last tribute to their loved one She was 54 years oid and had been married to Mr. Winston 24 yearsACTUAL STARVATION. Faets About Indigestion and Its Relief That Should Interest You. Although Indigestion and Dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly understand their cause and enre. There la no reason why most people should not eat anything they desire?if they will only chew It carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves Into sickness through fear of eating every good-looking, goodsmelling, and good-tasting food, because It does not agree trlth them. The best thing'to do is to fit yourself to digest any good[ food. We believe we can Klieve Dyspepsia. We a re so confid nt of this fact that we guarantee and >romiae to supply tb* medicine free of all cost to every one who will hs it, who Is not perfectly satisfied w b the results which It produces. W< exact no promises, and put no one u der any obligation whatever. Bnrel , nothing could be fairer. We are lo ated right here and our reputation sb< ild be sufficient assurance of Uie gen ihieness of our offer. \ We want eveW on troubled with Indigestion or Ddtspep la in any form to come to our stoke a id buy a box of Rexoll Dyspepsia Tbb jts. Take them home nnd give thenAe easonable trial, according to directitm ^Then, If not satisfied, come to as aol get yonr money bock. They are vAj pleasant to take; they aid to soothe the Irritable stomach, to strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, and to promote a healhyand natural bowel action, thus leadlig to perfect and healthy dlres tlon nnd assimilation. A 2V. package of I'crall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes IS ilays' treatment. In ordinary case*, this la anfllclent to produce a cue. In more chronic cades, a longer treatment, of eorfrse. la necessary, and depends npon the severity of the trouble. For soch cases, we have two larnr afaea which sell for 80c and J LOO Pew amber, yon can obtain Re rail Remedies In this commnntty only at ov gtone-The Rexall store. TW Sooggin Drag Co. - ? V, ' 1 (SUNDAY SCHOOL. : -? ! i Lesson XIII. ? Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 24. 191L -, _ ~ THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Loooon. Matt ii, 1-12. Memory Vtw. 11, 12?Golden Toxt, Luke li,' 11?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. fttearne. e We choose the Christinas lesson for today and will take up the study in Malachk next week instead of the quarterly review. Malar hi tells of the i great King whose pame is to be great among all nations from tile rising of I Ine sun unto the goiug down of the jrsame, even of Iliin who 1s King u? f kings nitft Lord of lords (Mai. 1. 11-14, Rev. xvil, 14; xix, it:.. The New Testament opens wiili His record as" Son of David. Sou of Abraham, and closes with His title as the root and offspring of David (Matt. 1. 1; Rev. xsli. 1G). Among all the kings mentioned in Matt. I. 1-11. David Is the ou.'y one who is called kiug. because the | covenant was made with him and because of his relation to the Messiah ^ i (II Sam. vii: I Chrou. xvil: Isa. lv, C: ^ lx. T; Luke 4, 32. 33; Acts xfll, 32-34). i j We come to this lesson and to the les- 1 ; sons of next year with Implicit cond- % i dence in the record and all its state ^ j meuts?the supernatural birth, accord A ing to i. 18-20; the fulfillment of Isaiah 1 vli. 14, according to verses 22, 23. and A 1 all else. l*?Meving also that not only A as Jeeus does He deliver us from the A | wrath to come (1 Tbees. i, 10h but that He is able to save His people 4 I from their sins (i. 21). He was fore- A j ordained before the foundation of the A world, and vghen the fullness of the ; time was come God sent forth ' Ills % Son. made of a woman, made under A I the law. to redeem them that .'were 5 under the law (I Pet. 1, 20: Gal. iv, 4, C). j The appearance of Gabriel to Mary ^ with the wonderful announcement, the A worldwide decree which brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem from j Nazareth at the appointed time^ the % message of the angel to the shepherds A with the accompanying incidents and ^ the actual birth at Bethlehem are all ^ fully told by Luke in his gospel. Our A lesson today touches only the visit of A the wise men from the east while the A I Babe and His Mother were still at ^ Bethlehem. The title "wise men" V i takes us back to Ex. vii, 11; Dan. 11. A 18; v. 8. The word "Bethlehem" ^ I takes us lack to the birth of Benja- ^ mln and the death of his mother, the A story of Naomi aud Ruth, the she;)- A herd days of David. The question, "Where is He that is % bom King of the Jews?" takes us back A ; to the prediction of. Mic.r v. 2, as j A quoted in lesson verses 5, G, and spe- j daily to the saying. "Ont of thee I w , shall come a governor that shall rule I i my people Israel." All the children .are taught that He was born at Betli | lehem, but who ever bears anything about His ruling Israel or sitting on the throne of David? Yet that Is A what lie Vame to do. but no has nev- m ' er yet done it. As truly as He was m born at Bethlehem He win yet reign f ' over Israel*, according to Jer. xxlilf % I 5, G; Ezck. xxxvii, 21; Gabriel's iner. m sage in Luke I. 32, 33; His own word M j to His disciples In Luke xxii. 30. and ^ |'the prophets everywhere. The Scrip- A ture must be fulfilled, and no other M j meaning can be honestly given to W | these plain words. The visit of these, f i wise men from the east to worship % j the King of the Jews and to bring A ! Him their gifts reminds us of the m j visit of the queen of Sheba and all ^ the kings of the earth to Rnlnmnn nnrt A their great Rifts to him (II Chron. m i ix, 1-9; xxlii. 24) and points us ou W I ward to the time of the kingdom ? ; when oil nations shall brtng their % wealth and their Rifts to Israel (Isa. A | lx, 1-7). The words of Gabriel to A ; Mary, "The Lord Qod shall give unto 5 | Him the throne of his father, David. A I and He shall reign over the house of m ' Jacob forever, and of nis kingdom m | there shall be no end (Lnke 1. 32. 33?. 3 must be literally fulfilled. Then "all m the ends of the world shalf remember a I and turn unto the Lord, and all the ! kindreds of the nations shall worship ^ \ before thee, for the kingdom Is the a Lord's, and He Is the governor among A the nations" (Fs. xxii. 27, 28). 1 , W The star that guided these wise men 3 must have been n supernatural light. I as no ordinary star would guide to 11 # bouse and remain over the house A (verse 9). We can only wonder why ^ with such guida?ee they should turn a aside to Herod and thus be unwitting- A ly the cause of the death of so many V little children (verses 10-18), but there 5 was a fulfillment of prophecy in it. I Having found the child, they opened i their treasures and offered unto nim A their gifts?gold and frankincense and ^ myrrh. People are today giving large a Yj/\o so called good works, buildings. A libraries and many schemes for the. betterment of the world, not Relieving 5 God concerning this world that It X lleth in the wicked one and is await- ? lng judgment and must pass through I the fire of God's wrath hi?fnpi? 11 can be any real betterment. Wbnt 1* needed U' that His own people nhonM I open to Him their treaanrea of time and talent and money, to make known J everywhere the Kind tldinjr* of Hie I great aalv.itlon. I have often been 1 helped by noting that before Joaeph I and Mary were aent to Egypt with " the Child (verao 12> the money waa on hand to po with, and.l have long be A llerved that we have no right to begin I any work for the Lotd or take any ] Journey for Him nntfl Ha prevldea for I It or makea it very plain, Cor when J He pntteth forth Hie aheep He goetb I before them. We need to eamemtier \ aleo that the-money they Journeyed on wee the money. ,iy-i u Jh )vu :tf?4 iqi\ iO r*tJ /P.ifi utxJev ?? ' T ' r . . rvT WT ? Presents ______ If you have "not and it is a boy that it shows bettei judgment "er appreciated on t e part of tl you to make that g: t a nice si pair of shoes or so nething in 1 ! Our line of si its, ove I furnishings, hand gi I everything a (man or ! plete with thi niarke , and we afee selling tftem at pric will guarantee a sale! Howeve that is positively guaranteed f< cyarge you, we havelthat also. \ ' SUGQBSTI\ k Waterman's FountainkPen, Bal r _____ -? ??? ?.w> uuuJL'CUJViU 1 Hand Grip, Leather Suit Case, ' GIVE C and let us help you select your vitation to visit our store at a] F. W. * AMONG 1 Christma ? THAT CAW j NicePKce >* My Stock is Comple g And We Wfll Tak^ I ^ Remember that when you gire a n more and still it is there to cintinu U of him or her everyday in tMe yeai and let us show you. / >i WE ARE ^ at all times to assist thos/ who are S the proper faking care^aad placing prices cheap consistent with good s sist you when by necessity you nei sm ? J" ^coiUENN * when in town it wil be to yoth l welcome * W. L /While i *. ">Ty^r.' 4 a 9 > f ??? : - ?_ / V 'u j > ' '*' * *>rr - : * -v> 5SSS9eSSK^95Si^?"?SS9SfiS^fei^jHlrii^ ' E YOU I! .ECTED I 'OUR v || For Xmas I * 1 - or man you want it for don't you think on your part and will be more and longtie one you intend to make the gift for lit nf rlnfhps nn nwar^Aoi ? - ? mu vTviwai) a Xiat, tt 111CC X 1 this line that will be of service to them? T trcoats, shoes, hats, gents 2 ips, suit cases and in fact 2 boy needs is full and com- 2 its best goods. 2 ' es that when you compare the quality ir, if you wish a nice piece of jewelry >r about half what some others may /E PRESENTS | jy Ingersoll Watch, Solid Gold Ring, X Vatchs, Gold Watches for Men, Leather X Trunks all sizes and John B. Stetson hat X IS A CALL | preSeht. We pxtend you a cordial in 11 times/\?. call will be appreciated. J Wheless ? * f? i ^ i P ^ mL titST J | Presents i BEGOTTEN IS A X of furniture 3 te From Start to Finish Measure in Showing You. XT ice piece of FURNITURE it cost? you no ^ ally remind the lucky one of your thought 1 for an untold-number of years. Come in kg PREPARED s<& i so unfortunate as to lose a loved one in away their remains. You will find our lervice and we will always be glad to ased our service. ' F I TO SEE US JP ^interest and you Will find a warm Furniture Company X - North CaWa. *4 1 i \ " ^ M

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