t FRAN^L^^f, TAR DROPS. ?The autoist auto have autoglasses. 1 Everybody is preparing for the Christ * | atas holidays. S .?The automobile garages seem to be doijig a good business. ' ? Saturday night moving pictures and vaudeville at the Opera. House. aonly one more week to Christmas. Are you ready to enjoy the holidays? ? Oscar Jpyner and Miss Violet Gray nickerson were married on Tuesday. ^Bl'here are 12,000 people in Frank, lln county who have defective vision. y-Buy that present by tomorrow week or it will be too late for Christmas. * ?Mrs, W. H. Pleasants is adthng a a kitchen to her residence on wen street. " ' \ S. Hoyrell is having water conarctions made to one of his buildings on Kenmore avenue. _?You are sure you haven't forgotten sne of your friends in purchasing your Christmas presents. ?Go out to the Opera Honse Saturday night and see the moving pictures and-vaudeville show. ?W. J. Cooper has purchased the store building on Main street now occupied by Copper & Bartholomew. ?We learn that J. H. C'happell, of near Youngsville, sold 911 pounds of tobacco at an average of 30 cents per pound. > .." " ?The shooting of fireworks was begun the past week and some of the boys have been enjoying. the sport right much. *?If -those of our subscribers who are behind in their subscription will pay up' and renew it will assist us in enjoying obr Christmas. ?Mrs. A. M. Hall has something new and of interest to say to the readers of the Times in this issue. Look up their advertisement.*-.- ?' ? yis many friends here were glad to see W. F. Beasley able to be out on the streets again the past week, after a j short illness. | ?W. L. Hard later, of Youngsville, I .has taken a position as clerk in the Register of Deeds' office during the absence f C. H, Mullen. . ' ?It hae been reported to us that W. E Fuller who lives near Louisburg planted five pecks of peas and gathered fifty-one bushels. ?Wo are requested to state that the agent of the Southern Express 'Company will not deliver whisky packages the 3:45 train in the evening. ?It is estimated that your eyes are. worth $5,000 a peice and yet, if they could talk they would tell a lots of intolerable eu(T ring caused by your neglect. ?The recent ruling of the express agent here that no whigkey would be delivered in the evening after 8:45 has interfered with some of its pairons get? ting their Sunday booze. ?Your attention is directed to the change of advertisement of F. W, Wheless in another colump. If you aredook mg lur u Vjiu iniiuao ^icaein, jruu win uu well to read it and pay him a visit. ?It is beginning to be a common occurrence for people who keep their mnnev at home to lose sarao by some means. Thr.se announcements should be a warning to everybody to keep their money in the banks. ?W. L. Daniel, formerly of Cedifl Rock township, moved his family to ne of the Ford residences on Spring street 'yesterday He informs ( us he will open a barber shop under the Ford warehouse 011 Nash street. 1 ?The'Jackson Tri-State Motor Car Co. has inaugurated a regular automobile schedule to le?ve Louisburg every day at 12 o'clock 'jr Franklinton and return Immediately upon the arrival of train No. 3S. Thiv will relieve the travelling public fromjitaving to make such a long wait.' y ? Beautiful andf right it is that gifts and good wisluMBhould fill the air like *ro flakes at CWBitmas-tide. And beau' tfful is the year* it?_coming and its going?most beautiful and blessed because it is always the year of Our Lord. "1 ?Where in all humdnity is there greater longing, dearer expectation, sweeter hope than in the heart of a child on Christmas morn? But in allHhe earth there iayio look so sad no sob So stabbing as are called forth by empty-ajoc Icings. ?The attention of oufYeaders is ca'.ithe change of advertisement of ^Bw B. Morton in another column TOm whichjwill.be seen that besides he ingln position to examine your eyes lie is prepared to furnish au tog lessen and everything else in the optical line. ?Don't you know, Santa Claus is the spirit oUChristmas; and ever and eyct so maay years ago when the dear ifttrfr baby was bom after whom we call Christmas, and was cradled at the manger out in the Stable because there was not room in the ins, that Spirit came v . o t- . 'Mi Wood, tin and stgne lard stands atL. I P. Hicks*. Children's wagonKrall sizes, at L. P. \ Hicks'. Christmas and minion candles, assorted colors, at L. PKHieks'. New arrival cookNsioves, prates, coal and oil stoves at L. flrs^licks.' Royster's Chri^viuH candv in holiday packages at ufe'Hicfcs'. National Biscuit CSl*s assorted (Christmas cakes and canuifes at L. 1 . Hicks'. 20 cent candy fok/10 cents, M. C. Pleasants. f\ New lot of popular/ pricbd candies just received. Otbermch&rgQ 20 cents per pound for the sam* I charge 10 cents, M. C. Pleaaanw. See the fresh lot \y 10 cent candies at my store M. C.> iVfeasanls. Get your 20 cent caany from me. It will only cost you 10 cints a pound, M. C. Pleasatts. / \ Nicest lot of toys in Louisborg, M, C. Pleasants. Get younSanta Claus here. I Remember thatjno/w. King is oyer| stocked in ttreworks.N They will be sold I cheaper than ever thiawear. , Alkkind of candie\rakee, nuts, seeded raisins, currantfff-ddTts, liga at | - ? W. King's: Stone, TV* and wood lard stands at | L. P. HkKa\ Have yon Rw^-jjrrtiat beautiful Cut UiaasjiJLWflTl^tjtaalila' priclfi HO low. JpK, Selling /Out. . I have decided to /move to another town, and for this Jfeascr. 1 will sell mattresses of ."tnw (grade very cheap. For "a one-horse cjncem," 1 have ai pretty large stock. KSanie *o see n.c bo?< fore 1 leave and get a Bargain. Ge4 K. Btounis, Ju. Y j ?Merry Christmas has brightened j I more l.c.arts,' has healed more grievance^, has brought more happiness-to j the li\es of m.-nand women, has proved j to be the taltsmante sentiment for more home reunions than any other that has ever be en heard in this old world. iicR BAKING F * Absolute The only Baking from Royal Grape MO ALUM, MO LI I ' ' m : o <4 .> -?. v ? mm )!' into he world to soften the hearts of men and make them love one another. 4 ' J-MLU. "ALt Wrong. The Mistake-1b Made By Many ^ Louisburp: Citizens Don't mistake thecaiue of backache. To be cured you must know the cause. It is wrong to imugipe that relief is cure. ~ Backache is kidney ache^ You muat cure the kidrfeys. ? A resident of this j^elnity shows you Eugene Thorhe, Apams Ave., Henderson, N. C-, says:* "I hive used Doan'a Kidney Pills and-aiust say that they benefited me mor^lhan any otjicr remedy I ever tried, jtot ye^pi^Thad kidney trouble^nd'fluffaKd almost constantly^ fro ml baekltcjie and distressing pains ill myl URimr Some days I was bardly ible toywind for mcfe than twenty fcunutwr;mt a time and J rarely got a ft 11 jnJTt' re>t. I took several kinds o momnitife and also wore plasters, bt t J ft tthl no relief. Doan's Kidney Pil^ w< rl [finally recommended to me add getti igVlbo^I began-their use. Theyremov d ly acn^.and pains and i restored me to better heatt h tnan I had j enjoyed rOr jnaiiy years. Some years | agd I publicijr endorsed Doan's Kidney ; Pills aud at tmvt'me lam glad to speak in tljeir praise again. The benefit I u a. ?: ?? itvy- ?tu uoa ucuii A?or Hale by all deWrs. Pricn 50 gpnts. Foster-Milb\irusHV>.> Buffalo, New York, sole agenlbv tor the United States. KHmeruber the DHme-^-Duivn's? and-take no other. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury wTll si rely destroy the sense of smell and cc npletely derange the whole system wh n entering It through the mucous Burfac :s. Such articles should never be used e tcept on prescriptions from refutable ph 'slclatla, as the damago they willNdo lo tr i fold to thfe good you can poasimy derl from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, ir inufactured by P. J. Cheney & Cok 1 oledo, O.j contains no mercury, and ISy aken Internally, acting directly upon the tejood and mucous surfaces of the sys emsjn buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure yolTget the genuine. It is taken/internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. . ] Sold by Druggists. Prlco 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ? n Sau^.^e mills, stutfers and flavoring at L. P. Hicks'. r\ To many, wintar iiL Mason of trou ble. Th? frost-bitta. chilblain,\ eold-aoraa, red *S(I / rough skins proea this. Rut auch troubles fly befon Bucklen s A nlca Raive. A trial con vfnees. Greatest hhalca ( that proceedings entitled | W. B. Cookd, Assignee of Jr M. Joyner. Ex parte, the undersigned will, on Wednesday, the 27th. day of Dec 1911, at about the hour of noon, at the court, house door, in Louisburg, N* C , offer for sale to the. highest bidder, for cash all unpaid accounts due the said J. M. Joyner a list of which is filed with the court: This Dec- 13 th.. 1911. W. B. Cooke Assignee of J.M. Joyner. i Win. II. Ruffin, Atty. NOrth Carolina. I In the Superior , Franklin C??unty. 1 iCoi^rt. Lizzie Chave sai vs. [ Divorce Proceedings JEfSlE CHAVSRS. ) The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issuedby the undersigned Clerk of tho Superior Court for Baid County and State, on December 11th 1911;"and the said summons was returned by the aheritr of said county and State enderseefendant not to be found in mjp^Joun^y, said to be out of the StatfTsaid summons wag., made returaablefthe 6th MondUMK'CTore the first, Monday being the 22nd day of January, 1912. it being the regular term of Prank in Superior Court nnd from ^the complaint and affidavit tiled in this cause it appears that the plaintiff has a good cause of action against the said defendant. Xow. therefore, the oaid defendant, Jessie Chavers, will take notice that he is required to ,apl>ear at sa d time and place and answer or jdemur to the complaint filed in sahi cause, or the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted. Witness mv hand this, the 11th day of December/iPll. X J- J- BABBCW. Clerk Superior Court for Franklin 12-lo-4t County, North Carolina. Ncticeof" Summons. North Carolina, Franklin County,. In the Superior Court. Before the, Clerk. \ * G. W.Strickland, K. T/^S trick land, S. S. Strickland, A. R. Strickihnd, H,J. Strickland, W. J. Stricklana\ B. I*. Strickland, T. F. Strickland. xloah I Strickland, Algy Strickland / \ vs. / \ I Melvin Strickland, Havwood Faulk*n ner and wife, Lucy Faujjlncr and Lee! Strickland. / To Melvin Stricklancy one of the do! t'endanta above i amedy . i You will take notic/that an action, i entitled asapove, bay been commenced | in the Superior Cour/of Franklin conn-' ty before tap Clerl# of snid Superior, Court, for the purdbfce. ot partitioning the lands ofiW. T. Strickland, deceased, late of Franklin /ounty, , North Carolina, among hw jfeirs-at-law, and you will further^ -tx\wS notice that you are required to ^ppear befor ' J. J. Barrow, I Clerk of theaoperior Court of Franklin I county, N. C., at his office in LouisLurg, \ N. C.. on the 15ih day of January, 191*5, and answer or demur to tire petition in I said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for ti e relief, cemonaed I in said petition. This, the 15th. day of Dccenioer, 1*011. j. j. -bakrow, Clerk of h* Superior Court Franklin Ooufny.'N. C. W. H. YarbordUgh, Jr., Att'y for plaintiff. Sale of Land. Pursuant to authority (contained in the decree and order madfe^by Superior Court of Fran*-in county, at October, term, 1911, in case entitled Dock Whitley and vyife v. Springhobe Company et als, the undersigned Commissioner, beinur dulv licensed therptd will nn first day' of January, 19iit it being first Monday in saiHmonth, / at about the hour of noon, at-the court house door in Louisburg, N, exjose^tb sale At public auction to t>\e highest bidder for > cash, the follo\ving^?fecribed tract oK parcel of land situateNJi Cypress Cp&k township, Frankfin c??nty, and State of North Carolina, bounded as follows, yiz: That tract of lap! \djoining tl.e lands of John Ross om thVeast, north and west, the lards-of Brook Heading, Col. Benton and Cof. Harris on the south, containing onfc hundred, seven and one-half (107 IE) acies Vjore or less, an t kjiown at the Ma\ Jane Odtun old place." "Purchaser wijNbe required to deposit 10 jer cent of Ins bid pending the ugnfir nation of sale as a guarantee of root faith in the transaction This, the 2i d day of December, 1911. K- i E en T. Holden. _ Commissioner. Kcyit cake and bfe- jh- fresh, for the o <**\s. hi L. P. Hicks'. ? % ? \W arc requested to state, that Rev. 11. B. ijelany D. D. ^^rcHdeacon for colored "work in the Dioee-e of North Carolira. will condu<$ services in St. Matthias Episcopal Church Sunday morning December, seventeenth nt eleven o'clock. Evening services j seven thirty. Celebration of the Holy Communion at the morning service. All' are cordially invited to attend these | services. - v fAXP: 1 IQWRFB i ly Pure [ Powder made Cream ofTartar 1MB PHOSPHATE || I T : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ^FrRST NATlb g While your income is steadySahd every imiss a bank account, but iindeXadvers< that you have spent. Dpn't waiter tb account today 0 / 0 V) | FIRST NATIC Office _ President, Wm H. RUFFIS . i TVMO X HAlir(^i4/ ? I IUIIUCIJ ... \Tr~ Wants lfclieving there is 110 "Store Policy so successu wnat thev .want, ^"hen'they w;:nJi?, aec / or Soft ! McKinne Bros X SATISFACTION OR Yl <*- ? ? > <' ISSETOE I 10 Ater till | HE WELL I UNS DRY J >tArt A - | UNI TODAY % n merman Co.?No. 6 J thing is running smoothly yotf don't S 5 circumstances you miss the money ie well to run dry but start a bank X 0 0 0 0 0 , _ 't >NAL BANK | rs Cashier, "F. B. McKrINNE. IX VN XSHIX Ssss*>ss^ Supplied! il in the long run as suppling customers 'or our u licensing effort lo bo able to MDeid, well stocked lor the holiday trade with ctiouaries, pickles, preserves, jams, jelliew, A * horn and Votan coffee and tea, Tarbell >? celery, malaga grapes, tigs,.citr6i), grapo , fruit Cake. New arrival of cook stoves, idy is worthy of Your Inspection. 4 HICKS } 1 IR HOME. X- Z $20 ! ' ' " . sjafrfiasasrss- j <& 1 * v ? r . 4 leaters for Hard J Coal a ?. Company | J DUR MONEY BACK ? . X |