Hollings ' - 4* * ,>y... < KRELL # I V We have These pianos . are offering a J. W. v" . \ __ ; Suggestive Questions. dxcehbeb Sl8TtJ 1911. Xreview. : Golden TextXjf we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleans usfrom all unright. eousneea. I John li.\ The following questions may be used as an original lesson' or as aNievlew of the thirteen preceding lessons. The date and title of each lesson, where found, Golden Text, and one question from eath lessen follows. October '1. The Prophet Ezekiel s "Watchman, Ezek. iii, Golden TextHeat the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. Ezek. iii:17. (1) Verse 7?What is the effect of preaching the gospel upon those who will not hear? October 8, ' The Life Giving Stream. Ezek. xirii 1-12. Golden Text?Who - soever will, let him take of the w^ter of life freely, Rev. xxil:17. v , .,(2.) Verses 1-9?What does water, when used in the bible as. a figure ol '^speech, generally stand for? (This is .j 4l. |a.. tk.t -f . uno ui bBD ijaoonuuo uiau majr uc bij, swered in writing by members of the dab.) ,v \ October 16. The Return From Captivity. Ezra i:l-Udi: 64-70. Golden Text?He retaineth not his anger forever, because he deltghteth in mercy. Mlcah. visa :1B. (8.) Verses 1-6?Where were the Jewi * as wpeople at the o peeing of this lesson, and what were the circumstance! which took them there? ' October 22. The Foundation of the Second Laid. Ezra iIl:i-iy-6. Golden , Text?Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. Pa. C:4. (4.) Verse i?Which should have the right of way, or first place, our own ' business or that of the'church? October Mr A Psalm of Deliverance. - Ps: flitter Golden Text-Tho Lord hath I* done great things for as whereof we \jt~-?* are glad. Ps. Cxxvi:3. " (6) Verse 1?How much of the prosperity of our land and nation depends upon the favor of the Lord? November B. Esther Pleading for Her People. .Esther lvd-v:3. Golden Text ?The Lord preserveth all them that loTsJHm. Ps. cxyi:2Ch (6.) Verses 1-8?What* were the cireumatances which caused Mordecai to rend his clothes si.d put on sackcloth? - ? - November 12. World's Temperance ' Hundtyi Belshazxar's Feast and Fate. ^m ' Daniel v. Golden Text?God shall bring erst thing, whether it be good, ore >.-r'frN.''-i T~? - A I )' " I III II 1 . V " ~ " ?'* ?. ---"' -?.^? ^ J v, "' x .-:' ' worth's '""" . " -;# v" ' ._;v . ' . ; p. f^r - ,' ' ' ? Si FRENpH, i in Louisburg an^Raleigh a fe1 are almost newAndworth dou ill goods at reduced prices for a -p? H0LL1J / ' ' ' L '.' ' , fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James vjlfi. / (9.) Verses 1-3?By whom, and wheii/ had the wall of Jerusalem been broken down? / December 3. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall of Jerusalem. Neh. iv. Gelden Text?Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. I Cor. i xvi: 13. ' * i (10.) Verse 1?What progresB had been made up to this time in rebuilding ' ^he wall of Jerusalem, and how had the. , work been done? December 10. Nehemiah and His Eni emies. sNeh. yi. Golden Text?The Lord is the Strength of my life ' of whom ahali.1 be afraid? Ps. xxif:i. i (11.) Verse btr?When God is blessing us with great Success in our work, how does, that generally affect those who are doing similar Work and why is It so? December 17?Ezra Teachekvthe Law. Neh. viii. Golden Text?The law of ' the Lord is perfect in converting (he soul. Ps. xix. 7. | (12.) Verses 1-5?Where was this ' i great meeting of the Jews held, what was its object and result? December 24. Malachi Rebuking and encouraging Judah. Mai, iii-i-iv-3 Golden Text?Return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the. Lord of bests. Mai. iii :7. i (13.) Verse 9?If a man does not pay to God's cause, at least ten. per cent of i his amines, does the Lord regard him M a robber? Give your reasons, i Decen5ber24. Christmas Lesson Jesus i Bora in Bethlehem. Matt. ii:l-!2. Golden Text?Unto you is born this day in the city of David a. Saviour, which is Christ the Lotd. Matt, 11:11, i ' (14.) Verses 1-2?What does the lowly : birth of Jesoa signify tothe world? Lesson for Sunday, January 7tb. 1912. The Birth of John the B^Dtist Foretold. Luke litCZSf. There is so much competition nowaj days that oply an artistic liar can cause people to sit up and take notice. NOTICE Town>sTaJ Payers i The town mc bo/ks for 1911 have beep turned ove\te me - for the collection ot the taxjfc thereon with in, structtons to cmmerce QjiildiDg v Nov folk, Va\ \ ' ? . V ' ?t ? ^ ^ ^ ^ re and ill kinds|furj^ture DA, / ST/ TVm MnR K A fv/ Im fa^JCJyei i |tTyovy pi i * ' - ' ? t j X) ORGiS we offer until December 10th: because we need the money, ai ^ * , Saved Hts W Ifes Life., * "My life would have bfeep In JpFr jraVfi today," writes 0. H. Brown/t>f 'uscadine, Ala., "irl it had not been for Dr. Kind's New UUcdvery. She was down in her bed, nott /ble tp ,get up without help. She hjo a sqivrfre bronchial trouble ai^d a dfeadful; cough. I jot her a bdttte of Dr.aingb New Discovery, and she soofi began to mend, and was well in a abort time " Infallible for cyughs aatighs .arra\ colds, it's the most reliably remedy ouNearth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhage, la grippe, asuima, nay ievcr, croup ana whooping cough. hOc., $1.00. Trial botile free. Guaranteed by Aycock Drug Co. J Tk Wanted 7 Women and girls'^ malr? men's underwear, work light and clean, good wages | naidi while learning^Address W, W. CnaPlN, Supt. Meluohp Knitting Mill, ! / Italeigh N. C. Administrator's Notice. <1 Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs:, Lila Avscue, deceased, late of Franklin/county, this is t# notify all having claims against said estate to present theftaeme to the undersigned on or before/toe 10th day of November, 1912, or tips notice willjie plead in bap of their rdcovery. _ All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This November 10th, 4g|l. W. IG. Ayscue, Adm'r. Wm. H. Ruffin, Attofneyi Santa Clause Has Come to THE BIG 5 and lOCejitStore_ W-itb the large.stSltock of toys tnd holiday goods evb*J^ought Q, to Louisburg. /You areYwal- N ;ome to our store and we Kvant g, you to come whether your buy 3r not. / ' bur Jgwejrf' Dept. is now ready for you to select ~~ your Christmas Presents. We D will have another shipment ibout December 1st, bift we lrge you to buy early before the stock is picked'!over. We will sell you any price of jew- _ ;Iry just as cheap as you can irder it and we stand back of ;very piece to be just as represented. -1 *1 _ O T\ jonnson a race. , JeweleA and Opticians Proprietors of 6 and 10c Store. ' . 't - y . -* . . : _ 1 __ ' V ^ I v , . - ' w Music i *.. ' ' VRR, RIC JU E-1 y 11 i , ? J o I .i i.. lNS1 :" ' ..' for the small price of $100>(X ad don't want you to soil youi ^LOUISBU . * ? . *" V 7 If you w/mt the b< Brice from $ J We are.Soli yCARDLER-CR / .. / , / 1 STATEW ilTIZENS BANK ( Henaerson, December i RESOURCES -* jX jans and discounts $495,907.13/ rerdrafts 3,332.7/1 Ct . C. Bonds 25,000.00 ?l ther Stocks and Bonds 30,051 Ao 1 inking House Futniture and r / V1 Fixtures 10,732.73 | ? surance Department /? 2.868.98 | -c ish on hand and in other. / D< banks' ^B,467.00 ] Total ^^788,949.84 eposits and other business wit mded to, treated strictly ^cot W. A. HUNT ' ' FRAI^^ * House * \ . ? ^ . ''"t :hiviond Di . 1 ^ 7 W&?nuM' I " - ' j ~^i t' ^ * * ' ? ?.-- , ' ' : ' ?,. \*.?i /r; ; 3 spot cash. ., cotton, we . . ./ ' . : .Lrv . ..."' . 'V" - ' ^ . ' rg, n. c .?? ." i" -C. ; . >" X . .; j, # # # ~ ; - ----- - ist\buy a Kabo. f X to\$3.50 s Ag\ats OWEEL CO. - v [ent a v )F /HENDERSON n/c. \ >^n, 1911 \. \ LIABILITIES ipital stock paid in ?100,000.00 irjMus and Profits 83,237.70 '' >teAre-discounted- 27,865.48 ie. tfXbanks _ r 428.92 ishiei\checks outstanding 1,916.86 rtifieposits \ 575.497.88 Total \ $788,949.84 h this bank promptly atifiderttial, \absolutely safe. Ca^r