- {'an "almanac of"; i i ye olden time :| " "^OBTUNATBLT for our fore "? n fathers, the almanacs had some 1 ^ claims to literary merits In l their day. Reading matte;, was scarce ouialda of Ihe larger-towns ef the colonies. Magazines were prac- ^ tlcally unknown. Pilled with prog aostlcationa as to the weather, with snatches of wisdom and humor. Terse * and essay, the annual almanac became a compendium of useful knowledge Hl that" was most eagerly awaited and was hailed as an Important event In all many a home. One might say that It the was treated as a household god. for. the hung upon a book In some corner, It we always was ready for instant refer Aci eace. The wise saws and qoalnt say thr tags which ran through Its pages wer< str read over time and again by eren nP member of the family. li There were numarons almanacs pub- lag shad during colonial daya In this *n< eeontry. The popularity of Poor Bleb *f ard's Almanac, edited by Benjamin Str Franklin, went band In hand with that Th of Its illustrious maker. lmc Til# fll-wf A mo- II ? ? * * Aiuwuavt 1U ? 1720. was conventional In form and to dlosely followed - other almanacs of tor * the period Its maker was a physl tor <Un It contalnad 'a table of the > anovements of- the planets and snndry wo prophecies concerning the weather <b* That the doctor waa afraid of eevere aal erltlcUm of this Brat effort la Indies t ?xj . ad by the followtag stanaa, which alec Mb hi net rates the style of his poetry: 1 Bead. thea. and learn, hot doat all faolu Ka eWeot <a_ . Chi Ma I I ther ess only judge that caa oar- k. east T? whom my works Must sad If 1 Bod The soaa of-art to favor thaai Ineltn'd. Thl With their propitious wiillai It shell eof- tr toe IS eountet peloe tha trawaa ot eaamlee. li rlamination of the Blae of the Ames Almanac shows that Dearly T1 every conceivable subject was discuss L. ad by the doctor In Its saarty forty . 1 . years of publication- Sometimes he . _ indulged In flights of tmagery. aa In _ \ November. 1780: ? OM winter's eemlng. veld of en 4ellght ' With trembltna steps Hie bead le baid . and white. Oat Hie hair with robes of tololee la bans mot Hie ehatt'rtna tooth eontooad hie useless . s tongue. *^e" He makes the rich te spend end -peer to 71 boy ? the Mr want of that wfateh woold their wants nav " ' supply ^ In the opening ltnea of the almanac a T tar 1738 Dr. Ames takes a fling at lawyera. priests and doctors and blames aid. evarbnrdened Adam for their et . . . oa i tote ore. Thus: ^ Had Adam ,fjood In Innocence till new And his bleat "edna had delgn'd la hold the plow 8dU Jfo labor had fatlgu'd dm- t*am ban To t polled Hie youth, but ?prlof bad erer blooming ^7 mCTd. Me loet far pelf nor hoart dlatreoalag pain dof 1 Had Htsed the mlaer aor the rural rain. Nor rloe. aa now. with Tlrtoe ne'er had viod. ?" ad bearon's omnipotence lLoelf defy'd faHl M?r lawyer*, prleaU nor doctor* o'er had to f - beefl c--. If man had stood against tV aoooalta of eln. 1 Bat. oh, b? (all! And as ann'l we be fa o Tho world Is BOW obllaed to boo bll three |HProbsbty tho most latrrssflna por Hour of these almanacs srs the Wts Jjjt of ,.Wisdom and humor which went ^ thel to pou k TnujH '' OOS wit out! *wi ML w^Er a * B ^ r ^HnK^r do* Ix bnr U/A^l 3S*f oho ' for ,.? " Aiwut iuui roa urm limavuiL enj with each calendar month. A few II- wcj lnstratlons will suffice to show the son " of thin* that amused our ancestors: t*k ,?T?BRUART. 17B. J00 Pretty cold, treezins nights, followed with a short storm. Let travelers bo upon a*r their atlard to defend their nosea Ida, FEBRUARY, 1747. hot ^ Tfce firmer now's resolyd b? will not ret I ''WW, J wbi While he hu pipes, tobacco, fire, with Kood bread and cheese. 11 '' # - OCTOBER. IE. 10,1 Those that "are husbands rap# >(, Tar Should now set in f^elr cider, grain and Is I wood.'" Ch! An honnat frlmnrf ia P~ul eM?noo> *?? A good conscience is the best guest. SEPTEMBER. 170. % jjl Virtue is prjjsed more than followed. 'A: .'A Td some men their country to the?- perl Shame, and some are the shame of the! siJ sotfntry. . Love and Time. ?j **0^0(10. Mew Tear, of your food grac< These aad wrinkles from Lore's face. gill "Wan and weary now he seems I Bring him back the dreams, the dreams U'J "Arch above htm April itkiea. v-i Ktoe the Ught into his eye* ' 1 I \<j "Land Idas book to neomen s fled- Kxx Luro Lwt'a roses from the deadr -p0 B n Hay.- the Mow Tear salth; "his day Vlf Bath o'srpast the daisied way. ti m Though he weareth now the thorn. Heath the rose leevss It was harm if Br.?tersrssi.-i -2 SZZtSSZXmg 2 &L, ?- 4 yiii.v. . . ? -, CHRISTMAS FOX j HINT IN AMERICA itITEN the weather ! firvt Us on ObiWBU day the f f members of many country (tuba throughout the United ites engage In a fox bunt. Tbb U > modern survival of tba ant I?f ue that used to furnish game far i great holiday feast. v jong ago In the middle agpa before i day of markets, of storage houses refrigerator cars the lord and vnes shared the traits of the Hon sad rood to eat that which they did net L At daybreak eo the morning of i holiday the chieftain summoned i men of his clan, and to horse they nt la pursuit of the wild boar rose hills and level stretches, ough swamps and acroaa frozen earns they galloped till they came with the fierce prey, a the battle that ensued the prlsle pf the most ratoroue feats, of lergolag the greatest danger gad finally administering the death >ke waa Intrusted to the noblest, in tho body of the boar was carried A Vj the re seals, the bedy roasted I the bead garnished and decorated take the place of honor la the con of some long table laid la the can of a baronial balL ar la to morning of the next day nM the roistering continue, and poor gentleman who could drink y one bottle was destined to end torlonceo In this bout of mighty Men. betboor has paeaed from the earth, longer does the lord kill his own ristmaa feast, but la small men sure resins the Joys of tho holiday it by bla pursuit of sly reynard ire ore In tho United States seven first class clubs devoted te the it of fox boating. The season he I at Thanksgiving day Is at Its the by Christ mast Ide, far then the la crisp with frost, and the last of crops tbst boaters might have uged have been gathered late the n sod safely stored sway, or persons of wealth tbeee are sera Isers who. at 7 o'clock In the morn, hove gathered near the clubhouse i comrade Jolaa another, aad a TT pirhincfi of PKrl^tnfin * i recall* the holiday. rottlBf behind the huntsmen and c wblppere-ln come the boonda. now rt and bndneaallke, bat at the i of command ready to break lato ery babble of doc noise. Horses, srb horses, strain eagerly at their , lee, anilous to bear their red coat- i tders off In the chase, te master of the hoands glees his i d of command, and across a cornI the mad Christmaa race starts. 1 the first fence eomee the mad cards It la a high one. Orer, under through the .bars scramble the i. Grandly on bis bore* the mastakes the fence. Others follow, not eo grscefuljy. gome on* 1 l, but the race goes on. all eager each that place where in frost the 1 nd la glrtng tengne. j here cornea a ditch whose surface aly pertly bean, the middle hse- j the water free. The leap la a had , with the footing corored with Ice. I one after another the hnntars pat r steeds at it Some slip and isable, splashing seas of mod oa 1 r rider*, bat nose cares Too great he Joy of getting orer wttboat loee time to worry over a couple of nds of mod added to the weight of 1 it the gallant horse moat cany, level stretch la reached. The thor- 4 hbreda are pot to It te keep op J b the dogs. Then come a wilder ] hurst of barking and the captor# j a fog. The brash la taken and 4 trded lo the lock? rider i^ho was j it the death. - I ben the party torn# sedately back. J excitement of the day over. The 4 a are returned to the kennel, the J sen are carefully robbed down, the tldpanta In the bont hare their wer hath and are ready to dreaa dinner after the most exciting and oyab'r start a Christmas day can 1 have. _ or only members of the clubs have eu (tart In this chase. The growing d will between farmer and hunter turned the attention of the unto of (culture to the delights of this hot y tide. He has mounted bis beat se and Joined in the race. He, too. ims home to a hearty dlnnef to tell it a good time be bad. 1 lens aristocratic elnbs. such as the ny organizations of farmers are In lous parts of tbe country, the bunt ess ornate, but It results In more 1st mas killings of foxes, be wild, rough country of Virginia tea directly following behind the inds a hazardous. If not Impossible, forma nie. ' This gives rise to the ? *">/ OMJ1II IMU HI/ IC VI UUUI . which la to let the bounds work ch of Uw tima alone. the hunter fol1nir onl.r lu spirit. cttebiiif a opaa of the flying pack oceafcioaalor. folded by their cnoalcml baying. I Of to i-strh op at th< njfjt atatton.' > Kentucky the Ctarlitmaa but la 1 at nlaht. on Chrtotmta m bo for bant la an Imputation from fUind, where It atill la the farorltr. rt of the elite at Cbrletmaa time, ftnla'a early aattlara flret lntroduc tba custom Into the rnloblaa. and ural George Waahlngton wae one the moot famooa of fox bnhtore. colonial gfttTwaa ed oca tod to fox One aa pa rt df bar aeoompllafa ata. and Kfindrade of the halloa Jd^hUke a^flre relj^fenco aa aaatty aa r: *" .. - " S-- T . v? v. " if.al' . >. \Siu :'ii7 ? ^ vi1" 'ST-:V . . : .V.- . i>IB DICKKJfl, -A 0KBAT HAITBH Of JAMK2TT AMD MIBTH, WHO WATHD HI* WAND TO OLLiD TBI LON4 A(KA" A werld too pleasant; while their horses speed The Wellers make the welkin ring Indeed. A Deadlock House looms darkly through the rain. tad. look, the tiny dressmaker limps by. And she. eternal type of faithfulness. >orrlt. whom prison* do not daunt I her eye v' Is for her father: nest. In teaman's cress Quaint Csptain Cuttle lifts his book to bless 3ta darlings; Barkis at low tide must d?a drolls. villains, gentieioik of all degrees Make populous the air. a hundred strong. AM comes, as fits the season. Scrooge, his knees k tremble. till he harks the Christmas song Of lore and knows that spite and gTeed are wrong Lnd how that charity ts more than these. taster of human hearts! No Christmastide Whose chants are not the sweeter and whose cheer Is not more blest elno* Dickens lived and died! The savor of his teachings makes each year Richer In homely virtues, doth endear Han unto man; bsooe shall he long abide ' ' /N CHVtltTMA* TOWN. ?1 IT lieth sweet as a little street That sweeps to a good, green , , alleyj < t" It tlsth dean, with as equalar ? < No dark and loathsome alley. , It lieth there In the golden air. , , A town of song and gleaming. < i With childhood's chatter and bu- ? ? lies' clatter And the make telle*# of dream- < Ing. \ <i It lieth still on a little hill. By a brook and a strip of wild- * > wood v - y | Oh. let*s go down to Christmas Town < , Just ss we did In childhood! ? > I -V < ' > Its streets are bright with marry * ' light. J ; And ail day armies wander ] ; | All to and fro. with golden glow. "< , From childhood's way back yon> * der. .? ? ' Each laughing face wears smile* of grace , And trust and all undoubtlng. A And o'er the throng the voice of w song 4 Swells Into silvery shouting. | It lieth calm ss Isles of balm Far off from hate and wrangle. J. . Oh, let's go down to Christmas Town 4 With all its glow and spangle! 1 Its hills are toys for girls and boys, T | Its vales are candy Icing. J Its lanes and lake are glngercake iAnd ponbons most Untieing. n While alyrays there a fragrant air T Of orange bloom Is blowing, J' , And on the trees green memories ? Of childhood days are growing. > It lieth far, but love's sweet star * Eternal watch ts keeping ; To guide us down to Christmas J Town Through little paths of sleeping. ^ Ah. It mar seem a loollih Irnm f That 1 should sea It lylnr . Bo still and sweet. Its every street Z With soma fond vision vytne 2 Bat ret I know that Ions aso t They built It there who love ua $ And many a day we've s?et>t la X With Its blue sky above us! nJ|?> aear for those, my dear. I Whose eyes have (airy ssesnee J. * them see, thoach a?ed (hey ? The^gesm of^shudhood's yreeeaoe. 4 Ml Z-'S . .'A:. -s^^rty-L a-f' r LAST - ? , f ' I : COLLECTIOI Now Bentleujeh. co'ored men, craolcer boya am ooons, I , ? \ K "\ * ' I once heaurd an ol Bad Debts abd Bad Now I dont pi'>|'0?e 10 have any old debts a^t? r Christen to have anotber bin Mortgage Sale in January tnatimet limber, 1 want you to settle because I need m; money, seed ootton that did not keep any record of it," [ show si had a mortgage on and would have them, up b it toey hi don't want to have any arteolao, bat unless I < oileocGt al talk with the Solicitor about this business al Ji uuary ten shooting or k and a few sorry ^egroe* (or sell! ig whialu tie wet weather stores and buy, cotton at half | rtoe when as the law requires. . Now save your money a id ge sale in January, dates 1 At thta aale I' am going to b?1I all that baggies (that peopli horses, niul* a, wagons, harness, mowers, rake? diao harro' furniture. A lip of mem owe me email aooodnte that I h the; e?t will be and now in the ti tin oloaa down, h your arrangement* to pay nie or get somebiaty to take u onoe, after now thia apace will belung to theRlill Live St buggies on next Tear* time. I K. P. W.B.MORTON " TI - ;| - BEt Special Attention | Thia ia to iofoian aoL to thi fit that ,?j *?*ht , T Hill en Naah streft I OPTICAL (OFFICE same at the |aama pi; equipped wit\ all knltrumenla neces- W)H take notice that aaty for m*kirV tljef moat thorongh x wjh pia<J r and aoientinp eriyiiiation of the eve astilctly cash biia. Is Now OpefJand Ready aii beSdeaving fcij \ t- - 4| ~T ? paid for on deliwry. \ ror kiaivice. peta but mhlw all pi The opportunity uBbaVing your eyea means 1 can <*11 ch? examinedslgr an (jii eriSiioed sped- better service lit the aliat ia thua^qfferak the public with myself from lohuii the aaaaranoeSjiM nothings, poeeible yeatroent or the eh( shall be left unmge to discover the w have yoir tr cause off and oJpeot all erron of to require you tolpay Since o|>ening|my\jffice, I haVe T /Si had a fine cla^^w irad*?a far more * * Y liberal patron/gif than omi could ex- g j want td bi peot in as short k while. \l am pre- market , pared to farm#) Autiigln^ee and everything in thb optical line\ Office Next Door to Hotel I . . TTflfrflflfo \ tfuw.?u?vv a r*iro in/ Office Floors Kroni 10 to 4 O'clock 1 II C ww ~~i LandjSalB/ ?= By rtrtue. of u c rder of the Supe- . NOW is the t rior Court of Prankli > coonty, made Id a special proceeding < ntitled, Mrs. Sue your urf P. Alfom. ad mi. of L. 8. Alford the I a'm Selling undcr?itfhed connqia loner will ezpoee ? to sate te the high it bidder, at the pttt? a court houhe door in Louisburg, N. O. LM T.fl on Monds\the lira d*y of January , 1912, at 12 dirlock ni on, the following than 1 will Chriel described reah^state situated in sala the reason I am F'sukllo cOontSL to rite and will oontinj. Beginning at\ at ike, C. M. Vau- ?_',;i ?? . ghan'a corner, th\c. n 1 l-2d e 26.68 ??>lil my stock is chaina to a stakdk former y a pine now before the i tump, Vaugban's a tper in Mrs. Ynr- .a complete line borough a line; thent \by eurvey made cakei, nuta, oran from COPT of Mr. 1 llltr a auryey of , ' "A about thirty yeara a?o\e87d a 1110 ?PPj*?. malattt, ff chaina to a stake ow Ihi. Ynrbor- raisins snd ooooa, on h'a corner; tbanc > n 3d 8l chain to erythiog else in an else; tlieaoe e 42. 0 chalnsXo an ash tionerv line T . >on Liuie Creek; the ce s 8d nwhaln to El .,. X W. K. Daris con. r; thence \ 20.60, , ?hoe'h nnti chains to a pine st imp: thence\8d w staple dry goods 26.26 chains to Utle Creek: thekee stock of hesyv an 6d w ahont 7 chains to a stake \nd oeri?? is pointers In Harris? Una; these* a nkw Une a 88 l-2d w Iff chains to a stake before. I south of the era*; thence n 1 l-2d J- Oheeae, I bought t M chains ft thffiln^fnnff niff >Te ,he P OW/beginning containing you mdtfhy on t The terms oflle sale shall be one rio? 1? ?-^. third cash, remainder la tWeirs months T w*l ItH. Wn ra. J wt e J ?? ' ' ,s-f - "" '? ? a ' .~ 1 * - ' ~ty " " ''' V - ' *" **' ' *' ^ ' ' S ' V b .. -..i CALL : IT ; ^ SoJ^ ^ IS DURING . ip\* V?- . -j \'/" \ ?* ;-i'* want the balance you owe me on thia year eeeoaaL j. * "' A ' Id gentleman say: Bargains Was Hell f.\" . <r ' " - v aa. I am going to oloae op the deal, that U, get ready i. Now dont tell me about holding your ootton any Now I know aeveral little etorea that hav.e bought utwral men who owe me money who add cotton that 1 iye kin-folks who trale with me and pay me, and 1 II of tha money owing to me I am noinw to have ? m of court. There U no os? to have op negroea fat ijvnand allow a lot of high eouroh member# to ruqliekthey knew it waa mortgaged and not keep toy reoord t Wady for a big mortgage ;o be\amnouiiced latter. t have boughVfrom me and have not paid for, all the fcq. oatt.e, boga\and a lot of hooae-hold and kiteheu a,ve carried a long time and are abont aa rear oat ae row yuu fallow# Who don't want to ha cloaed oat make p your note. Tht# advertisement will only appear ook Co., for later announced tales of mulea, horaea and HILL ef| At RS "" rv ffiriii KaCKCt ice. Further you m m W9 ^ m .? ~ w on and after Not. i ny buaineaa on a * / This means that market must be V 1 shall have no ml I I ty cash. By this V I I I a per and furnish ^ f tfcd """ i same time save J t interest on in- / JTV" w Jre biiL will he Tu?t re :eived 500 ladies an& ^but wiu have foisses hats to sell at 25*50, ?*"<; 75 and 1/11.00. These hats jjjY/T are all> g$od quality and 1X52:*" ...SifrUshShapes... worth doUble the money.. It - will /pay \ you to see them. QfKS Out D^y Goods DeLme to get || pfartmeut is Coitnsworks V?_. i ' Tfcem Now PlOt? N_/PER W i chilli youi- attention to our Mm eve. For > C? it Suits and Cloaks fOF > pverstocted la< ies and misses?Ask . to u 3 in sen cheap se them. 1 reduced. Boy T. iX ; We Hav^ Opened Dp ZZXSS 1 TOYJLAOT Under tae Rackets ? >? >111 Milu weiV and and have lots of- Xmaa and ^ LT-,?*p,"v", Ramea, wagons, hobbyhorses I And doll carriages! paint box | - ? > hbrns and drums. t " Mrs. A. M. Half : WITH MCKENS AT THE* i CHRISTMAS HEARTH ! By RICHARD BURTON. The fact that the centenary ol Chi' ZMckens la to be observed Web 7 rr , this poem particularly appropriate i Mediae this Christmas.] BEFORE the Christmas hearth 1 muse alona And visions of the past, to: frays' and fay. Rise from the ruddy coals: ovicide the moan Of homeless winds Is chidden by the l:ty Bweet suaf by children who keep hull day. Wahlne the season'a mood1 their very owe *\ . And slowly, while 1 fase and dream and ffow Lees lonesome, do the alf hta and sounds of earth ^da and my fancy wanders to and fro With a freat master of lament anc' "* mirth. Who waved his wand to flld the lenf ago A wondrous company! Mlcawber smile In spite of poverty, find Little Nell. Bbe frail a flower, travels - her weary jqQM, " Blcca (alia on sleep, and David tries to tell VBe triple of the yeunf. now Pickwick's HehS^taofbter easy: on a pinnacle Of sacrifice sits Carton midst war's wl|?? Mew the air sweetens, for those brothers twain. TW blithesome Cherryblea have preach ad their creed ' :* Bf kindness, honest Tapley bails afaln As =jMT , nH-.. I h

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