FQANKUN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. U??T and Manager eeemasmaaoaiitmmmess!?ssss9 pT^,p^ ami T , TAR DROPS. ?Things heft. to took and sound like Christmas now. > * , ?The weather Saturday was a death blow to ChAtoiaa shopping. ^ ?" Christmas sift, giro tt to ma.!' will be heard for the next few days. - Santa , tilaude eertainly has had a Aarge display ia town the past seyeral Greeks. > ?The flroet Tuesday morning was alas oat eqaal, in appearance, to a young snow. ?W. F. Beaaley bought the A. W. Alston yaeidenee', on Chnreh street, the j. 1 past week. ?Look out for Santa Clans on Sunday night. Little ohildren should retire early. " Jt^lskumi. "* ? ? . - r? ???? ymr* v* the Christinas menu will be quite noticeable this ybar. ?We wish every one of our readers the merriest possible, Christmas sod an erer happy New Year. " ?Quite a number of our people attended the Mullen-Sykes nuptials at poplar Spring! yesterday. ? A .large number of the ootlege girls left the pest week for their several homes to spend the holidays. ?The absence of eggs will no doubt keep ?lot of people from celebrating the coming festivities with eggnog. ?Chris fBias Eve this year being on Sunday, Saturday will hays to take Its place in many reSpecta, thereby gtviag as two-days-in-one. ?The moving picture show at the opera house the past week has been pronoanieed as one pf the best we have had in some timeT ?Mayor Holden la having timber placed at Ala residence on Church'street preparatory to adding p room and making several other improvements to same in the. near fnturpi^ ?From the reports received here, old Santa Claus will arrange lor a good many Chriitmae trees to be had in the county. We know the little boys and girls will be glad to hear this. ?A merry Christmas and a happy New Year Is our wish for you. May you live to see many more happy returns of this oAhiSion and enjoy,' in the meantime, an abundance of good health and papperity. .j ?Dpn't forget that next week will be 7" ^Pbfne tdmake that."annual?' Ndw Year resolution. It is a good thing'to'do. It shows that there is not^an .absence of a desire to do better. But'this (ime be a man with yourself and double your efforts to carry it ?ot ?The editor of the Turns has a ?old Masonic pin with white enamel backi ground that was found several days ago ' in the postofflca in Loajsburg and given to him to deliver to the-owner if same could be found. We have this pin at this office Snd will be glad to give same to its owner. r\-- -x ^ - mJ t ' * ?W. R. Winston, ot Frankllnton township, informs us hp made six bales ef cotton, averaging 436 1-2 pounds eBeh, on four and one-quarter' acres. In this number one was an experimental sets, upon whleh 2,248 pounds of seed cotton was .raised. Mr. Winston has a reputation for making his hog and hominy and says he is also prepared to live at home another year.. This county needs many more such'farmers as Mr. Winston. ?This week we will give oui readers a twelve-page paper in two seo tione. In it wtU be found an abundance of good Christmas reading beautifully illustrated, bee Ida* the regular news features. You will always find us on 1 the alert to giro you(AJbeat, and while we will not claim this to be the most elaborate, we believe we have the cream of the Christmas literature. Uay you [and yours enjoy it all. ?The fact that Leuisburg is growing in popularity as a shopping center, was plaiply evidenced by the large crowds in towja the past two Weeks. The peo| pie are beginning to realise- that it Is foolish to go abroad to do their special shopping since they can get almost anything they, want or couid wish for, that is desirable from oar local merchants and in most cases at a saving as compared with foreign prices, i ' Y Drainage Course. Prom the following letter, which is ^fcrablisbed fer^M benefit of the farmers ^in shk section, It will be seen that a winter cowrie Of farming will be put on at the A. 4 M. College. This course Will be frew-fer fanners. The letter, which expMflgitaeifi la as follow*: West RaflK N: C.. Dec. 10,1011. ' Deak FaHHE* Fbi?nd: ?Your farm work for 1911 wlRaoon be finished and you have already begiru to nuke plans for 1912. Agricultural conditions in North Carolina bare dumged within tbepa?tfMaw?and chOngcs are now toktpg pifOMpA will continue to take to^tH. flfltwake and progressive larmcrifjhjj^falli in with them and * - ' V ' ) ' Collage wishes to help the man farmer | M well as the boy farmer, and in January and February of each year offer work designed especially for the men ' who are malting or expect to make a i living farinlng. 1 am sending -yen an illustrated circular daecribing the winter course, which - will begin Jauuaiy 3rd?_l?12, and equ tinue through February. As you Will see, this winter co?rsa embraces illof the mote important-phases of farming in North Carolina, and every effort will be made to have the work given appro; priate and practical. The coliefea has added very extensively to its fqeipment and 1e hi a better position now than ever before to make the time yoe spend here profitable to you, your neighbors and your friends, if yon will bring them with you. Feeling confident of your interest In the agricultural progress end development of our greet State. I am asking that you tend me the names, of thane you thing ere interested fas this work, that I may write them and call their attention - to this course. Please do this at ones. No tuition it charged for the winter course. Board may he had at the collage dining hall St <2.75 per week. Boom in the college dormitories are'' limited but will be furnished free so long as they last. All persons rooming in the dormitories furnish their own bed . cover, pillow eases end towels. Rooms outside the college may be rented; for 12.50 to 16.00 per month.? -'ft Come and bring your friends end neighbors., I will gladly farnish additional infor- ' motion and will be pleased to have yon write me. > Yours very truly, 0. L. Mswwui. 1 L Additional Faankllnton News. ??.'. -i a be following was received after we arranged our Franklinton department and we publish it here: TBS WOMAN'S CLUB jXE? WtTB MRS. fc. v T. GBSEN. The Woman's Club met with Mrs. B. < T. Green o> Tuesday afternoon at four 1 o'clock. Fourteen members were prea- 1 ent and all of them very enthusiastic in the work being done toward "eivio improvement." For means of carrying on this work, a play will be (fiten some J time la January. After all the bnainesa i ef the meeting had been arranged, a < delightful contest on the word "Christmas" ensued, the object being to make as many words out of the one as one could in fifteen minuted. The prise of a lovely brass basket 1 with fern was awarded Uiss Frances ' Winston, her number of correct words ' being sixty. After the contest there was much merriment .ill the discussion of rkhenleua words many had made, and as the discussion continued more and more words ] were thought of. until the ladies de- j clared that the number of words could 1 easily ran Into the hundreds. Delicious refreshments were spread. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. F. Joyner on Tuesday, January 2d. , >' PHILATHEA CLASS MEETS The Philathea class of the Methodist * Sunday School met with-Miss Mettie ( Ballard Monday afternon. .All .those ] present manifestsd much interest in the i Christmas plans. 1 The young women ol this class are taking hold of the work intended (Or Philatbeas with ear-neatness. Wherein for the padt year they have been or- ( ganiaing and working toward having a class room added i to the Sunday Schoo to hold their meetings, they Willi in j the following year, speniftmore time in 1 furthering the real true causes of the ' PhilstheaUnion. A class room Is much 1 needed, tiewever, and they will continue to work for it. At the present time | they have $111.50 in the Savings BanV to their credit. More and earnest work is necessary, however. To all the members of the class and others interested in thie work, we extend an invitation to be present at our Sunday School on Christinas, Sunday. We want to make this a memorable Sunday. We particularly want all ihembsrs present. TlfAVPlTl A I WW XVII 11^1/ JTX.L UUtV 91^111 men to enlist in Company D., 3rd Regiment, Louisburg RiflesTxQ. H. Banks, Captain. -7 Pope Items- , On last Thursday while waiting for some cotton to be ginned at the anion gin at Franklinton, Mr S. W. McGhee fell on' the driving belt where hit' life Wee crushed out. He was badly mangled and diedjn a few minutes. Mr. McGheej^Jh 64 ^sra^ld, a member of Popes church and a good industrious farmer. V He was laid to rest in ,PotSes cemetery Friday afternoon. Services were conducted by Revs. Mr, Rose and Mr. jfaiTell, of Franklinton. Our community'sends out its sineerest sympathy to the bereaved family. He. leaves a Wife sad five children. We are arranging for a grand Christmas tree Tueeday in Christmas week at Popes. All are invited to ceme. W. A. Fuller and daughter visited i - *y V. *' ! , , .. 1 ' R. R. Tlolmea Sunday. ? . ^, Mist Louise Williams .leaves on the 20th for Tennessee to visit _ber sister, Some pigs have been put In pork up here this week as fallows :*H. M. Cooke killed one weighing 646 pounds, many more will be killed soon. I Q H P WANTED?At once eight men to^eqUnt in Company D., 3rd Regiment, Louisburg Rifles/N^. H. Banks, Captain. | / 20 cent candy'fo 10 cents, M.C. Pleasants. New lot of popiAar priced candles just received, otqers charge 20 cents per pound for the/same 1 charge 1C cents, M. C. Pleasants. See the fresh kit of 10 cent wandies at ny-atore M. a Pleasants. Ost youKgO cJat candy front me. II will only cdsi ydu 10 cents a poand, M. ijkMrtTordrti yWisniuborg, M. c. Pleasants. Ge yoto Santa Claus here. Remember tl at JnokW. King ie overstocked in fires orka. \They will be sold cheaper than e er this war. AU kind of candies, cakeAnuts, seeded raisins, eurranti, dates, fig?\at > I J so. wVKintfs. Stone, Tin and wood lard stWnds at UP. HUS. y - -./ X a Hav$ . you leeen that beautiful Cut Glass at Will Pleasants' prided to low,j- j_ ^ / For Rent, ? Oriom house on Sooth Miin Street. J. 8. Howell LAND FOR B^qE-iseveral lots with mprdfcementa oiPC/mutery St through kotrefeonSt in Frsnhlinton, N C., Mrs Ida Winston. 29 Coihorwood Ave. 8 Norfolk, Va. T /V ' r'7" For Sato W? have far (ale either for cash or >H time one saw full/outfit complete saffwe boiler saw mlrlMog carts beltng and everything / tn^unning coniitlon. Low pricjsfor quick buyer. Taken Up One male hog weigh! lg about 90 sounds, and tea peculiar^ ipecimen of wine. Owner can get ear >i by calling >n me, paying damage ai d paving for thiB advertisement. '\ 12-22-1 t-p. gf .E. Macon t. ,?: . p>ab Madam: '/ ' 1 have the Colonial and Florentine Wees and Mexican drawn work and all cinds of fancy laces haqd-iiade. All $t For fine Christmas gifts*! very reasontble prides. Call and soe them before the holidays. Yours truly , josbph Ramey, Rash St., LouisBurg, N. C. Stockholders' Meeting: The annual meeting of the stockholdsrs of the Louis b u rgwagon Co. will be Aid in its office at 2 o'/lock Wednesday iftemoon, January Sd/1912. A full attendance is deairedv. I I/hjisbuimmWagon Co., by GSO. it GOOPEb, Pres. 22-2t . T Y * Commissioner's Sale'of Land. By virtue of an order ofsale made by the Superior Court of .drranklin county In that special proceeding entitled J. T Tucker, Administrator of L. T. Denton vs. Mollie fucker,/ Herrara Jonea et ( ? heirs-at-law, m* undersigned will, an Tuesday, the wra day of January, 1912, atuhe npon/ifecets of court, it being the MfontadjU of the January tertfi of Frankllo Sutarior Court, at the Court House doo\ inJLouisburg, N. C., offer for sale to tVyhVhest bidder for cash, that tract of jancSpwned by the said L. T Denton, wich V described as follows: BounaedNonAlhe north by the imnds Ed. D/n tout ok the east by the lands knojbh as tfiV Gray & Wynn lands, formerly Cavis trnt; on the south bv the said lands, known as the Gray & Wynn orAiavis tract, Nand on the west by the lands of S. A, Jones, containing 60 acre/, more or less. \ This/ December 23nd, 1911. f f . -.'o WM. H. kufpin, Commissioner. rVery Maus I It la a very serious matter to ask | I lor om medicine and have the wrong one given you. For thla I reaeon wo urge you in buying to I tie careful to get toe genuine? I BLAGK^jSRAUGHT Liver Medicine I The reputation \tht? oU, reliable medicine, Mr constipation, U?digaetion and l/ver trViblo, ia firmly eetabllabed./ It docVnot imitate other ihwUcinm. It la Vttter than othere, or it/would notrjethe favorite liver jpwder, with V larger aale than all btbere eombined. * " " CROUPftta team 4?atreodnUeelaa?rfui>??>e. Drepaieta :e.-: > ? * v' 4 ' t > ' / ' ' fe- a< ?v.: ^ - * - -- ^ ? ^ FIRS^ N A T10 N A ^ ^^ ? 4 ? ^ Cojwrifi'fct jV^. br C. E. Zimmirmu Co.?I g While your Income is steady an\everything is ru E miss a bank account, bat under aakprse circumst T thkt you have spent. /Don't wait for the well to | FIRST NATION A Officers President, Wm. H. RUFFIN Cwhier, F. ? ? ? ?? XUVfl TVMOIXVN XS \ : : ' : ~ | Holiday!.!!. 1 Wants Sc Believing there is noSStoro Policy so saccesstul in the long what thev want, Whenohey want it, aooonote for'onr uncea liver the Goods" For tmsVoason we are stocked, well stool A torsion and domestic nutaSend fraits and oonfectionaries, pit ^ saooee, meat, flavorings, eeheals, Chase <fc Sanborn and Vc J oheese and roacaioni, car* meats and vegetables, celery, raal ft nit, mixed cakes, oraoldbre, brWl pound Cake, fruit oake. heaters and coal atovea wd gratesNy^^^ Our display of Rclysters Holida^vCandy is wor [ L. P. HIC iL MAKE Y(^UR H COMRORT/ s:;; HeaWs $1 to 3 #; The Famous Cole Heater: / or Swt Coal | McKinie BrosX ( | . SATlSF^cj"ION &R YOUR I - " " ?_ . - v - ' * . -UvA < - : ^J| -- ii.^J l. . r . .1 I ;; . . .! '* 1 , EVEE f THE J STILL ! WELL; - 5 DRY I FT A I TODAY 1 to." 6J inning smoothly you don't ? ances you miss the money W run dry but start a bank X 0 0 ^ 0 * L. BANK I B. McKlNME. _ ^ ? : ?: *? <"^* ^ 1 . " .'' ./?;'- &>"'''* ' \ . .* , V, ' ' ~ ' *''. " !/ ipplied | ; run as supplying customers , ii.' sing effort to be abl? to "DeLed tor tbb holiday trade with skies, pnferveSv jams, jellies, . >tan coffee and tea, Tarbell aga grapes, figs, eitron, grape J New arrival of oook stoves, !" thy of Your Inspection. X :ks j "... * OME ,.i t \BLE | >20 | 1 5 for Hard J nmnam/ I -v/l l|/UI 9 J A l/IONEY BACK t J : jy

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