JOHNSON, EDITOB AND MANAGES SUBSCRIPTION SI .00 PI . ? '?????? /Tt'l i-t' 4L.< nil' LOUISBURG. N. 0.. FRIDAY JANUARY 5, 1012 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MpT 'IN RKGULAR . SESSION | MONDAY. Nothing Before the Board of Special Imporwflce ?Sheriff Kearney Submits Final Re port. The Board of County Commissioners, ? .met in regular session- on Monday of , _ . this week... all memben being -present. After reading and approving the- min utes of the previous meetings the fol lowing business was transacted: Ann Harris was stricken from out- 1 aide pauper list? being dead. Mrs. Montague Perry was stricken - ? dead, -and aff orders now remaining in the Register of Deeds office were .or ~ dered canceled. ~ . M. A. Gay and Eddie Harris were re ' lieved of spocial taxes \n- Seven Paths School District, Cypress Creek town ?hin 1_ J. A. Clifton was allowed piping to I fix creek between his home and A. J. | P Harris. The bond of.- B. A. - White, cotton weigher for^Prankllnton, was received janrtordered recorded. SUVanus fierce was relieved^! ' special school UK ial-JKhool taxes, not being in school | district. Morton was relieved of fl.M] special tares, not being fn Graded Pchoofdlstrict. " ' pe?^I= School dlatr let, ( Frank Hill was relieved of (7.12, -sfime being listed > in HayesvWe town ship through error. . W. P. Wllion was allowed $1.00. each ] t L per month for his three < W. H. Evans waa relieved of taxes | ? on one male? yi cents. ?* . J. H. Ballentine was appointed/ a committee(to investigate the necessity of a bridge across Cedar Creek at a., point formerly known as Seymonre bridge"" In Harris township. McKinne Bros. Co., was -allowed j $30.00 for medicine- used on bone that fell through bridge over Lynch's Crbek, | near Rocky Fofrd. Miss Lucy Perry was relieved "? of taxes on 100 acres of land yalued-at ggi ? seven iiollata per acre ? the same b4 ing ffiafr on account of lister making an error of 100 -acres in excess ?f --heF property. - ? : Rumul-Cif--E>-N. Williams, tiuperin tondent. of county home was received and filed. He feports 1U white and 13 colored inmates. One death, James Gill, colored, since last report. , ? Report, of Dr. J. E, Malone, Superin tendent of Health, was received and or dered filed. ? - Report of F- R. Pleasants, Manager Medical neposTtkry, was received and ^ ordered filed. ? "I- . ?* - B*-Sheriff H. O. Kearney offered his final report which was received and re ferred to committee previously ap pointed to mak? final settlement. After allowing a number of account ! the Board adjourned to meet at the county home, on Thursday, jAiuary 4th,, 1912. Vv. ?; Farrfters Union Met. The county meeting of the Farmers Union met in regular session in the coort houBe here yesterday. Among the many things done waa to impress " upon the farmer the importance of rals | ing hia owpjsuppliee and leas of a rnar , kot crop. "This waa^ sound advice and -v we hope to seo It put into practice. Bleot* Officers At a aaeeting of the directors of the Eastern Realty and Trust Co., held In Ha office on Monday eveniag the same old offlocfl were re-elected aa follow*: D. F. McKinne, President, Dr. 8. P. Burt, Vie* President; J. A.. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. The business '? Of tlx former year proved to be vary TBiliGS V*1!ICH INTERESTED US IN 1911 IN JnmmoLjamg-Hie London "baffle" in which anarchist* held off 1.900 policemen a?d soldiers bMb?r in^ne rating themselves. -China .inforoH famine and pflasue In February^ March. 20,000 troops' were ordered to the Mexican border.' Itrtt&i? !n Mexico In AprlL May, Diaz resided <md lat*r f- l: Madero became preel.lent King George was crowned In June. Fifty years after Bull Kun, on Jul* 21, blue and gray shook hands _ i V1* ?el?' Atwood flew from St Louis to New Yorh. The Tnrko-ltallan war began In September. October, snlt was begun against tb? steel trust- J, l> SIM E. H- Gary are defendants. Xotetabcr aafr fighting to- overthrew the titrtnesc grrrcrameiit. PeoemLor witnessed the oon XmmIuuh anil goutuuuuu ufthcffjcNniouis*. t^mnBltera. ' i : ? ; ? : ' satisfactotfcand profitable, _andi.he new- 1 year was entered with a determination, to "push ahead" in 1912. With *Vw?w? offlctrs ttiere will T uccTfU mapagen - T? Magistrates _ We arc requeued by Clerk of the | Court Barrow te ask Magistrate* make returns of thojj criminal docJ at" once that may jet that, uluol^fcf . the work recorded before court, and that they can make any furthar returns ater. To do this jt will be just as .gasy [to them and be a great help to the SSSET" ? Mr. Vauthap TakeaJ^arge ^ Mr. L^-Al^-Vaugban-, wboTEa*alcct?<l Superintendent of Roads of Louisburg, town s h a. bl ^ recCTt the MnnrTsymnrniat;. Mr TsTiglian's 7nny experience in work of a similar nature, Will no doubt, assure his success in this position. He Is an earnest sad enthu siastic gentleman and will puph the | work at- rapidly, as possible Church Notice. Louisburg Baptist Church, Walter M. <?ilmore, pastor. Sunday School; 9:45 a. m.t Ivy Allen superintendent, Public worship 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. | Morniiwtl>?roe"<.'limbing the Heights." Subject at night, "A Man's Cllance.,' The Lords supper administered | at the morning hour. Prayer . meeting \Thursday 7 ?. m. 1 The Woiitor Missionary Union, of| which Mrs. Emma Allen is president, will observe the week of prayer begins ning Monday, meeting each afternoon J at 4 o'clock ia the ladies' parlor at the ] church. AU are cordially invited. * Mr.E. H. Malons Becomes Mem ber of Firm of Blokett & White. The many friends of Mr. Edwin H. Malone will be gratified to read the an nouncement of Messrs. Rickett A White in another oolumn, wherein they an nounce having associated hinj with them" in their legal business In Ijouis bnrg. Sine* returning hers to study law Mr. Malone has Impressed our peo ple aa being a moat toorteons and. kindly -gentleman. Ha fives promise of a bright future in law and hisjf'iends all avjtr the county will bft glad to know [that he has decided to cant his I6t ta^lring hT? nwn people. returns to Loulsburgr. George Holder, rtiorefamiliarly known as "Big Boy," who held a position on the Times the larger Jiartof 1911; and who left here to take a like position in R^cky Mounts has returned to Louis burg to again take a position on the T i " Fa . lie says other places are all right, but he "can't help liking Louis" Superior Court : ? t ranklia Superior court will convene .on MoudayT January 22nd, 1912, with Hon. Frank Carter, Judge Presiding. " Among the Movri-c. !r~ A. W. Alstoa has tirtWed his family from Church street to the Harris rosi. dence on Naah street. ? T. P. Alford lias moved his family from the Harris res.dence on > Nash street to the Ford fesidenee vacated by J. A. Harris? ? ' . J. Allen Harris has moved his family tn. the residence of Mrs. M. H Ay?*k, where they will take rooms. \ J, J. Lancaster has moved* his family to the residence ol W. B. Cooke on Nash street, Mr. Cooke having movtd 1 6 Enfield. ? ? , W. J. Shearin has moved to ti)P. Als ton residence on the corner of Spring and Cross streets, which he has recently purchased . -| ' J S. Williams, of Alert, h^s moved his family to tow,n arui will occupy the Clifton residence "on Main street re* cently vacated by MrTDTE. Best, who will move to his home neat MapleviUe. Mr, Williams has purchased this resi dence. R. Z Egerton has moved his stock of goods to the store room recently occu pied by W. B. Cooke. ' . J. P, Winston purchased the stock of W B Cooke aod hi* moved the same to hia store oh Nisi! street T G Hill has moved hts meat market from the Ford building in rear of the Racket store, to the old pool room, next *oJ D Hill'* stables. W C Rodabush has moved his ftunily ? , ? y to tlic residence on Spring streot re cently vacated by Mrs B-B Massenbur^. Dr. A TT Flawing has uinwl t faintly to ths J BThomas residence on 1 Kenmore avenue. ; Prof. E L Best has moved his family | to the Episcopal rectory- ? - ,-r , A W Person has ' moved his toffrces | from over C T Stokes, store to Uiej rooms over P S & K K Allen's formerly | occupied Ijj'Dr AH Fleming , i Scosgin Drug1 Store BurnS On Wednesday morning about five o'clock fire was disoovered in tlie Scog gin drug store on Main street and the alarm was turned in ? The fire anm for? they opufd arrive the entire btiijd ing- on f 1 *,*-t buildmgF-The^compaincs'dtd he~ toIc \rorJc~and t>aveH the hull of the building but the entire stock wus ruin ed and the building rendered worthless. I The estimated damage was as follows:! Stock and fixtures $S,000, insurance' ?4'550: Building *3,000, insurance $2,000 The Messrs. S^oggin are, we ar? in formed, arranging to re-open th??ir tjrug fousiwge as soon as matters connrrtcd with tHe Are can be settled. _ Pleasahts-StMcJtfand." At the home of the bride's mother on Church street Thursday afternoon, De cember -8th, at 1:30 o'clock, was the Scene of a very pretty home wedding j when Miss Minnie Strickland became' the bride cf Mr. Mvron Pleasants. At; the appointed time the bwde and groom , entered the prettily decorated parlors to the strains of Me*d?iSs61>nfc popular i wedding march .beautifully rendered on the piano by Mrs. S. C. Xlolden, where in the preaaaee of tho family and a number of intimate friends Rev R. W, Bailey pronounced them man and wife in his usual solemn and impressive way. after which they received the congrat ulations in numerous order before de parting for the home of the bride's sis ter, Mrs. J. C. Foster, of near Laurel, where a bountiful reception was ten~ dered them. ?' The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Cad die Strickland, and possesses many lovely' traits of character. She wore a beautiful bine coat suit with hat and 1 ' ' Li , ' - v ? fr. .? . ? \ V J . glove^ to match and was never more, lovely. S&e. is des^pringly popular anon# a ftbstof friffnds~~\rho wish- for ilium a lony :tnd happyltfe: The groom is\a son of Mr. J. P. Pleasants. of near (Xnteryille. and has* held a ]K>si:i<>n in Louisburg for several ^yoars in which he has vo'iKoithy friends and proven his tnxstness ability. They were the recipients ol many useful -wild valuable presents which attested the popularity they en)?y among their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants have return ed- *home ami will take rooms with, the bride's mother on Church street. . Bfckatt- Before , the Supreme x- ' Court. ? ? Mr. T.?.-W,. Biekett (whom Union uej General of Nor in uasofma, appear- 1 erf~t?efore-Tfie Supreme Court PE^the | United States last week and made an! extended argument in the case of The i Red C (Ml Company against the State, ! fn- which the* company is seeking to' .have an act of the legislature regard ing the tax for inspection annulled. And like he always does, Mr. Biekett _?&jre oijtj with fl y in colors. A press dispatch Says that he created a line im pression r?n thr court and ' everybody else who heard him. His ne*er failing good humor was in evidence and the: court thoroughly At times toe dignified judges laughed. Keen interest was shown in the argument, j judging by the interrogations offered by, at least ftve members of. the court. Referring to one of th3 contentions of the Opposing counsel, Mn Bick*'t4 i mod this ludicrous illustration: ? I; rqnst observe that the met/iod of bring ing these expost facto '-matters to the attention of the court certainly has the merit of originality^ Counsel ? ay in their brief that they will asW 1ea?o?te? use in their arguments the facts fchifrwn by .the report of the commissioner and then proceed to incorporate these very laets in their brief and use them as the basis oftheir argument. I sub mit-that thhff proceedure is exactly an ald?6tts to thatojF the ipan who drives , up to your house, dU mounts with his rluggace, takes possession of your great chamber, draws a chair up to your tab fa, helpB himself to vour soup, ish and roast and then informs you that , next week you wiU gel a better from "Htm aakiitg if it is convenient for you to entertain him at this time." ? Mon roe Journal. ? THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN L - Those Who Have Visited Louis ' -I -Sv.^V burg the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere iff? For Business or Pleasure. E. S./Gracn visited New York daring The holiday's. C;T!.~Hu<ison returr.od Monday ,trom a trip to Darhata. * i His many rnonoa were glad to Hoc Mm looking gu mir. : 5r * Miss Jesse Brothers, ol GoMaboro, is visiting Mrs. D.-F. McKinne. R. Y. McAden left Friday for Jack Kin, Mich., on ?. business trip, J. T. Alford, of Rocky Mount, sprat Christmas withjns people here. WiUon Greon. of Sumter. 3. C.. anent Christmas with his people here. Dr. R. F. Yarborough' spent Tuesday in Raleigh on professional business. P. B. Griffin made a business trip ' to Petersburg, Va., the past week. flenlah Tneknr lpft Monday fo. ? _ BaiteyX where, ahe wjll tcach'sSliodl* 1 William ftqrrnn-'nf PiMnnrn.^ -|r? ? spent Christinas with his people her 4T" J. H. Mitchell, of Wilmington, visited lUf people near Berg during the -holt days. ? TT ? Willie Macon, of ItiehihoSd, vUiteA his people near Louisbui-g the past week. ' spent t h e ^o) idaya i n and'eround ILoiiiii burg. ^T-1 ? Miss Ina Harris, of the Sfate Nor mal (Jreensboro, spent the holidays at home. . . _ B. Ill Lacy, Jr., of Millbrook, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. R. Y. Mc Aden. ? " ~ D. A. Preston and wife, of Abbtng ton, Va. , spent the holidays at L. F. ' Tlicks. , F. Herman and wile,' of Hickory, spent Christmas with their son, IT L. Herman < B. H. Meadows, ahd wife visited friends and relatives in Oxford during 1 the holidays, Judge <1 M. Cooke left Monday for Greensboro> .where he will hold Ciuil ford court, X . ? . ? ited his daughter R. W. Hudson, thP naat waalc. ^ ) ? hi ? ? : ? Miss (Jnnio Tucker, who is teaching Tit Lneama, npont the Holidays witlv j her people here, ? j Miss Marine Coffey, of Monoghitn* | Ireland) visited Miss Sallie Pleasants x during the hoHdsyS."^" N, I' Miss Helen Pleasants came home from Davenport 'Coftege, Lenoir, and -apant-tha holidays.? ? r : ' ? ? L ' iljsses Ovie Alford, Clara Long and Annie Ptf rry , visited friends in ijender '? son, during the holidays. Prot. W. R. Mills and family and Mrs. M. C. Pleasants visited relatives in Wilson during the holidays. Miss Lijcy Hayes, who has been vis iting in ' Louisburg, returned to her home at Henderson Monday. The many friends of Dr. J. E. Ma- ' lone, were glad to see him return home the pasf week looking so well, J. W Mustian and wife, and Miss Mary Yonng, returned Thursday of last week Trom a visit to Warrenton. J, Cox and Miss Esther Johnson, of Winterville,' visited friends and rela tives in Louisburg during the holidays. n<>lia, where he has accepted a position as liuperintendent of the Graded schools. . Miss Susie Hayes, after spending the hoiujays with tier people here, returned to her school at Seaboard Monday. F. N. Egerton and wife, went to Ral eigh the past wees to be at the bedside - ol their son, Edward, who i> right sick. (Continued on 6th Page)

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