FRANKLlNTONj NEWS ITEMS ,, ? L_ ? ^ Our Regular Correspondent ' " ' I ? *? ' . ? ' ' ? Items of Interest Gathered From in 14 and Near Our Sister Town Each Week CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY ? Aa a man V mind is bent, so is his tongue inclined. ? Mr. J. E. Faulkner and family hive wov <1'K> Alert. ?You have to go "rough shod" now or down you go.? ? ? -What, has become of the old fa?hion man wliose woru \yas as gootl as hia bond? ? There are some very "big" talk ing pjoplu m this -section but Jiiey don't hitrt, for every "Jog tint Uiirss don't bite.^ - _ ? Mr. Robert Rose, son of Rev. Rose, lias accepted a situa tion.- with the Sterling mercantile ? establishment. T- ? Mitt Kilty Foster was caHipd * tJ Scotiaud Neck Monday l>y a tsle-. grim informing , her of the illness of her uncle, Mr.Hiltrard. - ? Robin Red Breast stands a vt-ry i poor show now. The " boys kill ? th?m hv lhA o/d ?;ill continue in Urge gangs. ? Mr. A. B. High, a torim-r rwi dent of miie vl, liar aw>i|ita.l ? a-! ~~ ? -position at :v A. L. tfl^gtat'L where lie held a^jibiSuop several ' - - .years ago. ^ -NVrtli t HoitrteiL W. 1 s ? ? Win employee at tbsf -S. A. I., teiegraph . ' ofiW'duting 1911, left Jacnafy. 1st,! to take a praition in the officfe at1 . . "Hvrwierson as operator fur AVcstern Vnion. ' ? ? Aft-r standing still for several days on account of repairs to the 21 mUU,I."H. K' arney's corn imil is now running night and day and his cug '"?n-r* will nn.v wl usual." -Sunday ? veiling at 7 o'clock .Me lr? Prsrldy mid Mi.. Kmna dence af the bride's tather, M' Henry W ood?< on "Cotton Mill llill.j Esq^-Xicholson performed? tlie cer _ has experienced the coldest weather in fix years. The thermometer) registered anywhere from 20 to 7 degrees above zero: It Wgan to perature in the next few days. ? Mr. W. H. Harris and family, former residents of our town, have tnoyed to their plantation in Wake county. Oar people regret .very mush to lose so popular and useful eitixens as Mr. Harris and wish for them much prosperity and happiness -in tbeir new home. Theywill l*? sadly tni?4*d not only by s tew, but by everyone. Mr. Harris was a member of the Masonic Lodge here and we_underatand he intends mov ing hia. membership to Wake For rest, much to the regret of the lodge here. V ?Mr. Donald Cheatham, of Dar liam, uephew of Capt E. J. Cheat ham, haa decided to cast bis lot with us and will open up a large mercan tile business in the new brick build ing wbicn is rapidly going op, end .is hoped to be ready for occupancy not later than February 16th. Don ald will be gladly welcomed ae a "resident of our town and oar people extend to him all the good will, prosperity lift long and success while in ber borders. Donsld '-a well known here and has many friend* who wish him Gsd speed. Peraon&L Miaa Josephine Hanley returned from Scotland Keek Saturday, Mr. Gay, of HftrriMoborq, Va., ia Tinting Mr. and Un Pallia, at lb* kotel. .. ? . : . Thomaa Blair and Frank CoUii* vara Tiaitora ta oar town T oaaday. week to New York Citv. Mian Marguerite Stone, . of Win ston, i* visiting At Mr. B. A. Whites, on Clegg Heights. Miss Nellie Whitaker, of" St." irkty'j. School, Bsleighj in visiting her parents, this week Mr. and M.S. To n Whitaker. Mr. Hurlev-Fuller and lister re turned from Richmond Sunday |Tii}.'lii. Hurley U?s accepted a po?i tioh Willi C. 3. Williams. : ? * Pxof. R. B. White wentTO Dur ham Sunday lo attend the burial of his iuicle,Mr Duncan, president-of J the Durl am>n.l S. C. Railroad. | Mr.'1 Thomafe Blair went to Bet ihont Tuesday where lie will-center his daughter ami son f >r the pres ent term in aohovi at this most [ popular .Catholic, Inntitute. - ^y"' ' Brush Coming Braali 'bo great magician will be berc tbd 8;li of February. Let ererybo tv come ? u* !o see him. You don't want lo miss the biggest show is oiitirelyJjfljaLeiit-friitii tlif ot'ier entertainments..! re*#nte 1 by lhe Al fcahmt Fur mn?i. cal perforuianoon tlicy^w^ro hard ,to wonderment this allow will ^j^Hard tci- beat. ?y?ri budv likes TarietY. so tjiis Kil.ovviu^ t]iMV ulhrra ? ?iU -be m >ri? appreciated. The Woman's C!ub-*e?is With 1 - Hps. George Harrell. ! ? TW^'iiiiiin Club met ?ith Mrs. (iueige ? llarrell Tuta lay afternoon %t 4 o'clock IiTsjiite ojL.tbe disa greeable weather sixteen members WOK present. ? ? 7 The business meeling'over, a i.iOnt delightful contest ensued To mnli guest wta ^iveo a card on whtob W> : write :i New ~V"e?rVTleso!u{ion of mi wuri?? ?IW | the "YoTTowing lelterj ?nrl ra.rmwi. . tivfly n. t. g. a. a. f. u. m. *r? After _ fifteen minuter, the wnh i were judged and the prii?, a dainty ! work bag was awarded Miss Lela, Brrrffrfrrr the beif rnwt"?"' lu: onsywhteb causa l much (Bern- j mcnt-and laughter, for there were buinorons aa well aa serious dftes. "Man's sentiment" seems to be creeping into the Club, as expressed in one of ihh resolutions, not to go about parading silly fashions, use more religion." *. "Not to go around posting signs for untlnanced matinee rumpases, especially appealed ta two members of the Club, and probably it will to the community. The prize winning resolution should have appealed and [become a resolution to all ? "Not to goas>p~aboot peoples several faults anlass merited richly.*" After the contest delioious re freshment a were aerved. The Bringing "p of Mother. Marth* beard some fine speak of her Mother'* derfleierielei in arithmetic ?which -are perfectly visible to the naked eye ? go she came and sat down beside her gravely and befall:-? '.'Mother, take ftxir from fourteen aild'how much does that leave?" 'Ten," proclaimed the parent, think ing she was teaching the little one her leeeon "Now, three from eight? that's rather hard, you know." ' "Yes, it's frequently gotten on my nerves, too ? bat it eventually leaves Ave." "And foor from Ave." Reflections or a Bachelor. A man can wojtj a heap mora over nu baldness than hi* debts. - The reaaon the whole fsiuilv spoils the baby is because eaqh one thinks nobody else ought to doit. . A woman goes off iu a room by heiself to hbve a beautiful time with a bunch of oM letters the way a man does with an old pipe. , , YV hen a man is so afraid a vounp wants to carry her across the street tbev arent married yet. A loug sermon make* a short im pression. A woman-likes to (to a thing and make up ber mind about it after.' ward. The |>lice for the man who thinltr the world is a fool is in au asylum. It takes an awful long time for a man to put on a' worn at)'# rubber, un ahe'S hit |?MllllllBhtr. T Wtreu a young woman isn't afraid to clitttb a fence you coord understand ihe reaiOD, too, if you Biyrfl. ' ?f steadfast confidence. The Following | Statement! Should Form ponolrisiy V ? -Proof of Loulsburg /Reader. ^ Con lil itronaer ]>?>of of ffte merit | of anyreniady be 8ia^emejit< Of grai fay ' [eaired than ? the Jul endorsers who .eii- contiJene hag been iimti ruinia^J t)J- lapse ot time? Thcsn are thtMind of sta etuents- that'1 are aupeatinV conatan ly >o your local Xiaprra f\ Dnnnp Kiilnwj Villa. ^?'UflV art- iWicgtU lii ftnH f.1'1 r p, !>.j .new etilhn iagtn. (,'an any with reader doubt ^b^ fro'a a resident < .t. liro gett St^dialeigbJ lievtr im fp? following? It'i [his locality. W, 548 E. liar- { C.,- aavs: "I S bpiuiou i>f Doai 'a Vidney Pills | whioh I publicl j ciprWil tou^ Jpara ??f>. -l llfi i !Cretil?d- " der and trouble. I Eona lilted ilStil ? (Htverjt '?""i?)' :1 found do rvlicf o til i naed ' i)oa Kidney i'llhj? 1 hey improved myN coadiUott m ever ? way' ' ii'ur i alu by ! ill ilualur yr-Milborn Co.. Buf- j its tor the ; ?50 cents. F< falo, Y get a j Liniment* snay eai nt will i ange the *4 per e cure,, vtUeh Is ca'.led ! itedln hund^dsof cases, e most roar versus cures; { ill cure you. RhtSjmaclds > from iht* hwlilf.l up nd U. e poisons dbt of the system, t< the stomacU regulates the liver k'.dneys ancjf makes you well all Rbeurracidelstrlkea the root of the d ease and rwnovei Its cause. Th la spien-* did remedy 'is Sold by druggists and dealers generally at 80c. and $1 a bottle. In Tablet form at 23c. and 60c. a packago. Writ* to Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baft'. more. Md. Bookie: 4r<*- Tablets sent by mall. CHICHESTER SPHXt ULwrm i 75 head of horses and mules, oft time to farmer / come and have a look, you look and 1 talK and you will buy, because 1 try .to buy sound tmd youpg and well broke stock, arid also do my Jarndeot l>o>4 to plmme ooloredgentlomori, (T oJtl-thom ooonn in tin* fall) as wall aa whitag?a ? tlemen, ^Cracker Boys.) \ I am' not trying 4i sell town farmers, to -make a long story; short, if you drink town water, thrh water comes qiftclf without pumping to h? 1 - with your note. Now this company is formed fto^b?y and' selimules, holies, buggies, wagons, surries, harness; engines, boilers, mower?, rakes, \lows, wood saw.a?_grist miHs, and in fact all kinds of machin ery that is used_on a larjii, we^sellton a-erefiit-and-treat-every nrajrits-we would'hav* ; then) to treat us^witho^trrace, color or condition. IDoirt cnme tb Lotnsbiirg unlesa yoH come to our~ stables, we a'rehere every day in the Jijf- ; ? " . K. P/ HILL, Preadent~ A CARD FROM MY COLLECTOR loi dl a ha.[>py uniTp: irospex-ous new year J. P. Pleasants i\ ?/ North Carolina. . . ? ~ To You and i ... - But what will make you stock of furniture and house to buy or not, we want to ? Most Earnest Wish f it most is a^isit to our store and see our nice dshings. mX?e us a visit whether you want : you in pereon. WE ARE PREPARED ^ at all times to assist those wpo are so unfortunate as .to lose a loved one in the proper taking care and placing away their remains. You will find our prices cheap consistent with! good service and we will always be glad to as sist you when by necessity jrou need our service. ' come} IN TCJt see jus when in town it will be to your interest and you will find a warm welcome awaiting you. ? ^ ivvl.