Ores the Real Facts la Re^an) t? Her Cam mi Tells How She Suffered J Jonesboro, Ark.? "I raflHM t com gt*t* braak daws tm healthy soms tlm* ?*o," writes Mr*. A. HcQU, from this place. 7 wmM mu and could aot do any work. I taod different remedies, but they did me no good. One day, I tot a bottlet'of Ardul. It did mo ao much good, l/wtm surprised, ayd took torn* mora, j t Before I took Card s? I had headache and backache, and sqinetimea I would cry for hours. Now I am orar all that, and can do all kl'o<* of hoosswork. I think It is the neatest medicine on earth." A In the paat fifty years, thousands of ladles have wrtttsaAllks lbs. McQlll. to tell ot the jbenett received from Cardul. / \ Such testimony, froni earnest woman, surely lndlcatia the great mine ot this tonic remedy/ for dlaiaaes peculiar to women. Aril yon a auflarer? TesT Cardol la'the medietas you need. We urgeyou to try It \ every yon to some of Fresh lreah figh be glad for in your order tribe. of all kinds at times. 187 Williams N. C. SUNDAYJCHOOL. Lesson VIII. ? Second Quarter, For May 26, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. T?xt of tin Lwrny Mili v, 33-l7i Ja*. ill, i-1t| v, 11 ? Mtmory Viml, >4 T.xt, EpK. fv. M, H V. Commentary Praftnd by Raw. D. M. Mliwii Til* topic of today'al^aaMi la "Truth fnlnw." bat from the Orst and last 8cripture selections It would mm . but the Spirit through Jamea lsy? special emphasis on the need of a man Ifestatlon of aucb words and works on the part of saved people that those wh< cannot read the heart, aa God does may aee In dally Ufe the reality of the faith that ssves. If a company of be Hevers sre asked to repeat the rent beginning. "This la s faithful Baying.' tt would be an almost unheard of oc currence for some one to ask. "Which please?" but with one consent all would repeat 1 Tim. I, 15, aad not on* la Oft) or a hundred would think of Tit. 111. 8 for It aeema to be almost an unknown saying, but It Is so Important. Jsmrs great point In chapter 11 la that a mere word of mouth, a mere "ssy so." doe> not smount to anything naceasartlj : it muat be a heart, word, which will sbou ltaalf la the life, for "with the heart man beUevetb unto righteousness, swt with tha mouth confession la Blade unto salvation' (Bom. x. 10?. la our Isaaon he speaka of the power of tbe tongue for good or sril and usea a? Uluatratkma a great creator* Ilk* a boras controlled and turned where tbe drirsr plaaaaa by the bit in hla month aad alao a great ablp guided by a v*r> small helm Etso so tb* tongue though a very small mem bar of tlw body, can accompllah a great deal ot good or aril, and. while many kinds oi creatures can b* tamed, the tongue cat no man tame or woman- either. Ba there la one who can subdue aad cou trol It. It la not right that from tb. same month there should Bow swee wster and bitter, and If the Lord Htm aelf la tbe fountain la oa tt will not U so. sod He can atop tha other foontsli from which tbe bitter coma*. Balm tion la wholly of God. whether It b> the gift of eternal Ufe or 11 ring out tbm Ufe day by day. We are aa otterl) belplesa in tbe one aa In tbe other. H? must do It alL It Is ours to recelvt Him and be eared and then to let Hln rule In ua. As we ylald fuUy to Hln wa will find that Ha la able to subdue If Job. who Is mentioned In coane> Hon wltb tbe laat verse In our lesson could under very great trial reject til wife's proposal that ba curse God au dio (Job U, 9) there la equal grace fui every tried one, and God la able t. make all grace abound toward aa thin we may hare all sufficiency In si thlnga (it Oor. Is. 8). Oor tongues wil be naed by God or tb* derU aa we yleli to one or tbe other, aa la the case ut Simon Peter (Matt xrU 16, 17. 22. 23. ."He that keepeth Ua month keeper hla Ufa." And . "Whoso keepeth bl mouth aad hla toague keepetb hla sno1 from trouble*" (Prov. Till, t; xxi. 23 > It la well to act often, according to Ps xxx rill, 18. "I aa a d*af maa heard not and 1 was as s dumb man that openett not bla mouth-" It la well to pray al way* (Pa. xlx, 14; cxll. 8). Self confl dene* we moat always avoid, bat what weak aad conacloualy ao we will 0n4 Hla grace nSdent. He will not fal tboaa who raiy upon Him. * j Almost a Miracle. One of itartliDnehucM ever seen\in any man. JEcorxiintr to W. B JIol^^^S^Te xITwm eflbcted yealn ago in h/brother -'He h?d such * cttnatul^h," he write., "that ail our \ailyJfcooght he was go ing intoconsurWifc^ but he began to us* Dr. Kihge Discovery, and waa completely eurgf\* tan bottles. Now he la sound aJB will and weighs 218 pounds, iof manyVreara our family to* i"*1 ?m*dy 'or coughs an* colds with ekrollent reeulta It ? quidfsafe, reliable aSd guiranteed. Prvoe WcenU and ?l.OO.^frial bottle [ To Voters \ I hereby annooaoe mjihini mijnlslw for the nomination to/the House of Representatives from Franklin county subject to the actiooVrf the Democra tic primaries and eoq/Vtkn. v / U. Person louncemtot^*^*" ap flounce injj^glfi I mill nVminatja^fConstabU JMMShip subject to the ?either* tie primaries and w[|\ greatly appreciate Drt oP^he voters of thtf j \ Lancastks. I hereby announce didate tor thevpfl Franklin county subf of Democratic Conv< the support of the yc Announci Solicited by frWnds b great desire on nWcal county in the legifUti nounce mytelf a caritf ? tpr* tentative o I FrJ jeot to the Democrats 1-MZ-tf T I hcrebrfthnouMi ft csndlate for the offlceStcoprfuible tor Franklin ton township toMfcct to' the action of the Democratic Announcemgrt . With ttfKgreatest apjnciations for the support given inXne last Demo cratic Coavennui (a^Rtough being de feated) I again aanffunce myself a can didate for the oSfcoi Sheriff of Frank lin county aqhfCct \o the Democratic primary and^onventioVand I ask the aupportafThe voters ofng county. RespeotfulgL^ R. B.ltARRie. Voters of Frank To Th& lin ( I take this'>a?thod of notifying the Democrats qfT^nklin County that I will be a cahdidate^r the nomination for the Legislature,^nbject to the ac tionjok the Democratwl primary and convention to be hel for ' is before you I hopii a will Dero two that I nomination " myself, Democratic I have seryed j record aa an X hay* served >uld you renomi serve you for the (n the put. your support, ' on the 18th my admin by again fa voring m with the nomination > remain yours v? Paul 1 r troly, Gturroi > the Citizens of Township. I hereby announce that I candidate for the office of Louitburg township in Ing primary to be held _ I have held thia office for and have endeavored to stitoents faithfully ana ability. In B a for | , , proach May/8th, 1912. ' vears my con at of my ing this' announcement _I~ds?ir?[t(rstat*^taH?nraikingTt-the ir support to the iy. My connection has been severed giva my whole .constable only of ~ iclin county, the Demo their hearty and en . rt in the >??' and trust will stand bX me in the I am, Veryreapeetfully,\ R. W. II wDSON, Cans table. "hands of my trie! office of constabl with the Sheriff and if elected time to the offli Louisburg Ti Thanking cratic vot< thusiastic ing that next prii rators Having < upoa the e late of Frankli fy all persons the estate of sa the same to me i to my attemey. ' st Louisourg, N. _ 4th day of May, it be plead in bar i " May 3rd, 1912. N _ noti a gainst adminli > A. , before the ? thia notice wil*' This, , Admr May. dec-d. SPECIAL MAY 1 . f *1 I have inaugurated a bargain counter ^hick the goods will bechanged each or ev^ry other day, it wul\>e truly a profit/sharing, economy counter. I Before baring s single aVeticle it "?ill par to see tlie goods on this counter. They will be better goods and lea* prioe than offered elie where An inspection will more than prove my claim. My sales for ttye first four months tbis year have more thandoubled the first four mobths of last year. ,' I have twice the Amount of Stock. I am selling as many or more shoes and slippers than formerly sold by F. N. & R. 2. Egerton, (who did tbe shoe business of th^ town) doiag a cash business at small expense I not only can afford to Sell at from 10 to 25 per cent less than my Aid firm, (who sold sheap.) but I am Actually Doing it The many satisfied customers leav ing~rov store daily and ' the friends and neighbors they send here la positive proof of this assertion. I am going to share profits on all. the moat desirable goods, although the busy month of May I am going to give von 46 inoh hand embroidered voil ilounciDg .worth *2 for $1.48, ?100 value, 2'2 inch baby iriab flouncing far 75 cents, compare and see for yourself. 50c Taloe awise embroidered flouncing tor 86c, $1.26 ?tBinteryanes, full size 98c. $2 coun terpanes, 1 1-4 slxe $1.48, 12 1-2 to 16o colored eartain swiss 10c, 15o eoiored curtain swiss 10c. A full line of up-to date white goods at s saving to you of from 2 1-2 to 10 oenta on every yard. I hava the largest variety of good ahoe and alippera in town and you cant beat tbe price, [ . . Warner Brothers Corsets Wajnertbe ideaf sensible summer oorset, because it is not boned with reel, therefore it does not rust, it is also guaranteed Hot to break or tear they are tbe lVgeat manufacturers uf corsets in thefworld. Come to see me for what you want and ? *11 ' ? \ ' I will ^aye you money ori. every dol lar spent with me R.X Egerton Profit Sharing One Priced Cash Store. HEALTH ACCIDENT INSURANCE! I will write you fire/insurance on anything you have On residence, barns, stables, fur niture/ horses, imules, merchan dise y(nd anything that will burn 'at the First National Bank, Louisbiftg, N. C, YOUR GIRL Would be pleased to take arae in one of the stylish, tip to-date buggies carried in jnofy by us. These buggies are sold especially reasoj^able and\ are exceptional bargains. See our lipe of harnols, horses ahd mules before buying. FULLER &\ PERRY Company EAVY AND FANCY Try our syrups Molasses. Pure home made apple vinegar. See u/about cdu^try produce, fruits of all kinds Yours / THE Aycock Drug Company With - 7 ' Q. L? Aycock V , And \ Sf. P. Boddie Managers \ I ' ?? ?? Need no introduetion to tbs thoughtful public, u |they {have served you long and faithfully, and your Interest* are properly looked after and guarded by them. Bo bring aa your prescription work and let aa supply Tour every need in the medifeine line, toilet artioles, stationery, eto. l\ ' ' Mr. Fpstus M. Fuller The Noted Cold. Drink Dispenser preaidea at our great ioel?ss soda fountain and is always glad to aerve you. Garden Seed I , Yonhave to have them and you should have the best. Beware of all psck te seed that have not the date 1912 printed on them. Remember ours have it. We have the largest stock and beatfselection of seed ever showa n Louiaburg. Remember we guarantee satisfaction in all we Sell. Se come to 6s for all wants in oar line. * ?** ? i " ' ' V ' .. /. ? . ^ i !, * y , ? Tour old friends, AYCOCK DRUG CO. ! I' :"\ '