A. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION, SUBSCRIPTION SI .00 PER VRaw VOL. XLIIt LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY MAY 2*. 1912 NUMBER 14 Commencement Exercises Louisburg Female College Closes Success ful Year BACCALAUREATE SERMON BY The Exercises of an Exceeding ly Hlifh Order? Literary Ad dress Br Attorney-General T- W. BioKett? Many Visitors to Attend Commencement. The Louisburg Female College has ju?t closed perhaps the very best year ia its long-and useful history, which be gan in 1802, Under th? wise and effi cient management of Mrs. Irey Allan, the president, and her able corps of as sistents, the institution has grown steadily forward. Louisborg feels justly proud of this spleadid institution in her midst, and reckons It as oae of her most valuable assets. The deposit left by the faculty and studeat body from year to year greatly enriches every phase of life in our town. Rj r reference to the recent catalogue,' we notice that thirty-five counties tmd four States are represented on the roll of students. In evsrvjle^artment of the College work this year a high standard has been maintained. The personnel of the student body has been unusually jlne. snd not a single case of serious illness or discipline has marred the hjtr monipus workings of the institution. TheKJommencement exercises began Sunday inorninf with the baccalaureate sermon bjrBev. J. M. Ormond, of Hllls boro, in the\Methodist church. Dr. Ormond chose \for his theme, "The Power of a Great purpose, " using as a text the familiar woids of Paul, "This one thing I do," Phil. 3^3. He said In part, we are living in 'an age of con centration. The fewer things we try to do, the greater the skill^acquired. For the greatest results and tfia high -est efficiency, we must concentrate. This is true in the sphere of education. There is an ever increasing tehdencV to specializing, to making the courses of study in our institutions of learning ?elective. It is true in the industrial world. Much better results are attain -ed in the factory where there is a di vision of labor than where an individual works separately. K two cent postage .stamp goes through 200 hands before it is completed. Concentration prevents dissipation of ?energy. One ideal must be kept be fore the individual constantly. It is impossible to approach two with satis faction. One can not reach the high est success as a physician and a me chanic at the same time. The same principle obtains in the case of a musician, an orator, an arch itect, or fortune builder. * , Forethought is a Hark of superiority It is that that differentiates the child (he adult, and the savage from the cir ilized man. The higher the grade of civilization, the greater will be the .ability to foresee. Now if concentratioa of effort is so essential in building a house or a for tune, producing the largest and best results, how much more is this true of building a life. There must be a defi nite fixed goal or you cannot accom plish what yon would like to. For lack of this, we see all about us unfinished lives, failures because they did not know what they wanted to do. On the cr^rmher hand, you will see highly success ^Jful men- and women, who perhaps Were not so richly endowed naturally at the others, but who set for them selves'a task, and went steadily for ward until that. task was accomplished. Then, too, the pewer of a great pur pose furnishes us with sufficient enthu siasm to spur us on and insure success. I like to see a bey get a grip on a great ideal. That boy will accomplish snmethiag provided anether ideal does not come in to dissipate the first. There it great power in enthusiasm. Any thing that fills the soul absolutely full drives you on to accomplish the most difficult tasks. Dream high, dream long, dream large. You will never realUe more than you dream. You may be misunderstood. Paul and Christ were, and were accused of being crazy, and you will be, it you do something that will make jou different from other folks; but don't let that atop you. It is a sad day fer anyone when ' they have no enthusiasm. It ought to burn your very life, for there will be very little light from yoar life unless there is considerable baraing ia it Many tasks will rot you of your en thusiasm. One task will arouse it. The hope of the world lies in enthuai asm. When you loes that, you have .lost all hope or luooeec You graduates are now re?4y to put into force what you have been dream ing together knowleege, but it is be coming something. Would you be an artist? Then train your eyes to Bee the beauties of nature. Would you be a Musician? "Train your ears to hear the music of heaven. Would yob be came a teacher? Sit at the feet of the great mountain teacher. Would you be a houae builder? Take for your model the Kingdom of Uod. But no matter what yourdreams have been as musleian, artist, teacher, or house builder, you still hare a. great unfinished task before you, the building of your life. What are you going to do with your life?_ Paul said, forgetting those things that are behind, and reach ing forth unto- those things that are befors, I prtsa toward the mark. You mustj?6ve a mark. For thirty years Patil was doing one thing, though it was wrong. When he got on the right track he still pursued one thing, the glory ef God, until he received the crewn of glory. Oh, the power of a great viiien! Paul was not disobedi ent to his, even though he had to bear in his body th* marks of the Lord Jesus for his witnessing for Christ. It is so important, yohng ladies, that you can get yoor life the highest ideal, one that is lot simply human, that you see with your natural eyes, but one that inspires, one that saves and redeems your life from destruction. Jesus Christ is the only ideal worthy of your following. He will lift you out ?f self into a higher life, out of death inte eternal life. The success of your life will depend upon your do ing this one thing? taking Itsus as' your ideal and Savior. If you ever ac complish anything worth while it will come through Him. And when you come to the end of this journey you can say, as did the veteran apostle, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I hare kept the (aith; henceforth there is laid up for me-a crown of rightousness." Mb. 11 ARRELL'3 Sbrmok. The sermon ?( Rev. T. C. Harrell, of Raleigh, before the T. W. C. A., a very valuable and flourishing institu tion in the work of the College, Sunday night at the Metkodist church, was well received, and we regret that eur space will permit of only a brief synop sis. Mr. Harrell toek for his text, "Verily I say unto you, they hare their re ward." Mt.8:2. The thought he emphasized was that we find in life precisely what we are looking for, and what we want most, and we become like those things that we love best. For instance, a sailor goes around the world and returns home and all ha can tell is the price of rum in the different ports he visited. That is what h? wu looking for. But another man got, not half so far, and return*, and he tells of cathedrals and ruiaed civilizations, and splendid art galleries he saw and the Boul entrancing music he heard, which inspired and ennobled his life. That is what he was hunting for He told of the cartoonist, who could see something funny in everything, no matter how beautiful or sacred, be cause he was looking for it, and. of the great artist, Raphael, who said, "In all my journey? over the earth I hare never seen the face of a woman, however de graded, that I did not see something of the beauty and the holiness of the Vir gin's face If one hopes for simply the. ordiaary in life, he will gat that. If one starts out in life merely to hava a good time he will have it. God gives us what we supremely want, but it sometimes means oar deatraction. We never rise above wr ambition. If you seek for God, you can find Him for "all the earth is crowned with heavan. And every comaon bush is aflame with God, but only he who seas takes off his shoes. " The audiences at both services taxed to the liasit the auditorinm and Sunday school rooms of the Methodist chnrch. All the Col-, lege girls, arrayed in beautiful white uniforms, occupied the middle tier of seats just in front of the minister. The graduating class wore caps and gowns. Quite a fine teatura of both services was the music rendered by the College ehorus, a trio by three of yeung iadiea, and a solo by ^iias Mary Bell* Macon, who graduate* this year in voice. Th? Alumna* Banquet. Monday night In tha beaatl fully d*co rated College dining hall the an nual alumnae banqaet was spread, hav ( Continued on Eight Page) MR. ORREN R. SMITH. The Originator of the Stars and Bars. L0U1SBURG GRADED SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY The Exercises Interesting and Much Enjoyed? Address of Prof. Brooks Pine^Wlnnlns: Essay and ? Presentation Address. The commencement exercises of the Louisbarg Graded School which took place on last Friday |eyenin7 marks the closing of a most successful year. ? On accffunt of illness it was impossible to carry out the programme in .full, but the exercises were fully enjpyed by a large and enthusiastic audience. , . The address of Prof. Eugene C. P rooks, head of the department of En glish of Trinity College and President of the Teachers' association was truly great. Masterful in its conception and eloquent in its delivery It showed so deep and broad a knowledge, of psy chology, pedagogy, and so sympathetic an understanding of the problems, of teachers, parents and children, that words are inadequate to do justice to. its merit. Our people have rarely had such a literary treat. To all it was deeply interesting. Of the deepest interest to the citi zens of Louisburg was the presentation at the Graded School Friday night of the Orrin Smith Medal. This medal was presented by Miss Jessie Smith through the Joseph J. Davis Chapter for the best essay writ ten by a pupil of the high school on "The Stars and Bars;" Mr. William Avera Winston's essay was unanimous ly declared by the judges to merit this honor at which his many friends were greatly pleased. The medal is a star of gold encircled by laurel wreath within, which in beau tiful enamel is the tlag of the Confed eracy? the "Stars and Bars."? the flag designed by Capt. Smith fashioned of homespun material, accepted at Montgomery as the flag of the Confed eracy, and first unfurled on the court house gqaare at Louisburg? our own toyed "Stars -and liars." It was peculiarly sad that he who would have so beautifully presented this medal, and the young (rand-son of the Confederacy who won it should hare 1>een kept away on accouat of illness ? Mr. Smith, Ins own, and Wi liam that of his beloved grand father. The eloquent letter written by Mr. Smith .wag feelingly read by Mr. RufBn and a beautiful tribute paid this brave veteran of three wars. Not alone in war were his brave deeds done. During a terrible fire here many remember gratefully his heroic ac tions. A brave soldier, a loyal citisen and a neble gentleman. Louisburg is proud to ciaim him. His letter, and the successful essay are printed in full and may the grows folks as well **s the children read and keep' * reea in , their_jmemory the story of our flag? WWy* 'Stars and Bars." May our childreaV. children hold ever in honor the name Orren Smith, and where he unfurled the. flag may there stand some day a fitting and beautiful memorial. , \ The following was the presentation address of Mr. Orren Hmith which, on account of the illness ef Mr. Smith, was reed by Mr. W. U. Rafflo MiCiS Pbbsident, Fkihnd^:? The Stars and Bars was Louisb org's j flag. It was made in Louisburg by a i Louisburg jfirl of dress Goods bought j in Ivouisburg. It was a gift from I Lnuiaburg to the Confederate States i of America and the Confederate States Army. ? It was fifty one years ago, March 18, .871, that in this town I raised the first "Stars and Bars in North Caro lina." " | The whole town and country were [interested and there were hundreds that I saw our flag sunt aloft; there are only a few here today who were present that day. for a half century is a long time and (He war took so many of our brav est and best that were here on that March day. ! Still it is to this town of Loaiabutg. the county feat of franklin, that has a right to claim the honor of nayiag given to the Confederacy the "Stars and Bars," and I am gladder than any of you that to you through the Jos. J. Davis Chapter U. D. C.. today the 'medal is given for the best historical essay on Our Flag. I am glad that the old town om Tar' river will go down in hiatory as the' giver ?f the first Confederate Flag, and lam grateful that I was the man ' through whom this honer comes to Louisburg, and every where all over the world where there is a Daughther of the Confederacy there will this Hag be honored, for every U. D. C. , wears I.ouisburg's Flag as her badge. the man for whom your ohapter is named was *ne of the best men in the service. Daughters, you honor your selves in naming our chapter for Hon. Jos. J. Davis, and I am glad and proud that it is the chapter bearing his name that preaenta this medal. He gloried in his "Grey" in his town and in his State, iand in his country. "He waa al ways working to bring honor and great ness to his home town. ? | Daughters, friends, I thank you for what you have done this day, in the name of the Old North State apd the men 'she gave to fight for"The Rights," for the U. D. C. every where, and for mr own self, thank you. The following is the essay that won 1 the medal : Since the first rode tribe carried in its foremost ranks same pole ?r spear, to lead and encourage its men in battle, man has had some symbol representing country and home. This symbol he honors and reveres even unT. remarks ?nation of Mr. P. ? (/*? , the non> fOTt ^ m^^VMcl8ffllltin0,n',M "Po tion prevailed anH fhT he ?"o without rdd^~v'.tn T tions f.r the loyalty of hi. " appr9cia and thanked the T,iend? honor conferred upon hrm""0" f<>r the Next in order was the nomination oi a candidate (or the House of Repre sentatives, After this announcement Mr. W. M. Person, one of the contest ants for this honor arose and withdrew his name and at the same time after referring to his staunch democracy pledged himself to a firm stand for the future of the party. Mr. Gray R. King, of Cedar Roci; ' placed the name of Mr. J. A. Toner In nomination and Mr. W. K. Maasenban of Harris, made the second. Mr. G. (Continued on Fourth Page)' t