FRANKLINTON NEWS, ITEMS Our Regular Correspondent t Items of Interest Gathered From in and Near Our Sister Town Each Week CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY ? Mias Gene Ward and Alias Margie Speed are home from Peace Inatitute. ? ? W. W. tireen, of Havesville township was in town Tuesday. ? Edwin and Plummer Speed, sona of Robert and J. D. Speed, are home from school. ? Mr. E. P. Blackley who lireat near town, killed a large catamount laat Monday on Cedar creek. . ? Presiding Elder Hall and EdK tor Massey of Christian Advocate,' stopped over on way to Louiaburg." ? The Ballard-Cheatbam Co., are displaying a -Hew awning over the front entrance to t'leir new brick store on Main street. ? ? Rev. W. W. Rose began a se ries of meetings at M. E. Cburch last Sunday night to continue all the week. Large crowds attend and iiave good preaching. ? The farmers are buay now ? some chopping and some planting cotton this week, ?hd a few have not yet " gotten their land prepared to plant. ? The Artesian well : t the ?ol ored Christian School site near town is now 90 feet deep. They struck a hriri rock and the work lias been slow. '* ? ? There are several new building? contemplated to be built in* the near future in our town. Soon we will have another large hotel. Better watch us, we are coming some. ? A. R. Richardson's famous shows exhibited here Jlast Thursday night. They plated the sensational western dram* Jesse James to a large crowd. It was a. very good show. " ? Rev.1 John N. Cole, of the -Methodist Orphanage, was in onr town Tuesday looking over his old play grounds. Mr. Cole was born in this town. The. house he was born in stood on the corter where the jew store ?ow is. We were triad to see Mr. Cole and talk of old school times. ? The team which went to Ral eigh' last week to the "officers tchool" returned last Saturday morning. They report a good tiiue, but steady hard drilling every day. They were taken out every morning on the- "setting up" exercise drill on a little stroll of ten miles in the country. A large part of the school exercisa was map making or map study on black board, etc. ? Every 'merchant and everybxly ?lae jtlia would like to see oar taw a have a good band and take t.n in terest id the movement and will contribute towards helping them to employ an instructor, should give in the amount to tome member of the band. Now let every one contri bute something as the boys .have a chance of getting a good instructor from Raleigh, instructor to tbe 3rd Kejjiment Band, for ?5.00 per Week and expanses. Let ) thoss in .our town who are able coine forward and help the boys. You will never regret it and besides yon wjll be proud ot the great tTelp in n;vy way of a good band. ' ?The primary election started up Saturday at 10 a. m , and there ?? a ' rush (or the ballot' box, to pot in their vote for their farorita- aspir ants (or the different county officea. There was greater interest and more work dohe than we hare erer seen. At one time it looked like the regular national election. We have never seen as mach inter est taken in so small an affair. It was very close for awhile as to the two candidates for Sheriff bat along in the afternoon Kearney began to run ahead and at the close of the polls at 6 o'clock, the vote stood Kearney 200, Allen lit* The other candidates made eood runs so far as the rate of thoir office stood. After the election then the delegates to , the Convention at Louisbnrg which met Monday were voted upon and . a better selection coold not have been made. * - . \ Kt.-i ? " - ? ? K'i ? * ?sir' ? The Confederate Flag: R. T. Beauregard. of New OrUenii, Civet the following account of the de sign of the confederate Hag: "During the battle of Miniiui General Beauregard had obseryed Uie difficulty of distinguishing our (Mm from the enemy'* colore and in order to prevent all errors in the future had determined to adopt in his army a bat tle flat distinct in color and deeign. He at drat sought to procure a change in the confederate flag itself, and Col onel W. P. Miles, then chairman of the house military committee, had caused, at his request, a report to be presented to that effect, but with no result. In a conference between the then three senior officers at Fairfax courthouse in September out of four designs for a battleflag one presented by General Beaugard was adopted. It was a red Jield with a diagonal blue cross, the latter edged with white and bearing white star*. To render it moie porta ble it was made square instead of ob long by order of General Johnson. "This beautiful design, by a atrange coincidence, had been previously de vised by Colonel Miles and recom mended for the confederate flag to con gress, then in session at Montgomery in March, 1S61. It had also been pro posed by Mr. Edward C. Hancock, at the request of Colonel James B. Wal ton, at New Orleans in the month of April. ' It had been offered by Colonel Miles to General Beauregard in substi tution for one nearly similar in emblem and pattern, tut different in the distri bution of colors, suggested to him by Gsneral Beauregard when the latter was seeking to procure a change in the con federate flag. And it was now pro posed anew to the general by Colonel Walton, who had Mr. Hancock's de sign. '"Thus it will be seen that the design 1 of the Confederate battleflag was con ceived and drawn long before a union soldier had tried his skill in water 'colors On an original which was not and could never have reached the hands of the general's lamented daugh ter. She was a little girl who was in Louisiana during the whole of our un fortunate war and was seen by her fa ther only at its c!ose." ? Lexington Dispatch. The above in regard to the Confeder ate flag, so we learn, is in a measure true, but the real Confederate flag, the one first adopted and now recognized the true flag was not originated by a Yankee, but by a North Carolinian, a native of F.ranklin connty, arid is now liying and receiving the honors being bestowed upon him by many who know him. He is none the'less than our highly esteemed Confederate gen tleman, Mr. Grr'en R. Smith", of Hen derson. The Dispatch as well as oth ers discussing this subject should bet i ter inform themselyes about the his i tory of this flag. We can and will gladly furnish you suificient p/oof when 1 necessary. ? | The Demons Of The Swamp are mosquitoes. As they sting they i _gut deadly roal^ia germs in th? blood. I Then follow of fever. Tfc strength fail* the way lor trie Bitters'* germs from appetite anc "After long ! Fretwell, of bottles drove all tty J system, and I've i since." Beat I kidney ills. 50ct ehilU tite ialarjai fires and tne 1 en paves But Elec the malaia you a fine r strength, wrote Wm. three from my 1th ever stomach, ^liyer and Aycock D\ig Co. DANGER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Are Too Dan- 1 gerous for louisbure Peo Die to Neglect. Thy Rreat danger pi kidney j troubles i? that they gyf firm liold ! before \he cofferer recognizes fiem. Health \is gradually . undermined. Backachdy headache,/ nervousness, lameness, Spreoetc, lumbago, urinary troubles, drftpay, gra/el and Briglit'e dissase; follow in merciless succes sion. Don't iwgl/ot your kidney*. Help the kidn ejrf with the reliable and safe remedL Doan's Kidney Pil e which has /cdred people right here in this lo?lity\ > J. L. Garret! BroaM 8t, Oxford, X \ 1 N. C,?ayr. . fl hsre Vised Doan's Kidney Pills /for kidney, complaint and backachd and hare fVind them to be a mostfreliable mediciry. They can be depended upon to act prompt ly and jus* as represeated. \pther members <Jf my family hare taken Doan's Kidney Pills and the Vest of r (Haiti have always berih reoeived. I ?tronjfIJ>s<rffe a trialynf this medi. oine to anyuneNtiliotefl with kidney complaint " J J For sale by df d^ers. Prio? SO oenta. Fc^taZ-MilburcMJo., Buf fslo, New YotJ, sole agen\ tor the United Rernem | and take Large crowds frush^^o W. L. McUhee's atore d?^y new goods aDd lowest prioea. or Re\t I have sSnioe scorns forliglit housekeeping. T^J?ly to J. yCFl?LAYSO?, I it S. A. L offi< "ranki^hion. N. C. A Welcome Chance t<K Those Who Suffer. Coining to Ijoaiabnrg on Mon day May 27, to stay Louis burg Hotel. ONE DAY ONLY DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD . of Greensboro, N. (C. Consultation and Kxaroinaton Con fidential invited' and pee. To see all of hk new Cases, as ma; Dr. Packard enjoysi among the professi< North Carolina, wh< year* he has devoted Study, Treatment ai Diseases. The ?uccess in his chronic suff dren. The Patients Health after they of being Cored Thousands. + He democratic gentli scholarly attain me: sonality. Coupled est, in all -who see not take a Patien he can foresee I most commend, and one that personals the reasonable and within the react At no time -do more than $7.0C a week. He ? and there are n him never mori Months to i AO Cases, th a of feature to the hia ate charges month or Kiven np as been Cured health by this 1 wonderful i If you want examine yon, matter over nothing if he' his extra Charges, than from fo i Case under Tri those who *akle or He ad restored and snot i to consult him. | wide reputation, the Public oi more than 25 time to the ire of Chronic had wonderful that of curing 'omen and Chil restored to en Hp all hope "by the generous, ? of higl. iified per. rly inter He does Lent nnless ? The his wori^ " lary aiclr so make it poor, ount to I t $tr$?| icines, t take to six ftment. been have :ect the rilliant Phyi eda he employs. > meet him and- ha/ > to see hidt. does him the yoa not put you nfcder treatment. If he takes your case, it V^ill cost yon a very small sum te yet Remember the Date. ~oti come early. - v - Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estatfNkf Sidney Walif deceased, | this is to notify all ppreons holding claims against said estate to present the same to tlte^nde/yitrned on or be fore May 10th, this notice will be plead in bar oKzneir recovery. All persons owing aaral estate will come I forward and m/ke immediate settle ment. This Mftv-i0thNl^l2. / It. B. WK^te, Admr. Your imagination f^jls you until you hjive seen the extravagant display of beautiful Drawn Work at RAMEY, I have a . can your of fault WE ARE CONTINUALLY ADDING TO OUR ALREADY LARGE ^ND VARIED STOCK OF HOUSE /All the latest recently received a justable lawn chairs, of the best material, reputation for reas our experience al celebrated. N I T l/RE NISHINGS tost novel in our line. We have supply of those comfortable ad *he frame is of iron and the cloth Te are increasing confidence in our prices and will be glad to hand rour way. Our line of pianos, the /cH U L Z / \ ? % ' - needs do commendation here. They have been tried in this county and have not been found wanting^ If you want a high class instrument at really a fair price come to see us We always keep close watch and gay especial attention to our Undertaking de partment add we feel that you can find in our establishment as good a line to select from "as will be found in many cities. We respect your dead by giving you the best. When in need of any thing of this kind call and see us. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. \ H I L-i-^y.' Live \ Stock Co. We. have opened up a general store next to the Fanners and Merchants Bank, wher* we propose to carry a complete line of general merchandise, heavy graperies and general farm supplies. We also carry Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes We are looking tor\ car, each, of lime anil cemenj/ next week We carry all kinds of agricultural implements, disc harrows, smoothing harrows, ? mowers, rakes, kasoline engines, wood eaw^ pumps, barbed wire, fence wire,- nails. \ . . / Moyer buggies, Petersfcuggias, Dixie girl buggies, Baltimore bug gies; the largest stock csrried\in the connty. Canrfages, surries, harness. Cheap Harness and High Priced Harness WAGONS? Hickory wagons, I^arfmont wagonij, Tliornhill wagons, Columbia wagons, Webber wagonyhd all steel wagons; no wood about it. We sell on time and injsstico tcyCuiYustomers, (jugtico the greatest and rarest of virtu**.) We do not <ell on V credit unless your name is regis tered on our books, or have th% genoraYreputation of a debt paying man before the war, that is to say registered^ the the tax books under the "Grand fatbersClause," o^ing in tax nW your exemption. It matters not what you Vant noiyf hen you want H nor when you want to pay for it, come in and I'll n^ke you a price. \Wealww would lend a little money to prospective customers. Our ha\ is in the ring, not in the dirty game of politiosjwt t? sell good on time. \ No' Goods Delivered in Town Farmers, make our store and stables yoi^ hoad-quarters whan ytfta oome tjnOWB.

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