FRANKL1NT0N NEWS ITEMS Items of Interest Gathered From in and Near Our Sister Town Each Week CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY ? Mauy citizens of our town will bale with delight the first tub of the electric light ? ? L H. Kqarney went to Raleigh Monday and Tueedsy ot thia week in the intereet of the Agricultural Department. ? Aa a result of thaaerie* of meet - inga juat elosed at the Method church, there waa an addition to the' church Suaday of 13. ? ? Ton had beuer be careful how' Voa touch the otherfeilowa left these daya. He might not be ireod humor. There are some refugees in in our town who don't know the dif-j ference between a mitre box and a' flying machine. Mr, Andrew J. Morton drew the p?*e, a barrel of the beat patent dour, in the McGhee-Joyner contest which ended this week. ? The outside work on D. E. Berkleys new residence is i boat finished and the" work of finiebrag op the inside will go on rapidly. ' Mra. M. A. Holmes, of Epeom, is vUiting her eon, Mr. S. R Holmes. Mrs. Holmes is quite an old lady, being near 80 but she is as spry snd full of fun as a much younger person. ? It see.ns there exist so.oe dissat isfaction in regard to the planting of the electric light posts on some of the streets. Let's doc't hare any hitch in such an improvement as this. ? ?On many of our streets the weed*, bushes and grass are so thick it is dangerous to walk unless you take the middle of the atreet or have ? ? pilot to go ahead and seare the snakes in the swamps. ? Esquire Nicholson h?d a small case before him Tuesday. A colored nun by the name of Huckaday stole * bicycle from another man of color last Saturday. Hockaday was put wnder a bond of $75 to Auguat oourt. ?Company the local military company here, has accepted an invi tation to take part in the W vatt monument unveiling Monday, June at?. The captain wishes us to state, that every member who intends to ! .go, must be in the armory at 8 1 o clock sharp Monday morning. ? Quits a little excitement waa ?caused Thuraday night by the ring ing of the Methodist charab bell and husky voices hollowing "fire" just * little while after services closed at the church, and it waa diecovertd that what looked like the w(jole back of the church waa ablaze, but which turned out to be the gas lighting plant which waa totally de stroyed but no other damage done. The cause of the fire, it waa learned *areleesness of the sexton in leaving the building before makiog sure the light was extinguished. TUtn lining in the offlea uncalled for; Battie Bom*, Balar Beodr, . _ . ?T Carter, Raehal Bjoi, Cjlb Jones, Ozaona Kearney, Via. C. H. Rowland, Fraocia Smith, Mary J. bandar a, Tommie Wilaon. When calling for any of the above lettera, etate that 700 aaw them ad vertised. W. P. ED*?Da, P. M T Personals. Mr*. Teirelt and children arc he?* father, Rev. W. W. Rom. Mia* Ida Williams, of Elm City, who baa bean on aavaral - daji visit U? Mia Jean Ward, returned home laat Friday: ~ Mra. W. L. McGhee, and daugh ter, Miaa Soaie and Miss Martha Harris, ara visiting in Richmond this week. Prof. R. B. White vent to Kal eigh Tuesday to attend the Demo cratic Convention which meets on Wednesday. Mr?. W. P. C'lementa, of Raleigh and Capt. D F. Byrum, of Hender son, viaited their father, Mr. W. JB. Byrum, laat Sanday. Mia* Margie Speed accompanied Mi*. Good foe back to Georgia where ahe will apeod several weeks visiting relatives, and friend*. Man Cougfca and Break* Rib> After a frirhtful cougfctm? spell a raaa ia Neenah. Wis., felt terrible pains In his side nid his doctefr found two ribs had been (mkeo,-' What agony Dr. Ki*> Mtv'Mi nvery wMld have saved him. AJv*w tea^poonsful ends a late cough, (WhiV persiateta aae routs obstinate cocghs. rtu>el? stubbirn cold* or beala uk, sore \ags. ''Paeel sure ita a Codaend to hufcanitv, \ writes Mrs. tip* Morton, Columbia. Mo. "tor I bel'ese I would have consumption to day, n I had not used this ^rreat. rem edy." Ita guaranteed to sdtiafy, and you can get -a free trial bottle or 50 1 cent or *1.00 site at Aycock Drag Go. ! they all demand ^it - I Louisburg Like Every City and Tovn In the Union .Receives It People with kidney ilia Wfnt to be cured. When one stiffen tbe tor turea of an aching back,? relief u eager y Bought for. Inhere are many remedies today that relieve, but do nvt cure. t)oaa'i Kidney P.lls have cured thousand*. Here ia proof: Mardooh McRie, 817 Washing ton St.. Rocky Mount, S. C_, says: "For two *w eeks k idnev trouble made me miserable. My back was painful, particularly when I stooped or lifted and it ached intensely at night, keeping ne from sleeping well. I tired eaaav, was languid and nervous and kat| a great deal of trouble from heedadfaea and dizzy spells. Sometime^ I nkl to get up at night to paaa the kidney secre tions and I noticed that there was sediment in tbiw. A styrt time ago I began the fue of Doa^fs Kid ney Pills and tb#y cured me prompt ly. Doan's Kidney Pills are mr far tbe beet medi?fne I ever toolftfor backache." ' "J i For sale by all dealers. Friik ?0 cents. Foeter-Milburn Co, Bof\ falo, New York, sole agents tor the United St at en. Remember, the name ? Doan's ? and take no she was oat." "Well?" said Mr. Bookmaker inquis Irwrly. "She's oat, air." ?June LipDincott's. There is no real ing troubled with berlain's Tablet able momnneat Gat tha Habit 7^ TUa aaglaat cn your part is not flt tmg ?wrj baildlaz with good iWiabb wiw hu merely cook to be a habit IuuM 4owd from the year* that hive re Med, and the time has arrived to off G?t the At screen habit: Did too ever attempt to spend the night at (he home of a friend whose house, although screen lee ?. appeared mighty inviting and cool by davT The plan of attack is rompratively limple. Keep lewme and covers over refuse aid every thing likely to offec a breed ing piace for fliei. ~ ~ Screen every window and door and beiiih the Sv from the house. In this way the amount of disease and discomfort will be greatly reduced. ? A iprmined ahkle ma^4s a rale be cured m from thi^^^bur days bv ap p yiag ChaierMtt liniment and ob ?errina the diie&odk. with each bottle. For sale by all dealer?^ See I Your J^ngine Before You Bay soni now \t out ahor I go to your \ ou know i iible, and ae you can depend upon. 1HC loline Engines >uilt on honor, from A;lect iterials, and are all 1 ly tested before ships fu can rest assured tha. ? . " C engine of a size suitable i your work, will give Itisf action for so lcmg a t. 'iat you will come to consij he greatest bargain you ev le. I H C engines are i m every style and for e purpose. Sizes run, from - f 50-horse power. Kerosene* ; gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-hor ' power. Mtratiml lirmtvCMpiqif Aairti 0 Si IHCSmk.lm. . The Dopoia of this Bureau Is to furnl.h. .Notice. 3, Having qoali the estate of this is to claim* against trte same to th fore May 10th, be plaad in bar of persons owing said forward and make kent. This Mav ll \ R. B admit II estal holding to present ' on or be notice will ecoyerr. All ite will come ediate settle* 12. TB, Admr. A Complete New Lra^ of -HATS, SMI - j SUMMER iDERWEAR In eacE oribese lines we can give y*p exceptional bargains, dome to see us JOSEPH N. \RAMEY. the Bwesm 0$E WE ABE CONTINUALLY ADDING TO OUR ALREADY LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF FURNITURE B / FURNISHINGS All the recently receiv instable lawn of the best reputation for reaso our experience alo: celebrated. and most novel in our line. We have large Lpply of those comfortable ad frame is of iron and the cloth are increasing confidence in Our prices and will be glad to hand rour way. Our line of pianos, the BLZ needs do commendation' here. : They have beefi tried in this county and have not been found wanting. If you wont a high class in&trum?nt at really a fair price come to see us ratch and pay especial attention to our Undertaking de i can find in our establishment as good a line to select cities. We respect your dead by giving you the best, is kind call asd see us, * We always keep close partment and we feel that from as will be found in ma_ When in need of any thiag of i ? ? - / ? \ . * J V" ? W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. HI L,L live Stock Co. , \ W ? ? Wo have \ppened up a genial store next to the Farmers and Merchants Bank, where we propose to carry a complete line of general merchandise, heavy groceries and general farm supplies. We also carry Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats Vana> Shoes \ J We are looking tot a car, each, of lime and cement next week We carry all kinds of agricultural implements, disc harrows, smoothing harrowB, mowers, rakes, ^a^oline engines, wood saws, pomps, barbed wire., fenoe wire, nails. \ j Moyer baggies, Petersfiuggias, Dixie girl baggies, Baltimore bag gies; the largest stock oarried in the county. Carriages, snrries, harness. Less and High Iced Harness i * . .... WAGONS ? Hiskory vsgons, Piedmont wagons, Thornhill wagons, Colombia wagonsi Webber wagons sad all steel wsgons; no wood about it. We sell on time and injastioe to our ^astomers, (jastice the greatest and rarest of virtues.) We do Dot sail on a credit unless your name is regis tered oo oar books, or bare tha general' reputation oi a debt paying man hefere the war, that ia/to say registered on the the tax books under the "Grand father Clinse/* giving in tax over your exemption, |t matter* not what rou want nftr when you want it nor when you want to pay (or it, coma in and 111 make yon a price. We aVo would lend a little money to prospective customers. Oar, hat is in the ring, not in the dirty game of politics, bqt te sell good on time. \ No Goods Delivered in Town T - \ / Farmers, nfake oar store and stables your head-quarters when yea come to town. f V ' ' HILL LIME STOCK COMPANY . I- _ VJ *? ? -oiiiv-jj:. a-: U * I. \ . Lf.V/| - V" if ' I V