A. P.JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION SI .00 PER YEAR . -h ??: NUMBER 28 VOL. XLII LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY JULY 26 19tt North Carolina Gets Hers Short Sketch of What Has Been Done in The Present Congress / SENATOR SIMMONS PLAYS A BIQ PART Among the Valuable Leglala tlon of the Prtaant Congrreta Efteotlnar North Carolina la the River and Harbor Appropriation* Bill. Herewith we glre a Uttie detailed in formation on some of the main features of legislation by congress effecting Worth Carolina. We also include others that effect tfie whole country, each of ?which are of espeolal Interest to our people. ? North Carolina's repreeentativee in the congress of the United States hare certainly Beared prominently end ef fectively In the legislation of the ses sion now drawing to a close, mora so i than in many yean, and the atate cer tainly has cause to be proud of the werk done by our senators and ceo-' gressnao. Thii f let U accentuated by the splen did generalship displayed by our sena tor* on several occasions yery recently Daring the put week oar senior sena tor by reason of the sdy wtaffeoos po sition be occupies on the important finance committee which eerved admir ably to support to a successful conclu sion his zealous efforts to secure the amendmenta he introduced giving North Carolina additional appropria tion in the riven and harbors bill, furnished a practical Illustration of the advantage a state haa in sock matters when it is represented by an experien ced and "working" legislator ? whe by ability and loorf service as such has forged ahead to the front rank of the important committees, position which are never allowed to be held by any nun except one of strong natural force backed up by the sine quanon of coni gressional experience. Here is one in stance of bow North Carolina profited within the last few days, as stated in the press dispatches from Washington; following are extracts taken from these dispatches: ; *' THESE QUAKTS1IS OF A MILLION DOLLAK8 FOB NORTH CAROJJKA lMPKOVlKINTS "Nortfi Caroljha is to get nearly all the appropriations originally carried in the Riven auQ Harbor* bill by Senator Simmons, y^his is the reealt secured by Senator Bimmons, minority conferee ?of the senate, in' this action tacen by the conference committee. "In this matter the house conferees made a determined fight on the i'ems in the bill covered by the amendments of Senator Simmons, but agreement was finally reached, all the amendments Senator Simmons offend beiajr re tained. '"By these amendmenta Senator Siss mt >s obtained JSOO.OOO cash for the Cape Fear river below Wilmlngtop; $400,000 eash to begin work on the har bor or refuge at Cape Lookout; $100,000 cash (or putting lnte immediate use the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, this > .*? Protracted Heating at the Bap tist Church, Dr. Forrest Smith Preaching: A series of evangelistic meetings will begin at the Baptist Church Sunday in which the pastor, Walter M. Giimore, will be assisted by Dr. Forest Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Sherman. Texas. The pastor will preach Sanday 11 a. m. and 8:16 p. m. and each night at 8:15 till Dr. Smith arrives, Thursday Aug. 1st The themes Sunday will be f'Are You Ready?" and "AH Things Possible." Everybody ia town and in the couatry is most cordially invited to attend these meetings and rat a blessing and be a blessing to ethers. Dr. Smith is well known and greatly beloved in this section as an able minister of Jesus Christ and one Who lores his fellow man. His family will accompany him. C&usrht. For some time things had been miss ing from room No. 20 in the Louis burg hotel and efforts bad been made to catch the culprit but until yesterday morning were all in vain. A traveling man by the name of J. B. White occupied this room on WedoMday night and about day yesterday morning the theif enter ed and waa caught in the sot of takiag a pair of pants. Constable Hudson wss called on and (rive* a description of ths party and ia a abort while, returned with Charlie Spiyey, colored, generally known as "Tfcemidoedle, " who was identified by Mr. White. The trial will be had this merniag before Esquire S. P. Boddie. Special Railroad Ratea on Ac count of lforth Carolina Good Beads Association Convention. Arrangements have been made with the following railroads: Atlantic Coast Line; Carolina, ClfachSeld aad Ohio; Durham and Southern; Norfolk Sooth - era and (Raleigh. Ghartottaan