FRANKLIN TIMES 4. F. JOOKSON, Editor aad on tiu, *1.00 tlx lonu, 66 I MOUTHS. .M FK1SAT. September IS 1BU ii' i i gg-aeB OPENS CAMPAIGN. Hob. T. W. Bickett, Attocnor-Osnsr ?I, opened the campaign in t*ranklia cennty with m of hit nollut ipucii ?? at Dick *ii* on bat Thuisday after moo. Ba diacussed tba different isaaes ia a aaoat iatereetiag and iatelligoat meaner and like auto UbnH kept bia aadienee ia patfact aontroll vitk hi* read j wit aad humor. Ha baa done tba caaee of Demeeraey aa ut*M amount of goad in Franklin eoanty and. tba Stata aad oar people an always glad to ThB publie ratber know what a mas dona tban wbat ba axracra to do. Dos't mD tba oeart aqaara? maka a publio or meanmantal square of H. Thb public ia glad of tbe raat is tba Senatorial campaign* caused by tba wrangle lialiaai ? peak eta. Vdukkt made big Damoctalio gaiaa in than raaaat electiona wblab ia eon ecdad to mean Lb everybody laad to tba Board of County Commieeionere in tba mora for a aaw eoart house and jail. RooervuT would poaaibly ba satie fiad if ba wan made Cxar of tbe United Stataa provided several other eountriea were thrown in. Loaiaauao ia not tbe only town that | baa trouble with ber public couTanien cea. Raleigh baa not aettled ber water | trouble! yet. Taoora are being east to tbe Mex> caa border to pre Tint tbe tghtiag on American soil. If Mexico don't look oat Uncle Sam will take ber over ? i bar behave herself Basal T weald yoa like for your wife or daughter to bare te attend court in | the |?n?il condition of the court bona absolutely roid of aay recaptian tooma | ! ? , Maori elected a republican Governor 1 the paet woek by a email majoritv and] three oat of fear repablicaa Coagrese- 1 sen. Although it ia being State wlU go far Wo that, the Wilabn fi bUKIs toamils aboald ba saspect ed w here there are frequent attacks of ; tonsilitis, ?lanejwat of in tba aaak, and dsafnaoa the parents b a tactfal tbe family physssien child'a Bona hare aeen It to csitieiae Law and Order League aad tbe officers generally fee their efforts ia the prohibition law. aad weken beard beat for not beiagi Qca aad KulUbili^of the people. Tba only remedy for quackery Hee in the odnea tion of tbe people in thoee m*>dieal faeta and theories which will laad tbaa> to aaa that there la a eolentifis tioQ for rational madiaal practice. All ideal spot Mr tbe near abort 1 and jail? tbe old Shaw let. The court house eeold be plaaod la the teat aq0 the jail in the rear, making a splendid anangement. A walkway from eaah eouid be arrangeA Tbe material new in both buildlnge weald aaatet . greatly KlTCW was Siren a poaitioo ia <ea greaa and waa not satisfied. He then naked for and waa gtvea the Governor abrp of North Carolina and be ? still ?not aatiafled. He is now asking for tba Senatorahip aad if he should get that be would poaaibly be aeklag far the preaidaacy or advocating tbe establish ing of a monsrsby and' making bias chief ruler Now be boneet. wouldn't tbe oouit square make a beantifal public eqaare. The Confederate Monument sonld be placed thereon and alae a monnment for the Btera and Bare, aad to Fraaklia county's honored aoas. Mane. Jsaeph J. Davis and Matthew S. Daria. The one being especially noted for hie boneety and fair dealinga la everything, the other lev bia educational spirit. Wbat * aa -? that will atut calomel eyar d after-affect* al ly harmless fe< sad demands i dirt. / Notice ?vqwOiflad M at rWUfMiot B. tauV ?r*nkiia i Notice All Kinds, Le and Estj B. B\J Ffaca* J. B. J one#, wllk M. S. Davia. LmaM N. C. WW male* on a?y job Work GoarutMd. Call or mrtta wl m in no*d of anything k> 017 Una. o?irer. The ??hoe] '? occaaioa to iu t ?igbt Artiticml U Parents and teachers ^Yonr bead uhM Yoar eyee ache Your ?;? are \ Yoar ey ee born i Your eyee wmtat T?M ir? eqaint Yoar eyee la M7 w?; (flye yon pfain Troubled witU aixrii? . mom* or extreme i?r Touinw and the ordinary reaedlea fail to efleet a permanent care, the ejM are Hie probable caaae ef the trouble and nothing bat properly fitted glaaaea will giyc Now ia the tiae Wt you rulin on yonr Wuos't work. A* too Mil yonr inin, atoek or prodooy plane yomr mei aooount with a reliable bank. Pay yonr billa by ohVpk, which ruakM the beet kind ol a avoid the worry aod dateer attending >the carrying rtAt money. \ y y' Oar offlean are alwmya at\he di?Vos*l ol oar euxomere frienda. Call to aea oa wbea^vfowo. ' Farmers^ and Merchants Bank ~ /y Louisburg, C. F. N. Egertoj*^ President C. P. Harris, Vice-President M. S. Clifton, Cashier. W. E. Uzzell, Assistant-Cashier. . Sayings Department Pays 4 Per Cent. Compounded Quarterly HOLUNGSWORTH'S Home-made, Hand-mad* sanitary Felt, Cotton, . 'Combina tion and Straw Mattreuea, fresh from the factory; abso lutely pure and guaranteed. \ / SPLENDID LO^ B^D ROOM SUITS ?cially invite your inspec ?ttr pianos. We carry the ?no on the market and re^you at least $100.00 J. w. HOLLINGSWORTH * _ 4 / . .<* ? ? r rly white flat dutch, rhite globe, large white co whom, large taihor i prize or Dixie, mtcq yellow and purple top carefully ?n _ , nMd wb*o 70a an tick or Laui* xSkoeadn if yam vmI than rours to Please and Sei ley - Alston Drug - Co

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