A. P. JOBISON, BDJTOl AND MANAGER ?oT. *ui. SUBSCRIPTION ?1. 00 PER YEAB * OCTOBER 26, 1918 iOK! 4TJHWT H0USE HONS. I, W- fOD AND H. ? LONDON Entertain Quite a Good Sized Orowtf With Com! Speeches on Wednesday Nl?ht. In keeping with the uiunnnli made by Cbaiiman J. R. ColUe, quite a Rood shed crowd mat at Ike eoart house on lait Wedaesdei Bight and "?re greeted with -ptaatfd ipaaehea by Hons. E. W. Pou and H. M. London. Mr. Landaa took the floor after tha meeting wu called to order and lor nearly aa hoar gavW to olur people ona of the piettlaat and moat lacteal talk* they have beard ia aome time. Bta handling of all the main laauee In the present campaign waa masterful and ahowed daap study and a goad under standing. Accord lag to hie calculations which ha backed by mace authority and comparison, thila will be one of the biggest Tietorie* the etato haa ever had and the National Democratic ticket will do liluwiae In the nation. Hla re marks were much enjoyed by all whe heard hla. Mr. Poa was next in order and hii talk, like they always are, was mora than appreciated by ear people. Re alwaya haa something interesting to uy and can always band too tests figures to substantiate his claims. Hs too waa jubilant over the fact that everything in sight seemed to be Dem ocratic and that on the 6th of Novem ber we woo Id put the seal of disap proval on tboEOTercmentof the repub lican parly. He made a pretty eltusion to his candidal/ for CO ng re S3 to suc ceed himself and our people are gild of the opportunity to again give him their support. Dr. J. H Ozzall D?ad. Lcuisburg and community suffered a heavy shock on Wednesday morning when (lie announcement of the receipt of a telegram from Baltimore atating that Dr. J. H. Uzzell died in t?e Uni versity hoepital there on Tuesday night at 8:30 o'eleck, waa made. Dr. Utzell wag the oaly ho of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Uzzell, of Maplevllle, and ? nephew of Mr. W. E. ? ruir If I(ih> III! was 21 year* of age. He poaaaamd a disposition that has made for him a large boat of friends wherever ? he waa known who will be made sad by this an nouncement. He was a member of Louisburg Lodge No. 413 A. F. ? A. M. and waa one of Louisburg's most popular young men. His remains will be brought here this merning o> the 10:20 train and from here will be taken t? his home at Maplerille where the in terment will be made at Maple Springs church today at 12 o'clock. The bereav ed parents have the sympathy of the entire qommunlty. Matthews-Guess Bethel 1'ark Methodist Church was the scene of a most brilliant and beau tifully appointed marriage on Wednes day night, October 16th, when Miss Ha'.tie Lee Muess became tbe bride of Mr. Hubert Willard Matthews of Bir mingham, Ala. The chorch waa decorated in tbe most perfect taste in while and green candles talle asparagus ? ferm being -most effectively used. Garlands of green were festooned from the center -of the church roof to the altar. At the appointed hour of nine the attendants entered to the strains of Mendelssohns wedding march played by Bar4ens orchestra from Augusta. The ushers, Measly. Samuel Guess, Robert Willis, John Farrell and Ches ter Matthews proceeded the bridal par ty. The maids came down the centar aisles, their partners, the side aisles, crossing in froat of the altar. The rainbow shades were beautifully blend ed in the gowns of charmcuse with ?chiffon draperies and rhinestoae trim mings. *'?? Christine Rilev of St. Matthews, 8. 0. and Lucfle Matthews of Blackville. 8, C., wearing bin* and carrying white chrysanthemums with blue tulle, Miss Elizabeth Reed, of Columbia. S. C. , and Helen Waddlll, of Danville, Va., in yellow with yellow .chrysanthemums, Miss Roealle Bern hardt. ?' Salisbury, N. C., and Wessie Lee Disl, of Laurens, 8. C., gowned In Lavander carrying white chrysanthe mums. The grooasa ware Meears. W. H. Davis, of Boaton, Mass., Joeeph Thompson, of Birmingham, Ala., Murrsv 'WUch, of Savannah, B*. , Will Brooker, Columbia, S. C., A. P. B. Guess, Jr., ef Denmark, S. C. Her dame ef honor, Mra. Robert Lynn Bernhardt, ef Salisbury, M. C, remembered in Denmark as Miss Helen Qrenshsw, of Louisburg, M. C., in Imt weddintt 'fOrr white channeuse wMte lodico of Dnehasss and wee point lac* with an *rm full of whit. Kllhioay ro**? taking her place at the toft ef the alUur; KU* Badalle Gueec, alitar of tba brlda earn* ntst gowned in plok b.ocadad cbafs>*o*e with chiffon drmperiea carrying pink Killarney roaea. Tha dainty little flower guto, France* Gaeea and Vara Wiggina, proceeded tha bride (t rawing roee petal*. With her fatJMr came the briiia in an imported -?rob* of princess ?od roae- point lace over Latin carrying a ahower banquet of valley-lll'laa. Tier T?U gracefully arranged around her bee waa caught on e*cb aide with a wreath ef orange hlaainma At the aame time the groom and hla beat man. Dr. Muiray Hair, of Union. 8. O., en tered la the right aiele. The ring car*-' mony waa performed br Rev. T. E. Morria. while Schubwt'a aeranade waa rendered by the orchestra. 11m bridal parr left the church to tha strain el Tannhaoaer*! wedding march. Imme diately alter the ceremony a reception waa held at tha "Pioea," home of the bride. v "The Pine*" the bom* of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gueaa waa tha IB? a at beauty on tba occaaioa of tha wedding reception of their daughter. Ilia ' Hat tie Lee Guess and Mr. H. W. Matthew* The guests ware welcomed la the hall by Meodamec J. A. Wiggins, a W. uoolsby, R. W. Willi* aad J. D. Rlefc ardaoa. In the parlor which waa dec o ated in pink and green, the effect be ing carried out with the proftakm of cosmos bamboo and pink a haded oandles the gaeata were received by the bride and groom, Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Goes* and Mr. aad Mr*. John Matthewi, Mis* Sadelle Gnees, maid of honor, and Dr. Murray Hair, beat man, and Mr*. B. L. Bernhardt, dame of honor. They wove escorted to the pnnch bowal by Mr*. J. D. Richardson where Miaa Ruth Guest in blue chiffon aerved. From bere they pasaed to the dining room where they were received by Meedames J. B. White, KUen Tnrkett and Lou Martin aad aerved to the dainty re freshment* by Miaaee Thompson, Riley, Stokes and Owen*. The color acbeme in here was green aad white, the man tle and buff*, were banked with mag nolia leave* in terspened with candlee. The bride* table, ea which waa the brides-cake, waa in candles tulle and -white flower* wkh rlhhoa aad dalaty flowers from the chandiHer. The cut ting of the cake afforded a great deal of pleasure and amuaement, the ring fell to Miss Helen Waddill, ot Danville, V*., the button te Mr. Jas. Gness, Jr., the thimble to Mr. Joe Thompson, of Birmingham, Ala., aad the dime to Miss Sadelle Wuess. ~a The many beautiful presents were displayed in the library which was dec orated in yellow. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews left on a South bound t'ain tor Southern points and will be at home the first of Novem ber at 1226 Virginia Ave., Birmingham Alabama. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Guess and is great ly beloved for her intellect, sincerety of character and charming personality. She is a graduate of Converse co'lege with distinction. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews, of Blackyille, b. C., graduating from Clemson College at Cornell University as an elecl ical en gineer. He i* held in tho highest es teem m Birmingham, Ala., where he has established a lucrative electrical business and is recognized as a man of marked ability. Play at Jnstloe. We ata requested ttrstata that the la dies of the Justice community will give a play in the Academy building on Fri day night, November 1st, for the bene fit of the Academy. Thft public is es pecially invited to go out and give a good audience. Receives Safe. Mr. F. A. Riff, Loultburjf'n popular jeweler. received and placed ia poaition a large and nice combination safe in hit place of business on the earner of Main and Court streets Saturday. Thii safe will be uaed mainly lor the safe keeping of hl? ?to?k of jewelry. County Canvass The souaty canvass which be gan at Bann. in Dunns township, on last Wednesday was well attended and nuth interest shown. Hon. E. W. Pou aad H. M. London wet* the visiting speakers, and who also spoke at Clif ton's Mill oa Thursday, delivered One speeehee. The candidates are Meeting with mueh encouragement. The meet ing in Harm township yesterday was also good and the tndfcationa point to a larger majority ia th* county this year > than a?r before. Thsy go to Youngs yille today. ' BRINGS 86 CENTS PBICES FOB TOBACCO STILL CLIHBMG Bljr tales Her* all this Week And the Farmers are being Made te Feel Good with blf Prices. Dusing the past week Urge sales bare been tha rssalt of each days re ceipts at oar tobacco warehouses and the prices hare been continually climb iDR since the ofisning. During the past week as high as 86 cts a pound has been paid te r the weed on the floor of the local warehouses and many averages way' above all expectations. The beet expression we bave heard was when a farmer was speaking of being in town late in the evening h? said "a person can afford to stav late for the prioaa ha la getting for his tobacco." Thla farmer sold a one horse load far f291.00 Others can proMt Oy the same action ? come to Louisburg. Mtv Church Constituted Lut Sunday afternoon a new Baptist ?hurch, knows as Ranadell's Chapel waa com ti to ted in a thickly settled community eight miles sohth of Louis burg, between Roek Spring and Mew Hepe churehe>. A considerable aom of money waa raised on the spot and a church building will go up in the near future. Rev. Walter M. Gilmore, the LouUburg pastor, who has been preach ing at this point during the summer months on Sunday afternoons under an arbor, assisted in the organization. A Compliment In a recent issue of tiie Saturday Globe, oi UUca, N. 7., a request was made of its readers to write an essay on the historic Athens, with an under standing '.tbat the best one received would be published. Little Miss Elea nor Yarbo rough, daughter of eur effi cient Register of Deeds, saw the re quest and wiote and an essay and was the winner in the contest. The publi cation of her essay was quite a com ' p llment to Miss aieanor and her many friends here rejoice with her at her success. Mrs. 9. W. Brown Dead. The home of Mr. G. W. Brown on Kenmore Avenue was made sad on Sun - day morning early when the death aa gel entered and claimed for its own his beloved wife. Mrs. Brown was well known in this oounty, having been born and reaped herein, and has many rela tives and friends to whom the announc ment ef her death will cause sorrow. Although she had been in ill health for some time na one drefcmed of her con dition being so critical and her death was a sudden shock to our people. She was a sister to the late Dr. E. S. Fos ter, and has a brother, Mr. P. W. Fos ter, of Ingleside, and a sister, Mrs. P. J. Garmway, of Greensboro, who still survive her. She was 36 years of age and besides her husbend leaves two daughters, Misses Mamie and Matilda Brown, of Amityville, N. Y., and three sons, Messrs. Pester Brown, of Nor folk, and Peyton and Wilmot Brown, of Louisburg. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church- and her funeral waa preached by the pastyi, Rev. R. W. Bailey on Tuesday morn ing. his remarks were pretty and his attributes worthily bestowed. After the ceremony the remains were taken to the cemetery where they were laid to rest la the presence of a large num ber of fnends and relatives. The pall bearers were D. F. McKinne, S. P. Beddie, W. H. Ruffia, J. B. Yarbor ough, j. A. Turner, N. B. Allsbreok. The floral tribute was beautiful. The family has the sympathy of the entire community. Sledjce-lobbltt. Littleton, Oct. 21. ? Thursday morn ing John OliVer Sledge, of Louisburg and Miss Jesaie Louise Bobbitt, ef Lit tleton hoarded the shoofly, accompan ied by many of the bride's friends for Raleigh. At Frank tin ton they were Joined by a host of the groom's friends, which formed a large party. At the union depot the number was increased by other friends of the bride and groom. Immediately the party led by Rev. W. D., Harrington, ol Wake Foreet, and B. F. Wood, ef Raleigh, left for the capital, in which was the aoeae of a beautiful, bat informal marrage. The ceremony waa performed ia the rotunda of tha tapltol and was witness ed by the attendants and a fejr friends ft tbejvouple. Rev. W. D. Harrington, of Wake Forest, officiated ?nd KaT. J. A. HcGuire, alao of Wake Forest, car* the benediction. The oouple could not have selected a better tiaae to tPa married in the eapitol and did not have the andieaee of officials and <lerka which generally witness ?uctr-tereraonie?. It was a holiday, and the eapitol was practically deserted. The bridal party composed the entire eoocrsgation. - The bride was dressed in a handsome traveling suit with hat and sheee to match. The bridesmaids were Hisses Nellie Sledge, of Loaisbarg; Marr Bobbitt, of Littleton; Agnes Crawley, of Littleton; Irene Sledge, of Loaisbarg. The following gentlemea acted as groptnsmen: E. S. Folghum, W. E. STedge, of Loulaburg; H. C. Crawley, of "Utfleton; J. H. Hedgepetb, ef Rooky Meant. At S o'clock the party left for Lonls bnrg where they were given a reception by tbci^oom's sisters, Mesdames C M. Gattia and J. J. Lancaster. On Friday morning the party left for the home of lh< groom's father, where a beaoUful dinner was served, rrof. Tanner was ioastmaster. The bride is the beautiful and aocom pliabed daughter of Mr. A. G. Bobbitt who one of the moat saccessful far mers of Halifax county. The groom is the son of Rev. i. W. Sledge, . a well known pastor, and is a very progressive young farmer and a well known citizen of Franklin county. Cotton Seed Cotton seed is bringing 30 cents per bushel on the local market and quite a nice lot of them are being sold. Brass Brand Someone recently suggested that Louisburg organize a bra. a band. Well why no;? Louisburg has certainly got just as good material for a band as anv town on or off the map and could easi ly make a success if some one would only make a start. We would certain ly be glad to announce the start and still more so tbe successful completion of the course. Fire Alarm. Quite a little excitement was aroused pn list Friday evening about night when the fire alarm. was tnmed in and i?.was learned the trouble was at the beauti ful home of Mr. F. N. Egerton, on In street. A large crowd gathered and tbe fire companies reported for duty in their usual quick time to learn that it was only a chimney burning eut and that the tamilv were awsre of it and had the tire under control. Wins Suit. Mr. Ben M. Moore, of Raleigh, who was being sued in connection with a land deal by Mr. W. J. Alford, of Youngsville township, and which case was tried and completed on last Thurs day night, came out successful. It was a long drawn oat suit but the jury was pretty well decided before the case was given them. Quite a large array of le gal talent represented both sides. China Openinar. One of the most interesting iocideots in Louisburg the past week and espec ially to the ladies, was the opening clis-" play of fine ehina at M. C. Pleasants, E&ch year he has these openings and each one shows a decided improvement oyer the last In quality and designs in his selections of nice and serviceable china novelties. This year it has ex celled the expectations of his many friends and customers. Family Reunion. On Saturday, October 12th, an enjoy able family reunion was celebrated at the home of the late Jackson Frazier, In all there were two hundred and four present and a most pleasant day waa ?pent. Those present were as follows: A. H. Trailer, three children and Ive grand children; H. Frazier, six ohild ren and seven grand children; W. H. Frazier, twenty-one children aad fifty grand children; C. J. Frazier, ten child ren and one grand child; Isaac Frazier; Iahara Frazier, eight children; A. J. Frazier, seven children and on* grand child; A. D. Frazier, seven children and one grand child; J. W. Hill and wife, nine children and nineteen grand child* ren; Mrs- W. R. Richards, one child and eight grand children; Mrs. O. H. Wiggins, seven children aad twelve grand children; J. B. Frazier. one child; B. Q. Frailer, four children. Many songs were sang by the grand children In honor ef Ike occasion and for the entertainment of- the gaeats, af ter which tha children all depsirt*^ for their several homes. - THE MOVING PEOPLE theib movements in and OUT OP /TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burg the Past Week? Those Who Hare Gone Elsewhere Por Business or Pleasure. Mr. W. E. Perry, of Greensboro, vis ited hie people Deer town Sunday. Mr. J. C. Matthews, of Spring Hope, was a visitor toLouisbnrg Monday. Mr. W. P. Massenburg, of Warren ton, visited at Mr. N. M. Perry's the past week. Mrs. P. M. Fuller, who has been off on a visit to her jxople for several months has returned home. Hon. E. W. Pou, Member of Con gress. o< this district, was a visitor to Louiaberg the pest week. Mrs. Caddie V. Strickland left the past week for Spring Hope to visit her daughter, Mrs. B. W. Brown. Mr. H. M. London, of Pitts bo ro, was a visitor to Franklin county the past week and delivered two fine speeches in the county canvass. Miss Ovte Bartholomew, of, near Ce dar Rock, passed through town Tuesday enroute to Henderson where she has accepted a position as teacher. Mrs. J. A. Cooke who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. F. B. Freeman and other relatives in an near Louisburg since May last returned to her home in Bladen, Tenn., yesterday. Lieut. W. W. Boddie arrived in Louisburg from Fort Assinibal, New Mexico, yesterday where he will await his retirement frotn active, service in thf regular army. Mr. A. W. Person returned home Monday from R chmoad, Va., where he has been with Mrs. Person who is in a hospital under treatment. Their many frienus here will be glad to learn that she is convalescing. ? ? Cotton Cotton told for 10 (-1 - cents on the local market here yesterday. The re ceipts were medium. - ? Play at Opera House The young ladiee of the Philathea class of the Eethediat church wi!l give a play entitled "the Chaperone" in the opera house on next Monday night. The prices will be 25 and 35 cents and a large crowd is expeeted.to attend. Gets Leg: Broke Mr. J. C. Conway, flagman and ex press messenger on the Louisburg and Frankllnton train, while attending to some duties on the morning trip yes terday morning going ap fell and broke his right snkle. His many friends will regret to hear of his accident. Louisburjf Baptist Church "Publicf Worship" will be the theme Sunday at 11 a. m.. and "A Great Re fusal" at 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 4 p: m. A cordial welcome awaits you at the church. Tragedy in N- Y. Involves North Carolina People New York, Oct- 24. ?The wife and sister of G. P. Norman, who was found dead in an obscure Kighth ayenue hotel from an overdose of strychnine were positive today that his death was acci dental. Mrs. Norman, who, with her mother and 12 year old son came here from North Carolina, were found to day at the Creseent court apartment. Mrs. Norman said that her husband who was a traveling salesman, had been separated from her for sbveral months. She would not say why. Siix weeks ago, she said, she came here with her mother aad son to place the latter in a private school. A week ago her husband followed them.? Special to the News and Observer. Ten Commandment* o t Agrl enltare. \ At an early period it was foand nec essary to evolye from the mass of ethi cal teaching, a few general rules for living, called "The Ten Command ments, ' ' by which a man could be mor al without going through a course ia theology, just so, in order to instruct tha average farmer how to successfully conduct his farm operations s? aa to se cure a greater net gain from the farm, it Is aecsaaary to first deduce from the mass of agricultural teachings a few general rules of proceed ore. They are called "If he . Ten Commandments of Agriculture, &y w^iich tfie practice which a man may b? a good farmer ia any state without being a graduate from a college of agriculture. It la not the object ?( the application of these principle* to produce an abnormal yield of any crop on a single acre at great expense and possible detriment to the land, but to produce a bountiful crop at a minimum coat and at the same time maintain and increase the fertility of the soil. 1. Prepare a deep and thoroughly pulverized seed bed, well drained; break in the fall to the depth of ?igM or ten inches, according to the soil, with im plements that will not bring the subsoil to the surface. (When the breaking is done in the spring the foregoing depths should be reached gradually.) 2. Use seed of the best variety, in telligently selected and carefully stored. 3. In cultivated creps, give the rows and the plant in the rows a space suited to the plant, the sail and the climate. 4. Use intensive tillage during the growing period of the crops. 5. Secure a high content of humus in the soil by the use of legnmes, barn yard manure, farm refuse aad commer cial fertilizers. 6. Carry out a systematic rotation o I crops with a winter cover crop on Southern farms. 7. Accomplish more work in- a day by using more horse power and better implements. 8. Increase the farm stock to the ex - tent of utilizing all the waste products and idle lands on the farm. 9. Produce all the food required for the men and animals on the farm. 10. Keep an account of each farm produce in order to know from which the gain or loss arises. Shaman A. Knapp, Washington, D. C. In Metnorlam God moves in & mysterioqs way, His wonders to perform. Early in the moraine of September 20th just as twilight was fading the air serene and all nature in perfect quiet ness. our Ruler took from ua the life of our dearly beloved sister, Mary. The burial took place at tha family burial ground at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. A. Hines, amid beautiful na ture, a large company of sympathetic friends and a serene hope of glorious immortality, i ? ' -1. The funeral services were impres sively conducted by Rev. G. M. Duke. She became a member of Peach fret Baptist church when she was only sixteen years of age, and has since that time been a constant member and lived an example of true christian life. Sister Mary was sick only three weeks, and she made a wondrous ef fort for recovery, but Providence had evidently decreed that her spirit was needed in the eternal city. God often takes that which is nearest our hearts to bind us to His will. Mary was attractive in person, cour teous and pleasant in her manners, affectionate and kind in her home, therefore she was truly loved by her husband, members of the family, her mother, brothers and s'sters. As the budding flower emits its frag rance to the passing breezed, so did her lovable character pojr its virtuous impulses ints the hearts of others. Mr. Bunn's devotion to his wife, our sister, and her trust and affection for him was beautiful. To the husband we extend our warm est heart-felt sympathy. Some times we are induced to think we are ruled by an uniust King, though we cannot always discern the ways of Providence, yet we must bow in sub mission to the blow, remembering that the ways of Him who doitth all things well are as inacruable as 4hey are wiae. We believe she Is now safely landed . where snowy white crowns ahe will wear and the gates of the city stand open to welcome us there. Her memory will be sweet, how sad to part, From one we cherished so noble and kitld. Bnt Sod will please and comfort ns all, Lets say "Ged's will be done" not mine. A Sohrowiko Sister. ? N. Appolntmeats The following is a list of appointments of Mr. J.. 0. Hledge in his Farmers Un ion work. He requests ad members to be present and to. bring their nrightmrs. The meetings will be public: Winn local, Thursday night, October Slat. Moulton local. Friday night, Novem ber 1st. *1 Cedar Rock local, Saturday night. November tod. ,> Views, Monday night, November 4th. ?nw-iniu ( ?If yo? don.'t register, provided you r have moved or become of ?K< ?Uce the Egf- r" ~n't vo*

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