TABLE OILCLOTH FOR 1 5c PER YARD, MERCHANDISE * 1 * i "* The Entire Store Invites Your Inspection It Beckons Yoti With its Brilliant Assemblage of Autnm Merchandise' The Richest, the Most Varied, the Most Resplendent and Complete in Our History. MAKE 0 1TB STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS MILLINERY If you wish to find a hat to suit jour special style to harmonize with your costume and come within the price limit, visit our millin ery department. Here you will find Only Hats ot They are individually stylish in their every line. Only hats of solid artistic worth and true beauty to select from at prices dollars less than elsewhere. Make your choice under our absolute guarantee of entire becomingness and your perfect satisfaction. p. s. &, K. K. ALLEN'S THOMSON'S ^OLOVBJnTtlNO" CORSETS. cravi naa:. oqi ho a hxoio no aiavj; The Home Circle Column CBUBCII WEDDINGS IIE8T., If all marriages were contracted in churches there wonld Be far few er divorces, is the opinion of Chief Justice Joseph (4. Donnelly of the Milwaukee, Wis., civil court. Few of our readers will differ with the opinion of this wise judge. Judg ing trom appearances the opinion of Judge Donnelly will be timely and shoild be pasted in the hats of sev eral of ' cur young, couples. He says: "There should be first-of all paren tal consent. Then there should be the ceremony performed by a minis ter in a churoh before the friends of both the man and the womaa. There should be the ring and the : wedding uiarch and all the other] little touches ? call them seatiipen- j tal if you will? that go with the ac ceptance of a sacred responsibility. An.l it should have the proper set ,in=' "Take the other side of- the pic ture. The youDg 'couple rush to the licence clerk; possibly just before closing time, to keep it out of the papers. They tnjn to the nearest judge and apply Tor a special dispen sation. - . "Thev are taken into his cham bers. There '8 nothing here to re mind them of the nature of the con trast into which they are about to enter. A few musty law volumes; the smell of stale tobacco smoke in the air; perhaps a few minutes be fore, a ?' 'he under world, has sobbed out a pitiful story of | sordid shame to a calloused lawyer. iTWh.nt i? there ia this environ ment to maintain the impressiveness of the beautiful sacrament of mar riage? Will the average man and woman regard the ceremony per formed in ? law offioe "Willi that feel ing of ?we and r#Verenoe that must oome when two persons mset at God's altar to plight their troth? ??Sentiment is * strong safeguard and I believe that if more marriages were psrf?rn*,(* m churohes, there would * '??* divon*.." , J OOOD X goo i old age is a beauttfui?i^ht, j and there is nothing earthly that is as noble ? in my eyes at least. And so I have often thought a -ship is a fine object when it comes into port with all its sails set from a long voy age. Many a thousand miles it has eorne, with the sun for guidance and the sea for its path; and the waves that might have been its grave, a thousand fathoms deep, have yielded it a ready way, and winds that might have been its wreck have been its service. It has come from another meridian than ours. It has. ome by reefs and banks that have been washed for centuries by the restless waves, but not a plank has started nor one timber in it did prove rotten. And now it has come like an answer to the prayers of many hearts ? a de light to the owner, a joy to many a sailor's home, and a pleasure to all ashore that see it. It has been steer ed over the ocean, and been piloted through dangers and now it is safe. But still more interesting than this is a good life as it approaches its three score years and ten. It began in the century before the present; has lasted on through storms and Huiishine^and Hr^iag? been guarded^ against many a rock on whioh ship wreck of a good conscience might have been made. A Log on tht Track of the fast express mians serious trou ble ahead if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lacks of vitality, loss of strenth and nerve weakness. If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to ovetsmeNtha cause by toning up the stomach and ennag the mdiger tion. Michael Hessnunier of Dincoln, Neb., had been sick oVkr three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nervee, good digestion. Only 60 cents at Ayeock Drug Oo. SEND TEN CENTS ? TO ? The News and Observer | RALEIGH, N. 0. And you will receive the The Weakly Neva ud Observe* tad the Weekly Farmer and Mechanic (a large eight page and aixteen page papa*) every week until the cloae ef the national campaign. We will aleo send vou a (rood picture of Windrow Wilson, the next preaident of the United Statee.and on* ?< Locke fraig, tke next governor of North Carolina, with their auto graphs. Do not wait. Sand money or a bam pa today. - New? and Observer, - Raleigh, N. C. Tall yov neighbor. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Why Clark Will Be Senator Judge Walter Clark baa the beat chance to be chesen Senator ia the Primary becaoae: 1. He ia Pledged to earnestly contend for an admenduient to the In terstate Commerce Law that will prevent the discrimination aeainat North Carolina in freight rates whioh now co?ts tl?? fanner* and njer chants of this State $10,000,000 a year. 2. He is pledged to oontend for and expects to succeed in havjng returned annually in pensions to Contederate Soldiers and widows foj them to spend, the $5,000,000 which this state is sending as a war contri bution to pay pensions to Federal Soldiers. 3. He is pledged to earnestly urge the' repeal-of the 8 cent tax on tobacco whioh will give the farmers 8 cents additional on every pound of tobacco tbey sell which the manufacturer now has to take off for Govern ment tax. This will also destroy the Trust bv leaving every farmer or neighborhood free to manufacture tobacco It will save the farmers of North Carolina #7,000,000 a year. 4. He will advocate Land Banks as in Germany and other countries by whioh the Government will loan money to the farmers, small mer chants, and working men at low rates of interest. The Government now famishes the National Banks with their money wi'hont charging interest. Why should it not famish the farmers, merchant ana working men money at low rata of interest as in Germany? Messrs. Simmons and Kitchin have each served twelve years in Con gress and have done nothing about anv of these things. They not even promise to do anything now it elected. 6. He will advocate a graduated income and inheritanca tax l>y which the multimillionariea will contribule heavily to the support of the Govern ment, whereas nothing is now raised from them in that way, ? The friends of Judge Waltet Clark anil his enemies alike, know that he can be relied vpon after election to urge these ineasares as strenuously as he does now. VOTE YOUR CONVICTIONS CLARK AS SENATOR MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU, L: I I With Increasing Years The duty of providing for those whom you must sooq, leave becomes the mora imperative. It will soon be too late. Neglected duties bring iacreaaed anguish m the final i.oor. For full information regarding The Mutual Life Policies, see, 'phone or write. TL P. TAYLOR, - District Manager. Louisbvg, - Worth.1 Mb inr C. T. Stoke* atorv, W. EL BIG LINE SCHOOL BOOKSm We- "have in this lino about all the necessities for. our children and will be glad to furnish you what yo(i may need, Toilet Articles , We have the most complete line" of toilet articles ever carried in a town no larger than Ijouisburg and are easily in position to furnish the ladies almost anything they want in this line. Call in and look it over. Prescriptions Although good attention is given all other branches of our business our prescription department is given the most prompt and careful. In this we use only the newest and freshest chemicals and then only those that are thoroughly reliable and endorsed by the leading physicians. When you have a. prescrip tion to be filled send it to the old reliable and it will be given immediate and careful attention. AYCOCK DRUG COMPANY franklin times $1,00 PER VFAR

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