FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor ?id Han*cr - ? . *? i ? ? ? Fiii?ay. November 15)1912 What "Rlzo Says." /he following item t* borrowed from the Rfileieh Daily Time* noted cor respondent Rizo. He his evidently sited the matter up from k comparison of the pant and present lad make* sieh x Hoed synapsis we five It here for our readers. We are very sorry we cannot give you the photo of the writer also: The way semo these nice Raleigh -nirla prambulate aroued the streets |.hese cold days, freezln in sufferin frona the chilly weather is snpn awful. They den't deserve near as much pity as the poor little ragged kid who ain't got Horen * handful of clothes to his nam*. Ileres an original pome (aint -that a good way to spell pome?) that Mas sent me. I say original because it was that when 1* was wrote. It is en title*. "Sally Fewclethee," and it goeth thusly: "Little girl, you look a* small, Doa't you wear no clothes at all? Don't vou wear fe shimmy-skirt? Don't vou wear a petty -skirt? J ust your corset and your hose Are these all yoar underclothes? "Little giil, when on the street Y ou appear to be all feet; With your drees so . very titfht You surely are an awful sight; Nothing on to keep yon warm. Crazy Just to show your form. ?'Little girle you won't live long, Jnst because vou dress all wrong. Can't you wear mere underclothes Than just your corset and your hose? After awhile, I do believe. You will dress like Mother Eve. " TAR DROPS. ? Get the fiesh air habit. --Everything has gone Democratic. ? The only night air that is injurious is last night's. , ? The hookworm caaapaigxi began at Franklinton Tuesday. ?Its a tine tittle boy at the home of Mr. J. H. bouthall. ? Mr. Foster Brown has taken a po sition in the postoffice. ? Mr. M. T. llowelll is puBhing the work on his residence on South -Main street, ? ' . . ? We wish to announce to the public that we now have a plenty "Land l'osted" cards on hand. . ?The average man requires eight ^hours', sleep every fligbt.^Moet ei us sleep too little and eat too mueh. ?Don't permit ypur palate to get your stomach inte troubie. Taking a pill does got solve the diet problem. ?Now that the election is over let's everybody lay aside all liitle differ ences and resume our business and so .cial matters to if nothing had happened. ? Forgive the friend for anything he said er did unpleasant in the past pri mary and election and start over again with geed feelings. -rthi.s week's issue of the Timbs con tains sixteen pages, and you should ask your carrier for all should you re ceive only a part. ? Supt. R C. Beck informs us the reason for the lights being cut off Sun day and Monday nights so early was the laek of shavings. < ?Its impossible .to determine the real value of advertising in the Times. Even cows have begun calling in to see some of our larger advertisers. ?The Jackson Tri-State MotorCar Co., received a pretty new Jackson au tomobile the past week. Its beautiful red color makes it very attractive. ?Mr. R- Z. Kgerton says in his new advertisement that he has Bome won derful bargains io? late fall shopping. It will pay you "to read what he Bays. ?As yet noae of the friends of the editor of the Tim Kg has slipped a tur key in ear chicken yard for our Thanks giving dinnes. Now don't all of yo? come at once. la your husband eross? An irritable -fanlt tisdinK dispositlea is often dne to a disorderly stomach. A man with di gestion is nearly always good na tared. A great many hare been permanent ly cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sals by all druggists. ? ? --r - - - - - ? Centrevllle Items Miss Viola Arrington, of Areola, ar rived Sunday to take charge of the primary work in Ceatrenlle Academy. VTe wish her much succsss in her work, Mr. John Winston, of Toungsville, visited his dsughter, Miss Mary Win ston, last week. Miaa Ruby Winston, tf YonagivilU, arrived last week to Ut* ehargeof the I'earee school, ,w*uH J', .v liaton, pa^ed thrA^i 'o***lowo last Asadomy. * ^ Mr. Walter Strang*, of MapleviUe, leased through our tewn Sunday. Mr. UeorKa Parrel* hasten working for tome tin* at the county home, spent Saturday sn.t Sunday with his family. + Mr. Johnnie Nsai, who uts been ill fur several days, returned to his wi>rk at Bonn Saturday. 'A. Kiss Hattie Meal left Monday to take charge of hei" school at Sandy Creek. We wish her much success. Some of our people attended the box party at Cedar Rock laat Saturday night and report a nice time. Centrevilld Is a lively little town, as there are so many school teachers around. Only seven of us. Some very pleasant callers from Loaisburg came down Sunday on their ear. Hiss Loulia Jarman and her little neiees, Esther and Lucy Andrews, of Iugleside, spent last Sunday In ear town. Our Sunday school is progressing very niMly and the attendance is geod, yet we hope to have mere of th* elder people come out snd help oa in our work. There is to be a box party at Centva ville Academy Friday night, Novem ber 29th. The proceeds will go for Academy improvements. The public is cordially invited. * ' M. L. Mrs- Barley's Appointments Mrs. L. W. Bagley, of Littleton, president of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Tar River Association, will do some special work in Franklin county next week in the interest of the missionary societies. She is thoroughly interested in her work and arouses en thusiasm wherever she goes. The fol lowing is a list of appointment*- for next week: Maple Springs church, Sunday, Nov.. 17, XX a. ic., Mt. /ion, Sunday. 3 Jp rn., Sandy Creek, Mon day, XX a. m., Red Bud. Tuesday XX a. m., Midway. 'Wednesday 7 p. m., Peaehtree, Thursday XI a. m., X'oplar Springs, Friday XI a. m., . Buifn, Friday 7 p. m . G. M. Duke, Pastor. flThe self-made man is unable to 8H where he could have made &ay im provement on his w?rk. Bunn Items. The .grounds have been cleared off for the new school building and we learn that work will soon begin on the building. ' D. T. Hoilingsworth'j .pew storB on U^ia street is now completed and will soon be open for business. Mrs. W. H. Hortyn, who has been ?iik for some time with typhoid fever, died Friday afternoon last. The re mains were taken to the family burr ing ground at Mr. S. H. Morton'* about four miles from Bunn. where they were tenderly laid to rest. .Work is going forward on the erec tion of J. H. Weath's furniture store on Main street. When completed this will add much te the looka of eur little town. W. 6. May has accepted a position with J. H. Weathers A Co., aa clerk. We are very sorry to state that Mr. Tommy Horten is critically ,ill with typhoid fever. A teachers meeting waa held at the Aoademy laat Friday afternoon. Manv teachers from all oyer the county ware present. Assistant County Superin tendent Miss Arrington conducted the meetiag. B. M. H. For Christmas Rifts, wedding gifts, birthday rifts and anything in tbe jew elry and optical line can on Mr. Mor ton. - ? All men ben of #10 Modern Wood men of America, are requested to send nr bring their policies and 25 cents to J. W. King for change to new rates. This is important as the potioies will have to be s?nt to headquarters at once. J. W. Kd?. Clerk. All young widows art not merry, but some of them will be if the men say 'yes" before leap year ends. The Woman Makes the Home She makes it best who, looking after the culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unheal thful, or even suspicious, food . accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy does not consist in the use of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements, of the experts that the best cook ing in the world today is done with Royal k Baking Powder. Many women have figures that are Oopjrlfbt Babo Oomt ea. Myto SOU. THa woman who bu oeed of *a utreM lanfth of skirt caaakiaed witk hich back aa4 low boat ah an Id try this aiadal. II ?ada at a aratt? ? tripod material a( rear foil leatare aad trjaamrdwltk rlbboa aad laea. almost perfect; every woman would like to know that her figure was considered perfect. This result is easiest obtained by wearing a KABO "THE LITE MOIBL CORNET" Every one made to fit the figure of a perfectly formed woman, each model suited for its par ticular kind of figure. Get the right model Kabo for your measure ments and you'll get the desired result. v The Kabo Faskion Book la bmihl ? atk for a free Mpy. lor Sal* by Candtar-Crowall Oo. 71BST NATIONAL BANK Pay Ya?r Bills By Check aad Hat* a Chaak oa Yov Bills A ehe?k Wok helps you to ut?. rt enablaa yoc k* Mm hHtaaat aJaaatapr* erf ?? anaMta^r ^<V without carrying a mm of money continually ia yoa> poafcai? th? aaeaaj ia ta IMi Mak tmmttg ti tereat. It Rivta yea a (tending amonge* yaw MUwt tm4 ta Mm an* atop ea (ha *e*4 to latai COME IN AMD LBT US GIT* TOU A CHECK BOOK TODAT FIRST NATIONAL BANK caj?tal *00,000.00 struma ikMN Darosns tuo.ioo.oo Oflcac* Preside^ Wm H. BCBKH Cuhiaa, K. B. VaKJMMS. Analaal Caahl^ Irf.Wt' ' mrya TfMOiXT* xshm Is an ax worth haying. Made in a factory where oaly g?1 axm ar? mad*. In spe<5t*d carefully at CYery ftape of its maait fa<fture,frocn the rough billet to the packing caw. Twenty experts hare eiM?i??J k W*re it is sent out, that explains why yon never get a bad "Diamond Edge" Ax. Those who use them never wui auy otherkind. The price? Well, the price is aV right; ju?t come and look at the ax and we'll tell you the price. Hickory Axe Halm*, Clover S?e4, S?ed Rye, S?#d Wheat, Washing Machiae* Clothes Wringers, Simon Saws On the Comer L. P. HICKS L#Miskt?g, N. C. We Have Jmst Received a Car of T aylor - Cannady BUGGIES Which together with our famous McKinne Special Babcock make our line complete in every detail. We can please you in Harness and ' Robes al?o. Tour credit is good with us. Allow us the pleasure of showing vou some leaders when in the market. McKinne Brothers Company Louisburg, N. C. - ? ? . . . . ? ? ? SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK J H t 'C. v.* Vofl ! t . . tasty; , v .?>' i ?? " ** ' ' ' , *^.;P. S. ? Juat received car cbttoti seed meal and hulls. i rA^tfoftflO iisoft . umi v> (KftuK-' < 0 v v t joatfllrf H ?. J ?>

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