We have given especial thought amd consideration te tile selection of ear line ef tramks, had tags and suit cases lor tie fall. We realized the fact that ene of these will make the most servicable and ap preciated holidays gifts one coald select. The time is changing; now. In time past the object in se lecting a holiday gift was to select something of temporary joy making, now the aim is to give some ? thing servicable so that it may create a perpetual memory. Our gentlemen's trunks are all that could be asked fer at the price, and we hare the best. '. -Besides other designs for th'e ladies we have that popular design, the wardrobe trunk. This is indeed a beauty and we want you to see it. We have all the special designs as well as the regular ones. The steamer trunks we have on hand arejthe most convenient for holiday visiting, tee it and you will buy it. WASH STAND SETS ?""?IWe have just added an exceedingly pretty stock ef Wask Stand Sets and can please you both in design and price. The designs are most j^SggTminutely correct and the quality the best. Come in and see them. Don't forget if it is anything in the Furniture, House Furnishing or Undertaking line you want or need we can supply your wants. JL ^ ^ ^ COME IN TO SEE US Licensed Emb aimers HOWELL & BUNN Agents Steiff Pianos v Louisburg, K. C. Coffins and Caskets Y0UNGSV1LLF. MEWS ITENS e?r R scalar Corraptrieat Items if iBterat fatten* Frem and Near Ytwjrrfll* Eadi Week CLOSES M IMMY Mr. W. B. ? tread, of Median, ia ri.sitirf frieada gad relatiyra ia our town. Mian Amanda Wraitoe, of Fuh Institate, speat Ik* week's end with L#r parents ia Tewagsyille. ? We irs glad te iUm that Mr. B. H. Winston ii able te be oa oar alraets again. Mr. and Hra. W. It. Winatea, If iaaes Barak CnyMi aad Laey llan spot Saaday afteraeen io Frank tialen. Mr. W. 1$. Thnkerlaka haa baaa ooaf ned te hia Wed for aeyeral daya. Wi liape for hiaaa^eedy recovery. Messrs. S. K. Paaraa, ('. Ci. W i Ba ton, J. T. Wileen and "W. S. Wina ton spent Meaday aftarnooa ia Looiabarg. Mr. B. H. Mitekell eaaght a yery large opossum laat Thursday night, weighing 0 poaada 10 oaaeaa. Messrs. It. C. Vnderweed, L. E. "Wiaatoa and Bill Toang attended the Eastern If. C. Chriatiaa Oon ferrncs. They reverted a very nice tisse and a goad canferanee. On laat Wadaaaday saorning newa reached here tfcst -Mr. J. T. Wil eon'a bailer which was looated near Mr. Jack Lancaster's had baen blown ur. Tha raaalt waa the loaa of apti life, Mayaor Lawrence and srtiither aevarely waunded, Dink ^Oliftoo. It ia thought that the aacident waa caused by putting too mteh water in the boiler with a great ameant of steam ia aame. The person that waa hut ia steadily jmprotiog. I.inimtmt ia cbMpar and better. Dam pen a riace of flannel with It and bind Miss Allen Estert&ias. ? On last Tuesday night Misa Irma Allan most charmingly entertained the Friday Night dab at her home on North Main st reet. Many pro gruaaive ganes were played, after which deiiciona refreHhasenta were aerved. Tbeaa preaent were aa fel - Iowa: Mr. G. C. High and Mies Lucy M**s; Mr. W. H. High aad Mils ?ertrnde Vimstoa; Mr. G. E. Wmeton and Miss Susie Pvarce; Mr. Johnnie Winatoa and Miaa Tuna Allen; Mr, Albert Wiaeken and Miaa Casia Pearo?; Mr. Clyde Perry and Miaa Sarah (Jonyera; 1ft1. Geo. ?. Winston aad Miaa Liflian | Martta; Mr. it. C. Underweod aad Miaa Lata AUea. The Ctoh waa dia rniaaed at 10 o'olMh by R?t. J. W. Madia. All deolarad Miaa Allan a ?harming hesteaa. The (?lab will meet with Mise Lillian Martia aext Friday light. Savad by His Wife. Shs's a wise woman who knows jast what to do when her husband's Ufa i* in dancer, bat Mrs. R. J. Flint,' Bralaferaa, Tt-. to at that kind. "She insisted on my uoinif Dr. King's ^ew piscotesy." writaa Mr. F. "tor ? dreaflfal eaugb, when I was ao wmk my I friends all thought I had o*ly ? short time M lira, and It eamplaUIy ?urad nl" A quiek cure for coughs and colds! It is the most sate and reliable imdlcine for many throat and lung troubles ? grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping couch, whooping cough, quinsy, tooaiHtis, hemorrhages. A trial will convinea yan. 50 ctB. and $1.00. Guaranteed by Ay cock Drug Co. Interest i> Southeaster* Statei. Chicago, Not. 9.? Sreat interest about the Seatheastera States was aaeased by the exhibits made this fall by the Southern Railway system at northsm fain and expositions, over a qaarter of a million desirable people saakiag and receiving information re gaiding the reaouraes and opportuni ties of the southeast, according to re ports received fiom repreaantatlTes of tha railway in charge it the exhibits. The various exhibits made extended over a period of two months and in cluded the country north of tha Ohio river from New York and Pennsyl seven separate exhibits made at dls trtotend county fain in the Northern States lo addition to fine display put In at tha Canadian International Exhi bition at Toronto. The exhibits every where attracted attention. As a rule Visitors pronounced them finer than those made by local exhibitors, and it wag usual to hear the statement from a nan that he had no idea that the south east wa? a country of inch wonderful resources and opportunities. The fine displays of fruit, of corn, wheat and other graias, and the showing aheat other predueta of the southern soil were things that especially appealed to treat numbers of northern farmers. Not lees than two representatives ef the Southern Railway and its asseeia ??ed lines were present at each of theee exhibits, explaining conditisas in the southeast aad the eppertnnitist offered to the Jpmeseeker as well as the at traction of the seathern eesatry for in vestors or for visitors. Reports of those areata show, that tho total at ttaissns >t ths -'?arioiis fairs and ex hibits visited amounted to over 1.366, 000 people, that about 250,000 visited the Soatkera Railway exhibits, eyor 79, H* people wore personally talked with abeat the soatheast aad aearly ?60,000 copies of literature advsrtitiag this section were .distributed. Is- ad dition to these exhibits spoeial dairy exhibits wars made at the Chicago and Waterloo, Iowa, exhibitions, aad a spe cial exhibit on live stock opportusities will be made at the International Live Stock Exhibition at Chicago in Decem ber. A Log an Tl?a T raaic of the faat ?T?m? ?? bU ahead if sat renaov of appatite. It nea low. of strength u4 appetite (kill, take K *ui=kly to ?Tna?itou Mm lag up tba ataaaaah aad < di(tenti*o Michael H cob. Nek., turf Saea _ yaara. bat aix be*tlaa at pat kirn rifbt bare helped blno4, torn (Mr Wart DOWNWARD C0U1SB. Past >?tBir Realised by Louis burg People A little baokaofce at flnt. Daily iaoraaaiag till the biak ia lame and weak. Urinary disorders quiekly fallav; Drepay aad finely Bright 'a die enae. ? Urn la the downward eour?6 of | kidney ill, raaidanta should profit by the t,ol lowing experi?M*-< Mrs. H. A. Draper, M<Mfc*te Rrew St., HenJersen, Jf. GL, Beys: "I de net heoitste to reconneid Deaa'i Ividaer Pills, as I knew thea te be a remedy of merit f?r tke perpoee* for whieh their aae id inteaded. iiast spring I bad aa at tack of kidney eeraplaint and I was feeling miserable when I began asiaj^Doaa'i Kidaej Pill*. They hh relieved ma and I have net had - need ef a kidaej noedieine eiooe." Fer late by all deele*e. Pi?e? it eeata. Fenter-MThorn Ce., BM tale, ?ew Tert, seta ageata kiiie United Statee. lUMealwr the ? D ???'?- ? and take a* other FoHna la Faces.. There'e eftee atweh truth in the i?; eat its ins "her feee to W fertnae,' never eatd ehtee pnaplee, Jkln erip tioo%, btetohaa, ?r e%her Vtealehes dis flg.re *. Inpw* Woed to Wfck ef then ? IT, aad ah ewe <be m(l ef Dr. Kmc't New Lite Flk. Vkej fwowiete health aad heaaty. ? Try Ikeee. * eeate at At reek Dn| Ce. WOOD'S Special Crass arid Clover Mixtures Make the Iwgwt Yield* of HkytW Hdanje. TIm? m ?mmkkmd k pwyw pwpor. lion to pv? tk? W tawhi ftr lb* differ' cnt toik fvr wkkk 4?jr are recommend ed. * We km fa* Am iibliiiii our Trade Mark Br? I are Woet qoJ. itiee vhumth\?, al lili I b**k m to Ui i in ??>??? mmd Oar OMtaMA f^pwt the most ubt factory w?k, k?iik ?b to ?inmiiii|j cl ient i*in Ji a*d kapMt of both hay and putuwfr Wood's Pncrt*<h? FtH Catalog give* full iafanaaM* tel tbout ?il other Gna mm4 Chm SMdi, . v?idwjjr n if (or (mil , C*w M-a?d fc? . Tri? far lit. T. W. WOOD 6- SONS, SMtaiea, - Richmond, Ta. - WANTED A tobacco grader at once. Prefer a | man with family. Can furnish hip home free. Work roBcient to tkrt!montb*" WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS with entirely new ontfiit, fountain and fix ture?, new, fresh and pure drugs,|dhroggi8t sundries, toilet articles. sMtionery, etc., in fact everything that is , > be had in an sp to date drag store. We have as pret 1jr a drug store as there is in the state. A ?wit to our new store and your patronage is solicited. Prescriptions tilled b; Registered Druggists LLScogginDrugCo. WI WILL PAT YOU per pound for yo*r ? * WHITE SEED COTTON ? WOOD SUPPLY COMPANY Sid Hamlet, Manager SATISFACTION OR TOUR MONEY MOSEY BACK

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