iSH^?cU?rS?C conatltutional trent fh Cur? la taken In tsusu jaturaln dc <1 yuuauiuuon man umunr &?? io"*hih u? Jta workT Tba proprietor* rt thaf ?v,^ch In lta curative pow Pbr anv offer One Hundred Dollara "'?is'iffisr&Ifc. Loaiabam miaborg < HI to ei? ?M tow: C. f. Hi? n. Ohafraun. g* ? * ta Latoafcwrg em "~~b- ?.MUM *Wt ' *? ?*?* to tod towa .. tjjjbdr FOR SAfcfi . ' yd *!*, WW feet of good pln. V 10-18-tf neMfc PL'Tirwsas G?vMOOr *f North Car r Donka * WaUold Ureeo ? aoaviatod at Km January - V? 9u?erior CwtotV f* wJunty of ttw aaime at iMmaay Tewed to two mm to to* mi ,?o yaw to toa aaaaty jail of Frank Us ooimHf to be aaaiooed to work ea tb pMt loto at Louinbure nownahip Ml auKaaMoo wM be BUd on the lit to* af November 1M1. This October IMk, 181J. W. H, TatMMMH JR., Attoamy for apftlfaant. - - i TRUSTEES ALtS 0* LAfcD ' By virtue of that power ttf MM ton tained in that certain dead of traat ex ecuted on the 20th day ft Anrmk, IWlt by Samuel Jones to Wni Runto, trus tee, and dilr recorded In the *egistry of Franklin county In book 162 at pare 502, default having been made is Ihe payment of the debt thereby aaattr?& and demand for forecloaare bavhtf ttMn made by the holder Of said lirdebMMness the undersigned will on MMMky, the 2nd dav of December, 1MB, it being the first Monday m that toontb. at the court house d60r in JxiWftburg, r. t about the hour of iidOn, 6(tt? for salt) to the highest bidder, at public anction that tAct or land, in said deed of trust conveyed and described as folly's: Beginrjtw? at a rock Jones' comep- 'thence *( 84 pobs to >N(t Joato corner: Vhence n M poles to %, xock; thenw 'e 34 polea 17 links H?> % Tock a^t pointers Ellington and'CdlMns Cjiifr; thence s 1 1-4 w S8 t>o4?? Hib the *tnnine containing 12 1-2 aUtjia, more or less, it being the tract dfttnd con veyed by deed to Joseph 3ofc, tonnig fifty-?we Mies duriag ?ie year, 'It to constantly aew. 8a if ytm are wonder ing what * * ? ' ? i *? - b the tl ^ _ Wtfes HH Instance fM which aerea^jas j ITbrted a possible financial mishap ' Be writes: A Wrfet, ejrt ? very big one, may ' be JptTOslea to the wlrelesB man and SvlflS halfway across the Atlantic wltb complete safety. There was the , cose, for Instance, of the president of , a great New York bank who nailed for | Europe without leaving the combina tion of the locks of the Vaults. As a ; rule, the combination Is a single word, and the secret Is kuotth only to two or three. In this case, by an oversight, there was no one left sshore who knew the key. The money and securities of J the bahk were very safely locked p way, awl hours of work would be required \ to force the locks of the safe deposit, , vaults. ? ' ? ? "The bonk DrfcSlcUat'lS steamer had Sailed at 0 oVhJcik tofc a summer's morn ing to catch & favorable tide, and when the b&hk's officials tried to the vaults at about 9 o'clock ^h? | Msatoer capryTng the '6ecre\ ^p. ? tottrd of two hours at aeh. A hasty ' examination showed that there was ' bQton^ way t^tipen th?, Vaults, short j t>f breaking Into thew>. resi flent, serenely Wtffttascletis of the trotr bles nshope. dofay Opening 'A# vaults Vo-nlB, bf cqdrgc, be a very sert ou# taaf.tftv tf tiii pllevof mosey were fcotjf^sSty behind- th^ barred windows promptly a J, 10, the-old/days, before the cabto,Hhe Secret could not have been gaiflfetl in lees than twu or three weeks ?t best, or until a message had reached the president by mall "and returned across the Atlantic. The cable Wone -would have T*ct the- delay 1n 'tffb by catching tbe traveler' on his arrival on the other m my simple habits ? Boston Tran script. Meet of cm misfortunes are more supportable than the waWti of oat friends upon them.? A. Duma*. > /- ? ? . -*? ,t EZRA'S HARD LUCK. j ? ?? ? ? ? ??% I It Sagan With His Nam* and Ended on Hia Tom baton*. , Tom McNeol of Topeka waa talking to Aba Peters about luck, ao Tom re ports. Tom thought there waa do each thing a* luck, but Abe protested. "Take the caaa of Kara Boll." aald Abe. "To begin with, think of hla name. A name Ilka that la hard enough luck to ftort my contention, but Bern llred op te It When he was a baby ha fell Into the borae trough and was almost drowned. Then he get bold of a can of concentrated lye aad It took them four weeka to bring him round. He fell out pf an ?Priirtjtj when ha waa Mz tOO t>ro?e tSrt.fiSJ8 * Teg, and Just aa he waa hebTirn* rwpd afnln be went pn a Uraftmaloi Jtsattag expe fcA sjrcloms Wrecked his J,oTI*e and barn and crippled nil hi* family ex cept his mother-in-law, who escaped an hurt. Ha V> tight fonr gold brlofei ?nf tfih'e hl^ "family marked "his in-ave 'by nn appropriate stone oft which the (stonecutter got . the 4ate of his birth \rronn timl misspelled hfii name In tOfo places. '.'?A'ttd stll} Jrop saj ther^ such thing 'aa *uck !"?- Saturday EVenlng 'Porit. ' " A .LIVING "TOWER. fctffctam Meeker's Unique Idea *ln ths Building tine. What is* known as the, 'IWnjj tow er," sajs a winter Di 1h?j Wide "World Magazine, stands tta. the very summit of a bill more tban 200 feet high at Camp Meeker,^ snmmer resort in So noma county Cnl. It was Captain Meeker, an mild pioneer* who "first p was lopped oif. awl rt*e work of '?fjuildinr aix storiea wav then com ihonrsd. Froi:i top to btftto'.n the liv lag fcsw*r m? a hundied feet high. Etch floor is a beat 12 toy 12 "feet and rests on sirang timbers, the ends of which ane necurely attached to the four trees fey means of steel cable* and boJ*s. So strongly was e*?ry part braced tt&at the wbole stxoctnre does not mreo as much as one would 'natu rally ?oppose, even when rooked by Ireavy winds, la Am bnllding great ease warn taken hr workmen .to ont only the branches yimln ?t tba in s$4e ?f the sqaane. and tbe trees were not chopped, aillhilwl or weakened any move fl*n mnM lie atstML , L/ending up fnsm eaefe story are breat atairwapa. as tfeat one may rut oead and descend wtfh ease and i>er fect safety, while areund tha edge of each fleer arc strong railing* to pre veat aseldenta. Sisoe fWs tower was completed, the trass hare {pawn and Heuri^ad just aa wait aa before. This firing tower Is claimed to be tbe only one of lis kind In the world Paint of Osc Forefathers. A white lead und ail .paint, the finish ?of our forefathers, is easily and eco nomically mixed from tbe saw mate rials as it is needed far use. With each 100 pounds of white lead mix lire gal lons linseed oil, one pint tnrpentine.and one pint drier. An allowance of 50 cents for the labor of mixing give* eight gallons of white paint for abont $13.15, or $1.64 a gallon. Two coats of this, 6r better three. afttM- coathig knot* and pitchy, sappy i?inocs with orange shellac, provide a flwnl finish either outdoors or in.? Oountry Llfeln Amer ica. Conkltntf'* Invsctive. ltosooe Conkllng. like John J. Ingallx, was a master of invective. Conkling. it is said, once Upon a time in summlnr op to a Jury thus attempted to belittle the testimony of a rntnrtiy faced, knob by nosed witness for tbe opposition: 'Tklethinks, gfcntlemen, I can see that witness now, his mouth Btnetcliln*; across the wide desolation of his face, a sepulcher of num and a fountain of falsehood!" ^ Contradictory, ? RandaH? I've written an article mi "Why Men Do Xot Marry** and l'!rv, Ira ted It with photographs of ftrcidfni looking, strong minded women, trac ers? Where did yon get the picture' Randall? They're wives of tbe men ' know.? Life. She Knew Bert. ?? Visitor? Tell ma now, pro feasor, art you suffering mnefc from yonr baad aehtl Professor (to bis wlfa)-?av Ami Ha, Aa I Nft tmwek tnm ?: PEPYS' LITTLE FEAST. At Whlofc th? Diarist Farad B.ttar Than H ? Did on Washday. Mr. Samuel Fepys. of the fumoua "Diary," bad rather more than hla ?hare of boman weuknesses and frall tlea, but had be been a better man It fa certata that hla "Diary" would have been a duller book. It la. for example, an undoubted fact that 1IK Pepys wag something of a gormand ? waa rather fonder of the table and ef the delights thereof than a really wise man ought to have been. It la to thla trait In hla character and to bit curlotA habit of jotting down rough notas of what be bad had for dinner that wa owe a thousand little detafla regarding the table of well to d!f Cflgltihmen In the reign of hla maJeatTJUbf Charles II., of hilarious What win be tboogbt of the follow ing for a nice, dainty little meal? It la the mamu of a little "feast" aa be ealis k, w'M?h the diarist gave every year |n sommetnoration of hla being operated ea successfully for a danger ous dtsaaa*. He prondly chronicles that U>? disbes on ttUfi occasion Includ ed1^ fricassee of rabbits and chickens, a leg of mutton boiled, three carps In a dish, a great dish of a aide of lamb, a dish of roasted pigeons, a dish of foar lobsters, thr?e tarts, a lamprey pie"? ? moat rare f>le? "a dish of an chovies and good wine qt several tofts. And all things mighty and nt>13e and to my great content," he lidds com placently. The jfflbAcr of guestaUt tM* ?*?? sjsa la hot Irtffen. bt? kt UtttfcM time, wttjl sit guests,, he has v%ltfcr oyster* a hash of ra/f5It* arid W&b and 4 rare chlhe of beef; Aeifc V great dlah 'of roasted fowl? cai.lon. The Snipe's Bill. The Mil of tbe snipe is provided with ; a nervr running down to the tip and . then distributing Itself over the end of the l?eak. This is tbe only lustance , of this kiud among birds and Is a singular <*aae of the care of natnre la providing for her creatures. The snipe seeks for his prey In mud and water, where he cannot see, and It Is believed that the nerve advises him of the pres ence of food jprhen bis my aid*. The Ptln Wat so Mvere X could not sleep. I tried Noah's Lin iment and the first application made me feel MtUr than, X have In many 7ears.-~-Mrs. Martha A. See, Richmond, Va." Suffered Years. "My wife suf fered for Nveral yesrs with neural fit and toothache. She used about half* 'a bottle of Noah's Liniment and got Immediate relief. I would not be without It In my house at any eost. ? J. 8. Fisher, Policeman, Hodges, a C." ' "I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture" AH kinds of men (moke Doke'i Mixture tn all klnda of pt0e* ? ai well as in cigarettes ? and they all teB the tame ? atory They like tbe genuine, natural tobacco taste at Choice bright leaf aged to mellov mlldneae, cuefeAr steamed ?na thee ji*n?l.ted? erery grain pure, high-?d? h-h.r?. that ? wb*t too set In the Limit fif Mvm Dnlr.'. u,-._ j. ?et ? book of pa pen* Aw Now About the Free Pipe lEgrflrriackofI^mtf