JHE1URE OF GOLD Romance and Tragedy of the Old Bonanza Trail. A ROAD TO WEA'.TH AND CRIME It Led to the Biche-t Deposits of Gold. In ? Relatively Si mil Territory, Evor Discovered ? Oayr of Strenuoue Life 1 and Frenzied Lawlessness. The Bonanza t-ill be^u at Fort Laramie, Wyo. It rau east of tbe Owl Creek mountains, west of tbe Bit Horn mountains. Ut a northwest direc tion to Llvtogator ana Bozeman. then forking to tbe present Helena and Vir ginia City. In w>%r and Indian depart ment aanale It 1c known aa tbe Boze man trail. Immediately, however. U *** 8l*?o tbe more romantic name, and for tbe best of reason* It led to what were tbe richest deposits of gold. So a relatively *?all territory, that tbe world bad ever seen. J i Ont of Aider gulch and Laat Chance nlch, within 200 miles of each otbar to Montana, was taken. In ten abort! ,'ear*' considerably more than taoo - i <WO,QOO in pure gold. It was anybody's I ?JW11' V-?nd tbe wonderful lock of the I TOaWorala golJ aiggSm s f,w roars be. I ffo* ronfsd men to 6raTe eveVWaj ?Wp at Um?e prises. ? at all that these Wlcbe. were 2.000 miles from tbe ?llroa?t and that other gold ?? ^" 'rere f,r e?*ler to reach. Here JKf the great El Poradp, and with W "joalm the gold ^SeSThu^ ?* JP yan,?0sa territory, defying fed Cloud ana <Svtry other Indian. out renegade nod holdup man. +-?ow tokny Uvea were sacrificed along tola trail_ ty wealth will never tie kfl6Wff. All that Is certain Te that there nerer wag another chapter in tbe world's history like this. Tfce Ion* ,JJB?d tojo the mysterious country and The settlements of mining camps grew up almost to a single night. There were only Ore men to the little party when Bill Falrweather "washed" the Brst pan to Alder gulch and made a die covery even more wonderful than anv to the palmy days of California or toter the Klondike. ^fars ,ater Alder gulch, at one -?f Bonanza trail's two ends, was nmong tbe most picturesque places la the country. The world was ransacked for men and women to give perform **"? the theaters. To offer W en tertainment to the patrons of the Tarl reaorts. The gold hunters, gorged 2? prosperity^ wantetj amu^effienL. Ttoe restaurants were opened and food fought to at great expense from tw 7?nd the seas. The smallest money was a twenty-five cent pinch of gold 4 ?ooch. It bovght than a copper cent doeJ in Tiy part of .the United states today. 1 ^Meantime an unending stream of1 tetaaJif ?<?* LaAnift ; TW da^l of the trsll w?ga t kss*.tt frenzied la wlesaneaa, and many are the picturesque storlej ?down. Over the 9??u\ canla The man who -started t with their propoaed vlcttaa i .. _ rtOjout i Armed robb horses from one class sfiid them to " " hcrse t*S? the tola i tatlon and ralaiHeTevohd baman Mfe I "boss stealing" was set down by the "district" ?* ? citUe ranishable by | death. There -"were lew court*, aao kuch as there were were mHee fro* the I rati. A Jury would be*<*? be at once impaneled among those praAeot. the man tried and if found goN'ty bang ed to a tree without ceremony. Hotels flourished and were prosper ous beyond Imagining, for every one apent money, and there was mtu-h flaunting In tbe higher grade estab lishments beverages were served In cut glass; champagne was common. Every resort was crowded with people. Tb>. newcomers frequented these places In quest of Information, paid 25 cents for a glass of beer made from barley grown by the ex-Confederate soldier' at Bozeman and sold to the Virginia breweries for 8 cent* ti pound, and nor enough could be received to supply tlx demand. Table board cost $7 a da', for the very cheapest, and If one slept to a chair In the hotel lobby at night when tbe rooms were all rented, be paid $ 1 .50 for tbe privilege. was the only medium . of ex change. A pinch of It. 1*1 ween the forefinger and the thumb, as has been aald. counted 2.-, cents. There would be n tendency with some men to take Just n little l;lt more. When that ten d.'Ccr was noticed In a man he wa? Mven hours to leave town- and It was Mdorn ovef rw? b?r ?*. The wis* man. aid not stnm* on cer.Mvu'.' <?r protest be "tamoosod in .-????? vernacular The uews(>rt{MTs of the elt.t sold for - V"1'3 ' bot fro? the press, land full of news of lym-hings. new dig flogs, "clear m>s." "bold nps.,; "hod am' and gossip of a breezy rharsc "r H,m ?nd eggs to order coat 12.00 Bnajrere worth 00 cents apiece and a* ordinary meal of deer or buffalo "*?t with potatoes or coffee and ?hfaad. was nerer leea than f 1.J0. A wm* "T POer to get down to fare It m^de no dlffanrace wbat a anight have been back In n*e I " ^ wa* ?? WHEN FACING DEATH. Pain or Fright, It Would App*tr, H Ranly P riunt A distinguished Kritlsli pbyslcbUj wh? has besu at gnuie |miu* to culled da.* on the subject a*?erts tbat ten ptisans about to die bare really an; fcrr of dissolution. There Is rited th< ca j of tbe African explorer who wu? pu tlallj devoured by a lion. He di ck red tbat ke felt uu pain or fear an* ILut his only seuaaiiuu wus one of II tense ourioaity aa to what portion <?-. his body tbe liau would lute next. Rustem 1'saba. Turkish ambassado at London. Used to tell of on attack made upoa klm by a bear during r boat in tbe east The beast tore off r bit of tbe Tark's hand, a part of hi arm and a portion of his shoulder. Bastem solemnly sverred that be ?ur fared nattber pain nor fear, bat that lit felt t&a greatest Indignation becausi the bear kr?Kt*4 with so much sails faction while aunchlnf him. Grant Allen, whose scientific habit ol thought cava weight to kia wards, says that In his bay hood be had a natron escape from jJrownln& While skjrtag lie fell throagb thlu lea over a place whence several block' had tbe dsj before Veen removed. H< was carried auder the thicker ice be yood and when ha <MM> to the surface tried to break through by bl* head afloat ty. The result was that ha was stunned. tbW numbed by tbe fo)<T arnf id waterlogged that artifljliU respiration had to be employed to re store- hii& These are the impression* aa recorded liT -hla with reference to tbe pala lie suffered: "The knowledge tha( I haye tbus ex perienced desth In my own person ha? Jjad a great deal to do with my \ytet phyjlQSl Indifference to It 1 know how it feels. T bud only, a sense of cold, damp and breathlessness, a short strng. gkiM 9?e? p!l WOlf "I had been motnemarily ancomfort 9ble, but it was not half so bad ai breaking an arm or having g lootb 4r?wn. In fact, dying Is as painless a? falling asleep. It is only tbe previous struggle, tbe sense of Its approach, thai is at all uncomfortable. Even this it less unpleasant than I should have ex pected. There was a total absence of any craven shrinking. Tbe sensation Was merely the physical one of gasping tor breath.? Harper's Weekly. THE AdE OF MAN. Sonne* Plscss It Between 400,000 and 1000.000 Yun. It is quite possible, said Professo A. Keith hi a lecture to the British as sociation at Dundee. that man aa we [mow Jjlm qqw took on bis human chaSctertaticj ao3>ewbere oeur the beginning at the pliocene period, and wbUe the exact data Is simply a KB**8 die beat yt Una tea araUabUt Indicate 1,408/xK R C. aa no? fir- frgm ite ygii. _ If the erldenca of tbe Hint collector*" to accepted as authentic. pUoceoe man to a possibility Profeasor Italtb ??% Mlt We had trace<\ ourselves back to the middle of tbe 7bei\ we w*rt 4e by another form of kttk .^Imoet as dtotlac) from na aa Mfe ytfe at Toast t*o VarlSW *f toaa tte VTT-rilUfVMhM ot iJsWolberi; wad Ke sduU braioad fiffn of . Jay?-, t?t the "repraaaotatlTe of modern Jaffa it tbat eariy period" baa not/la ye* been fyaod. -ITS? TSWyfg: Ralotare Accept ed, tin- i#6<i3ty of atah to at least lOflD.ISWy^ai?. According to Profesao r Keith, tbe ortltfxtox (by wblob press w ?W; h? uieaot scientlflcsUy ortbodex; ?pinloq. to mst "tk? dawn tt tfc? vary eaflleat form of ban**lt> Uea -KW.euo years betoiixt m." I^rom all af wWlch It is pUin rtakt tbe. beginnings af tbe aK? of mc". an stW skroaded ia mjs Mm 1 tfrUh to leave In your minds la.** tafcl Professor Keith to t'onc! uui<m. "that In ths distant past there was not one kind, but a snmber of very ?*!Terent kk i<!s af meu to ex Istence. all ?f wblcb have become ex tlnct ex ept tbsi braocli which baa given origin to *u?xlera man."*? New York r''M(. Hr? Hi* Own Death Certificate. You never knuw when a maa la really dead N<if even If yon are a doctor. I knar/ it mun who walk* about cheer fully no\r and occasionally pulls out from hlx pot ketbook hi* death certltl cate, duly Hi cued by the doctor some yearn ago. Just to amuse yon. The doc tor .maid be was dead. He disagreed And hi* protest Ik the -humorous pre jentatlon of the dentil certificate wbeu yon a*k for Ills card.? I.^ndon Chron icle. " ? ' Thackerayand Roast Mutton. ? Thackeray often dropj>ed In to din ner. sometimes announcing himself ii Terse. The following Is one of hi: epistles: A r.lce leg of mutton, my Lucie, I pray thee have ready for me; Have It smoking and tender and Juicy. For no better meat can there be. ?Recollections of Janet Ross Wise Child. "You may give three Important 111 as t rations or tbe power of the preas.' lays tbe teacher to the class. The pupil who has not hitherto dis tlngulshed himself la first to reply: "Cider, conrtahlp and politics^* Judge. Still Looking. Ho? Fire years ago when I saw Lei she was looking for a husband, bu she's married now. She? Yes. and sbe't tasking for blm. especially a /. BUSINESS DIPLOMACY. Vftwt -Sorry, but That I* the Rule," Coat On* Bank. ?The making of rules for the carry ing on of business Is a good proi>osi ilou. but lrooclad rule* sometimes In jure as much iik they help." a New York banker declared recently. "Hera in an Illustration: "One uf the d&posttorp lu my con cern had s:i \ e l uut.iy year*. Bis bank book, tiu.i* e.: a:ul yellow, was full to t!:e lust cues v.'l.U entries that ex Aeudrnl |i u since his wedding day. And when the time came that he must take out a uew book he asked to ^ave^tbe old oue. ** 'Sorry." the teller said, 'but It's a role uf the company that when a new ' book la Issued we must take up the aid one." ' " 'But you don't understand,' the de positor argued. That old book la not blag to you. It la worth ? whole lot to me. Uaay's the night By wife and I have aat up with that, looking orer the entries, planning tot the fu ture wben all the additions we bad planned would be made la It We've sees our little accoant grow from (10 ts 1100, from (100 to 11,000.' His rolca grew a bit beaky. 'Why. that little book has been a sort of Bible to as. It has represented oar every hope in lift. We tare planned by it, dream, ff^by It. May I ?ot keep it J* "The "clerk smiled sympathetically, i Wahead^ J aranot violate one of the Irofl dad rules of the estsbllshment,' he aggwered. aqsl J?e gmo JunwJ away. "A mohth Vrenl by, Anj tbSS a check for tt(e man's entire balaqce aim* Into the bank. He transfer red his accoant to another institution. The matter came to my attention some way, ind 1 heard the story of the lorn and tattered bank book. That hlgbt, in the little bulletin which we send around our place, wss a notice that vps written by me: 4 'Hereafter there shall not be an ironclad rule In this bank that 1b too strong or too heavy to resist breakage. consult the cashier on matters of diplomacy In the future.' "?New Tork World. WOMEN OF FRANCE. They Are the Boum Even Though the Men Won't Admit It. Tbe women of France bare been de scribed as tbe backbone of tbe French nation. Tbe remark applies more to tbe middle class tban to tbe aristoc racy. Tbe bourgeois?, truly a helpmeet to her husband. Is In fact more often a manager and as a rule efficient In that capacity. It Is she who Carries on tbe Kttle shop, while her baa band, perhaps nominally the bead, runs errands at bfr bidding. Not that tbe frenchman ^onld artmlt tjy>^ jyvc-f heley) (t la the truth. ItlttffyWRM?*tKtsaWSl fieis "Interests elsewhere is well. Thus f)?! may. work fpotbe railway or Jgj sdme other ehterprlft^ 1? farls on? enten m Mtractlre llt tfc picture Or shop on the Roe d* RlvoH. A tmiUng Frenchwoman Wales fWWsM to cajole the tourlatlnto all sorts of fascinating things M Nally doe* not want. It la the same 'bft. ?bona where pre sold kodak i<WT>1le^. fend i?ostearde? not a dan to be ^An except as a purchaser. ft one ferrets out a Mttlf hardware store and gr?s In t<j Coy rope or nails or anything of Giat sort, there may be a" apji, the proprietor probably, to bant for Just what la desired, but even then Mb wife sl(a at the daak, guarding the money drawer and Veeplng a dooe watch ever all that Is happening. Likewise st tbe bfctcber's madams slu In state at tbn receipt of caafa. The case Is tbe same at the grocer's, where abQ gives out change and keepa (be accounts. No MM hireling la to ba traated with eikch weWhty matters. All customer* ofcoulil step to greet tbe ?Distress <ot tbe s'bop as tbey enter and mast on tu> accoant forget their "Baa Jo v, tnadane!" on departing. Theae \ ?tt>% courtesies are among the niti Ttols with tbe French, and If tbe f*- , eigner forgets or neglects them tot I qaently faro# badlf.? London 8p**tftrfr~ The Human Vote*. One's surprise at the fact tbtftno two persons' voices ara pwfectiy allka ceases when one is Informed by an au thority on the subject that, thong'.! there are only nine perfect -tones in the human voice, there Is the astound ing number of 17,59^.180.044.415 differ ent sounds. Of these fourteen dim r musc les produce 10^83. and thirty iinVi rect muscles produce 173.741 JXSR. whil? aTT in co-operaTTon produce " flu* lulal given above. Unconscious ;Sar -s sm. - ? A Bcotfh rlsllor Hi 11^' (l.iivvw. lit Cbeyne row. was tnuHi sir .?? ; mT,4?? .he soundproof room w!ii?*li t!:i* ' had contrived for hiiuscl' hi rfj ?*"*?<* lighted from the top. >i.u\ v.ii.'rv n<? tight or sound from ou;*l'> ? . i;i ; gkw' trate. "My cert??s. thi* 1- crtat the old friend, wi'.h nlWr.^'ir^ air ensm. "Here y* mity r.-ri'-* 1 ? - * ?;-X . all tbe rest of your lift* .mil n?? ti.nr?>ii being lie one bit the Not to Ba Bitten. Andrew Cherry, the htlfr *nyl re eeived an offer of no ensure M*ut f.w. a theatrical iiliHiager who l???! 11 *i pre vlously treated him very^e't 71 It ??/# been bitten ~bj you once." am resolved that you two bttea of A. Cherry." - 1, udu Telegraph. iCimlilint ( That bl# fallow certainly does act lr. a vsry aOly way." "Perhaps, being stoat ha thinks t BAtelt jt hto.omdaot o?#ht to t*r frfM Free Let me mall you ai ^ Sample ? of our Remedy to dealers ; VnalballiM nli? ^NiMikaHn tUnnmiiteroPK^ MOVED Cross the Street Next to City Market Store 110 fuel long and 26 feet wide and goods horn one end to the other* tuth as lad loo and mens] underA-VSV. mens hats, suspenders shirt?. Big lot ak wool work skirts ladies collars, 100 new neckwear lace and numerosa other articles too numerous to mention. Come down plunder over tbe goods, you may find what rou want. Going to sail riaht down 'uodar cast. Shoes, Shoos, Samplo shoes, Women Sam* pie Shots, going right under cost. ' I P. Wipstop Candler-Crowell Company if Yo& Please Our trtock '' <if French wad Hol land bnlbe are now arriYing and to "plant early injures fine flower*. Remember we make the - finest wedding boquets and floral designs. 'Mail, telephone and telt-gniph orders promptly execnttvl by J. L 'Quinn & Co. FL.0RI3T* Phones 149 Raladgh, N. C. WilMns & Stegall Barbers Louisburg - - - - If. C. We have a?aiQ formed * ?nm?t?m ihip in the barber* boameaa sad win make everything to oar lahMn con venience. We hare foor eWn which if a guarantee that you "? Wt have to wait *o leu* Our l>ltw h)t> beet FT* tu a call. ~ - * ZOLLIE WnXOIS Why Suffer? am anxious to have you become acquainted with ike marks of The Greet Pain Remedy,* Noah's Ljniment. and wil with pleanre. teed you a free temple oo requctt II it good for man or heart, interna] and external uae, and ia pcxitirely guaranteed to do all dial ia fliinwii for it, or your mooey will bo refunded. ? Nosh's Liniment ii the Beat Remedy for Rbeumatim in all forma, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Stiff Joint* and Muaclea, .Sore Throat. Cokk Sprain*. Strain*, Cuta, Burn*, Brunei, Colic, Ciampa, Toothache, and aS Nenre, Booe aod MukIo Ache* and Pain*. Nosh'* 1 illllllHlt j? fold at 25c., 50c, and $1.00 per bottle by all dealer* in medicine. _ Iimi,nn.i Mill 1 4 ~ mj^. N~ii M?tk. f<o?l. K? ?^7 C*.. U?., Kitkmtm*,T^_ Cut this Coupon out and Mail at onca. Oty <t Ti ITO USX TO THROW AWAY THAT OLD PIECE OF KACHIHERY WkM We tan Mate it as Good m ? i- -V,,.. .. ' ' Htw for Tom. Come to Seo tJs Jatkaom Trl-State Motor Car Co. ? Loafcborg, F. C, W?st Nash Street FRESH CEREALS for the fall Btekwfaeat OatA*? P?stu* StftiMt Cfcb^s Stodted fWt Biscuit ThiM Cora Vfehm Qrlti Ofttmaal Crap? V?ts Pnffed Wheat Hoalay Wheat Hearts Pancate Flour Etc. BJ k HICKS Phone 330 PAWNBROKERS GOODS ^ "a la Mii* line we have a lote-df -good clothing, niusioal imh iiinrntTr ?watehfs, etc. at hvob* raaaoaatile price* I tin alao well w?pain4 to handle j oar old Furnit?r? Ilapaifiefi llave your old furahar* iaad? a* good ai naw. ] mai* all ? - ? and gradea ot pictnr* fra mo?. When in ntwd of aor o! the cortie to " ^T1 - E. ODOM, Louisburg, IN. O, Spruill Building Court {Street Many women have figu res that are almost perfect; every woman would like to know that her figure was considered perfect. This result ?is easiest obtained by wearing, a KABO "THK LIT* MO?B. COMET" Every one made to fit the figure of a perfectly formed woman, each model suited for ita par ticular kind of figure. Get the right -model Kabo for your measure ments and you'll g^ the desired result. Tfce Kabo Fiukion Boole '? Woeful ? atk for a fraa cop 1

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