A ION $1.UU PKKYBH~ : NDMBBB 48 A. F. J0HN3ON, EOITO& AND MANAGER lOPISPPBg. H. C..PRD)AfDECBMBgB 6 1912. HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN WELL UNW!R WAY IN THIS COUNTY The Examination and Treatment is free? Should Be Tried By Everybody ? Doctors En dorse It. At the beginning of tbe fourth week of the hookworm campaign oaly 8U people have been examined. Of that number * kith percentage ef infection wag found. Thie fact shoald persuade these who have bee* holding back te de so ao longer but come to tke dispen saries, hear what if to be said and have the aecesxary examination made, This is the last opportunity that the >Stat? and couaty will offer to the citi zens of Tranklin for tree examination and treatment ef hookworm disease. Do not wait till tke tine ia past aad thsa regret that you did not take ad vantage of this chance to have yourself and family examined and treated if necessary. Only two mora weeks ot the cam paign remain. During- that time it is very much desired that the people come to the dispensaries in large aum hers. Everyone can be taken care of and examined. You will then have the satisractian of knowing whether or not you have hookworm disease. At the dispensaries yon may see L hookworm*, hookworm etCK? under the microscope, interesting pictures and get free literature! You will be told the life history of tho hookworas and whst to do to keep from getting the disease. The times and places remain the same, but toe the schedule for yourself on another page of this paper. The doctors in the county and other ? influential citizens endorse this work. Read what they have to say. THE BOOKWOSM DIsraNBAICES. \ Hookworm disease is a certainty, its diagnosis is a certainty and its cure is a certainty. We reqaeat and beg all of the physicians in the county to be come thoroughly interested in arousing the peoplp of their, respective com munities' to take advantage of the present campaign now going on in the county for the elimination of this dis ease. Parents see to it that your chil dren are given the benefit of this free treatment and cure of this disease which is a handicap to all weak and feeble children. J. E. Malokk, Supt. of Health. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 desire to call the atlention of the citizens and residents of Louisburg and of Franklin county to the cam paign now being waited in tlils_ county for the eradication of bookworm dis case by Dr. Xl P: J shocks. Similar campaigns ha^ 'h^in ( conducted in more than hall tire counties of the State and the inhabitants of these have been greatly benefitted by the treatment. ; It is especially desirable that -as many as possible come to the dispensaries during- the remaining three weeks of the campaign for examina tion and treatment, if necessary, it costs you nothing and is absolutely free te every one. In my opinion this campaign offers greater benettg to a greater number of people than anything of its kind ever conducted in the county. If the hooitworm is suspected ia your family ? don't stop until you. have i?ktd uj' the schedule ?f date and place nearest your home, when an t where ypa may meet l>r. Jacoeks and leave^fiim make the necessary examination and treat ment. RsjkT. HoLi'^N, Z' Mayor. Jo the the pepjSle of Franklin County: 1- wir.l> to'aall U>% attention' el the peopie>rftho fact that we hair# esOtC-' lispm in tho county a free . dispensary ~/foT the treatment of hookworm. My s dear friends this disease Is very prev alent througheut the Setithera States. These dispensarios are in competent hand*, and I wish t? urge upen you the necessity of being examined" and ' treated >ou ? infected. Similar L Campsien? are nqw being conducted all oyer the Slate Thousands of people hive been cured of this terrible dis eenr and ? large percent of our peo ple are infected. The State and -tounty have provided a tree dispensary where exam natlen and treatment are absolutely '<?? to all whe will give a few - minutes of their time. People should avail themselves of this oppor tunity and come to the dlspenHry and be examined and treated thereby be ing greatly benefitted. This campaign will last only two nveks more. . , tlespeetively, * KME ' E. M. PwutY, M. D. Dm t, 1912. j am |Mto bear testimony to the good work being don* by the "Hook worm Campaign': in FmnicHn county. I adviss unhesitatingly every one to com to the dispensarise for examia* tion, and especially those who are in doubt ss to their condition. Examina tion and treatment are . free and the benefit to those infected c^n hardly be expressed in words. - Yours vety trely, S. P. Rort, M. D. The hoekwerm campaign in Frank lin county which i? being conducted by Or. W. P. Jasocks ef the State Board of Health Should appeal te every citi xea in Franklin. It is kaown that the infection in the ceunty is heavy and fer that reason the people should pre sent themselves for examination In large numbers. It is especially desir abls also that every ene learn about the sanitary privy? ealy by building such a privy can the disease in the country districts be controlled. Pamphlets de-' scribing in dstaii the construction of the privy may be had free of charge at the dis pessaries. ? ? A large number ef people have been examinee in more tnau hall the coun ties of the State and it is to be hoped that the people ef Franklin will not be backward In taking advantage of this opportunity lor free examination and free treatmeut. R. F. Yarborough, M. D. Th ; hoekwerm campaign Is being conducted in Franklin ceunty by the State Board of Health for the benefit of the people. The examinations and treatment an free and we earnestly urge the folks te eeme and he exam ined. The dispensaries are open in Franklintea Taeeday, Dei;. > and 10th. Drs. Hassis & Henmrson, Frfuik linton. It. 0. A campaign against the heokworm is being conducted in this seaaty at present by Dr. Jacocks. This is ef great importance to everyone and I wish to urge as maay as possible to take advantage ef the opportunity lone to the several places announced in the paper and bring your neighbors with you. The exsmiaation and treat ment is sbeolotely free. Grtssom-Colltns. A pretty marriage was solemnized at Corinth Baptist church in Frank lin county, on November 26th, when Miss Ruby Luola Collins became the bride of Mr. Charles Clyde Grissom. The clinrch was beautifully dec orated for tho occasion In green white and yellow, and made a love ly scene in the soft glow of eleotric lights. Jupt before the ceremony which was' impressively performed by Kev. W. L. Ciri igs, the bride's pastor, Miss Ada Daniel, of Epsom, sweetly sang "Because." Then to the strains of Mendelssohns wedding moroh, | layed by Miss Lottie Danitl the bridal party entered. The uph ers, Messrs. Claud Collins and jPollie Weldon, John Y. Beasley apdPerry Wilson came tip the nisl^and took their places in front otjne altar. Then eame Waa/LMy Grissom with Mr. Johnnie-Wilson, Miss Rilla Poller with l&pc Dot Pernell, Miss Bnrla Sheajcm with Mr. Blair Tucker of LouisVtJrg, and Miss Annie Gar ner, af^Creed more, with Mr. Nor mal Pinnellt /'The bride prettily gowned in white mescaline and lace, carrying a lovely boquet of white chrysanthe moms, entered with her sister aad maid of honor, Miss Ethel Collins and met the groom at the altar, who entered at the side door with his The bridesmaids were? attired in white" silk and lace with- black pic ture hats. The bridal "pwty 'eft the churcn to the stra;ns of Lohenprin's wed ding rnaroh and' repaired to the nearby home of the bride. After receiving congratulations from their many friends, they left by a>'to., for Henderson where they took the train for Washington and other points. Miss Collins is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins, and is a pretty tnd accomplished young lady. Mr. Grisaom is the son of Mr. A. T. Grissom, and is^ighly esteemed try hra 'mmy friend ' for h;s integrity and industry. , May ttieir pathway be always bright with flowers, nftd their sky ever bright with the light of happi ness and prosperity is the wish of their many friends. Loufsbarg Water All Right. The following report received by Dr. J K lfalnna, SnperiaUndaatet Health. from Mr. C. A. Shore, direotor State Laboratory, ef Hygiene, at Kaleigh ths EAST COURT, PANAMA-PACIftC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION^ THE great East Court at the Panama-Pacific International Expo sition la designed for pageantry surpassing the famous Durbar of India. It will constitute a suitable setting tor oriental or modern drama upon a colossal acale. From a huge staircase or from tbe ti^f oC Its encircling walla tlie visitor to this "Oourt of Joy ousness" will be enabled tn witness the pageants that will be a feature ?f the eiposltlqp. Tbe main tower of the eenrt will contain a great pipe organ, with echo organs In the smaller towers; within the center of the court will He a basin- containing groupings of classic statuary. <lan?ing figures, fauns, satyrs and nymphs. Electric scintillators will play upon fountains st night Tropical shrubs and flowers will contrast with tbe sterner effect of tbe colonnades, statuary and facades of the court In Its architecture the .East Court which will lie among the main group ~ of exhibit palaces, will resemble the oriental phase of the Spanlsb Moorlsb architecture. - past week, upon a sample <akon on Thursday of last week says the city water of Louisburg is all right. The report follows: Odor, hot ? 0. Reaction? alkaline. Chlorine (parts per million) ?4. Nitrogen as nitrates (parts per mil lion)? 0.02. Nitrogen as nitrites? 0. Total number of bacteria at 20 de grees C. per c. e. ? 4000. Total number of bacteria at 38 de grees G. per c. c_? 100. Total number of acid-forming bacte ria? 0. Colon bacilli in 10 c. e. ? ?. Colon bacilli in 1 c. c. ? 0. C. A. Shorb, Director. From Ingleside Mr. Clyde Grissom and Wits Ruby Collins were happily united in the hoi y bonds of wedlock, at Corinth ohnrch November 26, Rev. Mr. fiibbs officiating. It was quite a surprise to our peo ple on Thanksgiving morning to find this beautiful land of ours cov ered with snow. Mr. Hayes was greatly disappointed that day. Right many of the neighborhood btiT? i.'iijuteil a nk'M barWSflUA bu Wednesday night at Ingleside. Our school . seems to be getting on very nicely as we hare a large enrollment. ' * We are glad to state that the ru mor to the effect that Mr. W. F. Davis would Ixaye our community another year is replaoed with the announcement that he has associated with him Mr. Arthur A. Pernell, one of our hustling young men, and after January 1st, the buaineaa will be incorporated with a paft In capi of tRDOO.OO. These are. very piil'iilar T*h""g "n? n?1' ihuii mr cess is assured. Mr W. Ben K<i wards informs us that he will move his family to Ingiestde the new year. W e wel. come them in our midstC With beat , wishes for the Old Rsliahlk and its good editor, I remain as ever your friend. '? Watchful." i . ? L<?t l.oftei-a 1 Remaining tnjjie postefflcejat Lou Ubutg, _W. C? week ending December 6th, uncalled for: Mrs. Florence Forlion, L. D. Rudd, Mrs. Lula Smith. Anna Spring, Ashcr Thornton. Persons calling: lor any of the above letters will please say the they saw them advertised. M. W. YARHOROUliH, P. M. Bazaar- ' The ladies of Corinth Baptist church will give a bazaar nt Ineleside Acade-, my, Friday Dec?mber 13th, from 7 to 10:30 P. M. If the weather is not fav orable will postpone to Saturday De cember 14th. The bazaar will consist of things suitable for Christmas pres ents. Oysters and ice cream will be served. Everyone is cordially tnvited to be present. Cotton. Cotton sold at 12 7-8 cents on the lo cal Tiiarkot hers yestufday. Consider ing the weather the receipts were good. HOW, WHEN AND WHY A SECOND ADVENT Renter Divines on Right Track, Says Pastor Russell, No World- Burning ? Satan to ^Bo Bound ? Bin, Sickness and Doath to Bo Conquered ? Man to Bo Delivered. The Power Vested In MoaalaH? HJ? Kingdom Near ? How It WifTJAppoart Denver, Dec, 1-? 111 la city Is stirred! Otvtateeu pastors of all denomina tions bare been dlscufislngThe*Sec ond Advent for" a mouth. Nowconraa rastor Russell toll Ins us all that "The Earth, abld etb forevei^'-Vthat It will never be de stroyed by literal Ore. According to blm KTWt gr.ont of Chjrlat^Oim log Will bring blessing* ?ucb as we >11 desire. He seem* .to bare the Bible and logic on bin aide to Jj -* tmm It (Hotel I declared that falnd 1 concept* of the Second Coming of Christ bad done great Injury. The rlew set forth In all orthodox creeds la that Christ will come again In the'! Scab. The resurrection will take place within twenty-four boors. The saintly will rise In the air to meet the Lord, rben Are will come down from heav en, and consume the whole earth. Pre mlllennlallsu claim that Chris; will reign In fleshly glory a thousand years to bless the living. The majority of Christians disown Ibis aa ridiculous .? nonsense because' thy believe ? tittle of i need or Bible. A minority percelv* . ta Inconsistency with the Bible. ^ s What Bible 8*udents Now See. The "Ore of that day" Is symbolical ilready kindling in society, the ele ments of which. Capital and Labor, ire getting hotter. Soon they wlllij melt, the symbolical "earth" will be consumed with the "heavens" also, the ecclesiastical powers. Their passing away will usher In a "new earth," or ; ?octal order, and "new heavens," the Church In glory. * The Second Coming of Christ la as soclated with blessings. Messiah will abolish the curse sod bring In wooder fnl blessings. The Day of Christ will be "the last Day." -the great Seventh Thousand-year Dnj All bmnanlty will be blessed. Including the dertd who'wtll then be awakened. Christ Comes to Reign. As the redemption was necessary for mall's salvation so Messiah's King dom Is necessary to accomplish restitu tion. The delay of more than elghu-en centuries Is 8crlpturally explained: (1) ' God designed Six Great One Ttton- j sand Tear Days to teach mankind the eiceedlng sinfulness of sin. He par posed that On the Seventh Day the . blessing of Messiah should come, (2) ' An Important work bas been alone since Calvary. An Elect Church has : been gathered out of all nation*? 1 saints made perfect through suffering, , . a Little Flock, the "Church -of thefj First- boras." These are to become the I ! Bride of Christ at Hla Second Advent . i The Second Coming of Jesus\ Is tot claim His Bride class, and to exalt them. As regards the world. Be- comes to bind Satan, to overthrow stn, andi to uplift fallen humanity. St. Peter t 1 tells that Restitution work, not a literal J ? burning of the world, awaits the Sec- ; ond Coming of Jesus: "Tlmds of re- ' freshing shall come from the presence 1 i of the Lord."? Acta 1U. 10-21. ? i Christ's Kingdom to Bs Spiritual. One great mistake we' have all made ? j is Id not noticing that Jesus was ha- \ man for only thirty-three and a half ' years. He waa a glorious spirit being ' before He was made flesh; and He- { was resurrected to a spirit condition? ; higher than His original one. How j foolish we were to think of Jesus as a '! man (a little lewer than angels) in the midst of the Heavenly host. He la now partaker of the Divine nature; His Church is to be "changed" and made "like Him." As His descent was from a higher to a lower, so His ascent was from a lower nature to a higher, "far i above angels." His Is the exceeding glo- ? | ry which "no man hath seen nor oa? see" ; ?"which no man can approach onto." ? It Is this glorious Being whose King- ( dom Is about to be established. He and His Church will be us Invisible to men as are Satan und the fallen, angels. The appearances Of Jesus In i the flesh after His resurrection were 'materializations, to prove: (t) that Jesns was no longer dead: (2) that He was changed, born of the Spirit, able: to go and come like the wind. '! KIN 8 PROPERTY SOU) TO MR. JAKES A. T0RNBR F#R $7,000.00. Who Propoaes to Divide it Into Lota ? Will be a Mast Defina ble Besldenc Section. Mr. J. A. Turner' informs -"lis utat during the past week hfjias completed thadstaila of the purchase of the Itll property on West Elm street? lying on both aide* of the street leading from Elm street te the sity pawer plant, for the neat sum of seven tkausand dollars. In discussing the purchase and future intentions Mr. Turner said that he was going to appeal to the Board of Town Oammiaaieners to change the ? treat loading through this preverty aad lay it out straight with Middle street. By doing this it will add greatly to tfc* appearance of that portion ef the town la tba fact that it would do away with the present cross 'injunction of this atreet. Mr. 'Turner proposes to raeve the old house that now stands an the property to ene side aad lay eff the aatire property into nice residential lots and will pave the sidewalks en both aides of the streets with a three foet eeacrete walk. This is now, ar will be when the plans of Mr. TarMr sre perfected, one of the most desira ble -residential sections ia bouisburg epen to purchssers. It is well located and convenient to the business section. We congratulate Mr. Turner upon the successful purchase and hope he will succeed with his plans which will mean much to. Louisburg. Receives Appointment. Mr. J.- L. Palmer was appointed Uni ted StateeCommissionar by Jsdge Con ner ef- the federal Court at Raleigh the past -wedk. Mr. Palmer qualified at eneaaad ia now 'active ia the duties of thaodce. Pneumonia Weather. Pneumonia is a dirty-air disease. When the weather is mild and 'dodrs and windows are kept open there Is lit tle pneumonia. But with the coifting of cold weather, when people shut up their houses, the pneumonia cases and deaths multiply with fearful rapidity. Parousia, Epiphania, Apokdlupsis. Messiah's Kingdom will have earthly , representatives? the faithful {saints of previous ages, raised to bumato perfec tion Instantly. Through thesis the in visible Messianic Kingdom twill op erate. Jesus said. "Ye shall see Abra ham, Isaac. Jacob and all the{propheta in the Kingdom." The parousia of Jesus will come first ?present but luflftlble. The w*orld wfiT continue with the ordinary affairs of life (while He is gathering theChurch), %s in the days of Noah. ? After the satin1 ring uf the ?CUureilt there will be au epiphania and? an apo kalup.il* of Jesus. He will .Hhloe forth. He will be revealed? not in flesh, but "in flaming Are." the trnnbl* of that Day, in which the present ooder will be consumed In anarchy. giving plac*. to the Kingdom IMsprimHtlon.. "Mala PircfciM. Mr. W. F. Beasley, on last Tuesday, purchased' the Mrs. Jennie C. Alston residence on Kentnore avenue and the C. F. Richardson residence en Main ?treat. TobacgO MtrKet" - The loc*l tobacco market "is a live factor in the towns activities. Every day brings good sales to town and the prices are all "up allaab." In conver sation with a warehouseman recently W? were Informed in reference to the hish prices "he had never seen any thing like it in his Ufa," and the faim era are all "vary well pleased." The two coupled together shows Louinburg is the place to receive the high pri??s for voujCJtobacco- Although a Wi? lot I of the weed has bean sold hers the I prices rnmain strong and the demand hesfy: ' Come here with jvtt ssstj Adds Kodak SappUes. As will be seen from hi?- advertise ment in another column Mr. E. J. Macon has added to hia nice and com plete line of -fancy groceries a full line of the beat kodak supplies. He in forms us ho will also cenduct a depart ment for' the developing the films and plates end printing and finishing the pictures. This will be quite a conven ience to our veople who enjoy the sport famished by n pocket or hand camera . and' his efforts will no doubt be appre ciated by them. Annual He?t!ng At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Hasten Realty Jb Trust Co. held in the offices Monday evening, Dec. 2, 1912. the old directors a?d effi cers of the ensuing year were re-elect ed as followa: D. F. McKiane, Presi dent; S P. Burt, Vice-President; J. A. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer) ??. S. Baker, Book-keeper, Miss Kate K. High, Stenographer. The Eastern Realty & Truat Com pany has juqt vassed through one Of its Boost ? prosperous rears, ' Th* **"*? psny la composed ef seise of Leau bunt's best and most promineat busi ness men,. Sandy Creek Item" ' Mr. Bob Kicks spent a few days in Henderson this week. Mwsee Nellie Perry and Myrtle Rowe, of*loul t<-n, visited Mi* Kadi* Gnpton a few days ago. Messrs. Geoige Fostei and Walter Johnson, of Nash county, spent San. day with (heir pnrenta near hare. Several of our people attended the Tbanktgiving services at Oen terville and Reported a very pleaaant f time. \ Kov. G. M. JJuk<* pieaeheil his last sermon for this year at Mt Zien last bunday. There waa qaite a iarge crowd and all aeeraed to enjoy it The Sunday School U. progreeaing nieely. W e hare a large number on roll and we think they are plan ning to hare a Cbristnas tree. There will be a "Feaat awf. Fair" at Sandy Creek AeadeMjr Friday night, December 13th. All are cor dially invited. ? Oome and lets hsve a good timel The pro * for the benefit of thq i

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