A. P. JOHNSON. BDITOR A VOL. XUII. IOlftl.OOPEB i.;fi ?:..r7T& ; ?UISBURG, V. REPEAL MARKET LAW TAX MEDICAL DKPOSITOHY | FIFTY DOLLARS. Several Committees Appointed ?Dr. H- A. Newell Hade Chief v Sanitary Oflleer? Treasurer's Report The Board of Town Commissioners met in regular aesiion on last Friday night with all raemben present. By motion the reading '.of the previoaa minutes was disponaed with. A motion by Ford to tax dealer* in | ?cigarettes five doHarn and Medical D poalterv fifty dollars prevailed. Motion prevailed ordering the Clerk to collect the light and water runts from J. S. Howell and J, D. Winfree, by legal proceedings if necessary. Upon motion an appropriation of *150 was made to the Louiaburg Fire De partment to aaaiat in defraying their ?xpensea to the annual tournament aa a token of the town's appreciation of their work. The clerk was instructed to pay Cabin Creek Coal and Coke Company vouchers as soon as lie can get together th# funds. Mr. E, C. Perry was retained as night I policeman at a salary of ""$40.00 per| month. . Report of E. S. Ford, Treasurer, was I received and ordered filed. His report | shows as follows: MONEY OX HAND. General Purpose Fund, f3,065 53 Electric Light Fund, 694.97 Special Interest Water Fund, 5,766.27 Special Interest Light Fund, 928.87 Total, 111,055.64 1 AMOUNT DUE TREASURES. Water Works Fund, $5,985,51 1 Total on hand, $5,070.13 The clerk was ordered to notify the Treasurer to get up all available funds possible anff report as soon as pos sible. Upon motion Mr. R. W. Hudson wasl ordered to divide the tax account as | collected by himself (or 1912. The Light and Water Committee was appointed a special committee to fix aide walks and streets around the Con federate Monument. ^ It war moved and carried th$ t Me.i^rs. -?'Ford, Allen and Wbeletu be appointed a committee to investigate and find out what it will cost to pava the streets and side walks in the business part of town. A motion prevailed appointing Or. H. A. Newell and Supt. R. C Beck a com mittee to have inspection of water shed made. Dr. H. A. Newell was appointed | Chief Sanitary Officer for the town. A motion was mads that the report of the committee on the market house be accepted and adopted, which provided that the old market house ordinance be repealed, that no person shall be al lowed to sell any fresh fish or meats upon the streets or sidewalks? save the omission from this provision of the farmers who sell their own raised meat in the whole or by the quarter; and providing the machinery to keep all places sanitary, under penalty. The vote stood. For? Allen, Hicks, New ell, Williamson and Wheless; not vot ing, Ford. It was moved by Fcrd and seconded by Williamson not to allow any fresh fish to be sold on Court street, Main street, Nash street to Beasley-Alston Drug Store and Market street. Upon roll call the vote stood: For? Ford, Hicks and Williamson. Against? Newell, Allen, ,)Vhelees and the Mayor. It was moved and carried that a li cense tax of $10 per annum be imposed upon all parties selling beef, fresh I sh, oysters and fresh meats. The vote stood: For? Allen, Ford, Newell, Wil liamson and Wheless. Against, Hicks. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned. Mr- D- E- MoKlnne Dead. The death of Mr. Dayid E. McKinue. of Princeton, North Carolina, on July 6th., caused a (rreat loss to not only the community in which he had been identified for eighteen or twenty years, but to wide territory surround ing it. He was a type of Johnaon Coun ty 'attest citiienship and waa always found on the right aid* of every move ment and fearless advocate of what waa for the best Interests of his county and state. His life wss gentle and ita" influences will not be bound in that oommonltr with the years, bat will go on down throagh generation* to emta. Never was a man held in higher esteem and mora loved in a community than ba was In his bom* town tad Matty i and when hi* death came painlessly on a beautiful Sunday morning at 7.207fc M., he literally "Fell on 81eep," and' went thoroughly prepared to m??oky Mount, Golds bo ro, Louiaburg and Atber communities, to pay their tribttM of love and respect Owing to the sud den stroke of heart disease which car ried him from this life, none 01 his children could reash the bed>it, was unanimously elected With out opposition. The question of the salary for this officer was deferred to a future meetin&on account sf not hav ing a copy of the new law governing same. ? No other matter of any special im portance came before tke Board and it adjourned lubject to the ??U of the chairman. ' v ? .*?* - ' ; . EXCITEMENT PREVAILS IN HEGHO SETTLEMENT KNOWN t AS SLAB TOWN | Negro Kills Friend and then Kills Himself? No Reason Save Insanity to be Found The negro settlement - of LouJsOUrg knows M slab town? that portion lying ob the old river road just across the branch or in front of old ancle Calvin Yarboroujh's home place was thrown into great excitement early Wednesday morning when for some unknown rea son Arthur Williams, son at Phil Will iams, shot and killed, Fenner McDow ell, son of Humphrey McDowell. Both the boys were negroes and were about twenty years old. Atter killing Mc Dowell, Williams went to his home not far from the scene, remained a few min utes and returned. When within about fifty yards of the scene of the murder he ha4 committed and seeing the large crowd of both white and colored people who bad gathered around the mutdered boy be put the muszle of his pistol in his mouth and fired? the reeult of which was almost immediate death. No rea son for his acts can be given except that the Williams boy had shown signs of in sanity for some time but no one had given any thought to the fact that he might be dangerous. The two boys were the best of friends so we learn and the parents of each accept the tragedy as an unvoidable occurence. Since putting the above In type it has been learned that Arthur told his moth er he had killed two men, whereupon a search was instituted. It was learned that he left Bunn on Tuesday afternoon with Cleophus Pettiford, and had been seen in town with him that night but no trace ?ould be found of Cleophus next day- Finally about 6:30 o'clock in the evening his body was found in the woods just above the Colonial Pine Company's plant with two bullet holes through it. This bearing out the sui cides statement no further investiga tion was had. Board of Education. The Board of Education of Franklin county met in regular session in its room at Louisburg on last Monday morning. After Mr. A. W. Perry, Sr. who had been reappointed to succeed himself as a member of the board, and Messrs. J. N^Hasris and T.'.H. Dick ens, who were appointed to fill the po sitions caused by the increased mem bership of the board, had taken their oaths of office, the following business was transacted: Mr. A. W. Ferry, Sr., was elected to sucoeed himself as chair man to the board. Mr. R. B. White, who has so ad mirably conducted the school affairs of Franklin county the past ten years in the capacicy of superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, was reelected to succeed himself by a unanimous vote. Miss Mary Arlington, who has done such a Brood work for the public school in the county the past year as super visor of primary work, was unanimous ly selected to this position. The board then proceeded to appoint school committeemen for the several townships for three, two and one years respectively as follows: Dunns? J. B. Privett, A. C. Brantley, J. F, Pearce. Harris? J. B. King. I). E. Harris, J. A. Clifton. J Voungsville ? C. C. Winston, J. C. Winston, T. S. GilL Franklinton ? B. W. Ballard, J. O. Green, J. H. Cook. Hayesville ? R. G. Winn, K. M. Clark. W, R. Hayes. Sandy Creek ? E lira. J. S. Barrow Is spending tome time at Panacea Springs. \Y . Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood returned Sunday from their bridal trip. ' > Mrs. P. , W. Pinnell returned home from a visit to Hamilton Friday. y> j Mr. Eugene S. Green is Visiting b)s son, Dr. E. S. Green, at Monroe. Mr. J. W. Strange left yesterday for Newton, to attend Catawba Court. Mrs. H. T. Rogers, of Dyersburg, Tenn., is visiting friends in Louisburg. - Maj. J. B. Thoma^left the past we?k for Olanta, S. C., where he will buy to bacco. , Mr. M. P. J. Williams, of Rocky Mount, passed tnroogh Louisburg Wed nesday. Dr. S. P. Burt and family lett yes terday to spend a week at Panacea Springs. Mr. and Mrs R. W. Hudson and little daughter left Tuesday for Panacea Springs. Kenneth Coyna, of Richmond, is vis iting bis grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Yates. Mrs. R.A. Bobbitt and little daugh ter, Cathrine, are at Jackson Springs, for a vacation. Mrs. M. V. Fleming, of Manson, wai a yisitor to friends and relatives in Louisburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. RifT left Tuesday for Norfolk and Washington and other cities for a short vacation. Mrs. W. W. Tucker and son, Mr.' W. B. Tucker, of Raleigh, visited Chief J. C. Tucker the past week. Mrs. W. J. Shearin and son, Frank Winston, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Raleigh and Clayton, have, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Holden returned home from Asheville, where they had attended the meeting of the State Bar Association, Saturday. Messrs. F. B. McKinne and wife, D. F. McKinne and wife, Malcolm Mc Kinne left Sunday for Prince ton to be at the funeral of their father, who died there Suuday morn ing. Messrs. F. N. Egerton, President of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, \R. U Allen. Cashier of the Farmers Nat ional Bank, and F. B. McKinne, Cash ier of the First National Bank left Tues day for Asheville to attend the meeting of the State Bankers Association. Cr?wley-Sledge. We acknowledge receipt of the fol lowing; invitation: Rev. J. W. Sledge requests the hon or of your presence at the marriage of of his daughter. Nellie, to Mr. Henry M. Crawley, Thursday morning. July the seventeenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen at eleven o'clock, Louisburg, North Carolina. Company D. Drills Company D. Louisburg Rifles, had quite a nice drill on last Monday night. They are preparing for their annual en campment at Morehead which takes place the first week in August. The company will leave here the afternoon of Monday, August 4th and will remain in camp until Tuesday August 12th. Capt. Turner requests us to state that there will be another drill of the Com pany on Monday night, July 14th, and every member will be expected to be present. Franklin County Teachers. Franklin county is well represented at the summer normal schools. At the East Carolina Teachers' Train ing School, Greenville, N. C. : Miss Ora Alford, Miss Daisy Dean, Miss Lil lian Leonard, Miss Mary Mitchell, Miss Ethel O. Perry, Miss Nellie Perry, Miss Jean G. W?rd, Miss Annie Wilder. At the State Normal College, Greens boro, N. C.: Miss Jessie Taylor Har ris, Miss Macy M. Thompson and Miss Kate Wortham. At the Univerelty of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. : Miss SaUie V. Har ris, Mr. Benjamin C. Ingram, Mis* Mamie E. J one.. Miss Mattie H. JooM. Mia* Belie Mltehener, Hiss Clara Sledge and Mia* Annie Tockcr.