Offer On all our Mens and Ladies Oxfords for a few days. Come in and get your wants supplied while yo u can buy tnem so reasonable. l. We have a few very de sirable patterns of percales, selling now at 9c. Cleaning up on this. Come in before it is all gone. 18 Ladies Ready Made Dresses. In P?rcale,QiuKbaum mid Regular Frioes #1.75 to $8.00 on sale at half price. 83c to $1.48 each. We have a complete stock of Ladies and Gents white canvass oxfords. CaJl and I E w see them. 35c Mens Underwear. Ill Check Dim icy, Shirts atid Drawers, Cool and Service able, oo sale at eaoh ? 25 cents. Ask to see the latest crea tion' in Bulgarian neck wear for men. Only a few more pairs of these Oxfords left at these prices ? $1.49 . Clearing outp our whole stocky of millinery at just * ? - half price. *, 36 Real Nice Parasols. Closing out from 69 . cents / to $1.98. Try a pair of our Godman Oxfbrds or Pumps. Prices cut on svery pair. ? We have just replenished our stock of Kabo's rust proof corsets. $1.00 to $3.00 in stout, medium and slim. CANDLER? CROWELL CO / "Louisburg's Greatest Store." Louisbirg, North Carolina. f anklinton News Items Our Regular Correspondent Items of Interest Gathered from in and Near Our Sister Town Each Week CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY Mr. J. F. Parker spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ballard, returning to New York Saturday night. Mra. B. W. Ballard, after a ten weeks star in Atlanta, returned home Saturday with Mr. and Mra. J. B. Cheatham and little son. Mr. 6. F. Parker, ot New York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard. Misses Edna and Rath Barkley, of Weldon, sisters to our townman, Mr. D. E. Barkley, are visitors here. Mr. J. p. Mulligan the good roads builder leaves here for Henderson Tuesday to take charge of the good roads building in Vance county. Mr. Krp, of Mooresville, will take charge of the good road building in this township. A family touring the country went into camp outside the corpor ate limits Sunday night. Dr. Wilcox, of C'arthrage, spent Tuesday in our city. He possibly may locate here some time in the fu ture. ? V Messrs. Jacob and Walter Parker, of New York, are visitors at Mr. B. W?Ballards. Chief Cooke seized a large pack age of booze at the express office Tuesday. The package was tagged to N. Allen and supposed to oontain six gallons. A young woman claiming to be a Mexican, driving a "Donkey Cart" passed through our town last Mon day. She is making a trip across thiUnited States for a wager of 4^V00. She says she started from York January 38th. She haa a trip before her if she goes at the slow speed she was making when ?he Uft town. The Burnett popular shaving par lor has Mcured the services of Mr. J. E. James, of Durham. Mr. James we learn is an expert in the tonson ial art, and we are sure will prove au elevation to the Burnelte company. Mr, Penny and wife left last Thursday for Henderaon where he takes a situation. Mr. Penny for a long while worketi with the Burnett Barber Shop Company. Several from our town went to Lonisburg last Monday, we Boppose most of them bad business with the County Commissioners as that day was first Monday. Our town is suffering with an ice famine this week. We have had no ice since Sandar morning. '1 he deatersHiere say they can't get it as the dtmand is more than the pro duction. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collins, of San ford, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. James C. Sandling, of Gum Spring. I. II. Kearney went to Raleigh last Tuesday. Ex- Sheriff H. C. Kearney return ed from Washington, D. C., Mon day evening on No. 3. He left here with the old "Yets" to go to Gettys burg, but we learn he went no fur ther than Washington. The farmers say that the crops haye grown more in the- last two weeks than in six weeks before, so they figure that this makes the orops only one week, late when before the last rains they counted the crops six weeks later. The Cambridge Players are billed to appear at the graded school audi torium tonight. They have good musio and come highly recommend ed, and we are sure will have a full boose. M. F. Allen has purchased the Clegg property on Clegg heights. This is the budding removed from the old site farther up the stree1 when D. E. Barkley built his oe? residence. The house has been re modeled and repainted and m a de. ?'liable home. The family of Mr. A. L. Allen will occupy the hotne. We have tried to make this de partment interesting and of benefit to our town and its people, but we are greatly discouraged some limes, bv not having the support of the cit izens is giving us the new? and giv ing the Tikbs their advertisements to help the paper in return for what it does for ns free of charge. The Methodist and Baptist Sun day Schools hold their annual pic nic At Bloomsbury Park Raleigh, aext Monday July 14th. The train leaves Franklinton at 9 a. m. return ing will leave Union Station at 7 o'clock p. m. Bound trip 75 oents. Children 6 to 12 half faie. For fur ther information apply to Committee ot Arrangement. C. S. Williams, A. S. Joyner, R. 0. I^ernell, J. E. Nicholson, B. F. Cooke, B. A. White and E. M. Edwards. League ball game Baleigh vs Winston Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Byrum spent last week visiting in Durham, Ral eigh and other cities in this state. The Childrens Day at the Metho dist church last Sunday was a sue. cess and reflects much credit on the teachers tor the careful training ot the children, especially the littlq one* or the infant class, undfer the care of Miss Elna Tann. A large crowd of visitors attended and all enjoyed the programme. The little three year old boy of Ed Lee Long wad carried to the hos pital in Raleigh to have removed a nickel which the boy swallowed last Sanday a week ago. It seems the nickel is lodged in his swallow and oan't be moved. An operation was to have been performed at Rex Hos pital Monday. He also has a penny in his stomach whioh he swallowed several days before be did the nicket Delightful Porch Party. Miss Martha Harris charmingly entertained a few friends Friday morning at her hospitable tiomf, in honor of her guest Mrs. Tyler Wheeler, of Sootland Neck. ' The tables and chairs were' placed | on the north porch for a game of j rook. The porch was artistically deo .QUted with ferns and potted .plants. Miss Susie Mofthee presided at the punch bowl. To each guest was presented a dainty score card with fourth of July i decorations a id tiny flags. An ex citing game of progressive rook .en sued. Miss Kate Ballard winning tbe prize presented it to Mrs. Wheeler, the guest of honor. Delic , ions refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Kittie Foster, Susie MoGhee, Sne Chea tham, Eleanor Vann, Josephine Hen ley, Mary Staunton, Mattie and Kate Ballard, Frances Winston, Nellie Conway, Mesdames A. S. Joyner, D. E. Barkley, R. B. White and Ty lfer Wlieeller, of Scotland Neck. The King ot all Laxatives. For coustipation, headaches, indiges tion and dyspepsia, use Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo. N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and 1 alway3 keep if box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c. Recommended by Aycocke Drug Horse and calf muzzles at L P Hicks ) Electrical and bicycle supplies at L P ' H 7 Ice, Ice, Ice / Beginning April 1st we will have on hand at all times a full supply of ice made by the latest improved methods. We solicit your orders and guarantee prompt delivery and satisfaction. Our house is located under the old dispensary building. 'Your humble servants, ' GUY ICE COMP'Y ED FULLER, Mgr. ICE AT ALL HOURS Hy Ioe House will be open from now on regularly on San days. For prompt delivery leave your orders the evening before, or telephone yonr orders. Tonr business will be appreciated. I ? Yours to serve, John W. King FIRE! FIRE! LOOK, LISTEN, LE\RN, T L-. If you will put your fire insurance in my hands, I will all -ways keep it in force for you and when the fire bell rings, you will rest satisfied that your property will be insur^i in some of the best compan ies that can be had. I am on my job and will always give your bus iness my prompt and care ful atttentionj As Ever Yours, T. W. WATSON, Agent Phone 372 Phone 372