For the Benefit of our Customers who were here during the early days of our sale, and were unable to get waited on, that we are now prepared to look after you better', in as much as we have eotton more help. We are sorry that we could not wait on everybody when they came but we have never during the ten years that we have been in business had such crowds of anxious buyers in our store. It has never been necessary before to close the doors in order to keep the store from running over. There Must Be Some Reason tor this, and we are sure that any person who has been in our store since the big sale began, and noticed the prices on goods will bear us out in the state ment, that never before has first class merchandise, in such a large quantity, been offered at such surprisingly low prires. Every article of our enormous stock is being offered at a sacrifice price and some things even lower than on the opening days. Remember There is Plenty of good for every body, and'that this sale will continue until the 26th of July, as advertised, and if you have not already been it will pay you to soon as you can. $1.00 now wiil go as far as $2.00 goes at other times. Thanking you for your patronage, we beg to remain, Yours truly, come as P. S. & K. K. ALLEN Louisburg, North Carolina. Bunn News On last Friday, July 4, the people of our town cladiy greeted an immense crowd that thronged our streets from i earlv morning until late in the after noon. We were glad to see wagons, bug gies and automobiles coming in from several of the surrounding counties. -sThe' crowd began to arrive about 8 o'clock and continued pouring in until more than two thousand marched up to the new school building to witness the l?st of the twenty fat pigs so gener ously given by Mr. R. L. Hnffines, of Rocky Mount, which was nicely|divided among the large crowd. In addition to the barbecue, the people of the com ? muni ty very generously contributed an abundant supply of bread, cakes, and such dainties as was readily found be pleasing to the palate. During the time that the crowd thronged around the building the Wom en,! Betterment Association had sev eral boys busy selling cool drinks while they were busy with their elegant Ba zaar exhibit which not only turned out a nice sum of money for them, but they gave a splendid example of what can be done by the united effort of the good women of a community. After the crowd was well fed we wit nessed one of the hardest fought games of baseball that has been played here for vears. It seemed at first that Jus tice was no match for New Hope, but they tied in the seventh inning, and played through the thirteenth without breaking the tie, whioh satisfied both ?ides that either team was fully equal to the other, so both were willing to stop with a score of seven runs for each team. At evening, commencing at 8o'clock, the crowd that remained was pleasant ly entertained by a play given in the school auditorium by the Betterment Association entitled "A Box of Mon keys." The main features of the eve ning was a paper by Miss Rebecca Hol HnifS worth and a Recitation by Miss Nolia Wright. Both are splendid young ladles, and they acted their part with credit to themselves. The play was al so made more attractive By the elegant string band from Justice. v After the play the Women's Better ment Association reported that they had taken in during the day and from the results of the play the neat sum of $121.41, which will be used to equip the new school building with pictures and such things as are necessary. ? We are especially proud of the ef forts of the Betterment Association, for we feel that their untiring teat will ter> mislte In something good for our town. At the close we were pleased at the 1 ovation given Prof. J. M. Broughton, ? Jr., who is our former principal of the I school. Mr. Broughton is a young man of unusual talent and we feel very ! much indebted to him for what our School stands for, and while we no longer can have him with us, we ex tend our appreciation of bis work in the past and wish him much success in his practice in law. A Good Investment. ? W. D. Magli, a well known merchant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to supply them to hii customers. After receiving them he wa&^himself taken sick and Bays that one small bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was Vorth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all deal era. . Causes of Stomach Trouble. Sedentery habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry j and anxiety, overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to your age | and occupation. Cdcrect your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and i you will soon be well again. For sale I by all dealers. SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER. Under and by virtue of a decree ot I the Superior Court of Frankjjp County, 1 made In the special proceeding entitled, Polly Wright and Diana Wilson, V. Artihyr Alston, Thomas Alston, and 1 Henry Alston, the undersigned um i missioner will on Mondav, the 4th day I of August, 1913, at 12 U, o'clock, offer for sale at the court house in Louis burg, Franklin County, N. C., at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash all the timber standing or other wise, or which may be standing or otherwise, during the period hereinaf ter mentioned of and above the size of 8 inches in diameter at the stump when cut in or upon the following described tract of land;? That certain tract or parcel of land situdte in Gold Mine township, Franklin county, North Car olina adjoining the lands of .). B. -Wil der and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a white oak near Billy King's comer, thence running East 608 yards to a rock pile, thonee South to a lightwood knot 640 yards, thence North 565 yards to a white oak, thence to the beginning, containing 39 1-2 acre*, and being the tract of land conveyed to David Wilson, deceased, by Gardner Shearln and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county, in Book 146, page 236. The purchaser will be given a term of & yean in which to cut and remove the said timber, and will be granted such right-of-way and easements in and upon said tract of land aa may be rea sonable and neeeaaary for the cutting and removal of the same. . This the 3rd day of July, 1918. W. H. YARBOROUOH.-Ja., , ? Commissioner. FOUND. A small white and black spotted male pig. Owner can get same by call ing at my house and paving expenses. J. H. Sills, R. F. D. 4, Louisbu.g, N. C. 7-4-lt-pd ? t The Best Medicine in the World. "My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would die.. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her, and I can truthfully say that I think it ii the best medicine in the world," writes Mrs. William Or vis. Clare, Mich. For sale by all deal era. For Cuts. Burns and Bruises. sjnevery home there should be a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to ap ply in ' every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Del valle, Texas, R. No. 2, writes: "Buck len's Arnica Salve saved my little sari's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. On ly 25c. Recommended by-' Aycock Drug Co. Remaining stock of sprayers at cost. L. P. Hicks Gelatine, jello, ice cream powders, and extracts at L P Hicks Fly traps, swatters, screen doors and windows at L P Hicks Are Always in Demand So is The CHARLOTTE SEMI - WEEKLY OBSERVER Published jTueadaje and Fridays. The best semi- weekly newspaper in ? the Carolinas ANNOUNCEMENT: We have Jtiet olosed a clubbing offer with The Charlotte Semi-Weekly | Observer so that our readers can get both papers at a very Jow rate. Here ; is the price: v \ The Semi-Weekly Observer Franklin Times Subscription price of both Special rate for both papers $1.00 Per Year $1.00 Per Year $2.00 Per Year $1.50 Per Year This offer is good only for NEW Subscriptions to The Semi- Weekly Observer, bat oar subscribers ,o?n renew to this piper and get the been fit ot the special rate. ? Now ia the time to pay up your subscription ana subscribe for the Semi-Weekly Observer, Address ail orders * . . ' . :, !.? * > ? ? The Franklin Times ? \ Xouisburg, V. C. ' Why -Patronize ? , / 1 Foreign Printshops When You Can Get Just las Good or Better Services at Your Home We print anything that is print able and our prices are al ways con sistent THE ERANLIN TIMES *. * * * Louisburg North Carolina Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention ' V SUBSCRIBE TO FRANKLIN TIMES