Professional Card DR. W. B. MdKTttN Bye Specialist Louisbnrg, N. Carolina O0H.Wkk J. A. Tunur, Nut Door ID iHotel kR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, D SurgeoB Dwtk^ ? to Hotel baildins. n?xt to ?ft3i.NC Phone No. *0. DR. B. A. NEWELL, ;*? PHT8IC1A5 Loaiabor*, N. C. Phone No. 1M | DR. E. M. PERRY Physician and Surgeoo Louisbar;, ? North Carolina OO? hot door to Amt Dna Star* IK?>ko.B Hlafctr?oMT TUt. J. E. M ALONE, Sapt. Health 1) Louioburg, N. C. O?oe in Aycock Drag Store, Market I Oi a , ? 4l ? a " . ? oirecu vmce prBcuct, oui y^vy and consultation . JJB. 8. P BCRT PHT81C1AN aad SI ROFON Loaiib--*. X. C. Office in Bart Boildint Wait ?tm( Hoara 11 a. a. to 1 D. a. and 4 to 5 p. bl. j^E. R. F. YARBOROUUH PHYSICIAN aad SCRQEON. - Looiabnrs. N. C. <Hfc? ia Yarboraak A NWkt calla aaawand Irom T. W. . Bkkett'a WILLIAM WILLIS BODBIE ATTO BXST- AT-LAW Looisbarg North Carolina General practice. Office over M. C. Pleasant'* store HATWOOD RCFFIN ATTORNEY AT LAW Loniabnra. S.[ C. .. Will .practice In >11 courts ot Franklin and adioiainfr cooutiea. also in the Supreme Goart and in the United Statea District and Circuit Court. Office oTer Firat National Bank. gPRCILL ft H OLD EN ATTOBNEYS AT LAW Louiabur*. N.J C. Will attend I be courts of franklin. Vance, Grurilk Warrei. and \ roostict, also the Supreme Comt to orth Carolina. Prompt attention given collection* ? in 8piaill building. ?RW.Bickett, R.B. White, E.H. Malone| glCKETT, WHITE ft M ALONE v \Jl. - LAWYERS Loolalrars. 5. General practice, settlement of estates funds invested. One member of the firm a la ways in the office. M. PERSON W ? -v attorney AT LA* LouUboric.'S.C' Practice in all court? Office on M aln Street I -yy H. TABBO ROUGH,' Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW 'Looisbunc. N.' I' All ligil business intrusted to m i inrite ^roaiiyt attention. ?>flw in Egerton P. HOOCK CONTRACTOR aad BTTILDER Louis buret. N..C. Tradlne agent lor all kinds of building sup plies. artistic Mantles and Tiles. Arehitee taral desima eub?itted. HUGH F. WENDLE Architect & EsG2?E*R Fbankuntos - X. tV Phone Fea.nilhtox 0 "And Thereby Itengs A Tale" A tale of possibilities for the biggest brightest Jane and July tbe tailoring ba*UMM has erer seen? a tale of Right Tailertng at Right Trices with The Line That's Just Fine all the Time Kiss clothes are the clothes of the day tor the close of the season. Practically every good seller still stock, bat far from standing Homespuns and Tropical in abundance to keep your level when it's hotteranthe JIN. RAMEY t at the BARGAIN STORE Who Craataa^tha Bigyest^Bargaini in senate. Beaufort; T. Lee, Dunn; ton. WTtrabeth Caroleen. ? Great rains irlft but lit tle damage to crop* through Kind or water hare brought high hopes to ttie section. Crop prospects tn this par* of Rutherford county bare not been brighter for years. Old termers say that they hare nerer known corn tc be more promising than lost now, and this is one of the finest corn belts of western North Carolina. Lumberton. ? Daring a severe elec trical disturbance and rainstorm which visited this section one house was struck and badly daihaged. bar ing a large hole tore In the end. The Inmates were stunned, one lady faint tng. A clock on a mantel was knock ed Into the center of the room and torn to pieces. The town was In to tal darkness for a short time and sev eral lights were burned out. North Carolina. ? At a meeting of the joint board of health. Dr. L. B. McBrayer was re-elected health offi cer and city physfclan; L. M. McCor mlck was again chosen city baseriol oglst; T. E. Pat ton was re-elected market house keeper, with S. W. Ray as assistant. E. M. Israel was re elected city plumbing Inspector and W. H. Baird was again chosen sani tary inspector. Durham. ? The people of East and West Durham are raising a hqwl over the new rule of the Board of health wMdh will prevent them from raiding bogs In these two tcncns. They claim that they have helped in the solution of the problem of the high cost of liv ing by having their own hogs and raising enough meat for die year, and that the new law win he an in justice on them. Canton. ? At a meeting of the chamber of commerce preparations were made for the entertainment of hundreds of visitors to the Southern Methodist AsseuJbly, the first session of which opens at I sliiTiiiishishs sli mfiea tram hare, June 2>. Detweeu 000 and 10.000 people will attend the gathering, from all indications at present, aocordlng to Mr. John R. Pep par, president of the saaembly corpor ation. WajnerrUte ? Ike electrlo car Una tram WsymeeTllle to Cantos by way of Clyde w?mi no* assured- An ?mount aoAcient to coaraatee the construction of the Km has already been subscribed and active work In Ita boll <Hnc "Win aoon begin. The line arUl paaa the White Sulphur Springs Hotel, Haxetanood, throocfc Waynes mie and the Methodist Ammbly ground^ at Lake (unalnska and on by Clyde to Canton. It la expected alao to extend it finally to ISbeTlHe. Raleigh. ? Tfce atate board of edu cation waa in aeaatoa (or a ample of boor* considering a nam bar of atate awanrp land aiattsis the details of wfclch vara-aot made public. Tha meeting waa In the exaeaUva oflVve of 0or?4bor Cral*. the governor pr? Mlaf. AaberlUe ? H. R. Buckey, assistant exhibit a^ant of the Southern railway oompany, arrlred In the city recently and <w?n spend fome One In western North CaroMma coUectlnc raitous agri cultural wtdmiia for ue In the Southern's eXWblta la Northern fair* daring the coming fall. Rotherfopdton. ? The oounty oosa ndssloners hara 'purchased the chain cans outfit of MoDmnll county and Supervisor Valentine brought In 11 convicts, eight mules and three wag ons, preparatory to vnaHnt the work already bacon on jnartl. Charlotte.? The Charlotte dMy of fice, better known aa the United States Mint, will ceaae active opera tions June 16. This announcement tnas made bf the assayer tn chare*, Mr. Frank P. Drane, after an all-day conference with Nr. T. P. Dewajr, MHSSV*?r *?*'* ** MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK TOLD IN CONDENSED *ORM. WORLD'S NEWS EPITOMIZED Complete Review ef Happenings S? Greatest Intern* From AM Parts ut Werld. Soatham, Accompanied by rain and hail, a cy olonlo-like wind Btorm puud over the ?action adjacent to Norfolk. Va., and a amber ot Uaas ana r?orted tost Twenty houses ware blown down In Berkeley and Booth. Norflok, bat no ltrea were lost so tar as known. Mm George Harper was seriously injured when her home was blown down and a number ot others vara hart by fall ing Umbers and flytns glass. Jacksonville, Fla.. was awarded th? honor of entertaining the twenty fourth annual United Confederate re union, and Commander-in-Chief Gen. Bennett H. Young of Louisville. Ky. with his three departmental command era. were re-elected at the last import ant business session of veterans dor lng the present reunion at Chattanoo ga, Tenn. Sergeant 0111 D. Catas, second offlcei of the Durham police force, was killed , at Durham. N. C, while trying to ar rest Felix Conklin, a white man, whe had shot his wife. Officers Cates and Morgan responded to a call from West Durham, saying that Conklin had shot his wife, and when they started to ar I rest him, the drunken man opened fire , Conklin was kilted. \ * Deputy Sheriff J. P. Gaines of Barton county, and Frank Nation, an alleged hold-up man, were seriously wounded In a battle fought between a sheriff'! posse and six men. alleged to be ban dits, who, only a few minutes beforet had- demanded the life ot Telegraph Operator Thomas Scorvells or $40. Na tion and two other men were captured 1 after 100 shots had been fired In th< | running battle, which took place at I Hugo, Ga., a small telegraph station ol I the Western and Atlantic railroad. A committee of the Virginia legisla ture went to Georgia tor the purposn ! of bringing to his native state the re I mains of General Henry Lee, bettei I known as "Light Horse Harry Lee' j the father of General Rovert E. Lee I General Lee died at Savannah' on hli return journey from Cuba, where h? had been on account of his health. H< was buried on Cumberland island, neai that city, and his grave has since beet cared for by the Georgia chapter ot the Daughters of the American Revolution Traveling northeastward a column ol grasshoppers 5 miles wide, and 18 mllei long is reported in northeastern New Mexico. Reports that the millions ol . grasshoppers seem to spread as the] travel and also the appearance of smal ler bodies of grasshoppers in sectloni of west Texas have caused fear of a general grasshoper pest in the south west, especially in Texas, western Okls. homa and New Mexico. General Falling 406 feet from an aeroplane Arthur Lampham. a youthful parachnU jumper, landed feet burled to his neck Id the mud. With ropea and boardi he was extricated. He suffered ool) from the shock. Lampham was takes up by Harry B. Brown, an aviator, and was to have made a 609-foot drop tc New oYrktlty. Miss Lela Hesterley, 20 years ?M, shot Walter Hickman at Springer Okla., with a shotgun as be was riding by her home near there on horseback As Hlchman fell to the ground be t rW to pull his pistol from his scabbard Then the girl rushed toward him mod shot him again, killing him. The growing displeasure In diploma tic circles of the great powers at thi attitude of Greece and Servia found ex press km in what practically amounts M to aa ultimatum, which Sir Edwari Orey, the Brltfat) secretary for forelgi affairs, delivered to the delegates ol the belligerents. The communication made It clear that enough time hai been spent In futile discussions of tlx peace settlement, and that the moment bad arrived for signing the draft treaty Volplaning from a height of 1^0< feet In a blazing biplane, the British aviator, COIoyna Tlsey and a passes gar, H. Mows, reached tbe ground li safety st SaUsMry, England, and step pad from the machine Just as an ex plosion of the gasoline tank wrecked It. Tbe aeroplane was In easy night over the outskirts of the town whet suddenly the carburetor took lire. The. surplus of Idle freight cars li the United States and Canada on May 15 was 60,294, according to the A mart can Hallway Association. This is 10, 4*6 more than ool May 1. Nevertheless the total reported Is 7,204 earn fewei than on April 16 of this year. Investigation of the armor plat* situation was authorised by a resoln tion adopted by the senate. The naval affairs committee will meet to considei Instituting a ' thorough Inquiry InU armor plata MAT *ad eontracts. , Energetic action' was t^ken by th4 Trend) government against the antl military campaign in Prance. The French battleships Diderot an4 Justice called off Toulon, Franc? durlhg maneuvers. Tbe Diderot has ten fret of plating below the water lfaM sncart . off and -several of bar boaJJ ' ??it mi- bed. The preliminary treaty of peace was signed at St. James' palace, London, by the delegates of all the Balkan al lies and of Turkey. . *Thl? la said to mean not only peace to the Balkan*, but geneml peace. The body of Barbara Frltehle, hero ine of Whlttier's poem* and that of her husband, John 0. Frietchle, which were recently disinterred from the old Reformed Congregational cemetery at Frederick, Md., were deposited in the mausoleum in Mt. Olivet cemetery at Frederick. Thad A. Thompson, a wealthy and prominent business men of Austin, Texas, has ben selected tor United States minister to Coluombia, to suo oeed James T. Dubois. Mr. Thompson was a delegate to the Baltimore con vention and has been an active work er in the Democratic ranks. He is a personal friend of Postpisster General Burleson. In memory of the two hundred and sixty-seven officers and men who were lost with the battleship Blaine In Ha vana harbor IS years ago, the National Maine monument wis dedicated tat Mew York City. From a doaen Amer ican warships, units of the Atlantic Beet at anchor In the Hudson river, a' salute of 1S> suns echoed from the Palisades as tile veD was swept aside that revealed the country's tribute ? a pylon 40 feet high, that stands in Cen tral park, overlooking Columbus Cir cle. W. J. Miller, CO years old, whose home is near Bedford. Va., commit ted suicide at six o'clock in the morn ing by hanging himself to a tree In his- orchard. His body was found by members of his family before life waa extinct, and although he lived for fif teen minutes after being cut down, be never regained consciousness. He died from strangulation. "Nat" Herreshoff, designer of many successful defenders of the American cup, probably will build a candidate for the defense of the cup next year against Sir Thomas Llpton. A syndi cate. made up of Commodore Corne lius Vanderbllt, C. Oliver Islln and oth er older members of the New York Yacht plub, will furnish the funds. The dream of a Danish engineer named Aesen of seeing the next war waged by automatons In place of sol diers has developed into the patent ing of an Invention which, it Is said, will revolutionise defensive tactics. Aesen's contrivance is a cylinder which may be buried in the ground for years In the same fashion as sub marine mines are placed in harbors, doing no damage until they are fired. The cylinder Is operated by electricity from a station four or five miles dis tant. Military circles of the Bulgarian capital expect an almost Immediate outbreak of hostilities between Bulga ria and Servla. Bulgaria has address ed a note to the powers offering to submit to their decision the question of the future of Salonika, according to the Reichspost Former State Senator Stephen K. Stlllwell of New York, convicted ol bribery by a Jury, after he had been exonerated by the New York state Ben. ate. was sentenced to serve not less than four years nor more 4fean eight In Sing Sing prison. Supreme Coun Justice Seabury granted a stay of ex ecution, so Stillwell's. lawyers might apply for a certificate ' of reasonable doubt. Davie County Votes For Bond Inue. Davie county made Its Initial step | toward oamtng oat of the mad recent ly by votlsg an Issue of *176,000 road bond 8 by a good majority. Every township's vote s**%ed a food iuai gln for the cauae. Tbe campaign. baa been waged earnestly since the Vegle latare gave permission for tbe elec tion. State Senator Grant, Jacob Stewart, J.'H. Clamant, CoL W. K. Clement and President Byerly of the Comity flood Roads Association have spent much time In tbe Held, actively working and talking for tbe bonds. To Start Road' Work In Rutherford. Preparation for road work (n this county has been made by the sur dhase of a traction engine, three road machines and a power plow. Super intendent Valentine is boay effecting arrangements Tor an early beginning. Advertise For Bids In rtsw Hanovsr. Tbe Board of County Commission ers has authorised Chairman Wlllard to advertise for bids for 118,000 worth of tbe $100,000 road bonds voted in tbe flection. The bonds are to ran for 26 years and bear Interest at the rate of 4 1-2 per cent They cannot be sold for less than par. The money will be used to pay the balance that soon be doe on the bridge over the Northeast River ax Castle Haynes and tor continuing the permanent road work. The remainder of Issue will not be offered for sale tor some time. Iv -'iUfft J 1 ^i/V "ilOi * Held Per Robbing Cxpreas Company. One white man and three negroes were arrested at Raleigh, Charged with robbing the Southern Express -company Of $700 between Raleigh and Ixmiiburg The company reported tbe missing package and declared that fl.900 had been taken. Latter the -lar ger package turned up and a 1700 package was missed. The company found 1627 with the accused and trac ed a railroad ticket to Wilmington. Bel. The white man J. H. Kllpat rlck and the negroea are John Kitch en. R. Johnson and John Moseley. The Beat Hot Weather Tonic OBOTraTxanuna<hui Tome tsttebes <k? ' Mood, beflda ?p tW wbol* ayatasi aad will won darlilly atro?tbca aad (ortity res to wUhsfwd ?he d?x<a?la? agsat elOe hat mmmtt. ?0 a. if'.BBtaLv*"'-, ClarboUiM> nan -? tut .ssi^a LAND Of 'THE LONG LEAF PlMt Short Paragraph* of Stat* N*w* That H*? B**n Cond*n**d For P*opl? of til* Stat*. 8tat**Till*. ? Mr. J. W Niohol?on. a well-known cltlian and v*t*rmn of fltetesvlll*, died recently la Chatter noaga. Tana, wharw he had go** to attend th* Confederate reunion. laurlotuif. ? llr. I* D. McKinnon. who la pvtoapa the boat posted ran*, la th* oounty oa agriculture, say* dart, owing to th* cool, dry weather, crop condition* at ml* time, *o tar as he ha* observed, are oat favorable. AsherlDe. ? Merlda Williams and others have Just brought cult agalnt the county, which tnvohw an Inter esttn? point of law. The sott la tar a mandamus to compel the, oommte ?loner* of th* oottoty to pay the sua of flTt reoently swarded by a Jury on account of damage*, to. luupwt; cansed by tli; construction of a "ad. I Salisbury? A. bias* of unknown o? Igln destroyed three AwalHng* In M . entailing a leas of $1,500 or The bouses wars ooeapled hy p. X* Younta, Horace Zlmmemam aad M linker! The fir* was discovered in Q> a home of Mr. Zimmerman, whose family was away from home at th* lima. Salisbury. ? Two negro women are being held In J*U bseaass of tbab suspicious actions. They were seen to throw an object from a bridge into the Yadkin river ana when they mm. their action had been seen they ran, hi recent year*- several dead Infant* bay* been found In the section from which the women hall. Washington. ? The Senate confirmed nine poetmasters In North Carolina: They are J. H. Weddlngton, Charlotte; Mm. Nettle G. Rowland. West Rat lelgh; George L. Whitfield, Franklin ton; W. E. Gray, Henderson', Ira T. Hunt, KlttrsU; J. E. Ligon, Lllllngtcm ; Elijah B. Perry, Jr., Littleton; M. M. Pal son, Roanoke Rapids, and R. S. Galloway, Wfnston-Salem. Waynesvllle. ? The movement for an lnterurban electric railway line con necting Waynesvllle, Canton, Clyde, Hazlewood, Dellwoort Is meeting with great enthusiasm. Captain Alden Ho well, president of the Bank of Way nesvllle, John P. Swift, president ol the Waynesvllle Telephone company, and many other -of the most promin ent business men of this city are among the subscribers for stock. Statesvllle. ? Fired by lightning dup lng a severe storm which crossed thfl southwestern corner of the county, the barn of Mr. W. B. Gantt of the Eufola section was destroyed with all Its contents. A mule and a horse lost their lives and a colored farm hand who was in the barn at th* time' was stunned by the lightning, but rallied In time to get out be fort the flames reached him. Washington. ? D. J. Kerr of Canton, whose nomination tor postmaster ha* been held up pending an Investigation of charges brought against him by friends of one of the defeated can didates, called at the Postofflce De partment with Representative Gudger. He succeeded in contoncdng the Post master General that the charges wer* groundless. It I* understood thai Kerr's nomination will go forward In the near fixture. :? region is Mid to be very short. Ashevllle. ? Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agriculture; Beer* tary Lane, of the Department of tfae Interior; Secretary Garrison, of the Department of War; and Congree* man bee, of Georgia, and Graves, Geo logist Smith and Assistant For? tea Hall, of the National Forest Couuitl* ?ton, arrived here several day* ago for as inepeotton of (he famous tta? ber lands of George W. VanderMM. ail Plscah Forests, a portion of th? BlKmore estate. , Laurinburg. ? Two monster c?hlia#i have bee a marketed here wtthtn ths paat few days' by gardeners that hart created quite a good deal of com ment among vegetable glow era One grown in But Laurtaburg tipped ths seat* at H ponds sad wsa' wotS Us Mr. R. P. las, gnliiiiijMMr TKe a* bage brought Mir N'ttntt M money and waa sold toy 'iMi" Ukm tt> Mr. Mark Morgan of 1 U*M" HH1, The other waa alM 't town 'product and weighed tt pounds antf A now on dis play in McLaurin ? Shaw's window. Wlnaton-Salem. ? Districts Attorney notion returned from Wllkesbora wtiere he attended the regular term ol the Federal Court, which convened there recently. He reports that over 100 case* were disposed of. Five yonng white men were sent to th? penitentiary. Lexington. ? Mrs. Laura RlnUe, 4 retired capitalist, prominent social ly and the mother of six sons, com mitted suicide at her home here by hanging herself from the banisters while members of the household were absent. Continued 111 health Is as signed as the cause for the act. Waynesvllle.? Haywood county has completed her part of the agreement with Bt- combe county, and Hay wood's part of the Central Highway will be .in accomplished tact. The oommlss topers have been pushing the work as fast as possible. Shelby. ? A fatal shooting took place at Douglas Academy, a negro school near Lswndale. Commence- I ment exercises were on and a big crowd was on the ground when sever al drunken negroee engaged In a pie tol batlV "??ikh resulted In the death of Fie-'. Villain son. and the Injury three or four o there. Typewriters Ribbons, ? ? 5 fctf ?? Carbon Paper, ? v>'. ?? ' U too^ ,.ji ? Paper Clips And lots of other Typewriter i t , . v ' ' I t ' ? ? I Supplies are now carried in stock. The celebrated "Rcvilo" Line That has won an enviable reputation for the excep tional quality of the goods at the prices they are s*ld. * The Franklin Times LOUISBURG.iN. C. New -BAKERY 1 am now prepared to furnish the people of Louisburg au*l Franklin county fresh loaf bread and hot rolls every day, except Sunday. I have an expert bak er ana can fill your special or ders to your own satisfaction. Oar prices are reasonable and your patronage will be .appre ciated. A special invitation is , extended you to call in and ex amine and inspect the baking and its workings at any time. Let us^have your orders. W. H. HARRIS Louisburg, N. C. 80UTIIEHN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH SCHEDULE qF TRAIN 8 FROM RALEIGH N. B: The following schedule figures are published only ait information and ars not guaranteed . t No 21-8:36 A. M.? Through train for Atheville with chair car for Waynes ville. Connects at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati. Chi cago, alto for Knoxvllle, Chattan ooga, Memphis and all Western points. Connects at Greensboro for all Northern and Eastern points. No )4G-12:40 P. M.? For Durham. Oxford, KayiTille and Richmond. Qpnoecta at Richmond for Waahington, 'Balti more, Philadelphia and New York. No 130-4:65 P. II.? For Greensboro, han dles through Pullman Sleeping Car for Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 A. M. connecting nt Greeusboro for all Northern and Eastern Points, also AsbeTille and Western points. Makes connection in Atlanta for New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis und for Text's and California points. No 131-7:00 P. M.? For Greensboro makes connection with solid Pullman Car Train for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all other Northern and Eastern points. Also with through Pullmai Tourist Car for Nsw Orleans. El Paso, Los Angl es and San Francisco, also wih I through train for Columbia, Savan nah and Jacksonville. No 111-2:80 A. M.? Fof Greensboro. Han d lee Pullman Sleeping Car for Win s ton -Salem , whioh is open for occu , pancy at Raleigh at 10:00 P. ] Maxes eonnectfon for points Nort and West, also for Asheville, Men phis, St: Louts and Western point* also connects with through rtolp Pullman Car Train for Atlanta aw New Orleans. No 112-4:80 A. M. ? For Golilsboro mates connection for Wilmington, Keir Bern, More head City. Alao connects with . A. 0. L. at Selma for points South and North. +* No 108-10:40 A. M.? Local train for Selntfa and Goldsboro. New train servfee effective January 10th, 1019. No 144 12:80 P. M.? For Selma and Golds boro, makes connection at Selma with A. C. L. Railway, North and South, also at Goldsboro with A. C. L. and Norfolk Southern RMlwaya. No. 22-7:80 P. M.? For Selma and Golds boro, through train witb ekair oa. from Asheville. Makes ^connection at Selma with A. C. ?> Railway North and South and at 'Odldiboro with' A. C. L. and Norfolk-Southern Railways. For detailed Information, also for Infor mation concerning special round-trip rates account varlt us special occasions and Pullman Sleeping tar u.t-rvatlons asx an Southern Railway Agent or eonmunlsate^ with the undersigned. H.K.CART, J. 0. JONES, Gen'). PsqarAft. Trev- Pass. Agt. Washington. D.I;. Irish, N. (T 8. H. HA KDWICK, D H. COAPMAN, Pass. Trade Mgr. Vies Pr?s. 6 Get. Mgr. Washington D. C

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