SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson 111.? Third Quarter, For July 20, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Test ?f ?h, L.iton, Ex. Ill, 1.14. fdemory V.r,.., 1J, 14? Golds* T.xt, Mstt. v, 8 Commentary Prsparsd by "??. O. M. SUirni. Bow many yesrs are' often rsss ml o'er Id silence. an In tbe life of Elijah, of whom we know nothing till we aee htm standing before Absb, and Jobs 'tbe Biiptlat, of whom we know nothing from bla birth to his call to aerrlce. and tbeae forty yea re of Moms' shep herd life. There came ? day toward tbe close of these forty years when Moses, baring led tbe flock to tbe back sld*--ot the desert even to Horeb. the mountain of Odd. saw something un usual, even a bush burning, but not consumed. As lie turned aside to see why tbe busb was not consumed God called onto him out of tbe midst of tbe busb and said, "Moses, Moses. " If Moms bsd not turned aside to see tlu# gnat sight be might perbape bave mljMd the call, if we would prayer Jolly Consider every unusual thing that comes unto our lives wo might boar tho voice of God more often than W6 do. Note how Moses In his old age ?peaks of "the good will of Him that dwslt In the bush" (Dent xxxlU, 16) Stephen Id bis sermon refers twice to the angel of the Lord which appeared to Moses in the bush (Acts vll. 80. 85). When Moses replied to the voice of Him that spake, saying "Here am I" or "Behold me." he was told that It was the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and tbe God of Jacob who was speaking to him. and be was told be fore tbe Interview ended that this was His memorial name, forever Unto all generations rverses 0, 15. 16; lv, 5). The Lord Jesus referred to this Inci dent at tbe busb In His reply to the Sadducees and used the same three fold name (Luke xil. 26. 27). The Lord after telling Moses who He was that spake to him then gave Moses to un derstand that It was none of his affair as to bow It was to he done: he must pnt off bis shoes, for It was a holy place, the presence of Cod. and He was to be tbe doer of It all. Joshua had tbe same orders as he was about to lead Israel Into the promised Inn,-! (Josh, v, 15). The k?y to the meauiw.* it -'shod feet Is found to Deut xl. 2i i. 3 In that llgtit consider Isa. Iv.... 13. nnd lay It to heart While considering the name of Illm wbo talked with Moses wo might notice that other wondrous name given In reply to Moses' question. "I am that I am." or simply "I am" (verses 13. 14). In tbe New Testament where we read His statement "I am be," you will notice tbe word "he" Is In Italics, so that He said simply "1 am," as in John viU, 24; xvlli, 6, and then He often -added a name such as I am the door: lam tbe way. the truth, tbe life: I am tbe good shepherd; I am the Son of God. and many others In the book of Revelation. Having told Moses wbo He was. He then told blm His purpose: I bave seen. I have beard, I know, I am come down to deliver and to bring them up unto a good land iverses 7, 8). He asked neither advice nor help from Moses: but, having declared His purpose. He pnt before blnr a great offer In tbe words. "Come now, therefore, and I will send tbee unto Pharaoh, that thou may est bring forth My people, the chil dren of Israel, out of Egypt" (verse 10). Notwithstanding God's revelation of Himself Moses did not grasp It, but began his objections and assertions of Incompetence In such words ss "Who am I that I should go?" "O my Lord. I am not eloquent ? ? ? I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue" (ill. 11; It, 10). How patient and graciously the Lord dealt with him. saying: "Certainly I will be with thee; ? ? ? I have sent thee." "1 will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou abalt gay" (111. 12; It, 12). When he waa told to gather the elders of Israel and lay before them the Lord's purpose and waa as cured that they would hear him and waa then told what be and they should say to Pharaoh he again objected, say ing, 'They will not believe me nor hearken unto my voice, for they will say the Lord bath not appeared onto thee" (ill. 16-18; lv, 1). Then he was given three signs, the rod and aerpent the leprous hand and the water turned to blood, each full of significance and bearing directly on the case. When be persisted in instating that he could not speak hla brother Aaron waa given to blm to be hla apokeeman or prophet nnd the Lord aaid. "I know that be can speak well. ? ? ? and thou abalt apeak unto blm and put words tn hla mouth (lv, 14-16; vll, 1). Truly Be la the Qod of patience, and we need to live in and be filled with the love of Qod and the patience of Christ (Rom XV, 5: II Tbees 111. A, margin*. The Lord knew well the beartN>f Pharaoh and that he would need sore Judgments to humiliate him. but He would be pa tient even with him and bring larael out with great spoil, even that which belonged to them (111. 19-221. They did not borrow but asked or demanded (verse 22. R V.I. Note In lv. 22, th?t the Lord calls Is rael Hla ?oo,_ His firstborn, and, His firstborn being oppressed, the first born of Egypt must suffer If there la no repentance. The meeting of Moses and Aaron In the mount of Qod after forty years of separation and Moaea' communication to Aaron of all that the Lord bad aaid and done la Interesting. HEARD IN L0U1SBURG How Bad Backs Have Been Made Strong? Kidney lllp Cor rected All over Louisburg' you heat it. Dosn's Kidney Pilla are keeping up the good work. Louisburg peo ple are telling about it? telling of bad backs made Bound again. You uan believe the testimony of your own townspeople. They tell it for tbe benefit of you who are suffer ing. It your ' back aches, if you feel lame, sore and ipisersble, if the kidneys sot too frequently, or passages are psinfal, scanty and off color, use Dosn's Kidney Pills, the remedy that has helped so many of your friends and neighbors. Fol low this Loulabarg citizen's sdvice snd give Dosn's s chance to do 'the tame for you. Mrs. A. ts. Allen, N. Main St, Loui?burg, N. C. ssys: "I have had no need of Doau's -Kidney Pills since they rid me of kidney trouble in Februsry 1908 sad I know thst any cure is s permanent one. I still recommend this remedy in the highest terms" "*? For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fogter-Milburu Co., Buf falo, New Tork, sole sgents for tho United States. . Remember the name ? Doan'a ? and take no other. Rid Your- Children ofWorma. 1 You can change fretful, ill-tempered childreo into healthy, happy young sters, by ridding them of worms. Toss ing, rolling, grinding of teeth, crying - out while asleep, accompanied with in- ] tense thirst, pains in tbe stomach and I bowels, feverishness and bad breath, | are symptoms that indicate ' worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant can dy lozenge, expels the worms, regu lates the bowels, restores your children to health and happiness. Mrs. J. A. Briabin, of Elgin, 111., says: "I have used Kickapoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely rid my children of worms. 1 would not be without it." Guaran teed. All druggists, or by mail. Price1 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 666 is prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 6. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on tbe liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c WANTED. A lirat clue second wheat teparotor at onoe. T. A. HOLUaoawOBTH, R. F. D. No. 1. Casta I ia, N. C. Wood's Seeds. late Seed Potatoes June and early in July i? die best time for planting for the fall crop for winter use. Our atodca are specially ?elected Seed Potatoes, put in cold storage early in die seasnn. so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. Book yoor orders early, to tw rare of sitting the varieties you desire. Write for -Wood'. Crop Special* giving prices, and timely informa tion about all Seasonable Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for Cow Peas, German Millet. So|a Beans, Crimson Clover and all Farm Seeds. Write for prices. I am Serving the Season's Latest Soft Drinks At my store oh Main street. Our line of Fruits, Candies, etc., is especially well select ed and you can always find a good assortment. * Come to see me. \ Sidney Ramey Main Street, ftc Louisburg, N. C. For Sale by M. F. HOUCK Louisburg, N. C. Thoroughbred Spanish Jack For Sale or Service at ? * J. D. Hill's, Stables STATEMENT CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON HENDERSON, N C JUNE 4, 1913. KKSOUHUEK Lo?n? and Discounts Orerd rafts N. C. State Bonda-1960 Other Stoeka and Booda Banking House and Fix tures Insurance Department Demand Loans ? Cash on hand and in other banks Total, * 1632,417. 37 6,419.66 25,000.00 30,661.26 10,782.78 1,024.00 9,860.00 132,677.05 $848,272.05 LIABILITIES C*pit?J Stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 108,972.87 Accrued interest due de ? posits 1,422.20 Cashier's Checks outsUnd _ .fag. 1 055.15 Certified Checks 3,00 Due to Banks 4,628.31 Deposits 687.195.62 Total, $848,272.05 DIRECTORS Jm. H. Brodie D. Y. Cooper J. D. Cooper S. P. Cooper Melville Doraey Om. B. Harris F. R. Harris W. A. Hunt J. B Owen W. 8. Parker J. H. Parham J. P. Taylor F. C. Toepleman Samuel Watkins A. C. ZollicofTer OFFICERS J. B. Owen, Pre*. A? C. Zollicoffer, Vloe-Prea. W. A. Hunt, Cashier R. C. Gary, Ant. Gaahier, A. H. Cheek, Manager Saving Dept. CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON "The Leading Bank in This Section." ? ?'V? Buggies, Fine Harness Surries, and Wagons Now Mr. Farmers, sons and daughters; are yo? not going to ride in a brand new H. M. T. baggy this time. Now the big meetings will commence next month at all the country churches and if von don't ouy a new baggy yoa wont be in it at all. ^Jow do not stand about like a fool and let someone come with a new buggy and take your best girl, oome and bay and Uke the other fellers girl yourself. We sell buggies, surriw, wagons and harness on time untill yoa sell your * tobacco. Now Mr. Farmer, we have a large stock of agricultural implements . on hand and don't want to oarry them over, bo if you will buy now we will give you a dis. count. We also have one bailing press, one daisy resper, spring tooth harrows, one Thomas drill and a lot of other heavy farm machinery. W e want to sell quick as we do not want to have to move them aDy more. We havo also shelf hardware to our line and would be glad to see our friends in oar store, when in need of hard ware, dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, caps, etc. hill Live Stock Company K. P. HILL, President WITH THE SPRING SEASON i ? . ? Comes the time for your bouse cleaning. While doing this you will no doubt Bnd several pieces of old furniture that needs replacing or the need of some new pieces. It will pay you to come in and see our stock. This season especially the splendid selections we are ?bowing have received the heartiest approval from the beet judges. Our prices are right and you will find that it will pay yon to come in and look over our line. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT always receives our beet attention and should you need our servicesCin this line we can assure you of the best the market affords. W. E. White Furniture Co. LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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