The Home Circle Column leasant Evening Reveries? RGolim n Dedi oated to Tired Mothers as Theu Join Mi a Home Girole at Evening Tidt BUDi THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL PEW. SKBMOX TOR PABKNT8. The following sermon that ap red in one of our exohangea ia orthy of oareful reading. It said Ihief Behrendt, of Lanaing, Mich., tased aome tongue wagging at the ii>w-wow of polioe chiefs in Waah agtnn the other day when he said hat if the motbera ot the oountry iaid more attention to their daugh er* there would be (ewer women in he underworld. As the twig ig bent the tree is in 'lined. What is your theory of wig-bending? Once on a time there was a par ent who believed the way to' rear children wu to rule them by (ear. . The pet weapon of discipline in that home was tbe lath with r nail in it. When a young one did something .hat tbe parent didn't like, out oame the lath and there were tbreata of awful punishment. Result: One ebild, a daughter, ran away with a good-for-nothing. One boy became a "souse." Another son got away from home as soon as be could and under the guidinoe of a friendly oaole, beoarae a fair aort of a man. The lath and nail policy didn't score a single victory. Yon have no doubt met mothers who are always fibbing to their off spring. If they're going to spend an evening out they don't say so frankly; but they try to make the little ones believe that their absence is only for a moment, only while they go "around the corner." How does thin policy work? Isn't it tine that in the majority of cases the children find one that mother did not tell the truth and decide that if mother can fib, they can too. They again, there is the polioy of "over fondness, of spoiling indulgence. You know what that produces, chil dren selfish and self-willed, nuisanoes when young and quite likely to be come rascals and menaces when grown up. Just about as bad judged by re sults, is tbe policy of continual nag ging; of "don't do this" and "don't do that" ? don'ts multiplied so habit ually that noDe ot them have any meaning and the only oonsequence is the break down of parental disci pline. For children, like older folks, lose respect for eternal naggers and fault finders. Can you blame them? Chief Behrendt does a timely ser vice in putting a whole lot of the responsibility for girls' wrong doing on careless and incapable mothers. The host of flirty young ships on every city street during the summer evening, most all of them bedaubed with paint and powder and reckless in pursuit of the mythical "good time," offer living proofs that many mothers are shirking their jobs. We don't know that we have a patent prescription for bringing up children. It is pretty much an in dividual problem. Bat if yon think back to what yon liked best in your own childhood and apply its lesson to yonr own children we ttness you won't be like ly to go very far wrong. Yon liked kindness and hopefulness and appeals to yonr honest best, didn't yon? And down in your heart you pretty gen. erally knew that, however much it hurt, a punishment given sadly but firmly for a misdeed for which you had been fully warned was not only deserved, but also a means of adding to your respect for the trusted, one who administered it. Well, there's a tip. ? ? ? rmr cnra away oou>? hours. Oyr young people must be taught that "all is not gold that glitters," and "thaffine dregs does not make the man or woman." We mast be gin right if we expect to rear our children up to contentment and hap piness. Teach them to be industri ous and not idle away their life. There are so' many yonng people to day that are living only in the pres ent, dancing away golden hours, when they should be thinking, study ing and working. Girls should be taught how to manage and keep house while with mother. As she grows older, let the mantle gradual, ly fall from mother's (boulders on to hers, and when she is oalleu to a home of her own she will not feel-M a loss. She wtf know how and whereto begin! We know there are mothera now toiling ta keep grown gills from work when they are able and would willingly do it, had they not been brought up with the idea instilled into their heads that yoang ladies must not mar their beauty by work. A girl can never have a bet. ter chance to show off her oharms than by presiding over ihe home. A mother should teach her daughter that her place, when not at school, is at her mother's side, helping her provide comforts for the family, not in reading novels and riding bicycles. When our girls are bi ought up to be industrious, sensible women we will hear less complaint ot having to work hard, and less complaint of their husbands. If a man is poor he is obliged to work hard to supply his family with substantial food and clothing, and if his wife is a true woman she will be his helpmate and the world will hear no complaint. Who Vzys Taxes To Keep This Town Goin?? By HOLLAND. WHEN a new bridge Is needed, a road must be repaired, a courthouse is to be built, where does the mon ey come from? Do the mall order houses pay it? Hardly. They will uot even send a contribution to help buy a bell for the new church or to help n Fourth of July cele bration. They pay no taxes in this town, and they are not concerned in its prosper ity. This town must be support ed by its residents and those who live in the immediate vicinity. If they Insist on seudlng their money away then they arc helping to kill their town, nnd they are mak ing It harder for them to pay the tuxes necessary to main tain local govern rnenr and to make local Improvements. You owe something to your self. :ind you owe something to your neighl>ors. You can help yourself by helping your neighbors. You can't injure your neighbors without Injur ing yourself. When you send money to matt order houses* you nfe hurting your town, your neighbors nnd j'ourself. SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU MAKE IT. Dont Let Baby Suffer With Ezcerrta | And Skin Eruptions Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin eruptions cause them not only in tense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson's Ezema Ointment can be relied cn for releif and permanent cure of guttering, babies whose akin erup tions have made their lite miserable. 'Our baby was afficted with breaking our ot the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialtsts tailed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and we overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box was used" writes Mrs. Strubler* Dubuque, Iowa. All druggists or by mall, 50c. PfeifFer Chemical Company St Louis, Mo- Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE. Hftving qualified as administratrix of Jno. R. Sykes, deceased, late of Frank lin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present the same to . the undersigned on or before Aug. 29th, 1014, or this notice i(Ul be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons otfing said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement. This Aug. 28, 1918. Hagoib A. Sykes, Administratrix. W. H. Yarborouoii, Jr., Atty. Dll PC ?* lmme:li4te rtntf tnm I lLCj Dr Stoop's Magic Ointaent heard in louisbubq. How Bad Backs Have Been Bade Strong? Kidney Ills Corrected. All over Louisburg you hear it Doan's Kidney Pill* are keeping up the good work. Louisburg people are telling about it ? telling of bad back* made sound again. You oan believe the testimony of your own townspeople. They tell it tor the benefit of you who are suffering. If your back osher, if you feel lame, sore and miserable, if the kidneVH aot too frequently, or passages are painful, scanty and off color, use Doan's Kidrev Pills, the remedy that has helped so many of your friends and neighbors. Follow this Louisburg citizen's advice and give Doan's a chance to do the same for you. Mrs. A. 15. Allen. N. Main St. Louiaburg, N. C. says: "I have had no need of Doah'a Kidney Pills since they rid me of kidney trouble in 1908 and I know that my care is* a permanent oue. I still recommend this remedy in the hiehest terms." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. Caught a Bad Cold. ? "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed waa something dreadful, writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going into con sumption. We bought iust one bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." "For sale by All dealers. DON'T TAKE THE WRONG MEDICINE If Your Liver Gets Lazy You| Need a Liver Tonic, Not Merely a Laxative For the Bowels Many people take a simple laxative when their liver -gets sluggish rather than take calomel, which they know to be dangerous. But a mere laxative will not start a sluggish liver. What is needed is a tonic that will liven up the liver without forcing you to stay at home and lose a day from yoar busi ness. Vou have such a tonic in Podson's Liver Tone. Dodson's Liver Tone must be all they claim for it because they guarantee it to take the place of dan gerous calomel and agree to hand back the money with a smile to any person who tries Dodson's Liver Tone and is not satisfied with the relief it gives. Dodson's Liver Tone is a harmless vegetable liquid with a pleasant taste, and is a prompt .and reliable remedy for constipation, biliousness, sour stom ach, and the other troubles that come from a torpid liver. Godfrey-Egertan Drug Co., give It their personal guarantee and if vou will ask about this guarantee vou will pro tect yourself against imitations that are not guaranteed. Large bottle of Dod son'B Liver Tone is 50 cents. "FOR SALE. A nice residence on Mason street, a portion of the Wellons lot, in Franklin ton. one of the most desirable locations in the town and is in splendid condition. The lot is large and roomy. Possession -can be had Jan. 1 1914. Apply at once to . ? Henry May, 617 Church Street, Lynchburg, Va. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator o. t. a., ofthe estate ot Elizabeth IVrry deceased, late of Franklin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the un der signed on or before Aug. 21, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Persons owing said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This August 21, 1913. A. P. Strickland, Adm'r., C. T. A. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lillie Bowden, deceased late of Franklin county, this Is to no tify all persons holding claims against her estate to present the same to thr. undersigned on or before August 21, 1914, or this notice- will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This August 21, 1913. E. C. Long, Adm'r. NOTICE. In accordance with the will of Mrs. Lucy H. Hizlit the undersigned execu tor will on Saturday Oct. 18th 1918 of fer for sale to the highest bidder at Joyner'a corner in Franklinton two lots on Mason St., known as the Hight lota, terms, one-third cash, balance in 12 months with interest. Time of sale 1 o'clock. Sept. 13, 1913. D. C. Tha'rrinoton, Exr, of Mra. Lucy 11 . Hight. Tuos. B. Wli-DBR, Atty. ? To Cure a Cold In On* Day Tsl? LAXATIVE BROVIO Quiota.. It Mopstke 1 Cough ud HewUcbe and works oB Iks C?U. DrucaUtt rtfund money if H fsUs to x. wTgrovi's MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDY ? ? ? ? ? ? We have just put in a complete line of this celebrated candy. Louisburg is the smallest town in North Carolina that will have the . ; T ? Martha Washington - Agency We Will receive fresh shipments weekly. The price is only 60 cents per pound. We want your prescriptions to fill. Our files will show the biggest per cent in crease in this business over shown by a drug store in Louisburg, in .such a short time. Everything pure, fresh and clean. Give us a trial, we Will appreciate your business. Godfrey- Egerton Drug Company Phone 310 - - - - - - - - . Louisburg, N. C, The Greatest Good ; " V 4 To the greatest number [and the fairest dealing to all is always given by the Aycock Drug Company You are Cordially Invited to inspect my line of Fall Dry Goods and Shoes before buying. Quick Sales and Small-Profits My Motto I also keep a full line of groceries at all times F. W. JUSTCE i The Country Merchant R. F. D. No. 1, ^ Louisburg, N. C.

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