HILL LIVE STOCK COMPANY'S BIG TURKEY TROT Wednesday and Thursday December 17th and 18th m the Tobacco Year of t9t3 Just an Even Hundred Head of Horses and Mules m - + * ? DON'T BUY, WAIT! : - * . > Now listen, Gentlemen, sorry white folks, and yes sorry negroes, after you have sold your tobacco crop, come to this Bear Dance Mortgage Sale.. Napoleon said of the victory of fine of his Generals "What did he do next?" Your actions after you get your money for this year's crop will depend largely upon your future success and prosperity. You can buy at this sale a lot of slightly used improved agricultural implements and next year you can tote a large roll; but say! I am going to suggest to the Banks of Louisburg to have their check books made in family bible size as I have seen more one gallows snuff dipping boys toting check books where they usually tote the silk handkerchief, and lately, why I actually sold a Cracker Boy the other day, two porpoise hide shoe strings to tie around his check book. There are some rare birds in the farming business. We horsa traders in talking with each other sometimes call them Birds of Paradise. I want all of my friends who ever attended one of my mortgage sales to come to this sale and invite every friend they have of the above description who totes his money in old socks, or totes his check book in a large pocket book. They have got to making pocket books twelve inches deep to fit check books. Now these horses are going to pass through the ring very fast, up at the high dollar. Some may tur key, some may tango and some may bear, but I have employed a negro band to play a new ballad, en titled; "All we want is cash." You may go to some country churches, country stores, cotton gins, Union meetings, blacksmith shops, and yes even the Court house, anywhere you have to wait, the Court house being a favorite place because you sometimes smell a fellow's breath who has had some, and you will hear somebody cussing K. P. Hill and The Hill Live Stock Co. Just say to them, "Go ;home and sarchnigger in the wood pile," that is he owes K. P. Hill or The Hill Live Stock Co. . I'll nick name him "Thin Skin." If this man was to turn to a horse he would not plow, if he is a church member he won't pay his dues, if he were to turn to a dog he Wouldn't tree, opossums, if he is a preacher he don't preach to the church to which he balongs, if he did his flock would not pay him. He preaches way off down at so and so, a Foreign Field, and some of them change their charges as often as Teddy changes his hunting ground. Now gentlemen, X have written the above for people to talk about, but now, down to business, from 40 to 50 second hand slightly used buggies, some new buggies, 30 or 40 sets of harness, 4 or 5 surries 25 or 30 wagons, no opossum dogs and no hogs. $500 worth of slightly used farm machinery including a hay press, several mowers, several gasoline engines, a 30 H ? 5 passenger automobile runs just as good as new, a hundred horses and mules, a lot of notes judgments and accounts, some household goods, one organ, several bicycles not monv cows. I am sending a man around to see all the wash women m town who have house nies and request them to nave them barbecued and have them on sale on the above days, so I hone there will bt plenty of barbecue to eat. I have ordered a gross of mattresses, leased a warehouse, borrowed a barrel of Coca Cola and employed a band for the above occasion. This band will play the latest ragtime music with an accompaniment Everybody is com ing," and meet me at the sale. This ad will be changed next week, but remember the dates, rain or shine. LIVE STOCK COMPANY K P. HILL PRES. ?4