franklin times *. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Friday, Noy/14, 1918. TAR PROPS, - ?Court took recess Monday morning* until after dinner*. ?Its a line Jyoy at tlie home of Cspt. L. I.. ?Jdyner. ? In another column will be fouud au advertisement of sale of, a saw mill outfit. ?The sidewalk in front of the new building on Market street is being con creted. ? The Concrete floor of the Hill Live Stock Co.. building is -being rapidly completed. v ? The Hill Live Stock Co. has some thing new to say to you this week. Look it up. ?Its to the interest of our readers to read all the advsrti ernents in' the Times each week. ? Randell Brown, colored, died at his home near town on Sunday at the ripe old age of 92 years. . ? The Cabaret Girls Co.,' appeared in the local opera house here last night and will plav again tonight. ? Mr. E. S. Green is putting up a nice residence on Perry street between Main b treat and Kenmore Avenue. ? Mr. J. K. Brewer acted as night policeman on Saturday night in the place of Mi;. E. C. Perry, who wa3 at honte sick. ?The wind on Sunday blew down a telephone nole on Kenmoore avenue, but local Manager E. H. Hale, soon had it up and all right again. ? "Clothe the woman with the bal lot," exhorts the suffragist ' speaker. Certainly, if that is the best that of fers. Something should be added to the clothing some of them wear. ?Mr; B. Ballard Egerton, of Xouis burg, wax in town this week laving off the Ellington property. He is an A1 Civil Engineer. He is engaged tor next week in preparing the property of Mr. Howard F. Jones for residence lots.? Warrenton Record. ? We are glad to see so many young men from the farm attending s(hool. A farmer needs an education as much as persons of other trades. The farmer of fifty years ago is not the farmer of today, and the farmer of today will not be the farmer of twenty years' hence. It cost* but little to educate the boy at the present time. Money spent for ed ucation is well ?pent. Franklin, said "A dollar in the head is worth two in ?? the pocket." ? ? vears ngo t<> practice butter methods farming. Bought a two horse pl(7W, and sowing clover ^the result is 011C of the finest crops jii that communiiy. lie gathered his corn put it in a lou; pileMu bis grove near his dwelling and invittd his neighborship friends on last Thursday to come and helu him sliuctc it By 'I o'clock thev li .ished ! sbueking between seventy-five and one hundred bi.rrels, and put up the shucks. There were about sixty present. _ These froiu a distance were W, H. Allen, P. H. Qrifliu, J. B- Yarhorouuh and one Automobile something you never saw at a euro, shucking before. This "was a sort of "Halloween'* corn shucking, as you qould See the golden winged spirits floating around the corn pile occasionally, but no one fainted, but all smilled. StF. flurpbey, be iog thoughtful and a hospitable mtn had prepared a most bountiful din ner of all the good tilings to eat that voa find on the farm, excellency prepared, well served. Everybody enjoyed the dinner. Mr. Murphey has a very interest, inc family of bright and intelligent girls aud boys, and a beautiful home ? his dwelling a fine cottage house tastefully painted, located in a beau tiful oak grove, just the right dis tance from the road. Just to the right uear the road stands vVhile Level Church, and over the road in front of the church is the White Level Academy, these are beau tiful country buildings. Mr. Murphey is one of Franklin County's progressive and pnlust sub stantial farmers, lie own two or three other farms brides the one he lives on. He is also.. t""".vy stockholder in the Farmers Uuiou Warehouse. He told our business agent a few da\ h ago, the first thine he knew lie Vsaarw.* '.Mnf We all will li* glad when Mr. Mur phy shucks corn agaio. 'Corn Shuck km. Coiton Report The tabulation of' the separate r? - turn a from the giRQ&rs for the Novem ber 1 at report fchWs that there wore 7,052 b^le8 of CO ton counting rroCTi'l B8 half bale?, gin. ??-d in ?franklin* comity the crop of 191^ prior to N'Vom-: 'U?r l*t asc oiparfd with 8 (Kw Tor ihe same period in 1912. List of Letters Remaining in 1 he post office * * Louis btire uncall. ?l for? Nov. 14. IS13. Miss Surnnie ftrime, Mis. Elison liun-hannon, Mt*s Lina Davfe, Mrs. Maggie Davis Miss Lillie Gnlhn, Mrs. Lotinie Harris. Miss Olie K^lly, Mrs. Lutie Kennedy, IJftmcr King, T, T. Mitchell, E. S. Morton, Jennie Page, Gertrude Perry. W. S. Stuart. Miss Nannie Taylor. Mr^- Mary Veit. Persona calling for anv of the above letters will please say they yaw them ad ^erlised. ?M. W. y^RBQHOt'GH, P. U. Women Who Get Dizzy. Every woman .who is troubled with fainting and