FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ?** txab, - *1.00 IX MONTHS , -J . $6 ' BBI1 MONTHS. - H6 * Fm day, Nov. 7, Hon. E. J7 Justice has been appoint ed special attorney In the Uepartment of Justice at Washington, City. One of the heaviest storms of record for November in a number ot years vis ited the entire country east of the Miss issippi Valley on Sunday and Monday. We are informed that Rockv Mount is exceedingly anxious for the Louis burp to Rocky Mount Railway and will gladly vote a bond issue of 1100,000.1)0 if necessary. It seems to be up to the other townships now to make some eJF pression. -Judge Carter has raised quite a sen sation in Asheville by ordering three of the-eitv's most Drominent druggists be fore the Court for retailing. He is haying the prescription files examined and says he expects to clear up the complaints. President Wilson and all the leaders ?f the National Democracy as well as al| democrats in general, have.a right to feel proud of the results of the elections ?n Tuesday of last week, as no party, has beens given such a pronounced en dorsement in the record of years past. It was a victory in more than the elec tions themselves. Is there any special reason why the graded schools should continue the one session plan? WouKl it not be bett*-r to divide the day into two parts, giving the papils at least an hour for luuth be tween the two sessions? Superintend ents and teachers tell pupils an?t patrons that they do not expect puj ils to do much. studying at home. When do they have the time to prepare the lessens?? ' North Carolina Education. We extentl our warmest thanks to the I large number of onr subscribers who I have been in the past week and hanJed Us amounts from one to ten dollars say ing "its a pleasure for me to render s?ch an assistance.*' When it is a pleas ure to its to be able to relieve a financial situation it is a still grreatei pleasure to us to know we have such friends in our subscribers. We thank you each and eyery one, and will try to show our sin cerity by giving you a better paper for the same money. ; \ Hickory RocK Items Mr. Johnnie Alley left last wrek a travling salesman fur the Pied mont Tobacco Co. Mr. and Mr*. Jno. Iledgespeth, ?pent last Sunday with M">. Cole Man Smith, of Red Miss Mary Rosser and Arthur Insoe spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Halifax county. We are expecting the wed. ling belle to start in the future, as some . of the boys are hauling in .thjre furniture, and buying new hoises. Messrs E. II. Hight and I. M. In seoe have returned from the Eastern Carolina conference, at Auburn, X. C. We will be be glad to welcome Mr. A. P. Strickland, of New lb ^ in our neighborhood, next year. Miss Beaulah Glasgow spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. L. P. Perdue. Mr. Marvin Pleasants of Center ville, paid Mr. Jno Xelms a "yiiR trip last Sunday. Some of the old Maids of the Hock were inquiring Snaday if Mr. K. P. Hill would have any old Bach elora to sell in the Turkey trot sale. All the neighbors, are cordially in vited to meet at Mt. Gilead on Thanksgiving day for the purpose ot cleaning up the yard. There is a lot of people around here sick with colds. Mr. Joe Hay m has a boy siok with pneumonia. There was an old timey corn , shucking at Mr. R, H. Bobbin's Iaat Friday night and plenty of music m - followed. ? Jack Fbos*. September Fira Losses The fir* losses in the United States and Canarta during the' #ionth ol Sep- : tember, 1913, as compiled from the carefully kept record* of the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin ofNew York, aggregated $14,919,390, as compared with $13,779,300 for the same month in 1912, and *11,333,250 foi 1911. As the losses during only the first nine months 6f this year have already reach ed a total of $178, 456,560, catching up with the figures for the same time of 1912, despite the exceptional heavy of the first two months of that year, this lamentable showiug should elicit the cooperation of all public spir ited citizens in the recent active cam paign for the prevention of the useless fire waste. Oak level Items. M rs. J. M. Weathers is visiting her daughter at Kittrell. Miss Annie Stalev and Mr. J. J. Pearce have returned Irom tlie Eastern Christian C6nference. Miss Annie Wester spent the week end at Hilldrop. Mr. Elwood Pearce has accepted a position with Mr. R. C. Underwood, a prominent merchant of Youngavillr Mrs. Avey Perry spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Pence. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Hunt, of Ureens boro. have returned home after spend ing a few ilavs at Mr. G. W. Hunt s. Dr. W. W. Stale.v spent a few data at home before going to Conference. Miss Mary Julia Pearce spent Sunday out of the community. Oak Level Sunday school is looking forward to the vocal sinion witli much enthusiasm the lifth Sunday in this month. ; Cotton is getting so it looks pre tty scarce in the patches in this part of the county. Ris. Cok. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable Dr. I'prtet's Antiseptic Healing Oil. a surgical dressing that relieves pain und heals at the same time Not a lini ment. 25c., 50c. I 00. Aucriojy SALE. On Saturday Nov. 29, 1018 I' will ofc fer for sale my entire ?stock of mer chandise. One iron safe, scales, in cluding one pair $63 computing scales, several valuable show cases and all store fixtures. Sales wiU begin at 10 a. m. Mrs. Weslky Bubketik., R. F. D. No. 2. Louisburg, N. C. RALEIGH'S BIG FIRM Wants - Your - Shopping You could hot eet more in the larger cities than i? offered ? ? you by the biff firm BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY at Raleigh Four floor*., extending from Fayetteville to S:ili-*(?ury streets, arv loaded with wearables and dress aecess fabrics for the mail order bu\ers. It you are con templating a new silk ? Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Canton Crepe. . Charraeuse. ASK US FOR SAMPLES Another lady is in charge of our trimmings for these frocks- to /i*-. The frills and the fixings will be in the tip of *tyle, if this lady is consultf-d. 7 HOW ABOUT YOUR FLOORS AND Wl^ DOWS? The third. floor is given over to Floor and W iudow Coverings Special contract prices. Write for our representatire to call. No obligation?. Bovlan-Pcarcc Co. s ? ^ / RALEIGH, N. C. I ?? is with genuine pleasure that we welcome you to our / store this fall, we know that we are prepared to show you the season's newest goods at prices that are sajusfying every customer that en ters our door. Our large stock of coat suits and coats has been meeting with unprecedented sales, and we now have complete new stocks on the way and to arrive this week. We have just opened our new Fall Furs, there are more than fifty sets for you i to see, the prices range from $5.00 to $40.0C. No cosfume is complete without a set of furs, money spent here for furs is well invested, a good set lasts for years. * SHOES! SHOES! My shoe trade already large has nearly doubled this Fall. There can be but one reason for this, / 7 ) I have not advanced my prices and am positively selling better shoes at less prices than you can find elsewhere. Complete new stock of Leonard, Shaw & Dean's fine shoes now on the way. We have a i I great many specials too numerous to mention, it will pay you to see^em. R. Z. Egerton *' A Gentle and Affective Laxative. A mild, gentle and effective laxative ia what people demand when Buffering from constipation. Thousands swear by Dr. King 'a New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio, Tex., writes: "They are, beyond question, the beet pills my wife and I have ever taken." They never c use pain. Price 25c at druggists, or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Philadelphia or St. L"ui?. NOTICE. By virtue of an order made bv the Superior Court of Franklin County, in the case of J. R. Deb nam vs. T. H. Dickens, 1 shall on Monday, the lat day of December, 1913, at the Court House door in the town of Louisburg, N. C\, sell at public auction to the highest bidder a certain tract or lot of land sit uated in Cedar Rock Township, adio n ing the lands of J. G. Murphy, "ft C. Collins and others, ud bounded ss fol lows: Ori the North Dy the lands of J. G. Wurphy; on the East by the land of Penner Leonard; on the South by the land of J. K. Collins, and on the West by the land ot T, C. Collins, containing seventeen ShcTifae-half (17 J) acres more or less, being the home place ot the ? late Sim Debnam. Terms ot sale cash, i This Oct. 27th,T5l3. W. M. PERSON/, Corom'r. j NOTICE OF AN ELECTION. . Notice is hereby given that, in accord ance with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of North Caro lina, Chapter 184 Public Local Laws , 1913, entitled, '-An act 'to amend the Louisburg Township Road Law of Franklin County" Ratified the 25th day of February. 1913, and upon request ol the Board of Trustees of Louiaburg Town-hip represented by W H. Allen and J. R. Collie, the Board of Commis sioners for the /County of Franklin do hereby order election to be held on Tu?sday January 6, 1914, at which elec tion there shall be submitted to the voters of Louisburg Township the ques tion ot the levy of a special tax and is suing of bonds as set out and provided in said Act of 1913, Public Local Laws of North Carolina, section 16, the amount of said bonds not to exceed $40 000.00. and the rate of taxation not to exceed 25 cents on the $100 worth of property and 75 cents on the poll. A. W. Alston is appointed Registrar and E. S. Ford and Walter E. Strange are appointed poll holders for said elec tion. The voting place shall be at the , Court House in the town of Louisburg, ind the same shall be held and conduct ed as provided in the aforesaid act of 1913, a copy of which i? riled with the Board. ? A new registration is provided for in the said Act and the Registration Books will be kept open for such pur pose in the office c.f the Register of Deeds of Franklin County for the time provided by law, beginning on Thurs- 1 day the 4th day of I'ecember 1913. At said election those electors in favor of the issuance of said bonds and the : levy of said tax shall cast ballots upon which shall he written or printed "For Road Bonds" and those opposed to the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tax shall east ballots upon which 'hall be written or printed "Against Road llonds. " By order of the Board of Commission- c >rs. o T. S. Collik. Chairman a 1. H. YAHUOROUi.rtTClerk. i This is to . OUR FRIENDS ' ? ?* A ? * and custodiers of Franklin and adjoining1 coun ties, that on Friday and Saturday Nov. 7 and 8 we will have the best lot of horses and mules ? we have ever had. Mr. R. F. Fuller is away now buying them so if you or any of your friends want one it will be to your interest to come and !8ok them over before buying else EULLER & PERRY Fresh Meats at Reasonable Prices Lj Our market is fitted up in the best shape and we take pleasure in Riving out personal attention to All orders, and make prompt deliyeris?r-^Call us when io need of Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters, Eggs, Chickens, gtc. CITY MARKET PHONE NO. 238 Wo want to liuy all the beef cattle, hides, chickens, eggs,' butter, etc., at the highest market price for cash. big 'Sot of goods JUST RECEIVED /. At the RACKET STORE Dress Goods and Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries. A beautiful line of Ladies r_andJ|Misses CLOAKS Silks of all kinds that will please everybody, MILINERY MILINERY fou can get what you want in this department, a new lot just received fou are invited to call and see our goods-, and I know you will like our prices. Mrs. A. M. Hall "THE BIG SALh. HAS BEEN All One Dollar goods marked down to 79 and 87c Continued All other things, big or lit tle. marked down in pro portion, many below cost. All 50c Articles , r-~^i MH3 ' have been reduced to I 33 and 39c Everything in so far as prices g,re concerned are .-DOOMED And the people say we are giving them bargains the equal of which has never been seen in LouisbUrg be fore. This sale is no catch penny game, .as we had a big stock of goods and as the light in our store has been cut off by the erection of the new building at the rear of it we were handicapped to show it to advantage, therefore we are reducing it, giving you the advantage of the saving. Follow the Crowds to the BARGAIN STORE ? . -? ?? ? ? It will be your loss and not ours if you fail to save money by this big opportunity. The sale is liable to be withdrawn without notioe so you had better not put off" your visit,, but come at once. JOSEPH N. RAMEY, Proprietor , Louisburg, N. C.