LET OUR SALES TALK During the past week the following sales were made at oar house, which is only a small number of our satis fied customers: v h ? -?T ? " , tQUISBURG, N." C. E. S. FORD, '! ;"T- ? B. N. WILLIAMSON, Vatican'* Ban oa Tango. Rome, Not. 21. ? Several bishops have addresed uestions to the Vatican as to whether confession should give absolutely bz bzbb bb bz bzb bzz absolution to Catholics who dance th* tango. The reply of the Vatican is that the taago must be considered an immoral <&nce and is conseu?ntly prohibited t# Catholics. Several bishops in Italy have forbid den women wearing slit Skirts to at tend religious ceremonies in churches. TESTED ASI> PBOTES. There i* a Heap of Solace in Being Able to Depend I'pon a Well-Earn ed Reputation. For months Loulsburg readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doan's Kidney Pills, and read about the good work they have done in this locality. What other remedy ever produced sitch convincing proof of merit. Mrs. S. F. Biggs, 412 Andrews Ave , Henderson, X. C., says: "I suffered in tensely from backache and pains in my loins and I could not get my prop er rest at night. Whenever 1 attempted to stoop or lift, sharp pains seized me and I was in such bad shape that I could not remain on my feet for any length of time. I Vvore plasters, but they didn't help me and finally a kid ney weakness came on. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 got a box. Since using them I have had no more aches or pains and my kidneys have been normal. I gladly confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have not had. any trouble from my kidneys or back for a long time and my health has been of the best." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn. - Co.. Buffalo, New York. ectoraiIon has been removed is to do great injury. After the expectoration ha* been prop"t!y" r? moved- the cough will stop itself. .That Is the only proper way to step a cft':00.00 To amt. of Supt. Mills from outside tuition 36.00 To amt. of W. H. Allen. Sheriff and Agt. deed. Shff. acct 1911 taxes - 1350.00 To amt. of W. R. Mills, Supt. acct. outside tuition 6.00 To amt. borrowed from hirst NfctL Bank 300.00 To amt. reed, on sinking fund invested ' 16.50 To amt borrowed Of A. T. Wilson 600.00 " 6th To amt. of Supt. Mills acct. outside tuition 6.00 n 7th To amt. prin. received on sinking fund investment 81.50 " 13th To amt. of W. H. Allen, Sheriff and Agt. bal. 1911 taxes 07.75 " 20th To amt. int. reed, on sinking fund invested 87.96 '* 25th To amt. of Supt. Mills acct. outside tuition 25.00 " 28th' To amt. borrowed of Mrs. K. L. Yarborough 500.00 ! Feb. 14th To amt. borrowed of Farmers & Merchants Bank 500.00 June 14th To amc, sale surplus coal 1.95 July 1st To amt of Supt. Mills acct. outside tuiition 30.00 " 24th To amt. from sale surplus coal 2.06 " To*mt. of Supt. Mills acct book fund 40.00 . 1st To amt. borrowed of Wm.H. Ruttin, Atty. 38.00 t. 8th To amt. borrowed of Wm. II. Ruftin, Atty. 50.00 " To amt. from sale surplus coal 67.53 To amt paid at Sundry times on 1912 taxes, on** 1.279, ? 290.33 of property at 40c on the $100. and 436 poUs at $1.20 on the poll, total $5,040.56, less insolvents *93.61, errors and overcharges $0.47 and Sheriff's commissions $277.04, making net amt. paid to treas urer Jby W. H. Allen, Sheriff 5,203.34 To amt. reed, of P. B. Oritfin, County Treas. at sundry times amt appropriation from common school fund for 1912 1,280 00 #10913714 12. DISBURSEMENTS ? 26th By amt. p&iu M. Stamps for wood White Sch. $5.00. ColM. Sch. 20.0U $ 25.00 By amt. paid Jackson Tii-State M. Car C??. repair ? plumbing _ 25.85 By amt. paid W. C. Dent cutting 10 cords wood col'd sch. 6.00 13th l?v arnt. paid .im patu i toas. Graded Soh. ; hence i>a!.- refunded *28.75 I 31st By amt. paid acini annual int. oa ?1iV4a> bonds, 6 per c<.nt 302.50 I 1J)13 1 Jar. l?t By a s.t. paid note and int. A. T. Wilson ozi.to ' "" m!i Uy ant. pai i M. Stamps wco-1 tor col'd. school 20.00 | ' Knh liy t. paid CtkHs. J I\.r!i , foil foT desks 61.52 I- " -i h J Reg. of D. coniju i ? ? ..*??* 30.37 1 :'- i? \V CDent, i-.Jn.iiiif 1?> cords wood col. ^l:j. ??. 00 ; 1 . . 7"? i:ote fcr j itu. ?.? Mrs K L Yarboro 500.75 " ?nt to !?'. a .M Bank on $500 no re 5.00 ?' ' " A 1 \ViUo.? anj int. . 6 '4 30 " . " ? Krar?':: ?? 1' & L for r.'-te arid jr. t * > V. c.' M. r . u:nst'e;red to ii 300.95 M 7 .'r: .-^r?v on l\ n's Kncy. 30.00 :.n * ' ' ran %-jr. J rnes for printi:.< 3.00 12ih M . r>:a:r:: s lor 6 cords wood c V. ?!.. 12.00 ' . 22- fi K W L' ;?t c -Uirg * , 3.60 .! . . IluIi " " ?' 1't.r.T.er^ A!t'r< liants Bank nH-.' aud in-.. 504.60 ?' r'M,000 at 5 pei c-'nt a' l>t. " " L: I. yr.fi i-ar.n*iu.i :in. on rl'.'.'V; V ;.-z at ?i ? - &01.7 Mh " ? ? S \V i " " ' t's ?. I 4 w ir ; . I ??rrr; * ? " r '? col. p. c?. :.v> : . t lt??J.4?J W - .? ^ 11 a?:.g coai at 55c ton .-'.97 Oil M?ll weighing c al 4.10 at *1.00 per ton and ? . tta 1 . , p-r ,;OU| . ; rfi . l.'w 2 14 _ 0| i n rno- ? ? yt >? ? j ri:.v::tn ,>J - ^ -? I - at | er 7 ' ? ? ? r.- ?. .% J ? | *:?) ...# p.. J ? ?"?.) ( ? H- ?) p.: r.. . . 1. '* *:f ? i"' "0 ' .! .-JJb ?ojjO ? o.uO >00 .4.f;t prii.cai col. >t:fhco1 v h>.( - .lo-cpiri: '? Ijui.i - ?' t -acher ' " - l.-lJiu'i Ma.,fl" " ' 25. < ?* ?* " K I' l '*rry. 'Jan;tur white scliool 9 iw/.-.h. 130.) s* ?* " -Jus. a?.N uvriger work col. sch I* mos. 9.' *' '* " 'lrec3. ' omniis3ions at J'per cent on r<-ceii Is and 1 per eer.t "n disbursements for tax yr. to da*e 1 4?1 By. Balance on ham> T6 45?i.'l4 $10913,1 \ | 1913 " I Oct. 1st. To l &iaiwe on hand brought down yr $456.14 j V/m II. Rufhn, being lirst duly sworn, eayA: lor< wf?ing ia a tru?* j and fcccmate account of the moneys received and d?t>ursed by him a^treasurer oi Tne Board of Oraded School Triistcts of Louiibprg for th?- taxintf ylar begin ning 0<^. 1st, 1912, and ending Oct. 1st, 1913. WM?H." Itl'FFIN, Treasurer. . Sworn to and sulscribed before me this 23rd day ^October, 1913. 1 . . > J. J; UAKKOW. Clean-Cut, Likable Young Men . - _? 'J'HAT'S the kind of fellows you'll lind wearing , "Alco Clothes"~-means you will be in mighty good company and proud ol' the characteiTOf the suit you wear. In the first place, "Alco Clothes are Style Periect? season after season the makers of this - . ?! very desirable clothing have maintained their style leadership to the great satisfaction and bene fit of young men all over the United Stntes who wear none but "Alco Clothes." Combined. with style is genuine merit anil quality in materials am) workmanship*^) that a finished "Ale'o" gar ment is nothing less than a masterpiece of tailoring art. We would like to show you what "Alco" ready-to wear suits are like, if you are not familiar with them. Don't think, either, that we shall he urging you to buy. If the clothes themselves do not appeal to you, then no amount of talking will make thein ilo so, and we're willing to re?t our case with presentation of the elothes. Wonderful clothes to be sold at only ?15, $20 and ?20 F. W. Whelcss Louisburg, N. L City Bar- - ! ber Shop! i We guarantee our cifs tomers everythin sanitary, plenty of clean linun, sharp est razors and the politest attention. Hot towels free at all hours. We also have a r^ood pressing club in the rear of our shop. AL' prices reasonable. Your Servants . ' Wilkins & Stegal n^ll $5.00 per ton /\^il VAJcIl $5.00 per ton for coal v-^^" 2000 lbs for k ton. Phone orders quick. Several cars hay-now on track and in warehouses. Just purchased JfS ears Choice Michigan Hay at the lowest prices of . . ' the season, see me auick and place contracts, I have the goods gfown in Michigan and the lowest price for quick orders only. Fresh Floriday oranges Weekly, all sizes, Fresh Apples Cabbage, Potatoes, Beans. ) Munts Meal, Piedmont Mills Flour Office and-war?rm in Town Hall Building under Racket. J. W. Hoilingsworth Phone 303 ,f Louisburg, N. C. Take Thomas Chill Pills!, . The standard remedy for chills and malaria. If y?ur| druggist cannot supply you sena 50c to W. G. ThomasJ Raleigh, N. C. Sent postpaid.