SUNDAY SCHOOL. i * ' Lesson XIII.? .Fourth Quarter,. For Dec. ?8, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lorson, Quarterly Review, Read Josh. ' xxitf&Golcfon Text, John lii, 1C ? Commentary by Rov. D. M. Stearns. LjEissox I.? Moses' Cry Kor Llelp. Num. xl. 10- ts. 24. 25. Golden Text. Jii v. i < -Tiu' snjipli ratios of if righteous man ayulletli much In its working." The continual complaining of this rebellious people was'enougli to wear any one out and led Moses , to say, "It Is too heavy for me," but be* always took everything to the Lord iu prayer. This was one of the oeca sionfe when he felt unnecessarily bur^ clened. as If he had tq do 1U ? Lesson II.? Jealousy and Envy Pun ished, Num. xii. Golden Text, I Cor. xill, 4, 5. "Love envieth not; love vaunt eth not ltyif. Is ndt puffed up, doth not behave Itself unseemly." The devil is ever at work In the world and in the church, but it Is sad Indeed when he Is allowed to enter a Christian house hold. It sjiould be said of Christians. "See how these believers love one an other." Lesson III.? The Report of the-Sples, Num. <xill. 1-3, 25-33. Golden Text, Horn. vill. 31, "If God is for us, who Is against us?" To inquire if what God says is true or to question if He is able to do as lie has sahl is indeed bad, business. The shepherds did bet ter Who said. "Let; us go and see this thing which has ^o me to pass" (Lukeil, 15). When the Lord Is as real to us as He was to Caleb and Joshua we will not consider giant difficulties of any kind. Lesson lV.-Tlie Sin of Moses and Aaron. Num. xx. 1-13. Golden Text. Ps. xix. 14, "I.ct the words of my mouth and tilt' meditation of my heart be acceptable "in thy sight, O Jehovah, my Hock and my Kodecincl1." The fall -nre of Moses on tiie lino of meekness 'after forty years of victory and inter cession for such u people should hum ble us all in the dust before God and lead us never for one moment to trust ourselves in any way. Ijsspon V.? Balak and Balaam, Num. -xxli, 2-G: xxiv. 10-19. Golden Text, .las. 1. 8. "A double minded man. un stable in all his veals'." Every phase of human nature >5 set before us in Scripture, lint Balaam is one of the strangest, reads' to do anything for money, even/to curse the people of God. and vet afraid to go against God and ready to speak His messages,- yet -va leader of the Lord's people into sin <Tul win s (T'.ev. ii. 14). k? i,5^hon VI.? Abstinence For the Safee of /jthi'l's Kotn. xiv, 7-21. Golden Text, Rom. xiv. 21. "It is good not to eat .''flesh, nor to drink wine, nor to do any thing whereby thy brother stumbletb." As the Lord Jesus Christ Is our only Saviour, -lie should bo our only exam ple -and His approval our only/aim. Lesbon- VII.? The Dentil of Moses. "Deut. xxxiv. 1-12. Golden Text. ts. r x v 1^ in. 'Trecious in the sight of Je hovah is the death of His saints. In some respects the most remarkable death and burial oii record, as his was also In some respects the most remark able life ever lived. No other man who died anil was burled was ever seen on earth hundreds of years Infer and rec ognized bv mortaliJ. Lesson'" VIII. - Joshua the New I.eader. Josh. I. I-'1. Golden Text. Josh. I. n, "Bo strong and of good *"cftw?nge." Remember the tell times thl?eSti*iCt:itli'n is found (see notes on this lossonT>wi>l associate with-it the live "Bo of goOit^oUeers" of the Lord Jesus (Matt. Ix. 2. 22S^>v/27: John xv i, 83: Acts xxlll, 111- Mat*e much of the assurance "I will be with thee: 1 will not fail thee" (verse 5). and th# "P.e not afraid of" of verse {I. Lesson- IX. -Crossing the Jordan. Josh. 111. 7-17. olden Text, Isa. xll. 10 "Fear thou not. for I am with tliee. Remember the faith of Knhnl) and the storv of the scarlet line: also the prom inent place of the lyk of the covenant In chapters 111 and lv. See the object ? In dividing the l!cd sea and the Jor Idan, that the name of the Lord might ?lie magnified and that all the Pc"Ple of ?the earth might know the hand of the ? Lord (Tsa. lxlll. 12-14: Josh lv 24) I Lesson X'-Tlie Fall of Jericho. Josh ?vl 8-11 14-20. Golden Text, Mark llx n, "All things arc possible to him lthnt believeth." Note again .the promt ?nenco of the ark of the covenant- and It lie onlv sound heard, that of thetrum K.ets Of rams- horns. All victory is In ? he name of the Lord Jesus and I.J ?virtue of Mis precious Wood. Before Hlll.n all .lericlios fall, all difficulties K'nnlsh. . . . -? . ,, I Lesson- XI. -The Sin of Achan, Josh ? ll ? rjnMen Text. Num. xxxll. Bn.' "Be sure ,vn?r sin will And yon But " We are assured of victory and oi King able to say. "Thanks be untc 1 el who always causetli us to trl afcnp'hln rhrlst" HI Cor. II. 14). but II ? o? condition of obedience and of ?leasing, and not grieving the Hol> luL XII. - The Word Mad ?lesh, John I. 1 1? ? J4 "And the word became flesh and ?wcit among us." The same one whe Kentcd heaven and earth and talked ?ith Adam and with F.noch B , Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. Mose? Joslnm. became one of us, sin ex ?ptod, by being horn of Mary, no wa. Kknown on earth except by a few; Hi ? Tory littlo known now, but to ah ?ho receive IHm He gives the prirl of becoming children of God. Stomach Troubles Disappear. Stomach, liter ami kldne* troubles, weak s. nerves, I ame back and female Ills disappear when Electric Bitters are u.^ed.. Thousands of women would not be without a bottle in their home. EUavP9oi ot Depcw, Okla., writes: "Electrifc Bitters raised me from a bed of sickness and suffering and lias done me a world of good. 1 wish every suffering woman could use this excellent remedy and find out, as I didr just how good it is.'VAs it has helped thousands of others, It^urely - v/ili do 'the same for you. Every bot tle gunrunteed, 30c and 51.00* At fill Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phil adelphia or St. boafe. - For Uent. y My mill property, cotton gin, resi dence and store with about 8 acres of land near the Franklin County Home. Apply at once to O. Z: EDWARDS, R. P. D. 5. Louisburg, N. C. 12-19? It p/, . NOTICE Having qualified as administrator! in the estate of the la'e B. H. Freeman. This is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present ' the same to me on or before Oct. 6, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebu-d to said estate will please make prompt payment, to me. Thos. J. Harris, A<Jrh'r. of B. HFreeman. Tuos. B. Wilder, Atty. " '' are usuafly thin and. easily worried, sleep doss not refresh -and the system gradu ally weakens from insUUcient nourishment. Scott's Emulsion cprrects nervousness by its force of Con centrated medical nourishment ? it restores the healthy action of body cells, enriches the blood, sharpens the appetite, and feeds the nerve centres by distributing energy and power all over the body. Donl resort to alcoholic mixtures or drug concoctions that stimulate and stupefy. , Get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion for . your nerves ? nothing equals or compares with it, but insist on Scott's. EVERY DRUGIST HAS T BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Royersford, Pa., Man Tells How. * .?At this season of year wlti such sudden chrtngcs, lt_ls 80 easy to take cold, and almost' before one Is aware thero is inflammation In tlie lubes ? a lujrd cough . and unices checked In time chronic pulmonary troubles may result. . Townsend Youor of Royertsford, Pa., Bay3: "A uavcrc bronchial tiou blo contracted c=C?f <1 inaT,mach did- 1 culty nboi^ breathing;. My chost felt clogged up anil thcro was consider able 8orene33. I tried different rem edies without help; but I am glad tc Bay that Vinol curcd my bronchial trouble which had lasted for ttirco months. My breathing Is all right and the soreness entirely gone from my chest." Vinol contains the curative, healing principles of fresh cods' livers (with out oil) and tonic iron. We guaran tee it to be delicious in taste and to satisfy you with its medicinal effects. P. S. If you hare any skin trouble try Saxo Salve. We guarantee It Aycock Drug Co., Louisburg, N. C. * NOTICE. v? * ' Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. D. Perry, deceased, iate of Franklin county, this is tg_noti-_ fy all persons holding claims ag^iltat said estate to present the same to ' the undersigned on or before October 14, 1914; or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owiru; said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This Oc tober 14, 1913. B. H. HORTON, Adm'r. Ben. T. Holden, Atty. ^>-*nPARM FOR SALE About 160 acres good land in Cypress Creek township, with good house and fine creek bottoms. Half cash, ba'. tcrm9, price ? 30.00 per aero. MRS. L. S. ALFORD. ? Mapleville, N. C. LOST. ? A ladies crofcHiplot^d douhln case watch, hoi ween . Lou isburg and Mitchinerp. Finder wiiJ ho rewarded by returning same t?? L. R. South ail T^ | Cores Old. Seres, Other Banedies Won't Ctr I The worst cases, no matter of boV lone etan jin I arc curcd by the wonderful, old reliable D: Forter's Antiseptic Healing OiL ? It reliev. } Pkiu aud Ileal* ?t the same time. 25c, 50c, SI ?i | B. W. Ballard at Frankllnton wishes to buy a gentle cow, givirfg from three I to four gallons /ot milk, with young | calf. Adv. DR. M. C. HORTOft Raleigh, N. C. P'actice liiu'ted to Eye, Ear, ft03<? and Throat. Will be in Louisburg l^t I Mondav in each niontb from 9 a. m. to 5 |>. m. W. B. MORTON During the past ten years, I have given re lief to more than a thousand people who were suffering from such troubles as Headaches, Neuralgias, In somnia, Extreme Nervous ness, Nausea, Blind Spells, Sore Eyes, Cross Eyes and Dim Visioii. . If therefore you have persistent headaches, a drawing sensation about the eyes or in the back of the head, inflamed or swollen lids, if your eyes ache, tire, burn, itch or water; if they in any way give you pain or discom fort, I can help you as I have hundreds of others. W.B.Morton n Office Next Door to Hotel ? Entrance Look for the TRIANGLE OOK for this triangle before you buy any heater. It is the trademark of the latest model of the Perfection Smoke less Oil Heater. It is the sign of the greatest im provements ever made in oil heat ing devices. The Perfection Heater, as now made, gives more heat, holds more oil, is better made and works better than any other heater on the market. ' It has a wide, shallow oil font, which allows the oil to pass readily up the wick and insures reliable, unchanging flame pnd heat, whether the font is full or nearly empty. The Perfection is smokeless, because the patent locking flame - spreader prevents the wick being turned up high enough to smoke: It is easy to re-wick, bscause the carrier and wick ' are combined ? just turn out the old and slip in the. new. Indicatot tells how much oil is in the font. Filler plug is pushed in like a cork? no screw, no thread to wear. Attractive latticed window frame. The Perfection Heater is finished in vitreous turqdoise-blue enamel or plain steel drums ; looks well, lasts well, easy to carry wherever wanted. t)ealera everyw/jere-or write for descriptive circular STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Wiahiagtoa, D. C. Ckariette, N. C. Richao?4, \tu Ck*rU?to?, W.V*. Norfolk, Y?. Ckarlerieo. 5. C. Look for the TRIANGLE Subscribe to the Franklin Times. $1.00 per year. SOUTHERN RAILWAY / - PREMIER CARRIER OF THESOUTH Schedule of Trains from Raleigh N. . B. The ifolowing schedule fig ures are published only as informa tion- ana are not guuroated. Xo. 21-5:23 A. M.? Through tralajor * ? ' Asheville jrith chair car for Ashevllle with Carolina Spec ial for Cincinnati. Chicago, 1 qlso'for Knoxville.Chatanoga, Memphis and all Western . pbints. Connects at Greens - boro for all Northern and Eastern points. No. 145-12: 40. P. M..? For Durham, Oxford, I\cv3vile and Rich mond. Connects at Rich mond for Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia and New 4 York. No. 139-4:65 P. M. ? For Greensboro, . handles tbrbugh Pullman x Sleeping Car for Atlanta, ar-. rives Atlanta 0:25 A. M.r con necting at Greensboro for all Northern and Eastern points, also Ashevile and Western points. Makes connection, in Atlanta _for New Orleans,- ? Birmingham, Memphis and for *Texas and .California "?""points. ? No. 131-7:00 P. M.? For Greensboro mmakes connection with solid Pullman Car train for Wash ington, Baltimore, Phlladel- " phla, New York and al other Northfern and Eastern points. Also with through Pullman Tourist Car for New Orleans, El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco, also with * through_tra!ns for Columbia, Savanah and Jacksonvile; _ . No. 111-2:30 A. M. ? For Greensboro, Handles ullman SI e ping Car for Win .on-Salcm, which is open foi occupancy &t Ral eigh at .J: 00 P.' M. JPTakes connections forpoints North North aad West, also for Ashevillt;, Memphis, St. Louis and Western points, also con rnd New Orleans. No. 112-4:30 A. M. For Goldsboro makes connection . for Wil mington, New Bern, More head City Also with A. C. L. at Selma for points South and North. % , ? No. 108t10:40 A. M. ? Local train for Selma and Goldsboro. New train service effective Jan uary 19th, 1913. Xo. 144-1240 P. M.? For Selma and Goldsboro, makes connection, at Selma witli A. C. L. Rail way, North and South, also at Goldsboro with A. C. L. and Norfolk Southern rail way. ztbm bbtm h tm htrd m Xo. 22-7; 30 P'. M. ? For Selma and Goldsboro, through train with chair 'car- nfrom Ashevile. Makes conection at Selma with A. C. L. Railway North 1and South and at . Goldsboro with A. C. L. and Norfolk Southern Railways. For detailed information, also for in formation concerning special round trip rates acount various special oc casiois and .Pulman Sleping Cars re Agent or Committeeolas n ens- bm servations ask any Southern Railway Agent o^ communicate with the under signed H. F. CARY J. O. JONES General Pasenger AgentTrav-Pas.Agt Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. S. H. HARWICH. H. W. COAPMAN Pass-Trafllc Mgr. Vice-Pres.&Gen.Mgr. E. A. ROGERS . Tinworker. Louisburg, N. C. Will make estimates on any job " Work Guarantee*!. Call cr \yrite~ w) dii in no* d of anything in my line. ? FARM FOR SALE One mile from Louisburg, containing 290 acres, and known as the old Joseph W. Fuller home place. This farm has a good two-story dwelling house and two tenant houses,. three tobacco barns in good condition, and a number of outhouses. Plenty of wood and good wells at two of the places. Several running streams on the place and some good pasture land. Makes fine tobacco, and has enough rested land for a 4- horse crop for 1914. y* - For xurther particulars see or write _ ' F. W. JUSTCErfhe Country Merchant R. F. D. No. 1, _ Louisburg, N. 0.

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