The Franklin Times A. r. JOHNSON, Editor ud liuia, 1! 'I Hz Intki .. lira Moiui NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President: WOODROW WILSON, New Jersey. For Vice-President: THOS. R. MARSHALL, Indiana. -> DEMOCRATIC ELECTORS AT LARGE: CAMERON MORRISON, Mecklenburg County. J. O. CARR, New Hanover County. DEMOCRATIC DISTRICT ELECTOR T. T. THORNE, Nash County. DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL -< NOMINEE EDWARD W. POU, Johnson County. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Governor: THOS. W. BICKETT, FranUln County ' For Lieutenant Governor. O. MAX GARDNER, Cleveland Oounty . For Secretary of State; J. BRYAN GRIMES, Pitt County. For State Auditor: W. P. WOOD, Randolph. County ' For State Treasurer: B. R. LACY, Wake county For Superintendent of PuDlflc Instruc ? lien: " J. Y. JOYNER. Wake County , For Attorney General : CjAMES S. MANN.NG. Wake County For Member of Corporation Commts ? '* sion : WILLIAM T. LEE. Haywood County For Commissioner of Agriculture : "W .^GRAHAM. Lincoln County For insurance Commissioner: 'JAMES ??. YOCNG. Vance County For Judge Superior CourL.Eiclitli 'v. W. P.^STACY. '^Cew Hanover County .tut r* For Judge Superior Court. Thlr: jO*q f>iO btte^biUi ^isu-xuafe io ja^ii ,^c Wl^'^ufeMblfKKlW a-?We?ii?iWihu 'It as he "lias been t\ ueu '?tkpon to cor ? is' T vOfc: H:uW".i ??' "J km.ieeil' J.;mea O. Carr. of W He SMfl 'v.Kff o 'ft as ? been ftipHntH'- I)?Wc?' 'ArttfhW?:f4I0W.e l^sfmr NoiWGirtllatf rWWficT.=J?lci ma' 16 *'tri ft? if/t ? A-/r tf )o ialdJ The svrvin?#uDiL,tijeal."iiif'a4'uStfH^ Ifogxft-uf Mediation ha:; been called -vas ordered as follows: General | Purpose Fund 40 cents on property $1.20 on poll. Special .light Interest fund 10 cents oa property and 30 cents 1 on poll, special water Interest fund sO ( i ents on property and $1.60 on poll. Resignation of S. P. Boddie, as . .Chief of the Fire Department was ac cepted. ^Upon order the Assistant ' Chief was instructed to fill the racan cy until an 'election was made. Night Policeman E. C. Perry was allowed a vacation of two weeks. Upon motion the salary -of Supt. Meredith, of the light and water plant was raised to SI 00 . 00 per month be ginning with August 1st. The report of A. W. Alston, ClerV:, was received and ordered recorded. He reports collecting for the months of March, Aprll,Jlay and June as fol lows: Lights $2,264.33, Water 51. 287.28 ? total $3,651.61. Taxes $?. 652.49. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next rogu lar meeting. THE BEAUTIFUL HUSSY A Hmrry-Up Opera With Terribly Quick Actios .Scene Waldorf-Astoria . Back* ground of handsome publishers. En ter from opposite sides Ancient Adver tisement and Modern Advertisement. Ancient Advertisement, starting bacfr: Good Heavens! What a hussy! The way that she is dressed! I used to be contented With a wood-cut on my chest. Modern' Advertisement: . I'm a proper, modern lady Who on nobody depends; No reading notice shady Do I count among my friends. If I greet the advertiser With a face that's sweet to see. ? It merely proves I'm wiser Than our daddies used to be. Advertising Manager: Once advertisers dkl appear ' Of me to have a little tear. But since I wed this maiden sweet So more I walk on pussy feet. For now most everybody knows That buyers follow where she goes Anonymous voice behind scenes: For a first-class beauty parlor Look up Ottmar Mergenthaler. ? From Tke Mergenthaler Lines O* Type News. v ? ? - ? Barbecue l>inuer at Louitsburu: . 1 Louisburg. N. C., Aug. 7, 1916. In her. beautiful country home near Lcuisburp Mrs. J. B. Yarborough en tertained lust evening at a barbecue dinner in honor of Misses Katherino >V^u,tef of Augusta, Ga., Josephine the attractive house -jJxo, r,W?.j H.,7 puffin. . and (Pron.jitly at 7 P. XI. a long lint! o: krWifoWtf! aVljWlVt) drtbf kvay of Mr^. Y-ai4bt^i*n:s fp^ciou %h 'Jk&e -Y *<&, ing the cosy corners. " scattered (at AN ELECTRICAL MEETING fc ? _ '? * 3 i V^cK fl jjh~irriikk fc^iwlirV ' ,Jh^r# (than Uie' i>ropCTty1l4i%pftti HKhtPFWr.a#* fihoiub jhA^P'b#^ fa inft&wd 61eiv as tefr. puLh fwldn -fratrit aa/ V.rr ?<'?. H lfr*W nmrtrth &? t&tpi c^fl^T .V?lu? 06 when their stocks were d^nlcfpd nr Kro? YoangsvlNe. Mrs. G. C, Patterson. Miss Mary S. Patterson. Mr. Baxter Patterson, Miss Bernia Perry ana Mr. I. W Mitchell are spending some time at Jackson Springs . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Perry spent Sunday at Riley's. Mr. Ben Jeffreys, of Hamlet. Is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffreys. Mrs. J. L. Brown is visiting rela tives in Raleigh this Week. Misses Melissa and Nancy Hawkins, of Winston-Salem, are guests of Mrs. J. B. Perry. Misses Addle and. Mayme Bagwell, Mildred Hlrshon and Minnie Bagwell, of Raleigh, Bertie Redlord, of Roles vllle, and Miss Helen Evans are house party guests of Miss Lillian Winston.. Misses Axmie and Elizabeth Gibson, of Laurinburg, Edith Harris, of En field, Pearl Temple, of Sanford, and Misses Lena and Beulah Gooch, of Hender son, are ho se-party guests of Miss Gertrude Winston this week. J W Davis Bead. Mr. J. W. Davis died at his homa Sunday morning, Aug. 6th, after an Illness of bout six mouth*. Mr. Dav is was sixty years of age and is sur vived by a wife, three daughters; Mrs. A. M. Shearon, of Wake Forest, Mrs.' 'Marion Bailey, and Mlae Marguerite Davis, and two sons Meesre. W. W. and W. TOBACCO GUANO, ACWD AND TOP !)RE*SER AT MCKrS'NE BROS. Wanted. For 1917 ? a. supervisor that can manage labor and knows, how-to make cotton. 8-ll-tf. R. P. TAYLOR. Thanks. I wish to thank the white people of this community (or the donation at 118.72 at the meeting of the District Conference at Trinity and for the re mainder' that made a total of $45.00 to assist in the erection of the Color ed Methodist church at Lousbnrg. The colored peop"g a full total for July of $75.01), a: of whicn nmouoi wMl be speit on he church Again thanking all w'l . w utrlbute.l so gen- . erously, I am T. M. CHRISMOtf Pastor, St. Paul's A. M. E. Church, i County Teachers Institute. A County Teachers' Institute will be held at Loulsburg beginning August 21st and continuing two 'weeks* The law requires the ^continuous atten dance of all public School, high school and graded school teachers, unless providentially hindered, or unless such teachers attend, an accredited Summer School fn lieu of an institute. A certificate of valid attendance will be issued to all who deserve it at the close of the institute. You will need to have Charter's "Teaching the Common Branches" and the Course of Study. If you have a copy of the Course of Study be sure to bring it with you. Primary teachers should bring all the books used in the first three grad es. a pair of scissors, a box.of crayola and a pencil with soft, large lead. Intermediate teachers should have all the text-books of the fourth, fifth sixth, and seventh grades. The White teachers will assemble hi the Graded School building, Colored teachers in the Court House. EDWARD L. BEST. . County Superintendent . SjU-2 t. August 4th, 1916. FIBE INSURANCE. When 70a want Insurance. take it with T. W. WATSON . He know* kow. 7 >21-11. Wanted. For 1917 ? a supervisor that can manage labor and knows how to mak? tobacco. 8-11-tf. R. P. TAYLOR. G. L. Ay cocke, The Louisburg Seedsman has just received a Fresh Lot of new Turnip Seeds. Come and buy them from AYCOCKE DRUG CO. 8-ll-2t. * . Certificate ol Dissolution. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come ? Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dlsr solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited my office, that the Bunn Live Stock Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situa ted in the town of Bonn, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina. (R. V. Harris being the agent thereto, and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21r Revlsal of 1905, entitled "Corpora tions." preliminary to the. issuing et this Certificate . of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State ? of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on tiie 1st day of August, 1916, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are pow on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have here to set my hand and affixed my offic ial seal at Ralelgli, this 1st day of (SEAL) August, A. E>. 1916. J. BRYAN GRIMES, 8-ll-4t. Secretary of State . . i,ne. of the Interior Department, liiKUi; ZD words and tH jed to be lovabli on lrd&* 1 words. manytook the "B. leBr avsd boa .93tviaL..iaft^J^ta&,a& ^0^ 4 ?&u*-at qjj c?intirtwrn^JlWi(, Too,p.(iitT>ap?J Tf^aam .itt ,-ttt> s1?Bd> atf* ^\PWi?>OlMpfra81n9-?ii?V7ItaHl flrafcf r Jiflp Parr lsh0 prom ptet^hy tlie ^,rncri Mifclred Sco#. MaUle .AJW~ work hedid In the protection Camnia and Eler.nor Yarborough, all temporary bridge , shows the ^ Loulsburg, Loalfie and Hattle Ho^ ;ndable. - ? Allen, VilUia^n Dlckep_ Top Rujfln. olqop *1 vJniiO iifiii'iaiMWt-? HA^u Com?fi*Toner* . Waddell* Harry .Candler amL_Perc S?8j OJliAMditt WOMcf ly nlgnt an(J Mrg j B yarborougn. .r.yhtTOJW.W ??!*???< ,W'j?n?WAMiM.?wM ig was approved and buatneaa ed of an follow* : \ Town Board of To^gJJ regular session on $80.00, ng Ciil lire goctHy^^ 1 'e^durlinP day evening laat, the beautiful old Co lonial home of Mrs. W. H. Ruffln was cei hei saasm * irani j entertained at bridge, ind'tfie'cSmfng .larger fortunes . to be made for kaekihwnt ftUfeWh Utknty^irA^rnl^^rtj^- 1 dfc' 8 Oi? *MO Tint ajiyiTTir money in being eafeful when I ptevent a profitable blaze? merous report* of ftroe to be el of thee, Id not Ter^fluppened If t it ?rs of the property Involved h. communities u wen aa lndlvkhu ?upplli eod?? Hence, evsrlnaoMM* *? a a t OttlOu an 1 ;I Wish to State to THE PUBLIC that I do strictly a CASH BUSINESS Fred A. Riff .. Jeweler .. Louisburg, - N. C. ROOFING our Roof in Good Con at f> " iJam hsqhjg aiil r* Haw?' dition Now. A'lPew; Leaks May jCost You More Than ??' It'-"-' : ,t ,.u,:oo v?im. -J . > wn. -xiilT/'. jqiut -ilfi Jmll . , ' ^inlnoo no ^jurt- loir.* tiio aiiui?*4-ibtaiiM, Sij1^larri? ^aSiiy 'Aipffidt Roofing & - ?i)-mio9:j v