FLOWERS For All Occasions Boms, Vallies, Orchids, Vio late and Carnations a spec ialty. Wedding Boquets and Decorations, Floral Offerings arranged in the latest art. Write us for price list of your needs in cut flowers or plants of all kindB. All com munications promptly exe cuted by J. L O'Quinn & Co. Raleigh, N. C. Loeal Aieit. W. E. WHXTI. TUCKERS LIVERY Maia Street Louisburg, N. C. I have equipped a most up-to date Livery Stable for the ac commodation of the people of Louisbarg and Franklin County and especially the traveling pub lic. My outfits aie the best to be had and your every convenience will be given prompt attention. My drivers are all polite and know their work. Give me aa opportunity to ahow my appre ciation of your patronage. Prices reasonable. Special equipment for special occasions. J. 0. Tucker Louisbarg, N. C. IW^W^ Explealea fat New Tor*. ? Washington. July 30. ? No special Investigation of th? explosion at Black Tom Island In Maw York Bar will be undertaken by the Department of Justice unless ?Tidence la develop ed by the police or New Tork agents of the departments bureau of Investi gation that It was a plot aimed at the destruction of munitions of war. A. B. BielaakX, chief of the bureau, recelred word today from New York that so far no facta had developed to show that the explosion was the re sult of a plot. New York. July 30. ? Property loss es estimated at <26,000,000 were caus ed early today by a series of terrlflc explosions of ammunition awaiting shipment to the Entente Allies and stored on Black Ton Island, a small strip of land jutting Into New York Bay off Jersey City. The loss of life still was problematical tonight. It will not be determined definitely un til there bas been opportunity to JKeck up thl workmen employed on the Island and on boats moored near by. The detonations which were felt In five States, began with a continuous rapid-fire of small shells, then the blowing up of great quantlte* of dy namite, trlnltoltunlne and other high explosives, followed by the* bursting of thousands of shrapnel shells which literally showered the surrounding country and waters for many miles abound. 1* Warehouses Baraed. Fire that started soon after the first great crash which spread death and desolation In its wake, destroyed thir teen of the huge warehouses of the National Storage Company on Blark Tom Island, In which were stored merchandise valued between $12,000 000 and 415,000.000. The flames, shooting Into the clouds were reflect ed against New York's "sky line" and towering office buildings, which only a tew moments before were shaken to their foundations as by an "earth quake. Allies of streets in Manhat tan were strewn with broken glass and shattered signs. Early reports of heavy loss of life were Impossible of verification, and the authorltes asserted the number of deaths probably would be small It was said that owing to tne extent of the wreckage, It might be several days before the exact figures could be obtained. Three arc known to b^aead and at least two more are missing. .Scores of persons were Injured, some of tliem probably mortally - Warranto Charge Xaaalaaghtcr The cause of the disaster bad not been determined tonight. Official* of tbe National Storage Company unl the Lehigh Valley Railway, which a. so suffered heavily through loss of property, declared, however, that re ports to them showed a Are started shortly after 1 o'clock this morning on a barge belonging to an indepeud ent towing company hat had been moored alongside a dock used by the railroad company to transfer ammu nition shipments from trains to ves sels in the harbor. The barge, it was said was there without authority cith er of the railroad or the storage com pany. The officials refused to die close the name of the Independent towing company, saying they were in vestigating to ascertain whether the barge purposely had been set on fire as the result of a plot." Warranto charging manslaughter were issued late tonight tor tbe ar rest of Albert M. Dlckman, agent at the Black Tom Island docks for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company; Theodore B. Johnson, head of the Johnson Lighterage ft Towing Co , and Alexander Davidson, superinten dent of the National Storage Compa ny. They are accused of having 11 legally permitted explosives te be stored where human life was endang ered. Johnson's company had been "en. gaged It was said. In llghtertng muni tions from the docks to ships In the harbor. u*f?, AMMjmecttoUxM UtarjMc la addition to other properties, Lax-Foe contains Cascars la acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative andTotilc. Lax-Foa acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestJoa , arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c. The First Paper? An Exclusive His torical Item. When Adam's Eve began to do tho housekeeping for Adam, she had no cares such as pursue tbe modern Adam's madam. She did not know wliat was the rage, because there was no Woman's Page. ?* She did not get a Dally Hint from Paris full of passion to start her on a daily sprint to keep up with the fashion. She did not haunt the beau ty stores In order to keep open pore*. When Adam capered ham* at night (he was no wearied plodder!) he dlu not ahWer lest he mlfht be served with carious fodder.' There were no papers, so you see there was no Household Recipe. Old Adam was a happy bloke an 4 lived a life most cheery. He did not know that he would choke some day with his bacteria. Adam and Eve had never read Health Articles to scare them dead. Eve never went through Adam's breeks when he was sweetly dream ing, because there were no Bargain Weeks to tempt her to' such scheming. The serpent thought she was a goose. She was too good for any use! . The serpent was a clever brute. Though he'd not been through college, his sanctum made him mighty cute.. It was the Tree of Knowledge. "Aba!"' he said, "111 publish, free, The Dally Eden Apple Tree I" The first edition raised a row whose t:andal shocked creation. Bnce that ret Issue Adam's brow is wet with perspiration. It told the scandal, rich and rare, that Eve had not a thing to wearl ? Prom The Mergen thaler Lines O" Type News. AVOID MISTAKES No Nn4 to Experiment With Lonii bnrg Evidence at Band. There are many well-advertised kidney remedies on the market today, but none so well-recommended ? none so Loulsburg recommended as Doan's Kidney PllUf Read this Louisburg case: A. W. Perry, grocery. Main St: Loulsburg, says: "I had kidney trou ble for a long time and suffered from awful pains across my loins. My kid neys were inactive. Doan'a Kidney Pills gave good results. Whenever I take this medicine, it gives me benefit and lives up to the claims made for it." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr. Perry had. Foster -MUbarn Co. Props., BuJfalo,N. Y. FIBE INSURANCE. When yo? want Iiraraace take it with T. W. WATSON. He haoirs how. 7-81-tt. WoocJ for Sale We have 100 Cords of Good Dry Pin? Wood and 50 Cords Ash Wood for sale Cheap. All Cut last Witter. _ / " " A. W. Perry, Jr., & Comp'y. Louisburg, N. C. HORSES AND MULES ? Cheap For Cash Or On Time I have just received > car load of good (arm horses and mules that I am offering cheap for cash or on time with good approved security. Oome to see me at my new location and let me show you what value is in a horse or mule. u o o o o o FULLER & PERRY Main Street Louisborg, N. C. Near Bridge SPRING TIME IS HERE and is time to get your Spring Goods. 1 have on band a nice lino o( Groceries and Notions. Have on hand Ladies bats. Mens work bats, hosiery, etc. Call and see me before you buy elsewhere. Wanted all your eggs, butter, corn and chickens. G. ?-. Parrish & Co. Pousvttle, N. C. Subscribe to The Franklin Times Mtl ?? V i ^ At The WAREHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. Wednesday. August 23rd, 1916 It is with pleasure that we announce to the tobAcco farmers OfFr'anklin an 4jid joining counties that the Farmers Warehouse will open its doors on the above date to serve you in selling your tobacco, with equal or better facilities heretofore and will remain open continuously throughout the season. We will have a fall corps of buyers representing a large number of companies with good orders for buying. Among the companies to be represented on our mar ket this season are American Tobacco Co., Leggett-Myers Tobacco Co., Export Leaf Tobacco Co., Dibbrell Bros., J. P. Taylor Co., R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Imperial Tobacco Company'. . ? . ? t . . . ? Our force this year will consist of Mr. R. L. Daniel, auctioneer, whose reputation is at thf best for getting the highest prices. Mr. G. C. Harris, bookkeeper who has been with us for the past 10 years and is well-known to you, Mr. M. H. Epps, assistant bookkeeper, a young man of exceptional business qualities and who was with as during the season of 1914-15, S. S. Meadows, general manager whose past twenty-five years service to the farmers of Frauklin coun ty is a record which is also known to you, and we are (are ha# won your confidence. During the past twenty-five years that the members of this company has been serving thf tobacco farmers of Franklin aAd adjoining fceunties as warehousemen they have never let an opportunity pass whereby they could be of assistance to the tobacco grower, looking out for their interests at all times and more especially on the sales when they would wage hot battles to make all the tobacco bring every dollar it was worth. They have also shown this appreciation fer the patronage of their customers in a substantial way, and in advance, by assistinfi them to make and save their crops by liberal advances. You know our way of doing business, which in the principle, has never been changed, xou know that we make no promises that we don't fulfill. You know we give every m'n a fair, square deal. So don't forget the day Wed nesday, August 23rd, 1916. Bring us a load then and we will use all our energy, put forward all of our exertions and give to each pile of tobacco our personal attention and yon shall tyave the benefits in dollar and cepja of .our long experience in selling tobacco. TOBACCO CO m0m >13 S. S. Meadows, Manager Loni8burg?jf . C.