NEW GOODS ? T a ? ? At During the week we have received many new articles which our buy er has sent to us from Baltimore, New York and at prices never before known. o o o There is no need of going elsewhere and paying more mon ey for the same goods- A visit to our store will convince you we have' the goods you need- We have one of the larg est stacks that we have ever had since we have been in Louisburg, and comparison of other merchants prices will | prove to you that we save you from 15 to '25 per cent on all your purchases. o o o o o 10c Ladies Vest 5c 10c solid color Bunting \s? ;"c 12}jc Dress Ginghams .... . $V*c 25c White Pique 19c Wide stripe Popln Suiting 35c value 2oC ?15c Susine Silk all colors 23c 35c Mercerised Poplin in all colors 23c Sew White .Crusher Felt Hats $1 value 777 . 48c Just received a big shipment of La dies Felt Hats, the latest fad of the season in white, pink, blue and cream color worth from $1.50 to $2.50, -our low price .... 08 c Felt Hats in white, pink, blue and black, $3.50- value, our low price.... $l.5S Just received a big shipment of Baby caps 50c value - 23 c Just received new shipment, of Jab Silk Waists in assorted colors and sizes made in newest style worth $2.00 Our low price .9&c Many other reductions in our store, and men's clothing de partment it will pay you to pay our store a visit. KLINE & LAZARUS ? The Big Store With Small Prices Louisburg, North Carolina Empress Augusta Victoria of Ger- It is said that laughter will cure many visits the hospitals every wec?c indigestion; but the trouble is the to console the wounded soldiers of her maa- who has it doesn't feel like laugh - country . * ing. ? there's this treat always available. Always the same delicious quality, made in the Purity Palace and kept pur* until it reaches your table. Aak for "VELVET KIND." insist on it Order Some Today ! Sold by SCOGGIN-EGERTON DRUG CO., LouUburR.N.C. Ten Question* for Mr. Hughes. Political Interest centers Just now ou the speech Judge Hughes Is soon to make formally accepting the Re publicai\ nomination for President ' The ears of tlie country are wide open to heai* what he will have to say. So far, in such meager statements as he has given to the press of the country, the 9- O. P. candidate has dealt moBt ly iff glittering generaltles. He is expected really to say something par ticular and definite with regard to Iris policies, when he makes his for mal speech of acceptance. Meanwhile, the New York World, the paper which submitted ten ques tions to Colonel Roosevelt a few years ago, has put ten questions to Judge Hughes. The Oolonel has not yet an swered the questions the World sub mitted to him and it is generally re cognzed today that his failure to an swer them finally brought his politi cal downfall. Will Judge Hughes un dertake to answer the World when he makes his speech of acceptance? Eag erly will the country watch and wait. Here are the World's ten questions: 1 . . Why Is Wall Street for Hughes? 2. Why is the German vote for Hughes? 3. Why are the great financial in terests that are still plotting to sub stitute a central bank for the Federal Reserve System for Hughes? 4. Why are the tariff monopolists who dictated the schedules of the re pudiated Payne-Aldrlcli tariff fof Hughes? 5. Why are the chief opponents of American neutrality for Hughes. 6. Why are the advocates of firm ed intervention and war with Mexico for Hughes? 7. Why are the trusts for Hughes? 8. Why are the champions of mil itary conscription for Hughes? 9? Why are all the elements .of political reaction and political Bour bonism for, Hughes? 10.. Why is every enemy of indus trial. financial and corporation reform for Hughes? The World urges Judge Hughes to answer these questions in his speech of acceptance, and warns nlm that no I matter how gre'at the ability or how lofty the personal character of a can didate for President may be", tiie coun try will judge him in a large measure by the kind of support that he rallies to his cause. .Recommends Cham heroin's 60 lie, ^ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy* "I never > hesitate to reoommend Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." writes Sol Will iams. merchant, Jesse. Tenn. "I sell more of it than of any other prepara tions of like character. I have used it myself and found i^gave me more relief than anything else I have ever tried for the same purpose." OB TAINABLE EVERYWHERE. PHYSICIANS ARE QUITE RELIEV ED. Announced That Core Has Been Dis covered for Infantile Paralysis. New York. July 31.. ? Physicians leading New York's fight against in fantile paralysis felt a sigh of relief today with the announcement of the first cure brought about by the newly discovered Abrenclin treatment on which the specialists have relied to break the epidemic. There was discharged from the hos pital today a male infant brought to the hospital apparently near death three weeks ago. So complete has been the child's cure that specialists entertain hope that of making speedy progress in ending the epidemic. The disease passed the 4,000 mark today fn the number of cases. The deaths tonight had totaled 841. The day also was a record-breaking for the state. Outside of New York city! fifty-three new cases and three deaths | were reported. In New Jersey twen ty-eight more cases were reported. The Clerk taiaranteea iu "A customer came into my store the other day and said to one of my clerks, ?have you anything that will cure di arrhoea?' and my clerk went and got him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said to him. 'if this does not cure yon, I will not charge you a cent for it' So he took It home and came back in a day or two and said he was cured." writes J. H. Berry & Co., Salt Creek, Va. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Her First Day In Church. The two trustees in the church tooK up the collection In the middle aisle, then began in front again and work ed the side ilBles. "I should think," whispered the small girl to her father, "they would have four waiters, one for each aisle." Despondency Due to Indigestion* "About three months ago when I was Buffering from indigestion which cansed headache and dizzy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Chamberlain's Tab lets," writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Macedon, N. Y. "This medicine proved to be the very thing I needed, as one day's treatment relieved me greatly. I us ed two bottles of Chamberlain's Tab lets and they rid me of thin trouble." 1 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHEKB. There are between 3.000,000 and 4.000,000 woman voters In the United State* . Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. QROVK'S TASTHI.KSS chill TONIC, drivea out lfalar1a,enrich?s the blood. and builds up the sys tem. Atsuetonic. For adults and children. 50c. i HA VK YOr HAD THE EXTEUI. ENCEt Loulsburg, X. C., August. 1st. 1913. Mr Automobile User. Dear Sir. Assuming you are interested In all the convenience!* and time saving de vices fur Automobiles, that can be se cured at moderate cost and especially those that are really practical, I take the liberty of calling your attention to the most wonderful, and the one that will be the most appreciated, conveu lencc that has yet been devised. fio doubt you have had the exper ience of many others when on a busi ness or pleasure trip yon had to stop to repair a puncture, which always in variably happens both at the wrong time and place. If so you will be one of the many admirers of the Carolina Puncture Proof Inner Tube. This Is an Inner tube made of the purest rubber possi ble to put in a tube, that actually will not deflate from a puncture. With jour car equipped with them you can laugh at the nail or other obect that you now dread. An actual test In Franklin County has been made by Mr. (J. L. Crowell, who has driven 170 nails In one casing equipped with this tube without having to re-pump his tire, at the same time having driv en his enr over 2200 mile*. 1 know you will be interested in such a Tube and invite your careful investignton . See your local Pnnc ture Proof Tube Agent, or write, or see me. *. . A. F. JOHNSON.. j n> IIOMK SEEKERS OR LA\D BITERS . I have tor sale , in Mecklenburg County, Va.. about seventy-five miles West of Louisburg. N. C.. about eight ' thousand acres of just as fine tobF.cco land as can be found on earth. These lauds will also grow the best wheat, corn. etc. Well improyed and finely watered, with plenty of timber and wood. Healthy climate, no chills, good neighborhood, churches and schools and good roads. Prices of tfcefee farms run from $10 to $15 per acre. Good terms wanted with 6 per cent interest. Fortunes can be made quick by taking advantage of these low prices. You cc.n't afford to pay $20 to $40 per acre for lands in Frank lin county when you can get better for less than one-third this price. Come and look over these lands your selves and you will wonder why you haven't done this before. You won't be by yourselves as many of your neighbors ere now negotiating for these lands. Be the "early bird" and get first choice. For further infor mation address me at Chase City, Va W. T. HUGHES. 7-28-3t. Formerly of Louisburg. . TOBACCO GCANO YC1D \N*D TOi'j AT MCKIXttE BROS. Trusteed of Town Loth. By virtue of the power of sale con- ? tained in that certain deed of trust made by D. W. McKnight and others. Trustees for the Lduisburg Normal and Industrial Training School to Wpm. H. Ruffin. Trustee, dated Dec. 19th, 1911, and recorded in the Regis try of Franklin County in Book 199, page Q55, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made on said trustee by the > holder of said indebtedness, the un dersigned will on Monday. August 21, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C.. offer for sale at publtr auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, that property in said deed of trust conveyed, and there described as follows: FIRST LOT, Beginning in the center of the Louisburg and Franklinton road a stake on the West side Julia Shaw's cdrner, thence N 79 l-2d W 8 poles 19 links to a stake; thence S 10 l-2d W 8 poles minks to trutateo; thence S 79 l-2d E 4 poles 7 links to the ceac?r ' of the Louisburg and Franklinton road; thence along said road N 47 l-2d E 7 poles 15 links to the beginning, . containing one quarter of ' an acre, ' more or less. SECOND LOT. Beginning at an iron ?take, the Julia Shaw corner on tho | i path, thence N 79 l-2d W 11 poles to an Iron stake. J. P. Timberlakas corner; thence 8 10 l-2d W 12 poles i 14 links to an iron stake, now a small ! house, J. P. Timberlake's corner; thence N 10 l-2d E t> poles 10 links to , _an iron stake, corner in Timberlake'3 line; thence N 10 l-2d E 6 poles 6 links to an iron stake; thence S 79 l-2d E 4 poles 15 links to a stake, Ju- I lia Shaw's corner; thence N 10 l-2d E | 6 poles 8 links to the beginning, con taining one half an acre, more or less: i being lots conveyed CO Daniel Hazel- I wood by L. E. Rufllng and wife by ' deed recorded In Book 146, page 462, Registry of Franklin County, on which lots is now erected the Louisburg Nor- | mal and Industrial Training School; and said lots having been conveyed to j said Daniel Hazelwood in trust, though I ?aid trust is expressed verbally #nly ' and agreed between said Hazelwaod < and said trustees for said Normal and | Industrial Training School and by | said Hazelwood conveyed to the Trus tees aforesaid . j Terms of Sale ? CASH . This July 21st, 1916. ' WM. H. RUFFIN, ? DOLLARS Do you want to save a few? Do you want to save quite a few? Do vou want to make a practice of saving them in every piece of furniture you buy? Then come to us for your next piece. v ...FURNITURE... Is right, guaranteed and cheap when you buy it from us. It is the economical Furniture for you to buy.- Everything for the living room, bed room, dining room, kitchen, porch and lawn. We Can Satisfy You in Any Style or Price. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. WE HAVE CLIMBED THE LADDER OF SUCCESS In this Hardware Business by at- ; tending strictly to business, keep ing up our stock, and having it for you when you want it. We deserve your trade. We keep a Big Stock; we give yon the lit tle price. The Hardware Co. Louis burg, N. C.

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