THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. T. Johnson, Ed. and Mgr. One Year - - ? ? -$1.00 Six Months ' - - .65 Three Months - .35 -Mr. John C. Drewry. one of Ral eigh's most popular ana prominent citizens died at his home In that city on Monday afternoon. Senator Lee S. Overman will ad dress the citizens of Franklin county at the Court House in Loiiisburg On Tuesday, October 17th. Everybody is invited to hear him. Ford, the automobile king, has an nounced that he is no Democrat but he i8 going; to vote and do all in his power for 'Wilson, as he is the man America needs for President. Great Franklin Count j Fair . Well, It's here! The Great Frank lin County Fair at which may be ^ seen: Some of the finest live stock in North Carolina; a grand display in the Floral Hall ot hundreds of vari ous and interesting exhibits; beauti ful floral, school, and live stock pa rades every day; O. E. Williams, the master air-craft mechanic, in sensa tional feats In his monster bi-plane; the most dangerous high-dive act ever witnessed; a wonderful sharp-shoo* ing performance ? all free acta: Geo. W. Reynolds Sixteen Greater Show"), the cleanest and best shows seen at any Fair Ground anywhere; and many other various things of Interest to both large and small, which one can not afford to miss. Everybody is ex pecting a big time and they will get more than they expect. The management has arranged for special guards for every booth in the Floral Hall during the week and es pecially Saturday. All those whe send anything can feel assured that their exhibit will be taken the best care of possible, and there will posi tively be no handling of any exhibit at any time. Booths have been so arranged that all' exhibits may be seen from the ?isle and nobody will go inside of the booths except the di rectors and the guards on duty. The Midway at night will present a grand brilliant spectacle with hund reds of incandescent tights and illum ination everywhere. Already the password. "Meet me at the Fair" is being heard all over the county, and when yoij^get there you won't have to 'look' for a good time but it will be given you . You'll be sorry If you miss it so come instead and be happy! Rheumatism Follows Exposure. In the rain all day i8 generally fol lowed by painful twinges of rheuma tism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give you quick' relief and prevent the twinges from becoming torture. It quickly penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore and aching Joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Lini ment. Get a bottle today at your Druggist, 25c. XIhs Nellie Mitchell Entertains Tli* . Missionary Socletj . Franklinton, N. C., Oct. 6. ? The Young Womans Missionary Society of the M. E. Church met witn Miss Nel lie Mitchell Monday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. D. IS. Barclay. Mrs. H. E. Craven, Mrs. A. H. Vann, Mrs. J. O. Purnell, Mrs. W. R. Hunt. Mrs. J. R. Frye, Misses Liz zie WhitfleW. Nellie Utley, Eleanor Vann and Mattie Ballard. In absence of the President, Mrs J. O. Purntil conducted the Devo-1 tlonal Exercises, the subject (or the | afternoon, "My Gift an Eternal In vestment." T Mrs. H. E. Craven was the leader of the discussion on "Korea." rhe others taking part in this discussion were Mrs. A. H. Vann, Mrs. J. O. Parncll, Mrs. D. E. Barclay, Misses Eleanor Vann and Mattle Ballard. A day was appointed for a special program to be arranged by this Socie ty during the week of Prayer in No vember. At the close of the meeting the h. '. teas served refreshments. The socl-| ety adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. K. Wicker Monday afternoon, Novem ber the 6tli. ? . #_ A Clogged System Matt Be Cleared. Ton will And Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxative for removing Impurities from the sys tem. Accumulated waste poisons the blood; dizziness biliousness and pim ply, muddy compexion- are the dle treaslng effects. A dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight will assure yon a free. Toll bowel movement In the ?wrnlng. At your Druggist, 25c. - Orphanage Diner. The ladles of the Episcopal Church have their Orphanage Dinner on of November court sn ?i TO CUF1 ier with the ladle* and aaalst in good cause ' ALL TROOPS TO SEE SERVICE ON BORDER. First Official Announcement Mtul** of Policy of War Department. Washington, Oct. 3. ? All National Guard unit* of Virginia. North Caro lina. ^outh Carolina and "Tennessefc now In mobilization camps will be sent to the border "in the immediate future." Secretary Baker announced late today. These and other State troops who have not yet seen service ou the border will take the places of National Guard organizations ordered to their home stations. The secretary's statement was the first official announcement that the ?War Department had adopted a fpol icy calling for border service for all the National Guardsmen before they are mustered out. It had been un derstood for several weeks, however, that this -course would be pursued . Department officials expect the last of the units to be moving toward the border within the next week or ten dayB. A War Department announcment is sued this evening listed among the troops in mobilization camps in Sou thern States on October Is North Carolina ? Companies A and B, engineers . ^ South Carolina ? Company A. engi neers. * Tennessee ? Troopg C and D. caval ry. Virginia ? First squadron cavalry; Company A. engineers; field company, signal corps and field hospital No. l. The department's announcement says that the "official report of mus ter In" of the troop8 named in North I Carolina, South Carolina and Tenn essee "is not a matter of record," but the report says these troops will be sent to the border. An Old 'Retir to te Exhibited. Some days ago Mr. W. B. Cooke was showing me the returns for a tot of cotton sold by his nncle in Georgia in 1860. The statement was neatly made out with-pen and ink and wag of peculiar interest because of the fact that cotton at that time was only clas sified as good or- bad . The good cot ton in this lot sold at 10c and the bad cotton at 5c. This paper will be exhibited at the Franklin County Fair. if you have anything unusual wlilch would be of interest to the people in other sectiong of the County bring it to the fair and exhibit It. In this way you will be getting more out of the fair for yourself, and will be ad ding to the pleasure and entertain ment of thousands of people in other sections who will visit the fair. Yours for a Bigger and Better Fair, MALCOLM McKINNE. List . of Letter*. The following Is a fist of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louie burg, not called for Oct. 9, 4916: Mr. J. W. Mims, Mrs. Sallie Lit tlejohn, Mlsg Ro*berta Dunston. Mr Arlington Young, Mrs. Lydia B. Col lins (2), Mr. Marshall Harris, Mr. Charlie Epps. Mr. M. L. Rogers. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, P. M. Pine-Tar Relieves A Cold. Dr. Bell's Pi ne-Tr.r- Honey contains all the soQthlng elements of the pine forest. It heals the Irritated mem brane, and by it* antiseptic proper ties loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier, and what promised to be a se vere cold has been broken up. For that stulfed-up feeling, tight chest or sore throat take c. dose of Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey and prevept a wear ing, hacking cough dragging through the winter. At- your Druggist, 25c. Honor Roll. Tbe following ta an honor roll of the Second Grade at Lonisburg Grad ed School for the week ending Wed nesday: Rob Beck, Adelaide Johnson, Eliza beth Johnson. Wilson Morton, Jam?<; Soatball, Wlngate Underbill. Sen Wilder, Will Yarborough, Wllmot Bubii, Max Allen, Pattle Beasley, El sie Hudson, Lillian Howell, Elizabeth Webb. Maria Perry, John Williamson, Hugh Pearce. Changing Season* Brings Cold*. "SKiffed-up head," ciogged-up nose, tight chest, sore throat are rare signs of cold, and Dr. King's New piscov ery Is sure relief. A dose of this combination of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritated membrane, cleaqg the head, looseng the phlegm, yon breathe easier and realize your cold Is broken tip. Take Dr. King's New Discovery until your cold is rsni r-r 47 years tbe favorite remedy JWnuig and #ole seen anywhere in the State this year.. .The aeroplane flight will be one of the many big features, and Mr. Williams, the noted Aviator, has consented to take several passen gers on some of the flights while here. , . . . The people of this County have the finest opportunity to compete for premiums e in that no entry fees are charged for anything. All exhibits should be at the Pair Grounds either Saturday or Monday, and all live stock must be on the grounds no later than 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Fully 25,000 people will attend this Fair, and everybody will have an opportuni ty to meet everybody else in this and adj acent counties. Already the word is being sounded from one end of the County to the other signifying the intentions of every body to be present. ~ The merchants in Louisburg are getting in extra goods every day for display purposes, and some of the most valuable and useful articles will be displayed in the windows and in the booths at the Fair Grounds. A number of merchants will give demonstrations on the Fair Grounds conducted by professional cooks on the latest type ranges and gas stoves, and many will be the delicacies handed out to the visl tors at the Fair. Wednesday will be Agricultural Day and Franklin County's stock will be seen in a parade that will long be remembered in Louisburg. Some of the finest horses w and cattle anywhere to be found in the State have been entered for this event, and this parade will be one that will do credit to any stock show anywhere in the South. On this day there will also be the Better Babies' Contest, at which time much in teresting and instructive literature will be given eut to the mothers present. Thursday, in addition to. the many things seen in the parade of ' the former days will be seen the floats arranged by the merchants and other interests in Louis burg and other parts of the County. ? Friday is Educational Day and special for School children, at which time all r under twelve years of age in the parade will be admitted to the grounds free of charge while others will be admitted for half price price or 25c. In this grand school parade will also be seen some of the best stock and some of the floats that participated in Thursday's parade. ?> - Everything is in readiness and everybody all over the county is breathlessly awaiting for Tuesday to come. All the p arades will be led by the * Royal Italian Band and band concerts will be given at the Fair Grounds daily. The fair will open Tuesday and every minute of the time will be delightfully spent in the Fair Grounds. The management has arranged this year to take every precaution* to safeguard all the entries and in addition to the guards who will be continuously on duty in and about the Fair Grounds both night and day everything within the Floral Hall will be insured for the benefit of those who make the entries. . .If there is anybody in the county you have not seen for fifteen or twenty years if you will come to Louisburg Fair Week you will see them. Admission into the Fair Grounds 50c, Children 25c. Admission at night will be 10c to all not having free eoupon which goes with every admission ticket pqrch&I ?" ed during the day. A. H. FLEMING, Secretary