The Seasons Prettiest Designs ..FURNITURE.. Are on display in our store where you can find a piece of furniture for any:place you want or to fill any need. Come in and let us show you through our iine.' The looking will be worth your while. - Our prices are especially in keeping with the tight times and will save you big money. Our Under taking Department is always complete and at your command. Come to see us when in Louisburg. W. E. White Furniture Company Louis burg, N. C. CARVING SETS r I % > " . . A carving set is a suitable accept able useful gift. I Carving is a pleasure with one of our sharp, Well-tempered fcnives. Save your temper. Buy your boy or yourself one of our good, handy Pocket Knives. For whatever you want in Hard ware, whenever you want it, come to us, we always have it. _ ? The Hardware Co. Louisburg, H". c. ? ' VTB*/* ^ ^ SUNDAY SCHOOL it' Lesson II.? Fourth Quarter, For Oct 8, 1916. . f THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Aote x'iilv, t0-4l* Memory Verses, 14? 15? Golden Text, Acts xxlv, 16 ? Commentary Prepared by flev. D. M. Stearns. This chapter gives us Paul's, testi mony before the lilgh priest and tlie elders from Jerusalem, at Caesarea, In the preaAice of the governor Felix, and also some account of one of Paul's talks with' Felix and his wife Bra silia. The persecutors from Jerusalem brought with them an orator rwb<* with flattery for Felix, did a large amount o t lying against Paul, which the Jews Indorsed, saying that these things were so- (verges 1-9). Paul de nied their accusations nnd defied them to prove what they said and then stat ed the case truthfully -(verses 104ft confession that he believed. >11 things which are written fn tb? lay/ and In the prophets (verse 14) remW is us that our Lord said that the f ?yo with whom He walked t? Bmqr aus were foolish In not doing ??S lo4 also that He expounded from Moser, and the prophets, and the psalms thq/ things Concerning Himself, saying Vnat all most be fulfilled (Luke xx*wjtS5-27, 44). It is counted heresy /evem now by many supposedly orthodox /preachers to look foiwjt literal ^israw to occupy the land given to Atarah&nv Isaac and Jacob, and a literal kingdom of God on earth with Israel as -a center, who shall, as a nation macfe righteous by receiving Jesus, Christ as their Mes siah when Ho/shall come to HW/glory, then bring htesslng to all naUtms. I have been (pld to my face by ai teact? er of large Blbiewclasses that the Jews were no more to God than therfndlans of our country, but I am, stlUSbeilevtog God and standing with' our/Lord and with Paul and expect sOk'tocontinue by His grace. As to tbe/TocnrrecCtoai at the dead, both of tbefjrat. andAmJuBt, when understood iiv U?p, ligb't of/Wll Scripture, that also,ls raMstAlmple^and helpful. All the dead'shaUfifrtse;/that ia*cleor not only from, "lessor verc.e 15, bat also from our L/vrd's not tbnyn way -from it. as I once did, but loot' Into lCbumbiy and prayerfully, with/ajreal ideslre to know the mind ofAberLordl and He will surely teach .'you, Let us culti vate a conscience vcrW ? of offense to ward God first tend then toward men (verse 16). FVlix. baring - heard both ?Ides and scetng thnragh isome things, decided that the matter be deferred until T.vslns. tbe-x^hlef captain, could come and advise him more fully. Meantime he trea ted Paul well as a prisoner, giving hi m liberty and allow ing his. acquaints nces to see him and minister to him (verses 22, 23). A4 we think Of Phf Up and -his household and all who hfjard the word lniAha home a* GomMOus, It is possible* that Paul was/ made as comfortable /iaa a prisoner foJoddl be, and, no douUt, he used every 'opportunity to preach Christ ?crucified, xlsea And. returning to eet>y.p His kingdom. Wofmay^lnfer'ffoln Vefcsfa 2Tfflat"thh cs? I was deferred for at least two yearn so that Paul most have had mucfa rest and many opportunities. We cam lot think as well of 'Felix as we wot lid like to, for he was evidently an J np to dvte grafter {and a man plf aser, ofttn sending for*Paul toll ear hi; n talk, trembling a llttVv sometimes u; ider his searching words, but always ; b oping that Paul would offer him mon Vjy to set him free, and .keeping Paul a prisoner to please the Jews (verses 24-27). What we call graft,, or, aa in the Bible, taking bribes, is a very old story, and was forbidden by'the law of Soses. Samuel was free from It, but not so blft sons (Dent xvi, 10; 1 Bam. vlli, 3;/ll, 3). We miist "not confuse this ? with the saying of our Lord, as some do, that the Spirit will convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judg ment (John xvl, 7. 8). Our first need as slnqers is n righteousness which will enible us to appear unashamed before God, and this we cannot obtain by any good works of our own. Yet there arc many going about seeking to establish their own righteousness* I hot knowing that In God's sight all If as filthy rags, and apart from Jews* Christ there is none righteous? no, n?* one (Isa. Ixiv, B: Bom. 111. 10. 19-24; Xs 8, 4; II Oor. T, 21) Temperance to the denial or control of self In every form that God may be glorified in omr dally life, not In order to be ?av?* but because of the righteousness freetf given to us in Christ All shall In ? nram^id* of this tidy rod tin you will rood: "Pro ceee Patanlad July 30th. 1907." which id? fnree men pipe* where before I CopTrlfkt lilt by ?. J. RarsoMa TokMM Co. ii i Fringe Albert 1 ?] the national joy tmoke - J has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it I And that isn't strange, either. . - ; " s Buy Princ e Albert every where tobacco is mold in toppy red bag*, 6c; tidy red tint, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humi dor* ? and? that corking fine pound crystal- glass humi dor with sponge- moistener top that keep s the tobacco in each clever trim ? always! Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winiton-Salem, N.C. Trustee's Sale of Valuable Brick Store, lsunn, a. V. By virtue ot the power of sale con 1 tained in that certain deel of trust ex ecuted by J . *H . Mullen and wife and otherB, trading as Mullen Bros., to R. L. Hufflnes, Trustee, dated April 29tli, 1914, and recorded In the Regis ' try of Franklin County in Book 199, page 312, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cilTed, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by holder of said indebtedness, the under signed will on Monday, October 23rd. 1916, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C., otter for sale at publtc auctlon'to tlie highest bidder for cash, that valu able and desirable brick store build ing situate on Main street In the town of Bunnv N. C-, and more particular ly defined as follows: Fronting on the East side of Main street fifty-two -r Every" driuggist here,' yes! your druggist and Everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling 'off in the siale of calomel. They all give the same reason.. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it while I Dodson's Liver Tone is safe and gives better re-' Suits," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist. 'A large family-sized bottle costs onljr_50 cents and if you find it doesn't take the place of dangerous, salivating calomel you. have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tqne is. a pleasant-tasting, pure ly vegetable remedy, harmless to both childrerr and adults. -Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine, \ no sick headache, biliousness, ague, sour stomach or clogged bowels. Dodson's Lifer Tone doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience alt nixt day like calomel. ? .Take a dose of calomel tonigfit and tomorrow you will feel sick, weak and nauseated. Don't Ipse a day's work! Dodson's JJver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know^ it next morning because you will wake up with your head clear, your liver active, bowels clean, breath sweet and stomach regulate " You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and for a hard day's work. * You can eat anything afterwards without of salivating yourself or your children. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone's on my guarantee. You'll never again put a of nasty, dangerous calomel fhto youth s